# This file contains values that are likely to change per distribution. # The aim is to make it easier to update / extend the charms with # minimal changes to the shared code in the jujubigdata library. vendor: 'apache' packages: - 'openjdk-7-jdk' groups: - 'hadoop' users: kafka: groups: ['hadoop'] dirs: kafka: path: '/usr/lib/kafka' kafka_conf: path: '/etc/kafka/conf' kafka_app_logs: path: '/var/log/kafka' owner: 'kafka' kafka_data_logs: path: '/var/lib/kafka' owner: 'kafka' ports: # Ports that need to be exposed, overridden, or manually specified. # Only expose ports serving a UI or external API (i.e., namenode and # resourcemanager). Communication among units within the cluster does # not need ports to be explicitly opened. kafka: port: 9092 exposed_on: 'kafka'