path: root/contrail-agent/hooks/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrail-agent/hooks/')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrail-agent/hooks/ b/contrail-agent/hooks/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d0c2ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrail-agent/hooks/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import sys
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ Hooks,
+ UnregisteredHookError,
+ config,
+ log,
+ relation_get,
+ relation_ids,
+ related_units,
+ status_set,
+ application_version_set,
+from charmhelpers.fetch import (
+ apt_install,
+ apt_upgrade,
+ configure_sources
+from import service_restart, lsb_release
+from charmhelpers.core.kernel import modprobe
+from subprocess import (
+ CalledProcessError,
+ check_output,
+from contrail_agent_utils import (
+ configure_vrouter_interface,
+ drop_caches,
+ dkms_autoinstall,
+ update_vrouter_provision_status,
+ write_configs,
+ update_unit_status,
+ reprovision_vrouter,
+PACKAGES = ["contrail-vrouter-dkms", "contrail-vrouter-agent",
+ "contrail-vrouter-common", "contrail-setup",
+ "contrail-utils"]
+PACKAGES_DKMS_INIT = ["contrail-vrouter-init"]
+PACKAGES_DPDK_INIT = ["contrail-vrouter-dpdk-init"]
+hooks = Hooks()
+config = config()
+def install():
+ status_set("maintenance", "Installing...")
+ configure_sources(True, "install-sources", "install-keys")
+ apt_upgrade(fatal=True, dist=True)
+ packages = list()
+ packages.extend(PACKAGES)
+ # TODO: support dpdk config option
+ packages.extend(PACKAGES_DKMS_INIT)
+ apt_install(packages, fatal=True)
+ try:
+ output = check_output(["dpkg-query", "-f", "${Version}\\n",
+ "-W", "contrail-vrouter-agent"])
+ version = output.decode('UTF-8').rstrip()
+ application_version_set(version)
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ return None
+ status_set("maintenance", "Configuring...")
+ os.chmod("/etc/contrail", 0o755)
+ os.chown("/etc/contrail", 0, 0)
+ # supervisord must be started after installation
+ release = lsb_release()["DISTRIB_CODENAME"]
+ if release == 'trusty':
+ # supervisord
+ service_restart("supervisor-vrouter")
+ try:
+ log("Loading kernel module vrouter")
+ modprobe("vrouter")
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ log("vrouter kernel module failed to load,"
+ " clearing pagecache and retrying")
+ drop_caches()
+ modprobe("vrouter")
+ dkms_autoinstall("vrouter")
+ configure_vrouter_interface()
+ config["vrouter-expected-provision-state"] = False
+ status_set("blocked", "Missing relation to contrail-controller")
+def config_changed():
+ # Charm doesn't support changing of some parameters that are used only in
+ # install hook.
+ for key in ("remove-juju-bridge", "physical-interface"):
+ if config.changed(key):
+ raise Exception("Configuration parameter {} couldn't be changed"
+ .format(key))
+ write_configs()
+ if config.changed("control-network"):
+ reprovision_vrouter()
+def contrail_controller_changed():
+ data = relation_get()
+ log("RelData: " + str(data))
+ def _update_config(key, data_key):
+ if data_key in data:
+ config[key] = data[data_key]
+ _update_config("analytics_servers", "analytics-server")
+ _update_config("api_ip", "private-address")
+ _update_config("api_port", "port")
+ _update_config("api_vip", "api-vip")
+ _update_config("ssl_ca", "ssl-ca")
+ _update_config("auth_info", "auth-info")
+ _update_config("orchestrator_info", "orchestrator-info")
+ config["vrouter-expected-provision-state"] = True
+ write_configs()
+ update_vrouter_provision_status()
+ update_unit_status()
+def contrail_controller_node_departed():
+ units = [unit for rid in relation_ids("contrail-controller")
+ for unit in related_units(rid)]
+ if units:
+ return
+ config["vrouter-expected-provision-state"] = False
+ update_vrouter_provision_status()
+ status_set("blocked", "Missing relation to contrail-controller")
+def update_status():
+ update_vrouter_provision_status()
+ update_unit_status()
+def main():
+ try:
+ hooks.execute(sys.argv)
+ except UnregisteredHookError as e:
+ log("Unknown hook {} - skipping.".format(e))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()