# Service Function Chaining(SFC) - setup ## Summary This project offers a means for deploying a Kubernetes cluster that satisfies the requirements of ovn4nfv sfc-setup ## Virtual Machines This project uses [Vagrant tool][2] for provisioning Virtual Machines automatically. The [setup](setup.sh) bash script contains the Linux instructions to install dependencies and plugins required for its usage. This script supports two Virtualization technologies (Libvirt and VirtualBox). ``` $ sudo ./setup.sh -p libvirt ``` There is a `default.yml` in the `./config` directory which creates multiple vm. Once Vagrant is installed, it's possible to provision a vm using the following instructions: ``` $ vagrant up ``` In-depth documentation and use cases of various Vagrant commands [Vagrant commands][3] is available on the Vagrant site. ## Deployment ### How to create K8s cluster? Install the [docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/) in the master, minion01 and minion02 vm. Follow the steps in [create cluster kubeadm](https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/create-cluster-kubeadm/) to create kubernetes cluster in master In the master vm run the `kubeadm init` as below. The ovn4nfv uses same pod network cidr ``. Join minion01 and minion02 by running the `kubeadm join` on each node as root as mentioned in [create cluster kubeadm](https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/create-cluster-kubeadm/) Please follow the ovn4nfv installation steps - [ovn4nfv installation](https://github.com/ovn4nfv/ovn4nfv-k8s-plugin#quickstart-installation-guide) ### TM1 server ssh into the TM1 vm and run the following command to attach TM1 to the left provider network. ``` $ ip addr flush dev eth1 $ ip link add link eth1 name eth1.100 type vlan id 100 $ ip link set dev eth1.100 up $ ip addr add dev eth1.100 $ ip route del default $ ip route add default via ``` ### TM2 server ssh into the TM2 vm and run the following command to attach TM2 to the right provider network. ``` $ ip addr flush dev eth1 $ ip link add link eth1 name eth1.200 type vlan id 200 $ ip link set dev eth1.200 up $ ip addr add dev eth1.200 ``` Run the following commands to create virutal router ``` $ ip route add via $ ip route add via $ ip route add via ``` ``` $ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward $ /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE $ iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT $ iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1.200 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT ``` ## Demo Deploy the SDEWAN controller in cluster ``` $ git clone https://github.com/akraino-edge-stack/icn-sdwan.git $ cd icn-sdwan/platform/crd-ctrlr $ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v0.11.0/cert-manager.yaml --validate=false $ kubectl apply -f examples/sdewan-controller.yaml ``` From TM1 try to ping google.com, the ping operation will fails. Deploy the SFC as following ``` $ kubectl apply -f demo/sfc-setup/deploy/sfc-network.yaml $ kubectl apply -f demo/sfc-setup/deploy/slb-ngfw-sdewan-cnf-deployment.yaml $ kubectl apply -f demo/sfc-setup/deploy/ms1.yaml ``` ## Test Scenario - to comprehend multiple deployment variations ![sfc-test-scenario-diagram](../../images/sfc-test-scenario-diagram.png) This show the test scenario we created in this demo. Pinging for goole.com or curl example.com should fail in both ms1 and TM1 ``` $ kubectl apply -f demo/sfc-setup/deploy/sfc.yaml ``` Pinging for google.com or curl example.com should be successful in both ms1 and TM1 ## Traffic from external entities with sfc ![sfc-test-scenario-tm1-to-internet](../../images/sfc-test-scenario-tm1-to-internet.png) ## Traffic from pod within the cluster with sfc ![sfc-test-scenario-ms1-to-internet](../../images/sfc-test-scenario-ms1-to-internet.png) Let try to apply icmp reject rule in SDEWAN cnf ``` $ kubectl apply -f demo/sfc-setup/deploy/firewall-dyn-net-2.yaml $ kubectl apply -f demo/sfc-setup/deploy/firewall-right-pnetwork.yaml $ kubectl apply -f demo/sfc-setup/deploy/firewall-rule-reject-icmp-right-pnetwork.yaml ``` ## Traffic from external entities with sfc - SDEWAN icmp reject ![sfc-test-scenario-tm1-icmp-blocked](../../images/sfc-test-scenario-tm1-icmp-blocked.png) ## Traffic from pod within the cluster with sfc - SDEWAN icmp reject ![sfc-test-scenario-ms1-icmp-blocked](../../images/sfc-test-scenario-ms1-icmp-blocked.png) Pinging for google.com will fail and curl example.com should be successful in both ms1 and TM1 ## License Apache-2.0 [1]: https://www.vagrantup.com/ [2]: https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/cli/ [3]: https://www.github.com/akraino-edge-stack/icn-sdwan