.. _opnfv-installation: .. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. (c) Sofia Wallin Ericsson AB ==================== OPNFV Installation ==================== Abstract ======== The following document provides an overview of the instructions required for the installation of the Danube release of OPNFV. The Danube release can be installed using a tool from the following integration projects in OPNFV: Apex, Compass4Nfv, Fuel and JOID. Each installer provides the ability to install a common OPNFV platform as well as integrating additional features delivered through a variety of scenarios by the OPNFV community. Introduction ============ The OPNFV platform is comprised of a variety of upstream components that may be deployed on your physical infrastructure. A composition of components, tools and configurations is identified in OPNFV as a deployment scenario. The various OPNFV scenarios provide unique features and capabilities that you may want to leverage, and it is important to understand your required target platform capabilities before installing and configuring your scenarios. An OPNFV installation requires either a physical, or virtual, infrastructure environment as defined in the `Pharos specification <https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/pharos/Pharos+Specification>`_. When configuring a physical infrastructure it is strongly advised to follow the Pharos configuration guidelines. Scenarios ========= OPNFV scenarios are designed to host virtualised network functions (VNF’s) in a variety of deployment architectures and locations. Each scenario provides specific capabilities and/or components aimed at solving specific problems for the deployment of VNF’s. A scenario may, for instance, include components such as OpenStack, OpenDaylight, OVS, KVM etc., where each scenario will include different source components or configurations. To learn more about the scenarios supported in the Danube release refer to the scenario description documents provided: - :ref:`os-nosdn-kvm-ha <kvmfornfv-os-nosdn-kvm-ha>` - :ref:`os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha <kvmfornfv-os-nosdn-kvm_nfv_ovs_dpdk-noha>` - :ref:`os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk_bar-noha <kvmfornfv-os-nosdn-kvm_nfv_ovs_dpdk_bar-noha>` - :ref:`os-odl_l3-fdio-noha <os-odl_l3-fdio-noha>` - :ref:`os-odl_l2-fdio-ha <os-odl_l2-fdio-ha>` - :ref:`os-odl_l2-fdio-noha <os-odl_l2-fdio-noha>` - :ref:`os-nosdn-fdio-noha <os-nosdn-fdio-noha>` - :ref:`os-odl-gluon-noha <gluon-scenario>` - :ref:`os-nosdn-openo-ha <opera-os-nosdn-openo-ha>` - :ref:`os-odl_l2-sfc-ha <os-odl_l2-sfc-ha>` - :ref:`os-odl_l2-sfc-noha <os-odl_l2-sfc-noha>` - :ref:`os-nosdn-lxd-ha <os-nosdn-lxd-ha>` - :ref:`os-nosdn-lxd-noha <os-nosdn-lxd-noha>` - :ref:`k8-nosdn-nofeature-noha <k8-nosdn-nofeature-noha>` - :ref:`k8-nosdn-lb-noha <k8-nosdn-lb-noha>` Installation Procedure ====================== Detailed step by step instructions for working with an installation toolchain and installing the required scenario are provided by each installation project. The four projects providing installation support for the OPNFV Danube release are; Apex, Compass4nfv, Fuel and Joid. The instructions for each toolchain can be found in these links: - :ref:`Apex installation instruction <apex-installation>` - :ref:`Compass4nfv installation instruction <compass4nfv-installation>` - :ref:`Fuel installation instruction <fuel-installation>` - :ref:`Joid installation instruction <joid-installation>` OPNFV Test Frameworks ===================== If you have elected to install the OPNFV platform using the deployment toolchain provided by OPNFV your system will have been validated once the installation is completed. The basic deployment validation only addresses a small part of capabilities provided in the platform and you may want to execute more exhaustive tests. Some investigation will be required to select the right test suites to run on your platform. Many of the OPNFV test project provide user-guide documentation and installation instructions in :ref:`this document <testing-userguide>`