Other options to generate documentation that we tested

**Doxygen plugin -> HTML published plugin (html)/ LaTeX (pdf)**

Description: This was the first discovered method

* html: using Doxygen plugin + HTML publisher
  It involves some customization at doxygen level + custom html header/footer

* pdf: it generates a .pdf using latex
* Input files: .md , .rst
* Output: .html & .pdf
* Pros:

        - standard tools: doxygen, html publisher, LaTeX suite
        - doxygen plugin available in Jenkins, you just need to install it; html publisher plugin available in Jenkins, you just need to install it
        - destination files are generated fast
        - standard reStructuredText or Markdown

* Cons:

        - takes some time to customize the output in matters of template, requires custom html header/footer
        - latex suite is quite substantial in amount of packages and consumed space (around 1.2 GB)

* Tested: roughly, functional tests only

**Maven & clouddocs-maven-plugin (actually used to generate openstack-manuals)**

Description: It represents the standard tool to generate Openstack documentation manuals, uses maven, maven plugins, clouddocs-maven-plugins; location of finally generated files is the object of a small Bash script that will reside as Post-actions

* Input files: .xml
* Output: .html & .pdf
* Pros:

        - quite easy for initial setup
        - uses openstack documentation generation flows as for openstack-manuals (clouddocs-maven-plugin), maven installs all you need generate the documentation

* Cons:

        - could be tricky to generate a custom layout, knowledge about Maven plugins required, .pom editing
        - dependent of multiple maven plugins
        - input files are .xml and xml editing knowledge is required

* Tested: roughly, functional tests only

**Sphinx & LaTeX suite**

Description: The easiest to install, the cleanest in matter of folder & files structure, uses standard tools available in repositories; location of finally generated files is the object of a small Bash script that will reside as Post-actions

* Input files: .rst as default
* Output: .html & .pdf
* Pros:

        - standard tools: Python Sphinx, LaTeX suite
        - destination files are generated fast
        - standard reStructuredText as default; other inputs can be configured
        - Sphinx's installation is very clean in matters of folder structure; the cleanest from all tested variants
        - latex suite is also easy to install via yum/apt and available in general repos
        - everyone is migration from other tools to Spinx lately; it provides more control and better looking documentation
        - can be used also for source-code documentation, specially if you use Python

* Cons:

        - takes some time to customize the output in matters of template, requires custom html header/footer
        - latex suite is quite substantial in amount of packages and consumed space (around 1.2 GB)

* Tested: roughly, functional tests only

**Documentation tracking**

Revision: _sha1_

Build date:  _date_

**Test image inclusion for html**

.. image:: images/smiley.png
   :height: 200
   :width: 200
   :alt: Just a smiley face!
   :align: left