How to setup the workflow of automatic documentation build for your project ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Setup you repository and then clone locally**:: ssh-add your-ssh.key git clone ssh:// cd **Inside the repository create the following structure:**:: - docs/ /main.rst /other-docus.rst /images/*.png|*.jpg **In order to obtain a nice .html & .pdf at then end you must write you documentation using reSt markup** quick guide: **Clone the releng repository so you can created jobs for JJB**:: git clone ssh:// Enter the project settings:: cd releng/jjb// **Create** The script is the same for most of the projects and you can just copy it under your project in releng/jjb// example: cp releng/jjb/opnfvdocs/ releng/jjb//:: #!/bin/bash set -xv for file in $(find . -type f -iname '*.rst'); do file_cut="${{file%.*}}" html_file=$file_cut".html" pdf_file=$file_cut".pdf" rst2html $file > $html_file rst2pdf $file -o $pdf_file done #the double {{ in file_cut="${{file%.*}}" is to escape jjb's yaml **Edit .yml**:: vi releng/jjb//.yml Make sure you have the job-templates set right example: less releng/jjb/opnfvdocs/opnfvdocs.yml (pay extra attention at the "builder" sections):: - job-template: name: 'opnfvdocs-daily-{stream}' ... builders: - shell: !include-raw - shell: | echo $PATH /usr/local/bin/gsutil cp docs/*.pdf gs:// /usr/local/bin/gsutil cp docs/*.html gs:// - job-template: name: 'opnfvdocs-verify' ... builders: - shell: !include-raw - job-template: name: 'opnfvdocs-merge' ... builders: - shell: !include-raw - shell: | /usr/local/bin/gsutil cp docs/*.pdf gs:// /usr/local/bin/gsutil cp docs/*.html gs:// Stage files:: git add .yml Commit change with --signoff:: git commit --signoff Send code for review in Gerrit:: git review -v **Create the documentation using the recommended structure in your repository and submit to gerrit for review** **Jenkins will take over and produce artifacts in the form of .html & .pdf** Jenkins has the proper packages installed in order to produce the artifacts. **Artifacts are stored on Google Storage (still to decide where, structure and how to present them)** example: **Scrape content from html artifacts on wiki** example of what you sould write on wiki, below:: {{scrape>}} NOTE: ------ In order to generate html & pdf documentation the needed packages are rst2pdf & python-docutils if the Jenkins is CentOS/RHEL; many variants have been tested but this is the cleanest as a solution. **Other options to generate documentation that we tested:** **Doxygen plugin -> HTML published plugin (html)/ LaTeX (pdf)** Description: This was the first discovered method - html: using Doxygen plugin + HTML publisher It involves some customization at doxygen level + custom html header/footer - pdf: it generates a .pdf using latex - Input files: .md , .rst - Output: .html & .pdf - Pros: - standard tools: doxygen, html publisher, LaTeX suite - doxygen plugin available in Jenkins, you just need to install it; html publisher plugin available in Jenkins, you just need to install it - destination files are generated fast - standard reStructuredText or Markdown - Cons: - takes some time to customize the output in matters of template, requires custom html header/footer - latex suite is quite substantial in amount of packages and consumed space (around 1.2 GB) - Tested: roughly, functional tests only **Maven & clouddocs-maven-plugin (actually used to generate openstack-manuals)** Description: It represents the standard tool to generate Openstack documentation manuals, uses maven, maven plugins, clouddocs-maven-plugins; location of finally generated files is the object of a small Bash script that will reside as Post-actions - Input files: .xml - Output: .html & .pdf - Pros: - quite easy for initial setup - uses openstack documentation generation flows as for openstack-manuals (clouddocs-maven-plugin), maven installs all you need generate the documentation - Cons: - could be tricky to generate a custom layout, knowledge about Maven plugins required, .pom editing - dependent of multiple maven plugins - input files are .xml and xml editing knowledge is required - Tested: roughly, functional tests only **Sphinx & LaTeX suite** Description: The easiest to install, the cleanest in matter of folder & files structure, uses standard tools available in repositories; location of finally generated files is the object of a small Bash script that will reside as Post-actions - Input files: .rst as default - Output: .html & .pdf - Pros: - standard tools: Python Sphinx, LaTeX suite - destination files are generated fast - standard reStructuredText as default; other inputs can be configured - Sphinx's installation is very clean in matters of folder structure; the cleanest from all tested variants - latex suite is also easy to install via yum/apt and available in general repos - everyone is migration from other tools to Spinx lately; it provides more control and better looking documentation - can be used also for source-code documentation, specially if you use Python - Cons: - takes some time to customize the output in matters of template, requires custom html header/footer - latex suite is quite substantial in amount of packages and consumed space (around 1.2 GB) - Tested: roughly, functional tests only