#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016-2017 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## function clear_juju_vm() { servers=$(openstack server list | grep juju | awk '{print $2}') if [[ -n $servers ]];then openstack server delete $servers fi } function launch_juju_vm() { local NET_ID=$(neutron net-list | grep juju-net | awk '{print $2}') if [[ ! $(nova list | grep juju-client-vm) ]]; then nova boot --flavor m1.small --image $JUJU_VM_IMG --nic net-id=$NET_ID \ --key-name jump-key --security-group default juju-client-vm if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log_error "boot juju-client-vm fail" exit 1 fi fi local count=300 set +x while local state=$(nova list | grep juju-client-vm | awk '{print $6}') if [[ $state == "ERROR" || $count == 0 ]]; then log_error "launch juju vm error" exit 1 fi let count-=1 sleep 2 [[ $state != "ACTIVE" ]] do :;done set -x if [ ! $(nova list | grep juju-client-vm | awk '{print $14}') ]; then juju_client_ip=$(neutron floatingip-create ext-net | grep floating_ip_address | awk '{print $4}') nova floating-ip-associate juju-client-vm $juju_client_ip else juju_client_ip=$(nova list | grep juju-client-vm | awk '{print $13}') fi local wait=120 set +x while if [[ $wait == 0 ]]; then log_error "launch juju vm can't access" exit 1 fi exec_cmd_on_client exit 2>/dev/null local ready=$? let wait-=1 sleep 2 [[ $ready != 0 ]] do :;done set -x export juju_client_ip=$juju_client_ip log_info "juju client launched!" } function juju_client_prepare() { exec_cmd_on_client "echo 'clouds: openstack: type: openstack auth-types: [access-key, userpass] regions: $OS_REGION_NAME: endpoint: $OS_AUTH_URL' > clouds.yaml" local cmd1="juju add-cloud openstack clouds.yaml --replace" exec_cmd_on_client $cmd1 if [[ ! $(exec_cmd_on_client "juju list-clouds | grep openstack") ]]; then log_error "juju-client add cloud error" exit 1 fi local cmd2="juju remove-credential openstack openstack" exec_cmd_on_client $cmd2 scp_to_client ${CONF_DIR}/admin-openrc.sh /home/ubuntu } function juju_generate_metadata() { exec_cmd_on_client mkdir -p mt if [[ ! $(exec_cmd_on_client sudo ps aux | grep nginx) ]]; then log_error "juju-metadata nginx is not running" exit 1 fi for((i=0;i<${#JUJU_IMG_NAME[@]};i++)) do IMAGE_ID=$(glance image-list | grep ${JUJU_IMG_NAME[i]} | awk '{print $2}') cmd="juju metadata generate-image -s ${JUJU_IMG_NAME[i]%%_*} -i $IMAGE_ID \ -r $OS_REGION_NAME -d mt -u $OS_AUTH_URL" exec_cmd_on_client $cmd done local cmd1="juju metadata generate-tools -d mt" exec_cmd_on_client $cmd1 local cmd2="sudo cp -a mt/tools/ /var/www/html; \ sudo cp -a mt/images/ /var/www/html; \ sudo chmod a+rx /var/www/html/ -R" exec_cmd_on_client $cmd2 wget -O - http://$juju_client_ip/images/streams/v1/index.json if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log_error "juju metadata generate error" exit 1 fi } function bootstrap_juju_controller() { local cmd1="juju controllers | grep openstack" exec_cmd_on_client $cmd1 if [[ $? != 0 ]];then local cmd2="source admin-openrc.sh; \ juju bootstrap openstack openstack \ --config image-metadata-url=http://$juju_client_ip/images \ --config network=juju-net --config use-floating-ip=True \ --config use-default-secgroup=True \ --constraints 'mem=4G root-disk=40G' \ --verbose --debug" exec_cmd_on_client $cmd2 exec_cmd_on_client $cmd1 if [[ $? == 0 ]];then log_info "juju controller launched!" else log_error "launch juju controller fail!" exit 1 fi fi } function launch_juju() { log_info "launch_juju enter" launch_juju_vm juju_client_prepare juju_generate_metadata bootstrap_juju_controller }