/* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \file * * \author Endace Technology Limited. * \author Jason MacLulich * * Support for reading ERF records from a DAG card. * * Only ethernet supported at this time. */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "suricata.h" #include "tm-threads.h" #include "util-privs.h" #include "util-device.h" #include "tmqh-packetpool.h" #ifndef HAVE_DAG TmEcode NoErfDagSupportExit(ThreadVars *, void *, void **); void TmModuleReceiveErfDagRegister(void) { tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].name = "ReceiveErfDag"; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].ThreadInit = NoErfDagSupportExit; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].Func = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].ThreadExitPrintStats = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].ThreadDeinit = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].RegisterTests = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].cap_flags = SC_CAP_NET_ADMIN; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].flags = TM_FLAG_RECEIVE_TM; } void TmModuleDecodeErfDagRegister(void) { tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].name = "DecodeErfDag"; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].ThreadInit = NoErfDagSupportExit; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].Func = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].ThreadExitPrintStats = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].ThreadDeinit = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].RegisterTests = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].cap_flags = 0; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].flags = TM_FLAG_DECODE_TM; } TmEcode NoErfDagSupportExit(ThreadVars *tv, void *initdata, void **data) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_DAG_NOSUPPORT, "Error creating thread %s: you do not have support for DAG cards " "enabled please recompile with --enable-dag", tv->name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #else /* Implied we do have DAG support */ #include "source-erf-dag.h" #include /* Minimum amount of data to read from the DAG at a time. */ #define MINDATA 32768 /* Maximum time (us) to wait for MINDATA to be read. */ #define MAXWAIT 20000 /* Poll interval in microseconds. */ #define POLL_INTERVAL 1000; /* Number of bytes per loop to process before fetching more data. */ #define BYTES_PER_LOOP (4 * 1024 * 1024) /* 4 MB */ extern int max_pending_packets; typedef struct ErfDagThreadVars_ { ThreadVars *tv; TmSlot *slot; int dagfd; int dagstream; char dagname[DAGNAME_BUFSIZE]; struct timeval maxwait, poll; /* Could possibly be made static */ LiveDevice *livedev; uint64_t bytes; uint16_t packets; uint16_t drops; /* Current location in the DAG stream input buffer. */ uint8_t *top; uint8_t *btm; } ErfDagThreadVars; static inline TmEcode ProcessErfDagRecords(ErfDagThreadVars *ewtn, uint8_t *top, uint32_t *pkts_read); static inline TmEcode ProcessErfDagRecord(ErfDagThreadVars *ewtn, char *prec); TmEcode ReceiveErfDagLoop(ThreadVars *, void *data, void *slot); TmEcode ReceiveErfDagThreadInit(ThreadVars *, void *, void **); void ReceiveErfDagThreadExitStats(ThreadVars *, void *); TmEcode ReceiveErfDagThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *, void *); TmEcode DecodeErfDagThreadInit(ThreadVars *, void *, void **); TmEcode DecodeErfDagThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *tv, void *data); TmEcode DecodeErfDag(ThreadVars *, Packet *, void *, PacketQueue *, PacketQueue *); void ReceiveErfDagCloseStream(int dagfd, int stream); /** * \brief Register the ERF file receiver (reader) module. */ void TmModuleReceiveErfDagRegister(void) { tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].name = "ReceiveErfDag"; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].ThreadInit = ReceiveErfDagThreadInit; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].Func = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].PktAcqLoop = ReceiveErfDagLoop; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].ThreadExitPrintStats = ReceiveErfDagThreadExitStats; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].ThreadDeinit = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].RegisterTests = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].cap_flags = 0; tmm_modules[TMM_RECEIVEERFDAG].flags = TM_FLAG_RECEIVE_TM; } /** * \brief Register the ERF file decoder module. */ void TmModuleDecodeErfDagRegister(void) { tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].name = "DecodeErfDag"; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].ThreadInit = DecodeErfDagThreadInit; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].Func = DecodeErfDag; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].ThreadExitPrintStats = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].ThreadDeinit = DecodeErfDagThreadDeinit; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].RegisterTests = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].cap_flags = 0; tmm_modules[TMM_DECODEERFDAG].flags = TM_FLAG_DECODE_TM; } /** * \brief Initialize the ERF receiver thread, generate a single * ErfDagThreadVar structure for each thread, this will * contain a DAG file descriptor which is read when the * thread executes. * * \param tv Thread variable to ThreadVars * \param initdata Initial data to the interface passed from the user, * this is processed by the user. * * We assume that we have only a single name for the DAG * interface. * * \param data data pointer gets populated with * */ TmEcode ReceiveErfDagThreadInit(ThreadVars *tv, void *initdata, void **data) { SCEnter(); int stream_count = 0; if (initdata == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Error: No DAG interface provided."); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } ErfDagThreadVars *ewtn = SCMalloc(sizeof(ErfDagThreadVars)); if (unlikely(ewtn == NULL)) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Failed to allocate memory for ERF DAG thread vars."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(ewtn, 0, sizeof(*ewtn)); /* dag_parse_name will return a DAG device name and stream number * to open for this thread. */ if (dag_parse_name(initdata, ewtn->dagname, DAGNAME_BUFSIZE, &ewtn->dagstream) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Failed to parse DAG interface: %s", (char*)initdata); SCFree(ewtn); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ewtn->livedev = LiveGetDevice(initdata); if (ewtn->livedev == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "Unable to get %s live device", (char *)initdata); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } SCLogInfo("Opening DAG: %s on stream: %d for processing", ewtn->dagname, ewtn->dagstream); if ((ewtn->dagfd = dag_open(ewtn->dagname)) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_OPEN_FAILED, "Failed to open DAG: %s", ewtn->dagname); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } /* Check to make sure the card has enough available streams to * support reading from the one specified. */ if ((stream_count = dag_rx_get_stream_count(ewtn->dagfd)) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_OPEN_FAILED, "Failed to open stream: %d, DAG: %s, could not query stream count", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } /* Check to make sure we have enough rx streams to open the stream * the user is asking for. */ if (ewtn->dagstream > stream_count * 2) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_OPEN_FAILED, "Failed to open stream: %d, DAG: %s, insufficient streams: %d", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname, stream_count); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } /* If we are transmitting into a soft DAG card then set the stream * to act in reverse mode. */ if (0 != (ewtn->dagstream & 0x01)) { /* Setting reverse mode for using with soft dag from daemon side */ if (dag_set_mode(ewtn->dagfd, ewtn->dagstream, DAG_REVERSE_MODE)) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_OPEN_FAILED, "Failed to set mode to DAG_REVERSE_MODE on stream: %d, DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } } if (dag_attach_stream(ewtn->dagfd, ewtn->dagstream, 0, 0) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_OPEN_FAILED, "Failed to open DAG stream: %d, DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } if (dag_start_stream(ewtn->dagfd, ewtn->dagstream) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_START_FAILED, "Failed to start DAG stream: %d, DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } SCLogInfo("Attached and started stream: %d on DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); /* * Initialise DAG Polling parameters. */ timerclear(&ewtn->maxwait); ewtn->maxwait.tv_usec = MAXWAIT; timerclear(&ewtn->poll); ewtn->poll.tv_usec = POLL_INTERVAL; /* 32kB minimum data to return -- we still restrict the number of * pkts that are processed to a maximum of dag_max_read_packets. */ if (dag_set_stream_poll(ewtn->dagfd, ewtn->dagstream, MINDATA, &(ewtn->maxwait), &(ewtn->poll)) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_SET_FAILED, "Failed to set poll parameters for stream: %d, DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCFree(ewtn); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } ewtn->packets = StatsRegisterCounter("capture.dag_packets", tv); ewtn->drops = StatsRegisterCounter("capture.dag_drops", tv); ewtn->tv = tv; *data = (void *)ewtn; SCLogInfo("Starting processing packets from stream: %d on DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** * \brief Receives packets from a DAG interface. * * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param data pointer to ErfDagThreadVars * \param slot slot containing task information * * \retval TM_ECODE_OK on success * \retval TM_ECODE_FAILED on failure */ TmEcode ReceiveErfDagLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot) { SCEnter(); ErfDagThreadVars *dtv = (ErfDagThreadVars *)data; uint32_t diff = 0; int err; uint8_t *top = NULL; uint32_t pkts_read = 0; TmSlot *s = (TmSlot *)slot; dtv->slot = s->slot_next; while (1) { if (suricata_ctl_flags & (SURICATA_STOP | SURICATA_KILL)) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } top = dag_advance_stream(dtv->dagfd, dtv->dagstream, &(dtv->btm)); if (top == NULL) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { if (dtv->dagstream & 0x1) { usleep(10 * 1000); dtv->btm = dtv->top; } continue; } else { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_READ_FAILED, "Failed to read from stream: %d, DAG: %s when " "using dag_advance_stream", dtv->dagstream, dtv->dagname); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } } diff = top - dtv->btm; if (diff == 0) { continue; } assert(diff >= dag_record_size); err = ProcessErfDagRecords(dtv, top, &pkts_read); if (err == TM_ECODE_FAILED) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ERF_DAG_STREAM_READ_FAILED, "Failed to read from stream: %d, DAG: %s", dtv->dagstream, dtv->dagname); ReceiveErfDagCloseStream(dtv->dagfd, dtv->dagstream); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } StatsSyncCountersIfSignalled(tv); SCLogDebug("Read %d records from stream: %d, DAG: %s", pkts_read, dtv->dagstream, dtv->dagname); } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** * \brief Process a chunk of records read from a DAG interface. * * This function takes a pointer to buffer read from the DAG interface * and processes it individual records. */ static inline TmEcode ProcessErfDagRecords(ErfDagThreadVars *ewtn, uint8_t *top, uint32_t *pkts_read) { SCEnter(); int err = 0; dag_record_t *dr = NULL; char *prec = NULL; int rlen; char hdr_type = 0; int processed = 0; *pkts_read = 0; while (((top - ewtn->btm) >= dag_record_size) && ((processed + dag_record_size) < BYTES_PER_LOOP)) { /* Make sure we have at least one packet in the packet pool, * to prevent us from alloc'ing packets at line rate. */ PacketPoolWait(); prec = (char *)ewtn->btm; dr = (dag_record_t*)prec; rlen = ntohs(dr->rlen); hdr_type = dr->type; /* If we don't have enough data to finish processing this ERF * record return and maybe next time we will. */ if ((top - ewtn->btm) < rlen) SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); ewtn->btm += rlen; processed += rlen; /* Only support ethernet at this time. */ switch (hdr_type & 0x7f) { case TYPE_PAD: /* Skip. */ continue; case TYPE_DSM_COLOR_ETH: case TYPE_COLOR_ETH: case TYPE_COLOR_HASH_ETH: /* In these types the color value overwrites the lctr * (drop count). */ break; case TYPE_ETH: if (dr->lctr) { StatsAddUI64(ewtn->tv, ewtn->drops, ntohs(dr->lctr)); } break; default: SCLogError(SC_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED, "Processing of DAG record type: %d not implemented.", dr->type); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } err = ProcessErfDagRecord(ewtn, prec); if (err != TM_ECODE_OK) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } (*pkts_read)++; } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** * \brief Process a DAG record into a TM packet buffer. * \param prec pointer to a DAG record. * \param */ static inline TmEcode ProcessErfDagRecord(ErfDagThreadVars *ewtn, char *prec) { SCEnter(); int wlen = 0; int rlen = 0; int hdr_num = 0; char hdr_type = 0; dag_record_t *dr = (dag_record_t*)prec; erf_payload_t *pload; Packet *p; hdr_type = dr->type; wlen = ntohs(dr->wlen); rlen = ntohs(dr->rlen); /* count extension headers */ while (hdr_type & 0x80) { if (rlen < (dag_record_size + (hdr_num * 8))) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED, "Insufficient captured packet length."); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } hdr_type = prec[(dag_record_size + (hdr_num * 8))]; hdr_num++; } /* Check that the whole frame was captured */ if (rlen < (dag_record_size + (8 * hdr_num) + 2 + wlen)) { SCLogInfo("Incomplete frame captured."); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /* skip over extension headers */ pload = (erf_payload_t *)(prec + dag_record_size + (8 * hdr_num)); p = PacketGetFromQueueOrAlloc(); if (p == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Failed to allocate a Packet on stream: %d, DAG: %s", ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->dagname); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } PKT_SET_SRC(p, PKT_SRC_WIRE); SET_PKT_LEN(p, wlen); p->datalink = LINKTYPE_ETHERNET; /* Take into account for link type Ethernet ETH frame starts * after ther ERF header + pad. */ if (unlikely(PacketCopyData(p, pload->eth.dst, GET_PKT_LEN(p)))) { TmqhOutputPacketpool(ewtn->tv, p); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } /* Convert ERF time to timeval - from libpcap. */ uint64_t ts = dr->ts; p->ts.tv_sec = ts >> 32; ts = (ts & 0xffffffffULL) * 1000000; ts += 0x80000000; /* rounding */ p->ts.tv_usec = ts >> 32; if (p->ts.tv_usec >= 1000000) { p->ts.tv_usec -= 1000000; p->ts.tv_sec++; } StatsIncr(ewtn->tv, ewtn->packets); ewtn->bytes += wlen; if (TmThreadsSlotProcessPkt(ewtn->tv, ewtn->slot, p) != TM_ECODE_OK) { TmqhOutputPacketpool(ewtn->tv, p); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** * \brief Print some stats to the log at program exit. * * \param tv Pointer to ThreadVars. * \param data Pointer to data, ErfFileThreadVars. */ void ReceiveErfDagThreadExitStats(ThreadVars *tv, void *data) { ErfDagThreadVars *ewtn = (ErfDagThreadVars *)data; (void)SC_ATOMIC_SET(ewtn->livedev->pkts, StatsGetLocalCounterValue(tv, ewtn->packets)); (void)SC_ATOMIC_SET(ewtn->livedev->drop, StatsGetLocalCounterValue(tv, ewtn->drops)); SCLogInfo("Stream: %d; Bytes: %"PRIu64"; Packets: %"PRIu64 "; Drops: %"PRIu64, ewtn->dagstream, ewtn->bytes, StatsGetLocalCounterValue(tv, ewtn->packets), StatsGetLocalCounterValue(tv, ewtn->drops)); } /** * \brief Deinitializes the DAG card. * \param tv pointer to ThreadVars * \param data pointer that gets cast into PcapThreadVars for ptv */ TmEcode ReceiveErfDagThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *tv, void *data) { SCEnter(); ErfDagThreadVars *ewtn = (ErfDagThreadVars *)data; ReceiveErfDagCloseStream(ewtn->dagfd, ewtn->dagstream); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } void ReceiveErfDagCloseStream(int dagfd, int stream) { dag_stop_stream(dagfd, stream); dag_detach_stream(dagfd, stream); dag_close(dagfd); } /** Decode ErfDag */ /** * \brief This function passes off to link type decoders. * * DecodeErfDag reads packets from the PacketQueue and passes * them off to the proper link type decoder. * * \param t pointer to ThreadVars * \param p pointer to the current packet * \param data pointer that gets cast into PcapThreadVars for ptv * \param pq pointer to the current PacketQueue */ TmEcode DecodeErfDag(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *data, PacketQueue *pq, PacketQueue *postpq) { SCEnter(); DecodeThreadVars *dtv = (DecodeThreadVars *)data; /* XXX HACK: flow timeout can call us for injected pseudo packets * see bug: https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/issues/1107 */ if (p->flags & PKT_PSEUDO_STREAM_END) return TM_ECODE_OK; /* update counters */ DecodeUpdatePacketCounters(tv, dtv, p); /* call the decoder */ switch(p->datalink) { case LINKTYPE_ETHERNET: DecodeEthernet(tv, dtv, p, GET_PKT_DATA(p), GET_PKT_LEN(p), pq); break; default: SCLogError(SC_ERR_DATALINK_UNIMPLEMENTED, "Error: datalink type %" PRId32 " not yet supported in module DecodeErfDag", p->datalink); break; } PacketDecodeFinalize(tv, dtv, p); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } TmEcode DecodeErfDagThreadInit(ThreadVars *tv, void *initdata, void **data) { SCEnter(); DecodeThreadVars *dtv = NULL; dtv = DecodeThreadVarsAlloc(tv); if (dtv == NULL) SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); DecodeRegisterPerfCounters(dtv, tv); *data = (void *)dtv; SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } TmEcode DecodeErfDagThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *tv, void *data) { if (data != NULL) DecodeThreadVarsFree(tv, data); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } #endif /* HAVE_DAG */