/* Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \file * * \author Tom DeCanio * * Implements SMTP JSON logging portion of the engine. */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "debug.h" #include "detect.h" #include "pkt-var.h" #include "conf.h" #include "threads.h" #include "threadvars.h" #include "tm-threads.h" #include "util-print.h" #include "util-unittest.h" #include "util-debug.h" #include "output.h" #include "app-layer-smtp.h" #include "app-layer.h" #include "app-layer-parser.h" #include "util-privs.h" #include "util-buffer.h" #include "util-proto-name.h" #include "util-logopenfile.h" #include "util-time.h" #include "output-json.h" #include "output-json-email-common.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBJANSSON #include static json_t *JsonSmtpDataLogger(const Flow *f, void *state, void *vtx, uint64_t tx_id) { json_t *sjs = json_object(); SMTPTransaction *tx = vtx; SMTPString *rcptto_str; if (sjs == NULL) { return NULL; } if (((SMTPState *)state)->helo) { json_object_set_new(sjs, "helo", json_string((const char *)((SMTPState *)state)->helo)); } if (tx->mail_from) { json_object_set_new(sjs, "mail_from", json_string((const char *)tx->mail_from)); } if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&tx->rcpt_to_list)) { json_t *js_rcptto = json_array(); if (likely(js_rcptto != NULL)) { TAILQ_FOREACH(rcptto_str, &tx->rcpt_to_list, next) { json_array_append_new(js_rcptto, json_string((char *)rcptto_str->str)); } json_object_set_new(sjs, "rcpt_to", js_rcptto); } } return sjs; } static int JsonSmtpLogger(ThreadVars *tv, void *thread_data, const Packet *p, Flow *f, void *state, void *tx, uint64_t tx_id) { SCEnter(); JsonEmailLogThread *jhl = (JsonEmailLogThread *)thread_data; MemBuffer *buffer = (MemBuffer *)jhl->buffer; json_t *sjs; json_t *js = CreateJSONHeaderWithTxId((Packet *)p, 1, "smtp", tx_id); if (unlikely(js == NULL)) return TM_ECODE_OK; /* reset */ MemBufferReset(buffer); sjs = JsonSmtpDataLogger(f, state, tx, tx_id); if (sjs) { json_object_set_new(js, "smtp", sjs); } if (JsonEmailLogJson(jhl, js, p, f, state, tx, tx_id) == TM_ECODE_OK) { OutputJSONBuffer(js, jhl->emaillog_ctx->file_ctx, buffer); } json_object_del(js, "email"); if (sjs) { json_object_del(js, "smtp"); } json_object_clear(js); json_decref(js); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } json_t *JsonSMTPAddMetadata(const Flow *f, uint64_t tx_id) { SMTPState *smtp_state = (SMTPState *)FlowGetAppState(f); if (smtp_state) { SMTPTransaction *tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_SMTP, smtp_state, tx_id); if (tx) { return JsonSmtpDataLogger(f, smtp_state, tx, tx_id); } } return NULL; } static void OutputSmtpLogDeInitCtx(OutputCtx *output_ctx) { OutputJsonEmailCtx *email_ctx = output_ctx->data; if (email_ctx != NULL) { LogFileFreeCtx(email_ctx->file_ctx); SCFree(email_ctx); } SCFree(output_ctx); } static void OutputSmtpLogDeInitCtxSub(OutputCtx *output_ctx) { SCLogDebug("cleaning up sub output_ctx %p", output_ctx); OutputJsonEmailCtx *email_ctx = output_ctx->data; if (email_ctx != NULL) { SCFree(email_ctx); } SCFree(output_ctx); } #define DEFAULT_LOG_FILENAME "smtp.json" OutputCtx *OutputSmtpLogInit(ConfNode *conf) { LogFileCtx *file_ctx = LogFileNewCtx(); if(file_ctx == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_HTTP_LOG_GENERIC, "couldn't create new file_ctx"); return NULL; } if (SCConfLogOpenGeneric(conf, file_ctx, DEFAULT_LOG_FILENAME, 1) < 0) { LogFileFreeCtx(file_ctx); return NULL; } OutputJsonEmailCtx *email_ctx = SCMalloc(sizeof(OutputJsonEmailCtx)); if (unlikely(email_ctx == NULL)) { LogFileFreeCtx(file_ctx); return NULL; } OutputCtx *output_ctx = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(OutputCtx)); if (unlikely(output_ctx == NULL)) { LogFileFreeCtx(file_ctx); SCFree(email_ctx); return NULL; } email_ctx->file_ctx = file_ctx; output_ctx->data = email_ctx; output_ctx->DeInit = OutputSmtpLogDeInitCtx; /* enable the logger for the app layer */ AppLayerParserRegisterLogger(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_SMTP); return output_ctx; } static OutputCtx *OutputSmtpLogInitSub(ConfNode *conf, OutputCtx *parent_ctx) { OutputJsonCtx *ojc = parent_ctx->data; OutputJsonEmailCtx *email_ctx = SCMalloc(sizeof(OutputJsonEmailCtx)); if (unlikely(email_ctx == NULL)) return NULL; OutputCtx *output_ctx = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(OutputCtx)); if (unlikely(output_ctx == NULL)) { SCFree(email_ctx); return NULL; } email_ctx->file_ctx = ojc->file_ctx; OutputEmailInitConf(conf, email_ctx); output_ctx->data = email_ctx; output_ctx->DeInit = OutputSmtpLogDeInitCtxSub; /* enable the logger for the app layer */ AppLayerParserRegisterLogger(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_SMTP); return output_ctx; } #define OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE 65535 static TmEcode JsonSmtpLogThreadInit(ThreadVars *t, void *initdata, void **data) { JsonEmailLogThread *aft = SCMalloc(sizeof(JsonEmailLogThread)); if (unlikely(aft == NULL)) return TM_ECODE_FAILED; memset(aft, 0, sizeof(JsonEmailLogThread)); if(initdata == NULL) { SCLogDebug("Error getting context for SMTPLog. \"initdata\" argument NULL"); SCFree(aft); return TM_ECODE_FAILED; } /* Use the Ouptut Context (file pointer and mutex) */ aft->emaillog_ctx = ((OutputCtx *)initdata)->data; aft->buffer = MemBufferCreateNew(OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (aft->buffer == NULL) { SCFree(aft); return TM_ECODE_FAILED; } *data = (void *)aft; return TM_ECODE_OK; } static TmEcode JsonSmtpLogThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *t, void *data) { JsonEmailLogThread *aft = (JsonEmailLogThread *)data; if (aft == NULL) { return TM_ECODE_OK; } MemBufferFree(aft->buffer); /* clear memory */ memset(aft, 0, sizeof(JsonEmailLogThread)); SCFree(aft); return TM_ECODE_OK; } void TmModuleJsonSmtpLogRegister (void) { tmm_modules[TMM_JSONSMTPLOG].name = "JsonSmtpLog"; tmm_modules[TMM_JSONSMTPLOG].ThreadInit = JsonSmtpLogThreadInit; tmm_modules[TMM_JSONSMTPLOG].ThreadDeinit = JsonSmtpLogThreadDeinit; tmm_modules[TMM_JSONSMTPLOG].RegisterTests = NULL; tmm_modules[TMM_JSONSMTPLOG].cap_flags = 0; tmm_modules[TMM_JSONSMTPLOG].flags = TM_FLAG_LOGAPI_TM; /* register as separate module */ OutputRegisterTxModule("JsonSmtpLog", "smtp-json-log", OutputSmtpLogInit, ALPROTO_SMTP, JsonSmtpLogger); /* also register as child of eve-log */ OutputRegisterTxSubModule("eve-log", "JsonSmtpLog", "eve-log.smtp", OutputSmtpLogInitSub, ALPROTO_SMTP, JsonSmtpLogger); } #else static TmEcode OutputJsonThreadInit(ThreadVars *t, void *initdata, void **data) { SCLogInfo("Can't init JSON output - JSON support was disabled during build."); return TM_ECODE_FAILED; } void TmModuleJsonSmtpLogRegister (void) { tmm_modules[TMM_JSONSMTPLOG].name = "JsonSmtpLog"; tmm_modules[TMM_JSONSMTPLOG].ThreadInit = OutputJsonThreadInit; } #endif