/* Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \ingroup httplayer * * @{ */ /** * \file * * \author Victor Julien * \author Gurvinder Singh * \author Pablo Rincon * \author Brian Rectanus * \author Anoop Saldanha * * This file provides a HTTP protocol support for the engine using HTP library. */ #include "suricata.h" #include "suricata-common.h" #include "conf.h" #include "debug.h" #include "decode.h" #include "threads.h" #include "counters.h" #include "util-print.h" #include "util-pool.h" #include "util-radix-tree.h" #include "util-file.h" #include "stream-tcp-private.h" #include "stream-tcp-reassemble.h" #include "stream-tcp.h" #include "stream.h" #include "app-layer-protos.h" #include "app-layer-parser.h" #include "app-layer.h" #include "app-layer-htp.h" #include "app-layer-htp-body.h" #include "app-layer-htp-file.h" #include "app-layer-htp-libhtp.h" #include "app-layer-htp-xff.h" #include "util-spm.h" #include "util-debug.h" #include "util-time.h" #include "util-misc.h" #include "util-unittest.h" #include "util-unittest-helper.h" #include "flow-util.h" #include "detect-engine.h" #include "detect-engine-state.h" #include "detect-parse.h" #include "decode-events.h" #include "util-memcmp.h" //#define PRINT /** Fast lookup tree (radix) for the various HTP configurations */ static SCRadixTree *cfgtree; /** List of HTP configurations. */ static HTPCfgRec cfglist; #ifdef DEBUG static SCMutex htp_state_mem_lock = SCMUTEX_INITIALIZER; static uint64_t htp_state_memuse = 0; static uint64_t htp_state_memcnt = 0; #endif SCEnumCharMap http_decoder_event_table[ ] = { { "UNKNOWN_ERROR", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_UNKNOWN_ERROR}, { "GZIP_DECOMPRESSION_FAILED", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_GZIP_DECOMPRESSION_FAILED}, { "REQUEST_FIELD_MISSING_COLON", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_FIELD_MISSING_COLON}, { "RESPONSE_FIELD_MISSING_COLON", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_FIELD_MISSING_COLON}, { "INVALID_REQUEST_CHUNK_LEN", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_REQUEST_CHUNK_LEN}, { "INVALID_RESPONSE_CHUNK_LEN", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_RESPONSE_CHUNK_LEN}, { "INVALID_TRANSFER_ENCODING_VALUE_IN_REQUEST", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_TRANSFER_ENCODING_VALUE_IN_REQUEST}, { "INVALID_TRANSFER_ENCODING_VALUE_IN_RESPONSE", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_TRANSFER_ENCODING_VALUE_IN_RESPONSE}, { "INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH_FIELD_IN_REQUEST", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH_FIELD_IN_REQUEST}, { "INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH_FIELD_IN_RESPONSE", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH_FIELD_IN_RESPONSE}, { "100_CONTINUE_ALREADY_SEEN", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_100_CONTINUE_ALREADY_SEEN}, { "UNABLE_TO_MATCH_RESPONSE_TO_REQUEST", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_UNABLE_TO_MATCH_RESPONSE_TO_REQUEST}, { "INVALID_SERVER_PORT_IN_REQUEST", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_SERVER_PORT_IN_REQUEST}, { "INVALID_AUTHORITY_PORT", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_AUTHORITY_PORT}, { "REQUEST_HEADER_INVALID", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_HEADER_INVALID}, { "RESPONSE_HEADER_INVALID", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_HEADER_INVALID}, { "MISSING_HOST_HEADER", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MISSING_HOST_HEADER}, { "HOST_HEADER_AMBIGUOUS", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_HOST_HEADER_AMBIGUOUS}, { "INVALID_REQUEST_FIELD_FOLDING", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_REQUEST_FIELD_FOLDING}, { "INVALID_RESPONSE_FIELD_FOLDING", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_RESPONSE_FIELD_FOLDING}, { "REQUEST_FIELD_TOO_LONG", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_FIELD_TOO_LONG}, { "RESPONSE_FIELD_TOO_LONG", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_FIELD_TOO_LONG}, { "REQUEST_SERVER_PORT_TCP_PORT_MISMATCH", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_SERVER_PORT_TCP_PORT_MISMATCH}, { "REQUEST_URI_HOST_INVALID", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_URI_HOST_INVALID}, { "REQUEST_HEADER_HOST_INVALID", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_HEADER_HOST_INVALID}, { "URI_DELIM_NON_COMPLIANT", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_URI_DELIM_NON_COMPLIANT}, { "METHOD_DELIM_NON_COMPLIANT", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_METHOD_DELIM_NON_COMPLIANT}, { "REQUEST_LINE_LEADING_WHITESPACE", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_LINE_LEADING_WHITESPACE}, /* suricata warnings/errors */ { "MULTIPART_GENERIC_ERROR", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MULTIPART_GENERIC_ERROR}, { "MULTIPART_NO_FILEDATA", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MULTIPART_NO_FILEDATA}, { "MULTIPART_INVALID_HEADER", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MULTIPART_INVALID_HEADER}, { NULL, -1 }, }; static void *HTPStateGetTx(void *alstate, uint64_t tx_id); static int HTPStateGetAlstateProgress(void *tx, uint8_t direction); static uint64_t HTPStateGetTxCnt(void *alstate); static int HTPStateGetAlstateProgressCompletionStatus(uint8_t direction); #ifdef DEBUG /** * \internal * * \brief Lookup the HTP personality string from the numeric personality. * * \todo This needs to be a libhtp function. */ static const char *HTPLookupPersonalityString(int p) { #define CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(p) \ case HTP_SERVER_ ## p: return #p switch (p) { CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(MINIMAL); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(GENERIC); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IDS); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IIS_4_0); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IIS_5_0); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IIS_5_1); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IIS_6_0); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IIS_7_0); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(IIS_7_5); CASE_HTP_PERSONALITY_STRING(APACHE_2); } return NULL; } #endif /* DEBUG */ /** * \internal * * \brief Lookup the numeric HTP personality from a string. * * \todo This needs to be a libhtp function. */ static int HTPLookupPersonality(const char *str) { #define IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(p) \ if (strcasecmp(#p, str) == 0) return HTP_SERVER_ ## p IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(MINIMAL); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(GENERIC); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IDS); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IIS_4_0); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IIS_5_0); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IIS_5_1); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IIS_6_0); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IIS_7_0); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(IIS_7_5); IF_HTP_PERSONALITY_NUM(APACHE_2); if (strcasecmp("TOMCAT_6_0", str) == 0) { SCLogError(SC_WARN_OPTION_OBSOLETE, "Personality %s no " "longer supported by libhtp.", str); return -1; } else if ((strcasecmp("APACHE", str) == 0) || (strcasecmp("APACHE_2_2", str) == 0)) { SCLogWarning(SC_WARN_OPTION_OBSOLETE, "Personality %s no " "longer supported by libhtp, failing back to " "Apache2 personality.", str); return HTP_SERVER_APACHE_2; } return -1; } void HTPSetEvent(HtpState *s, HtpTxUserData *htud, uint8_t e) { SCLogDebug("setting event %u", e); if (htud) { AppLayerDecoderEventsSetEventRaw(&htud->decoder_events, e); s->events++; return; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(s, s->transaction_cnt); if (tx != NULL) { htud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (htud != NULL) { AppLayerDecoderEventsSetEventRaw(&htud->decoder_events, e); s->events++; return; } } SCLogDebug("couldn't set event %u", e); } static int HTPHasEvents(void *state) { HtpState *htp_state = (HtpState *)state; return (htp_state->events > 0); } static AppLayerDecoderEvents *HTPGetEvents(void *state, uint64_t tx_id) { SCLogDebug("get HTTP events for TX %"PRIu64, tx_id); HtpState *s = (HtpState *)state; htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(s, tx_id); if (tx != NULL) { HtpTxUserData *htud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (htud != NULL) { SCLogDebug("has htud, htud->decoder_events %p", htud->decoder_events); return htud->decoder_events; } } return NULL; } /** \brief Function to allocates the HTTP state memory and also creates the HTTP * connection parser to be used by the HTP library */ static void *HTPStateAlloc(void) { SCEnter(); HtpState *s = HTPMalloc(sizeof(HtpState)); if (unlikely(s == NULL)) goto error; memset(s, 0x00, sizeof(HtpState)); #ifdef DEBUG SCMutexLock(&htp_state_mem_lock); htp_state_memcnt++; htp_state_memuse += sizeof(HtpState); SCLogDebug("htp memory %"PRIu64" (%"PRIu64")", htp_state_memuse, htp_state_memcnt); SCMutexUnlock(&htp_state_mem_lock); #endif SCReturnPtr((void *)s, "void"); error: if (s != NULL) { HTPFree(s, sizeof(HtpState)); } SCReturnPtr(NULL, "void"); } static void HtpTxUserDataFree(HtpState *state, HtpTxUserData *htud) { if (likely(htud)) { HtpBodyFree(&htud->request_body); HtpBodyFree(&htud->response_body); bstr_free(htud->request_uri_normalized); if (htud->request_headers_raw) HTPFree(htud->request_headers_raw, htud->request_headers_raw_len); if (htud->response_headers_raw) HTPFree(htud->response_headers_raw, htud->response_headers_raw_len); AppLayerDecoderEventsFreeEvents(&htud->decoder_events); if (htud->boundary) HTPFree(htud->boundary, htud->boundary_len); if (htud->de_state != NULL) { if (likely(state != NULL)) { // should be impossible that it's null BUG_ON(state->tx_with_detect_state_cnt == 0); state->tx_with_detect_state_cnt--; } DetectEngineStateFree(htud->de_state); } HTPFree(htud, sizeof(HtpTxUserData)); } } /** \brief Function to frees the HTTP state memory and also frees the HTTP * connection parser memory which was used by the HTP library */ void HTPStateFree(void *state) { SCEnter(); HtpState *s = (HtpState *)state; if (s == NULL) { SCReturn; } /* Unset the body inspection */ s->flags &=~ HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; /* free the connection parser memory used by HTP library */ if (s->connp != NULL) { SCLogDebug("freeing HTP state"); uint64_t tx_id; uint64_t total_txs = HTPStateGetTxCnt(state); /* free the list of body chunks */ if (s->conn != NULL) { for (tx_id = 0; tx_id < total_txs; tx_id++) { htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(s, tx_id); if (tx != NULL) { HtpTxUserData *htud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); HtpTxUserDataFree(s, htud); htp_tx_set_user_data(tx, NULL); } } } htp_connp_destroy_all(s->connp); } BUG_ON(s->tx_with_detect_state_cnt > 0); FileContainerFree(s->files_ts); FileContainerFree(s->files_tc); HTPFree(s, sizeof(HtpState)); #ifdef DEBUG SCMutexLock(&htp_state_mem_lock); htp_state_memcnt--; htp_state_memuse -= sizeof(HtpState); SCLogDebug("htp memory %"PRIu64" (%"PRIu64")", htp_state_memuse, htp_state_memcnt); SCMutexUnlock(&htp_state_mem_lock); #endif SCReturn; } /** * \brief HTP transaction cleanup callback * * \warning We cannot actually free the transactions here. It seems that * HTP only accepts freeing of transactions in the response callback. */ static void HTPStateTransactionFree(void *state, uint64_t id) { SCEnter(); HtpState *s = (HtpState *)state; SCLogDebug("state %p, id %"PRIu64, s, id); htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(s, id); if (tx != NULL) { /* This will remove obsolete body chunks */ HtpTxUserData *htud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); HtpTxUserDataFree(s, htud); htp_tx_set_user_data(tx, NULL); /* hack: even if libhtp considers the tx incomplete, we want to * free it here. htp_tx_destroy however, will refuse to do this. * As htp_tx_destroy_incomplete isn't available in the public API, * we hack around it here. */ if (unlikely(!( tx->request_progress == HTP_REQUEST_COMPLETE && tx->response_progress == HTP_RESPONSE_COMPLETE))) { tx->request_progress = HTP_REQUEST_COMPLETE; tx->response_progress = HTP_RESPONSE_COMPLETE; } htp_tx_destroy(tx); } } /** * \brief Sets a flag that informs the HTP app layer that some module in the * engine needs the http request body data. * \initonly */ void AppLayerHtpEnableRequestBodyCallback(void) { SCEnter(); SC_ATOMIC_OR(htp_config_flags, HTP_REQUIRE_REQUEST_BODY); SCReturn; } /** * \brief Sets a flag that informs the HTP app layer that some module in the * engine needs the http request body data. * \initonly */ void AppLayerHtpEnableResponseBodyCallback(void) { SCEnter(); SC_ATOMIC_OR(htp_config_flags, HTP_REQUIRE_RESPONSE_BODY); SCReturn; } /** * \brief Sets a flag that informs the HTP app layer that some module in the * engine needs the http request multi part header. * * \initonly */ void AppLayerHtpNeedMultipartHeader(void) { SCEnter(); AppLayerHtpEnableRequestBodyCallback(); SC_ATOMIC_OR(htp_config_flags, HTP_REQUIRE_REQUEST_MULTIPART); SCReturn; } /** * \brief Sets a flag that informs the HTP app layer that some module in the * engine needs the http request file. * * \initonly */ void AppLayerHtpNeedFileInspection(void) { SCEnter(); AppLayerHtpNeedMultipartHeader(); AppLayerHtpEnableRequestBodyCallback(); AppLayerHtpEnableResponseBodyCallback(); SC_ATOMIC_OR(htp_config_flags, HTP_REQUIRE_REQUEST_FILE); SCReturn; } /* below error messages updated up to libhtp 0.5.7 (git 379632278b38b9a792183694a4febb9e0dbd1e7a) */ struct { char *msg; int de; } htp_errors[] = { { "GZip decompressor: inflateInit2 failed", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_GZIP_DECOMPRESSION_FAILED}, { "Request field invalid: colon missing", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_FIELD_MISSING_COLON}, { "Response field invalid: missing colon", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_FIELD_MISSING_COLON}, { "Request chunk encoding: Invalid chunk length", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_REQUEST_CHUNK_LEN}, { "Response chunk encoding: Invalid chunk length", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_RESPONSE_CHUNK_LEN}, /* { "Invalid T-E value in request", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_TRANSFER_ENCODING_VALUE_IN_REQUEST}, <- tx flag HTP_REQUEST_INVALID_T_E { "Invalid T-E value in response", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_TRANSFER_ENCODING_VALUE_IN_RESPONSE}, <- nothing to replace it */ /* { "Invalid C-L field in request", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH_FIELD_IN_REQUEST}, <- tx flag HTP_REQUEST_INVALID_C_L */ { "Invalid C-L field in response", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH_FIELD_IN_RESPONSE}, { "Already seen 100-Continue", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_100_CONTINUE_ALREADY_SEEN}, { "Unable to match response to request", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_UNABLE_TO_MATCH_RESPONSE_TO_REQUEST}, { "Invalid server port information in request", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_SERVER_PORT_IN_REQUEST}, /* { "Invalid authority port", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_AUTHORITY_PORT}, htp no longer returns this error */ { "Request buffer over", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_FIELD_TOO_LONG}, { "Response buffer over", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_FIELD_TOO_LONG}, }; struct { char *msg; int de; } htp_warnings[] = { { "GZip decompressor:", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_GZIP_DECOMPRESSION_FAILED}, { "Request field invalid", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_HEADER_INVALID}, { "Response field invalid", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_HEADER_INVALID}, { "Request header name is not a token", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_HEADER_INVALID}, { "Response header name is not a token", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_HEADER_INVALID}, /* { "Host information in request headers required by HTTP/1.1", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MISSING_HOST_HEADER}, <- tx flag HTP_HOST_MISSING { "Host information ambiguous", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_HOST_HEADER_AMBIGUOUS}, <- tx flag HTP_HOST_AMBIGUOUS */ { "Invalid request field folding", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_REQUEST_FIELD_FOLDING}, { "Invalid response field folding", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_RESPONSE_FIELD_FOLDING}, /* line is now: htp_log(connp, HTP_LOG_MARK, HTP_LOG_ERROR, 0, "Request server port=%d number differs from the actual TCP port=%d", port, connp->conn->server_port); * luckily, "Request server port=" is unique */ /* { "Request server port number differs from the actual TCP port", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_SERVER_PORT_TCP_PORT_MISMATCH}, */ { "Request server port=", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_SERVER_PORT_TCP_PORT_MISMATCH}, { "Request line: URI contains non-compliant delimiter", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_URI_DELIM_NON_COMPLIANT}, { "Request line: non-compliant delimiter between Method and URI", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_METHOD_DELIM_NON_COMPLIANT}, { "Request line: leading whitespace", HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_LINE_LEADING_WHITESPACE}, }; #define HTP_ERROR_MAX (sizeof(htp_errors) / sizeof(htp_errors[0])) #define HTP_WARNING_MAX (sizeof(htp_warnings) / sizeof(htp_warnings[0])) /** * \internal * * \brief Get the warning id for the warning msg. * * \param msg warning message * * \retval id the id or 0 in case of not found */ static int HTPHandleWarningGetId(const char *msg) { SCLogDebug("received warning \"%s\"", msg); size_t idx; for (idx = 0; idx < HTP_WARNING_MAX; idx++) { if (strncmp(htp_warnings[idx].msg, msg, strlen(htp_warnings[idx].msg)) == 0) { return htp_warnings[idx].de; } } return 0; } /** * \internal * * \brief Get the error id for the error msg. * * \param msg error message * * \retval id the id or 0 in case of not found */ static int HTPHandleErrorGetId(const char *msg) { SCLogDebug("received error \"%s\"", msg); size_t idx; for (idx = 0; idx < HTP_ERROR_MAX; idx++) { if (strncmp(htp_errors[idx].msg, msg, strlen(htp_errors[idx].msg)) == 0) { return htp_errors[idx].de; } } return 0; } /** * \internal * * \brief Check state for errors, warnings and add any as events * * \param s state */ static void HTPHandleError(HtpState *s) { if (s == NULL || s->conn == NULL || s->conn->messages == NULL) { return; } size_t size = htp_list_size(s->conn->messages); size_t msg; for (msg = s->htp_messages_offset; msg < size; msg++) { htp_log_t *log = htp_list_get(s->conn->messages, msg); if (log == NULL) continue; HtpTxUserData *htud = NULL; htp_tx_t *tx = log->tx; // will be NULL in <=0.5.9 if (tx != NULL) htud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); SCLogDebug("message %s", log->msg); int id = HTPHandleErrorGetId(log->msg); if (id == 0) { id = HTPHandleWarningGetId(log->msg); if (id == 0) id = HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (id > 0) { HTPSetEvent(s, htud, id); } } s->htp_messages_offset = (uint16_t)msg; SCLogDebug("s->htp_messages_offset %u", s->htp_messages_offset); } static inline void HTPErrorCheckTxRequestFlags(HtpState *s, htp_tx_t *tx) { #ifdef DEBUG BUG_ON(s == NULL || tx == NULL); #endif if (tx->flags & ( HTP_REQUEST_INVALID_T_E|HTP_REQUEST_INVALID_C_L| HTP_HOST_MISSING|HTP_HOST_AMBIGUOUS|HTP_HOSTU_INVALID| HTP_HOSTH_INVALID)) { HtpTxUserData *htud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (htud == NULL) return; if (tx->flags & HTP_REQUEST_INVALID_T_E) HTPSetEvent(s, htud, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_TRANSFER_ENCODING_VALUE_IN_REQUEST); if (tx->flags & HTP_REQUEST_INVALID_C_L) HTPSetEvent(s, htud, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH_FIELD_IN_REQUEST); if (tx->flags & HTP_HOST_MISSING) HTPSetEvent(s, htud, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MISSING_HOST_HEADER); if (tx->flags & HTP_HOST_AMBIGUOUS) HTPSetEvent(s, htud, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_HOST_HEADER_AMBIGUOUS); if (tx->flags & HTP_HOSTU_INVALID) HTPSetEvent(s, htud, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_URI_HOST_INVALID); if (tx->flags & HTP_HOSTH_INVALID) HTPSetEvent(s, htud, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_HEADER_HOST_INVALID); } } /** * \brief Function to handle the reassembled data from client and feed it to * the HTP library to process it. * * \param flow Pointer to the flow the data belong to * \param htp_state Pointer the state in which the parsed value to be stored * \param pstate Application layer parser state for this session * \param input Pointer the received HTTP client data * \param input_len Length in bytes of the received data * \param output Pointer to the output (not used in this function) * * \retval On success returns 1 or on failure returns -1. */ static int HTPHandleRequestData(Flow *f, void *htp_state, AppLayerParserState *pstate, uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len, void *local_data) { SCEnter(); int r = -1; int ret = 1; //PrintRawDataFp(stdout, input, input_len); HtpState *hstate = (HtpState *)htp_state; hstate->f = f; /* On the first invocation, create the connection parser structure to * be used by HTP library. This is looked up via IP in the radix * tree. Failing that, the default HTP config is used. */ if (NULL == hstate->conn) { HTPCfgRec *htp_cfg_rec = &cfglist; htp_cfg_t *htp = cfglist.cfg; /* Default to the global HTP config */ void *user_data = NULL; if (FLOW_IS_IPV4(f)) { SCLogDebug("Looking up HTP config for ipv4 %08x", *GET_IPV4_DST_ADDR_PTR(f)); (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV4BestMatch((uint8_t *)GET_IPV4_DST_ADDR_PTR(f), cfgtree, &user_data); } else if (FLOW_IS_IPV6(f)) { SCLogDebug("Looking up HTP config for ipv6"); (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV6BestMatch((uint8_t *)GET_IPV6_DST_ADDR(f), cfgtree, &user_data); } else { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "unknown address family, bug!"); goto error; } if (user_data != NULL) { htp_cfg_rec = user_data; htp = htp_cfg_rec->cfg; SCLogDebug("LIBHTP using config: %p", htp); } else { SCLogDebug("Using default HTP config: %p", htp); } if (NULL == htp) { #ifdef DEBUG_VALIDATION BUG_ON(htp == NULL); #endif /* should never happen if HTPConfigure is properly invoked */ goto error; } hstate->connp = htp_connp_create(htp); if (hstate->connp == NULL) { goto error; } hstate->conn = htp_connp_get_connection(hstate->connp); htp_connp_set_user_data(hstate->connp, (void *)hstate); hstate->cfg = htp_cfg_rec; SCLogDebug("New hstate->connp %p", hstate->connp); } /* the code block above should make sure connp is never NULL here */ #ifdef DEBUG_VALIDATION BUG_ON(hstate->connp == NULL); #endif /* Unset the body inspection (the callback should * reactivate it if necessary) */ hstate->flags &=~ HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; /* Open the HTTP connection on receiving the first request */ if (!(hstate->flags & HTP_FLAG_STATE_OPEN)) { SCLogDebug("opening htp handle at %p", hstate->connp); htp_connp_open(hstate->connp, NULL, f->sp, NULL, f->dp, &f->startts); hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_STATE_OPEN; } else { SCLogDebug("using existing htp handle at %p", hstate->connp); } htp_time_t ts = { f->lastts.tv_sec, f->lastts.tv_usec }; /* pass the new data to the htp parser */ if (input_len > 0) { r = htp_connp_req_data(hstate->connp, &ts, input, input_len); switch(r) { case HTP_STREAM_ERROR: hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_STATE_ERROR; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; ret = -1; break; case HTP_STREAM_DATA: case HTP_STREAM_DATA_OTHER: hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; break; case HTP_STREAM_TUNNEL: break; default: hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; } HTPHandleError(hstate); } /* if the TCP connection is closed, then close the HTTP connection */ if (AppLayerParserStateIssetFlag(pstate, APP_LAYER_PARSER_EOF) && !(hstate->flags & HTP_FLAG_STATE_CLOSED_TS)) { htp_connp_close(hstate->connp, &ts); hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_STATE_CLOSED_TS; SCLogDebug("stream eof encountered, closing htp handle for ts"); } SCLogDebug("hstate->connp %p", hstate->connp); SCReturnInt(ret); error: SCReturnInt(-1); } /** * \brief Function to handle the reassembled data from server and feed it to * the HTP library to process it. * * \param flow Pointer to the flow the data belong to * \param htp_state Pointer the state in which the parsed value to be stored * \param pstate Application layer parser state for this session * \param input Pointer the received HTTP server data * \param input_len Length in bytes of the received data * \param output Pointer to the output (not used in this function) * * \retval On success returns 1 or on failure returns -1 */ static int HTPHandleResponseData(Flow *f, void *htp_state, AppLayerParserState *pstate, uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len, void *local_data) { SCEnter(); int r = -1; int ret = 1; HtpState *hstate = (HtpState *)htp_state; hstate->f = f; if (hstate->connp == NULL) { SCLogDebug("HTP state has no connp"); /* till we have the new libhtp changes that allow response first, * let's take response in first. */ //BUG_ON(1); SCReturnInt(-1); } /* Unset the body inspection (the callback should * reactivate it if necessary) */ hstate->flags &=~ HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; htp_time_t ts = { f->lastts.tv_sec, f->lastts.tv_usec }; if (input_len > 0) { r = htp_connp_res_data(hstate->connp, &ts, input, input_len); switch(r) { case HTP_STREAM_ERROR: hstate->flags = HTP_FLAG_STATE_ERROR; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; ret = -1; break; case HTP_STREAM_DATA: case HTP_STREAM_DATA_OTHER: hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; break; case HTP_STREAM_TUNNEL: break; default: hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA; hstate->flags &= ~HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; } HTPHandleError(hstate); } /* if we the TCP connection is closed, then close the HTTP connection */ if (AppLayerParserStateIssetFlag(pstate, APP_LAYER_PARSER_EOF) && !(hstate->flags & HTP_FLAG_STATE_CLOSED_TC)) { htp_connp_close(hstate->connp, &ts); hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_STATE_CLOSED_TC; } SCLogDebug("hstate->connp %p", hstate->connp); SCReturnInt(ret); } /** * \param name /Lowercase/ version of the variable name */ static int HTTPParseContentDispositionHeader(uint8_t *name, size_t name_len, uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t **retptr, size_t *retlen) { #ifdef PRINT printf("DATA START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, data, len); printf("DATA END: \n"); #endif size_t x; int quote = 0; for (x = 0; x < len; x++) { if (!(isspace(data[x]))) break; } if (x >= len) return 0; uint8_t *line = data+x; size_t line_len = len-x; size_t offset = 0; #ifdef PRINT printf("LINE START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, line, line_len); printf("LINE END: \n"); #endif for (x = 0 ; x < line_len; x++) { if (x > 0) { if (line[x - 1] != '\\' && line[x] == '\"') { quote++; } if (((line[x - 1] != '\\' && line[x] == ';') || ((x + 1) == line_len)) && (quote == 0 || quote % 2 == 0)) { uint8_t *token = line + offset; size_t token_len = x - offset; if ((x + 1) == line_len) { token_len++; } offset = x + 1; while (offset < line_len && isspace(line[offset])) { x++; offset++; } #ifdef PRINT printf("TOKEN START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, token, token_len); printf("TOKEN END: \n"); #endif if (token_len > name_len) { if (name == NULL || SCMemcmpLowercase(name, token, name_len) == 0) { uint8_t *value = token + name_len; size_t value_len = token_len - name_len; if (value[0] == '\"') { value++; value_len--; } if (value[value_len-1] == '\"') { value_len--; } #ifdef PRINT printf("VALUE START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, value, value_len); printf("VALUE END: \n"); #endif *retptr = value; *retlen = value_len; return 1; } } } } } return 0; } /** * \param name /Lowercase/ version of the variable name */ static int HTTPParseContentTypeHeader(uint8_t *name, size_t name_len, uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t **retptr, size_t *retlen) { SCEnter(); #ifdef PRINT printf("DATA START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, data, len); printf("DATA END: \n"); #endif size_t x; int quote = 0; for (x = 0; x < len; x++) { if (!(isspace(data[x]))) break; } if (x >= len) { SCReturnInt(0); } uint8_t *line = data+x; size_t line_len = len-x; size_t offset = 0; #ifdef PRINT printf("LINE START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, line, line_len); printf("LINE END: \n"); #endif for (x = 0 ; x < line_len; x++) { if (x > 0) { if (line[x - 1] != '\\' && line[x] == '\"') { quote++; } if (((line[x - 1] != '\\' && line[x] == ';') || ((x + 1) == line_len)) && (quote == 0 || quote % 2 == 0)) { uint8_t *token = line + offset; size_t token_len = x - offset; if ((x + 1) == line_len) { token_len++; } offset = x + 1; while (offset < line_len && isspace(line[offset])) { x++; offset++; } #ifdef PRINT printf("TOKEN START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, token, token_len); printf("TOKEN END: \n"); #endif if (token_len > name_len) { if (name == NULL || SCMemcmpLowercase(name, token, name_len) == 0) { uint8_t *value = token + name_len; size_t value_len = token_len - name_len; if (value[0] == '\"') { value++; value_len--; } if (value[value_len-1] == '\"') { value_len--; } #ifdef PRINT printf("VALUE START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, value, value_len); printf("VALUE END: \n"); #endif *retptr = value; *retlen = value_len; SCReturnInt(1); } } } } } SCReturnInt(0); } /** * \brief setup multipart parsing: extract boundary and store it * * \param d HTTP transaction * \param htud transaction userdata * * \retval 1 ok, multipart set up * \retval 0 ok, not multipart though * \retval -1 error: problem with the boundary * * If the request contains a multipart message, this function will * set the HTP_BOUNDARY_SET in the transaction. */ static int HtpRequestBodySetupMultipart(htp_tx_data_t *d, HtpTxUserData *htud) { htp_header_t *h = (htp_header_t *)htp_table_get_c(d->tx->request_headers, "Content-Type"); if (h != NULL && bstr_len(h->value) > 0) { uint8_t *boundary = NULL; size_t boundary_len = 0; int r = HTTPParseContentTypeHeader((uint8_t *)"boundary=", 9, (uint8_t *) bstr_ptr(h->value), bstr_len(h->value), &boundary, &boundary_len); if (r == 1) { #ifdef PRINT printf("BOUNDARY START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, boundary, boundary_len); printf("BOUNDARY END: \n"); #endif if (boundary_len < HTP_BOUNDARY_MAX) { htud->boundary = HTPMalloc(boundary_len); if (htud->boundary == NULL) { return -1; } htud->boundary_len = (uint8_t)boundary_len; memcpy(htud->boundary, boundary, boundary_len); htud->tsflags |= HTP_BOUNDARY_SET; } else { SCLogDebug("invalid boundary"); return -1; } SCReturnInt(1); } //SCReturnInt(1); } SCReturnInt(0); } /** * \brief Setup boundary buffers */ static int HtpRequestBodySetupBoundary(HtpTxUserData *htud, uint8_t **expected_boundary, uint8_t *expected_boundary_len, uint8_t **expected_boundary_end, uint8_t *expected_boundary_end_len) { uint8_t *eb = NULL; uint8_t *ebe = NULL; uint8_t eb_len = htud->boundary_len + 2; eb = (uint8_t *)HTPMalloc(eb_len); if (eb == NULL) { goto error; } memset(eb, '-', eb_len); memcpy(eb + 2, htud->boundary, htud->boundary_len); uint8_t ebe_len = htud->boundary_len + 4; ebe = (uint8_t *)HTPMalloc(ebe_len); if (ebe == NULL) { goto error; } memset(ebe, '-', ebe_len); memcpy(ebe + 2, htud->boundary, htud->boundary_len); *expected_boundary = eb; *expected_boundary_len = eb_len; *expected_boundary_end = ebe; *expected_boundary_end_len = ebe_len; SCReturnInt(0); error: if (eb != NULL) { HTPFree(eb, eb_len); } if (ebe != NULL) { HTPFree(ebe, ebe_len); } SCReturnInt(-1); } #define C_D_HDR "content-disposition:" #define C_D_HDR_LEN 20 #define C_T_HDR "content-type:" #define C_T_HDR_LEN 13 static void HtpRequestBodyMultipartParseHeader(HtpState *hstate, HtpTxUserData *htud, uint8_t *header, uint32_t header_len, uint8_t **filename, uint16_t *filename_len, uint8_t **filetype, uint16_t *filetype_len) { uint8_t *fn = NULL; size_t fn_len = 0; uint8_t *ft = NULL; size_t ft_len = 0; #ifdef PRINT printf("HEADER START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, header, header_len); printf("HEADER END: \n"); #endif while (header_len > 0) { uint8_t *next_line = Bs2bmSearch(header, header_len, (uint8_t *)"\r\n", 2); uint8_t *line = header; uint32_t line_len; if (next_line == NULL) { line_len = header_len; } else { line_len = next_line - header; } uint8_t *sc = (uint8_t *)memchr(line, ':', line_len); if (sc == NULL) { HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MULTIPART_INVALID_HEADER); /* if the : we found is the final char, it means we have * no value */ } else if (line_len > 0 && sc == &line[line_len - 1]) { HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MULTIPART_INVALID_HEADER); } else { #ifdef PRINT printf("LINE START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, line, line_len); printf("LINE END: \n"); #endif if (line_len >= C_D_HDR_LEN && SCMemcmpLowercase(C_D_HDR, line, C_D_HDR_LEN) == 0) { uint8_t *value = line + C_D_HDR_LEN; uint32_t value_len = line_len - C_D_HDR_LEN; /* parse content-disposition */ (void)HTTPParseContentDispositionHeader((uint8_t *)"filename=", 9, value, value_len, &fn, &fn_len); } else if (line_len >= C_T_HDR_LEN && SCMemcmpLowercase(C_T_HDR, line, C_T_HDR_LEN) == 0) { SCLogDebug("content-type line"); uint8_t *value = line + C_T_HDR_LEN; uint32_t value_len = line_len - C_T_HDR_LEN; (void)HTTPParseContentTypeHeader(NULL, 0, value, value_len, &ft, &ft_len); } } if (next_line == NULL) { SCLogDebug("no next_line"); break; } header_len -= ((next_line + 2) - header); header = next_line + 2; } /* while (header_len > 0) */ if (fn_len > USHRT_MAX) fn_len = USHRT_MAX; if (ft_len > USHRT_MAX) ft_len = USHRT_MAX; *filename = fn; *filename_len = fn_len; *filetype = ft; *filetype_len = ft_len; } /** * \brief Create a single buffer from the HtpBodyChunks in our list * * \param htud transaction user data * \param chunks_buffers pointer to pass back the buffer to the caller * \param chunks_buffer_len pointer to pass back the buffer length to the caller */ static void HtpRequestBodyReassemble(HtpTxUserData *htud, uint8_t **chunks_buffer, uint32_t *chunks_buffer_len) { uint8_t *buf = NULL; uint8_t *pbuf = NULL; uint32_t buf_len = 0; HtpBodyChunk *cur = htud->request_body.first; for ( ; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { SCLogDebug("chunk %p", cur); /* skip body chunks entirely before what we parsed already */ if ((uint64_t )cur->stream_offset + cur->len <= htud->request_body.body_parsed) { SCLogDebug("skipping chunk"); continue; } SCLogDebug("cur->stream_offset %"PRIu64", cur->len %"PRIu32", body_parsed %"PRIu64, cur->stream_offset, cur->len, htud->request_body.body_parsed); if (cur->stream_offset < htud->request_body.body_parsed && cur->stream_offset + cur->len >= htud->request_body.body_parsed) { SCLogDebug("use part"); uint32_t toff = htud->request_body.body_parsed - cur->stream_offset; uint32_t tlen = (cur->stream_offset + cur->len) - htud->request_body.body_parsed; uint8_t *pbuf = NULL; buf_len += tlen; if ((pbuf = HTPRealloc(buf, buf_len - tlen, buf_len)) == NULL) { HTPFree(buf, buf_len - tlen); buf = NULL; buf_len = 0; break; } buf = pbuf; memcpy(buf + buf_len - tlen, cur->data + toff, tlen); } else { SCLogDebug("use entire chunk"); buf_len += cur->len; if ((pbuf = HTPRealloc(buf, buf_len - cur->len, buf_len)) == NULL) { HTPFree(buf, buf_len - cur->len); buf = NULL; buf_len = 0; break; } buf = pbuf; memcpy(buf + buf_len - cur->len, cur->data, cur->len); } } *chunks_buffer = buf; *chunks_buffer_len = buf_len; } int HtpRequestBodyHandleMultipart(HtpState *hstate, HtpTxUserData *htud, void *tx, uint8_t *chunks_buffer, uint32_t chunks_buffer_len) { int result = 0; uint8_t *expected_boundary = NULL; uint8_t *expected_boundary_end = NULL; uint8_t expected_boundary_len = 0; uint8_t expected_boundary_end_len = 0; int tx_progress = 0; #ifdef PRINT printf("CHUNK START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len); printf("CHUNK END: \n"); #endif if (HtpRequestBodySetupBoundary(htud, &expected_boundary, &expected_boundary_len, &expected_boundary_end, &expected_boundary_end_len) < 0) { goto end; } /* search for the header start, header end and form end */ uint8_t *header_start = Bs2bmSearch(chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len, expected_boundary, expected_boundary_len); uint8_t *header_end = NULL; if (header_start != NULL) { header_end = Bs2bmSearch(header_start, chunks_buffer_len - (header_start - chunks_buffer), (uint8_t *)"\r\n\r\n", 4); } uint8_t *form_end = Bs2bmSearch(chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len, expected_boundary_end, expected_boundary_end_len); SCLogDebug("header_start %p, header_end %p, form_end %p", header_start, header_end, form_end); /* we currently only handle multipart for ts. When we support it for tc, * we will need to supply right direction */ tx_progress = AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, tx, STREAM_TOSERVER); /* if we're in the file storage process, deal with that now */ if (htud->tsflags & HTP_FILENAME_SET) { if (header_start != NULL || form_end != NULL || (tx_progress > HTP_REQUEST_BODY)) { SCLogDebug("reached the end of the file"); uint8_t *filedata = chunks_buffer; uint32_t filedata_len = 0; uint8_t flags = 0; if (header_start < form_end || (header_start != NULL && form_end == NULL)) { filedata_len = header_start - filedata - 2; /* 0d 0a */ } else if (form_end != NULL && form_end < header_start) { filedata_len = form_end - filedata; } else if (form_end != NULL && form_end == header_start) { filedata_len = form_end - filedata - 2; /* 0d 0a */ } else if (tx_progress > HTP_RESPONSE_BODY) { filedata_len = chunks_buffer_len; flags = FILE_TRUNCATED; } if (filedata_len > chunks_buffer_len) { HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MULTIPART_GENERIC_ERROR); goto end; } #ifdef PRINT printf("FILEDATA (final chunk) START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, filedata, filedata_len); printf("FILEDATA (final chunk) END: \n"); #endif if (!(htud->tsflags & HTP_DONTSTORE)) { if (HTPFileClose(hstate, filedata, filedata_len, flags, STREAM_TOSERVER) == -1) { goto end; } } htud->tsflags &=~ HTP_FILENAME_SET; /* fall through */ } else { SCLogDebug("not yet at the end of the file"); if (chunks_buffer_len > expected_boundary_end_len) { uint8_t *filedata = chunks_buffer; uint32_t filedata_len = chunks_buffer_len - expected_boundary_len; #ifdef PRINT printf("FILEDATA (part) START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, filedata, filedata_len); printf("FILEDATA (part) END: \n"); #endif if (!(htud->tsflags & HTP_DONTSTORE)) { result = HTPFileStoreChunk(hstate, filedata, filedata_len, STREAM_TOSERVER); if (result == -1) { goto end; } else if (result == -2) { /* we know for sure we're not storing the file */ htud->tsflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE; } } htud->request_body.body_parsed += filedata_len; } else { SCLogDebug("chunk too small to already process in part"); } goto end; } } while (header_start != NULL && header_end != NULL && header_end != form_end && header_start < (chunks_buffer + chunks_buffer_len) && header_end < (chunks_buffer + chunks_buffer_len) && header_start < header_end) { uint8_t *filename = NULL; uint16_t filename_len = 0; uint8_t *filetype = NULL; uint16_t filetype_len = 0; uint32_t header_len = header_end - header_start; SCLogDebug("header_len %u", header_len); uint8_t *header = header_start; /* skip empty records */ if (expected_boundary_len == header_len) { goto next; } else if ((uint32_t)(expected_boundary_len + 2) <= header_len) { header_len -= (expected_boundary_len + 2); header = header_start + (expected_boundary_len + 2); // + for 0d 0a } HtpRequestBodyMultipartParseHeader(hstate, htud, header, header_len, &filename, &filename_len, &filetype, &filetype_len); if (filename != NULL) { uint8_t *filedata = NULL; uint32_t filedata_len = 0; SCLogDebug("we have a filename"); htud->tsflags |= HTP_FILENAME_SET; htud->tsflags &= ~HTP_DONTSTORE; SCLogDebug("header_end %p", header_end); SCLogDebug("form_end %p", form_end); /* everything until the final boundary is the file */ if (form_end != NULL) { filedata = header_end + 4; if (form_end == filedata) { HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MULTIPART_NO_FILEDATA); goto end; } else if (form_end < filedata) { HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MULTIPART_GENERIC_ERROR); goto end; } filedata_len = form_end - (header_end + 4 + 2); SCLogDebug("filedata_len %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)filedata_len); /* or is it? */ uint8_t *header_next = Bs2bmSearch(filedata, filedata_len, expected_boundary, expected_boundary_len); if (header_next != NULL) { filedata_len -= (form_end - header_next); } if (filedata_len > chunks_buffer_len) { HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MULTIPART_GENERIC_ERROR); goto end; } SCLogDebug("filedata_len %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)filedata_len); #ifdef PRINT printf("FILEDATA START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, filedata, filedata_len); printf("FILEDATA END: \n"); #endif result = HTPFileOpen(hstate, filename, filename_len, filedata, filedata_len, hstate->transaction_cnt, STREAM_TOSERVER); if (result == -1) { goto end; } else if (result == -2) { htud->tsflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE; } else { if (HTPFileClose(hstate, NULL, 0, 0, STREAM_TOSERVER) == -1) { goto end; } } htud->request_body.body_parsed += (header_end - chunks_buffer); htud->tsflags &= ~HTP_FILENAME_SET; } else { SCLogDebug("chunk doesn't contain form end"); filedata = header_end + 4; filedata_len = chunks_buffer_len - (filedata - chunks_buffer); SCLogDebug("filedata_len %u (chunks_buffer_len %u)", filedata_len, chunks_buffer_len); if (filedata_len > chunks_buffer_len) { HTPSetEvent(hstate, htud, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MULTIPART_GENERIC_ERROR); goto end; } #ifdef PRINT printf("FILEDATA START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, filedata, filedata_len); printf("FILEDATA END: \n"); #endif /* form doesn't end in this chunk, but part might. Lets * see if have another coming up */ uint8_t *header_next = Bs2bmSearch(filedata, filedata_len, expected_boundary, expected_boundary_len); SCLogDebug("header_next %p", header_next); if (header_next == NULL) { /* no, but we'll handle the file data when we see the * form_end */ SCLogDebug("more file data to come"); uint32_t offset = (header_end + 4) - chunks_buffer; SCLogDebug("offset %u", offset); htud->request_body.body_parsed += offset; result = HTPFileOpen(hstate, filename, filename_len, NULL, 0, hstate->transaction_cnt, STREAM_TOSERVER); if (result == -1) { goto end; } else if (result == -2) { htud->tsflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE; } } else if (header_next - filedata > 2) { filedata_len = header_next - filedata - 2; SCLogDebug("filedata_len %u", filedata_len); result = HTPFileOpen(hstate, filename, filename_len, filedata, filedata_len, hstate->transaction_cnt, STREAM_TOSERVER); if (result == -1) { goto end; } else if (result == -2) { htud->tsflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE; } else { if (HTPFileClose(hstate, NULL, 0, 0, STREAM_TOSERVER) == -1) { goto end; } } htud->tsflags &= ~HTP_FILENAME_SET; htud->request_body.body_parsed += (header_end - chunks_buffer); } } } next: SCLogDebug("header_start %p, header_end %p, form_end %p", header_start, header_end, form_end); /* Search next boundary entry after the start of body */ uint32_t cursizeread = header_end - chunks_buffer; header_start = Bs2bmSearch(header_end + 4, chunks_buffer_len - (cursizeread + 4), expected_boundary, expected_boundary_len); if (header_start != NULL) { header_end = Bs2bmSearch(header_end + 4, chunks_buffer_len - (cursizeread + 4), (uint8_t *) "\r\n\r\n", 4); } } end: if (expected_boundary != NULL) { HTPFree(expected_boundary, expected_boundary_len); } if (expected_boundary_end != NULL) { HTPFree(expected_boundary_end, expected_boundary_end_len); } SCLogDebug("htud->request_body.body_parsed %"PRIu64, htud->request_body.body_parsed); return 0; } /** \brief setup things for put request * \todo really needed? */ int HtpRequestBodySetupPUT(htp_tx_data_t *d, HtpTxUserData *htud) { // if (d->tx->parsed_uri == NULL || d->tx->parsed_uri->path == NULL) { // return -1; // } /* filename is d->tx->parsed_uri->path */ return 0; } /** \internal * \brief Handle POST, no multipart body data */ static int HtpRequestBodyHandlePOST(HtpState *hstate, HtpTxUserData *htud, htp_tx_t *tx, uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_len) { int result = 0; /* see if we need to open the file */ if (!(htud->tsflags & HTP_FILENAME_SET)) { uint8_t *filename = NULL; size_t filename_len = 0; /* get the name */ if (tx->parsed_uri != NULL && tx->parsed_uri->path != NULL) { filename = (uint8_t *)bstr_ptr(tx->parsed_uri->path); filename_len = bstr_len(tx->parsed_uri->path); } if (filename != NULL) { result = HTPFileOpen(hstate, filename, (uint32_t)filename_len, data, data_len, hstate->transaction_cnt, STREAM_TOSERVER); if (result == -1) { goto end; } else if (result == -2) { htud->tsflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE; } else { htud->tsflags |= HTP_FILENAME_SET; htud->tsflags &= ~HTP_DONTSTORE; } } } else { /* otherwise, just store the data */ if (!(htud->tsflags & HTP_DONTSTORE)) { result = HTPFileStoreChunk(hstate, data, data_len, STREAM_TOSERVER); if (result == -1) { goto end; } else if (result == -2) { /* we know for sure we're not storing the file */ htud->tsflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE; } } } return 0; end: return -1; } /** \internal * \brief Handle PUT body data */ static int HtpRequestBodyHandlePUT(HtpState *hstate, HtpTxUserData *htud, htp_tx_t *tx, uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_len) { int result = 0; /* see if we need to open the file */ if (!(htud->tsflags & HTP_FILENAME_SET)) { uint8_t *filename = NULL; size_t filename_len = 0; /* get the name */ if (tx->parsed_uri != NULL && tx->parsed_uri->path != NULL) { filename = (uint8_t *)bstr_ptr(tx->parsed_uri->path); filename_len = bstr_len(tx->parsed_uri->path); } if (filename != NULL) { result = HTPFileOpen(hstate, filename, (uint32_t)filename_len, data, data_len, hstate->transaction_cnt, STREAM_TOSERVER); if (result == -1) { goto end; } else if (result == -2) { htud->tsflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE; } else { htud->tsflags |= HTP_FILENAME_SET; htud->tsflags &= ~HTP_DONTSTORE; } } } else { /* otherwise, just store the data */ if (!(htud->tsflags & HTP_DONTSTORE)) { result = HTPFileStoreChunk(hstate, data, data_len, STREAM_TOSERVER); if (result == -1) { goto end; } else if (result == -2) { /* we know for sure we're not storing the file */ htud->tsflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE; } } } return 0; end: return -1; } int HtpResponseBodyHandle(HtpState *hstate, HtpTxUserData *htud, htp_tx_t *tx, uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_len) { SCEnter(); int result = 0; /* see if we need to open the file */ if (!(htud->tcflags & HTP_FILENAME_SET)) { SCLogDebug("setting up file name"); uint8_t *filename = NULL; size_t filename_len = 0; /* try Content-Disposition header first */ htp_header_t *h = (htp_header_t *)htp_table_get_c(tx->response_headers, "Content-Disposition"); if (h != NULL && bstr_len(h->value) > 0) { /* parse content-disposition */ (void)HTTPParseContentDispositionHeader((uint8_t *)"filename=", 9, (uint8_t *) bstr_ptr(h->value), bstr_len(h->value), &filename, &filename_len); } /* fall back to name from the uri */ if (filename == NULL) { /* get the name */ if (tx->parsed_uri != NULL && tx->parsed_uri->path != NULL) { filename = (uint8_t *)bstr_ptr(tx->parsed_uri->path); filename_len = bstr_len(tx->parsed_uri->path); } } if (filename != NULL) { result = HTPFileOpen(hstate, filename, (uint32_t)filename_len, data, data_len, hstate->transaction_cnt, STREAM_TOCLIENT); SCLogDebug("result %d", result); if (result == -1) { goto end; } else if (result == -2) { htud->tcflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE; } else { htud->tcflags |= HTP_FILENAME_SET; htud->tcflags &= ~HTP_DONTSTORE; } } } else { /* otherwise, just store the data */ if (!(htud->tcflags & HTP_DONTSTORE)) { result = HTPFileStoreChunk(hstate, data, data_len, STREAM_TOCLIENT); SCLogDebug("result %d", result); if (result == -1) { goto end; } else if (result == -2) { /* we know for sure we're not storing the file */ htud->tcflags |= HTP_DONTSTORE; } } } htud->response_body.body_parsed += data_len; return 0; end: return -1; } /** * \brief Function callback to append chunks for Requests * \param d pointer to the htp_tx_data_t structure (a chunk from htp lib) * \retval int HTP_OK if all goes well */ int HTPCallbackRequestBodyData(htp_tx_data_t *d) { SCEnter(); if (!(SC_ATOMIC_GET(htp_config_flags) & HTP_REQUIRE_REQUEST_BODY)) SCReturnInt(HTP_OK); if (d->data == NULL || d->len == 0) SCReturnInt(HTP_OK); #ifdef PRINT printf("HTPBODY START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, (uint8_t *)d->data, d->len); printf("HTPBODY END: \n"); #endif HtpState *hstate = htp_connp_get_user_data(d->tx->connp); if (hstate == NULL) { SCReturnInt(HTP_ERROR); } SCLogDebug("New request body data available at %p -> %p -> %p, bodylen " "%"PRIu32"", hstate, d, d->data, (uint32_t)d->len); HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(d->tx); if (tx_ud == NULL) { tx_ud = HTPMalloc(sizeof(HtpTxUserData)); if (unlikely(tx_ud == NULL)) { SCReturnInt(HTP_OK); } memset(tx_ud, 0, sizeof(HtpTxUserData)); /* Set the user data for handling body chunks on this transaction */ htp_tx_set_user_data(d->tx, tx_ud); } if (!tx_ud->response_body_init) { tx_ud->response_body_init = 1; tx_ud->operation = HTP_BODY_REQUEST; if (d->tx->request_method_number == HTP_M_POST) { SCLogDebug("POST"); int r = HtpRequestBodySetupMultipart(d, tx_ud); if (r == 1) { tx_ud->request_body_type = HTP_BODY_REQUEST_MULTIPART; } else if (r == 0) { tx_ud->request_body_type = HTP_BODY_REQUEST_POST; SCLogDebug("not multipart"); } } else if (d->tx->request_method_number == HTP_M_PUT) { if (HtpRequestBodySetupPUT(d, tx_ud) == 0) { tx_ud->request_body_type = HTP_BODY_REQUEST_PUT; } } } SCLogDebug("tx_ud->request_body.content_len_so_far %"PRIu64, tx_ud->request_body.content_len_so_far); SCLogDebug("hstate->cfg->request_body_limit %u", hstate->cfg->request_body_limit); /* within limits, add the body chunk to the state. */ if (hstate->cfg->request_body_limit == 0 || tx_ud->request_body.content_len_so_far < hstate->cfg->request_body_limit) { uint32_t len = (uint32_t)d->len; if (hstate->cfg->request_body_limit > 0 && (tx_ud->request_body.content_len_so_far + len) > hstate->cfg->request_body_limit) { len = hstate->cfg->request_body_limit - tx_ud->request_body.content_len_so_far; BUG_ON(len > (uint32_t)d->len); } SCLogDebug("len %u", len); HtpBodyAppendChunk(tx_ud, &tx_ud->request_body, (uint8_t *)d->data, len); uint8_t *chunks_buffer = NULL; uint32_t chunks_buffer_len = 0; if (tx_ud->request_body_type == HTP_BODY_REQUEST_MULTIPART) { /* multi-part body handling starts here */ if (!(tx_ud->tsflags & HTP_BOUNDARY_SET)) { goto end; } HtpRequestBodyReassemble(tx_ud, &chunks_buffer, &chunks_buffer_len); if (chunks_buffer == NULL) { goto end; } #ifdef PRINT printf("REASSCHUNK START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len); printf("REASSCHUNK END: \n"); #endif HtpRequestBodyHandleMultipart(hstate, tx_ud, d->tx, chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len); if (chunks_buffer != NULL) { HTPFree(chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len); } } else if (tx_ud->request_body_type == HTP_BODY_REQUEST_POST) { HtpRequestBodyHandlePOST(hstate, tx_ud, d->tx, (uint8_t *)d->data, (uint32_t)d->len); } else if (tx_ud->request_body_type == HTP_BODY_REQUEST_PUT) { HtpRequestBodyHandlePUT(hstate, tx_ud, d->tx, (uint8_t *)d->data, (uint32_t)d->len); } } end: /* see if we can get rid of htp body chunks */ HtpBodyPrune(hstate, &tx_ud->request_body, STREAM_TOSERVER); /* set the new chunk flag */ hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; SCReturnInt(HTP_OK); } /** * \brief Function callback to append chunks for Responses * \param d pointer to the htp_tx_data_t structure (a chunk from htp lib) * \retval int HTP_OK if all goes well */ int HTPCallbackResponseBodyData(htp_tx_data_t *d) { SCEnter(); if (!(SC_ATOMIC_GET(htp_config_flags) & HTP_REQUIRE_RESPONSE_BODY)) SCReturnInt(HTP_OK); if (d->data == NULL || d->len == 0) SCReturnInt(HTP_OK); HtpState *hstate = htp_connp_get_user_data(d->tx->connp); if (hstate == NULL) { SCReturnInt(HTP_ERROR); } SCLogDebug("New response body data available at %p -> %p -> %p, bodylen " "%"PRIu32"", hstate, d, d->data, (uint32_t)d->len); HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(d->tx); if (tx_ud == NULL) { tx_ud = HTPMalloc(sizeof(HtpTxUserData)); if (unlikely(tx_ud == NULL)) { SCReturnInt(HTP_OK); } memset(tx_ud, 0, sizeof(HtpTxUserData)); /* Set the user data for handling body chunks on this transaction */ htp_tx_set_user_data(d->tx, tx_ud); } if (!tx_ud->request_body_init) { tx_ud->request_body_init = 1; tx_ud->operation = HTP_BODY_RESPONSE; } SCLogDebug("tx_ud->response_body.content_len_so_far %"PRIu64, tx_ud->response_body.content_len_so_far); SCLogDebug("hstate->cfg->response_body_limit %u", hstate->cfg->response_body_limit); /* within limits, add the body chunk to the state. */ if (hstate->cfg->response_body_limit == 0 || tx_ud->response_body.content_len_so_far < hstate->cfg->response_body_limit) { uint32_t len = (uint32_t)d->len; if (hstate->cfg->response_body_limit > 0 && (tx_ud->response_body.content_len_so_far + len) > hstate->cfg->response_body_limit) { len = hstate->cfg->response_body_limit - tx_ud->response_body.content_len_so_far; BUG_ON(len > (uint32_t)d->len); } SCLogDebug("len %u", len); HtpBodyAppendChunk(tx_ud, &tx_ud->response_body, (uint8_t *)d->data, len); HtpResponseBodyHandle(hstate, tx_ud, d->tx, (uint8_t *)d->data, (uint32_t)d->len); } /* see if we can get rid of htp body chunks */ HtpBodyPrune(hstate, &tx_ud->response_body, STREAM_TOCLIENT); /* set the new chunk flag */ hstate->flags |= HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; SCReturnInt(HTP_OK); } /** * \brief Print the stats of the HTTP requests */ void HTPAtExitPrintStats(void) { #ifdef DEBUG SCEnter(); SCMutexLock(&htp_state_mem_lock); SCLogDebug("http_state_memcnt %"PRIu64", http_state_memuse %"PRIu64"", htp_state_memcnt, htp_state_memuse); SCMutexUnlock(&htp_state_mem_lock); SCReturn; #endif } /** \brief Clears the HTTP server configuration memory used by HTP library */ void HTPFreeConfig(void) { SCEnter(); if (!AppLayerProtoDetectConfProtoDetectionEnabled("tcp", "http") || !AppLayerParserConfParserEnabled("tcp", "http")) { SCReturn; } HTPCfgRec *nextrec = cfglist.next; SCRadixReleaseRadixTree(cfgtree); cfgtree = NULL; htp_config_destroy(cfglist.cfg); while (nextrec != NULL) { HTPCfgRec *htprec = nextrec; nextrec = nextrec->next; htp_config_destroy(htprec->cfg); SCFree(htprec); } SCReturn; } /** * \brief callback for request to store the recent incoming request in to the recent_in_tx for the given htp state * \param connp pointer to the current connection parser which has the htp * state in it as user data */ static int HTPCallbackRequest(htp_tx_t *tx) { SCEnter(); if (tx == NULL) { SCReturnInt(HTP_ERROR); } HtpState *hstate = htp_connp_get_user_data(tx->connp); if (hstate == NULL) { SCReturnInt(HTP_ERROR); } SCLogDebug("transaction_cnt %"PRIu64", list_size %"PRIu64, hstate->transaction_cnt, HTPStateGetTxCnt(hstate)); SCLogDebug("HTTP request completed"); HTPErrorCheckTxRequestFlags(hstate, tx); HtpTxUserData *htud = (HtpTxUserData *)htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (htud != NULL) { if (htud->tsflags & HTP_FILENAME_SET) { SCLogDebug("closing file that was being stored"); (void)HTPFileClose(hstate, NULL, 0, 0, STREAM_TOSERVER); htud->tsflags &= ~HTP_FILENAME_SET; } } /* request done, do raw reassembly now to inspect state and stream * at the same time. */ AppLayerParserTriggerRawStreamReassembly(hstate->f); SCReturnInt(HTP_OK); } /** * \brief callback for response to remove the recent received requests from the recent_in_tx for the given htp state * \param connp pointer to the current connection parser which has the htp * state in it as user data */ static int HTPCallbackResponse(htp_tx_t *tx) { SCEnter(); HtpState *hstate = htp_connp_get_user_data(tx->connp); if (hstate == NULL) { SCReturnInt(HTP_ERROR); } /* we have one whole transaction now */ hstate->transaction_cnt++; /* Unset the body inspection (if any) */ hstate->flags &=~ HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET; HtpTxUserData *htud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (htud != NULL) { if (htud->tcflags & HTP_FILENAME_SET) { SCLogDebug("closing file that was being stored"); (void)HTPFileClose(hstate, NULL, 0, 0, STREAM_TOCLIENT); htud->tcflags &= ~HTP_FILENAME_SET; } } /* response done, do raw reassembly now to inspect state and stream * at the same time. */ AppLayerParserTriggerRawStreamReassembly(hstate->f); SCReturnInt(HTP_OK); } static int HTPCallbackRequestLine(htp_tx_t *tx) { HtpTxUserData *tx_ud; bstr *request_uri_normalized; HtpState *hstate = htp_connp_get_user_data(tx->connp); HTPCfgRec *cfg = hstate->cfg; request_uri_normalized = SCHTPGenerateNormalizedUri(tx, tx->parsed_uri, cfg->uri_include_all); if (request_uri_normalized == NULL) return HTP_OK; tx_ud = htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (likely(tx_ud == NULL)) { tx_ud = HTPMalloc(sizeof(*tx_ud)); if (unlikely(tx_ud == NULL)) { bstr_free(request_uri_normalized); return HTP_OK; } memset(tx_ud, 0, sizeof(*tx_ud)); htp_tx_set_user_data(tx, tx_ud); } if (unlikely(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL)) bstr_free(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized); tx_ud->request_uri_normalized = request_uri_normalized; if (tx->flags) { HTPErrorCheckTxRequestFlags(hstate, tx); } return HTP_OK; } static int HTPCallbackDoubleDecodeQuery(htp_tx_t *tx) { if (tx->parsed_uri == NULL || tx->parsed_uri->query == NULL) return HTP_OK; uint64_t flags = 0; htp_urldecode_inplace(tx->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URLENCODED, tx->parsed_uri->query, &flags); return HTP_OK; } static int HTPCallbackDoubleDecodePath(htp_tx_t *tx) { if (tx->parsed_uri == NULL || tx->parsed_uri->path == NULL) return HTP_OK; uint64_t flags = 0; htp_urldecode_inplace(tx->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URL_PATH, tx->parsed_uri->path, &flags); return HTP_OK; } static int HTPCallbackRequestHeaderData(htp_tx_data_t *tx_data) { void *ptmp; if (tx_data->len == 0) return HTP_OK; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = htp_tx_get_user_data(tx_data->tx); if (tx_ud == NULL) { tx_ud = HTPMalloc(sizeof(*tx_ud)); if (unlikely(tx_ud == NULL)) return HTP_OK; memset(tx_ud, 0, sizeof(*tx_ud)); htp_tx_set_user_data(tx_data->tx, tx_ud); } ptmp = HTPRealloc(tx_ud->request_headers_raw, tx_ud->request_headers_raw_len, tx_ud->request_headers_raw_len + tx_data->len); if (ptmp == NULL) { /* error: we're freeing the entire user data */ HtpState *hstate = htp_connp_get_user_data(tx_data->tx->connp); HtpTxUserDataFree(hstate, tx_ud); htp_tx_set_user_data(tx_data->tx, NULL); return HTP_OK; } tx_ud->request_headers_raw = ptmp; memcpy(tx_ud->request_headers_raw + tx_ud->request_headers_raw_len, tx_data->data, tx_data->len); tx_ud->request_headers_raw_len += tx_data->len; if (tx_data->tx && tx_data->tx->flags) { HtpState *hstate = htp_connp_get_user_data(tx_data->tx->connp); HTPErrorCheckTxRequestFlags(hstate, tx_data->tx); } return HTP_OK; } static int HTPCallbackResponseHeaderData(htp_tx_data_t *tx_data) { void *ptmp; if (tx_data->len == 0) return HTP_OK; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = htp_tx_get_user_data(tx_data->tx); if (tx_ud == NULL) { tx_ud = HTPMalloc(sizeof(*tx_ud)); if (unlikely(tx_ud == NULL)) return HTP_OK; memset(tx_ud, 0, sizeof(*tx_ud)); htp_tx_set_user_data(tx_data->tx, tx_ud); } ptmp = HTPRealloc(tx_ud->response_headers_raw, tx_ud->response_headers_raw_len, tx_ud->response_headers_raw_len + tx_data->len); if (ptmp == NULL) { /* error: we're freeing the entire user data */ HtpState *hstate = htp_connp_get_user_data(tx_data->tx->connp); HtpTxUserDataFree(hstate, tx_ud); htp_tx_set_user_data(tx_data->tx, NULL); return HTP_OK; } tx_ud->response_headers_raw = ptmp; memcpy(tx_ud->response_headers_raw + tx_ud->response_headers_raw_len, tx_data->data, tx_data->len); tx_ud->response_headers_raw_len += tx_data->len; return HTP_OK; } /* * We have a similar set function called HTPConfigSetDefaultsPhase1. */ static void HTPConfigSetDefaultsPhase1(HTPCfgRec *cfg_prec) { cfg_prec->uri_include_all = FALSE; cfg_prec->request_body_limit = HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQUEST_BODY_LIMIT; cfg_prec->response_body_limit = HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_BODY_LIMIT; cfg_prec->request_inspect_min_size = HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQUEST_INSPECT_MIN_SIZE; cfg_prec->request_inspect_window = HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQUEST_INSPECT_WINDOW; cfg_prec->response_inspect_min_size = HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_INSPECT_MIN_SIZE; cfg_prec->response_inspect_window = HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_INSPECT_WINDOW; cfg_prec->randomize = HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_RANDOMIZE; cfg_prec->randomize_range = HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_RANDOMIZE_RANGE; htp_config_register_request_header_data(cfg_prec->cfg, HTPCallbackRequestHeaderData); htp_config_register_request_trailer_data(cfg_prec->cfg, HTPCallbackRequestHeaderData); htp_config_register_response_header_data(cfg_prec->cfg, HTPCallbackResponseHeaderData); htp_config_register_response_trailer_data(cfg_prec->cfg, HTPCallbackResponseHeaderData); htp_config_register_request_body_data(cfg_prec->cfg, HTPCallbackRequestBodyData); htp_config_register_response_body_data(cfg_prec->cfg, HTPCallbackResponseBodyData); htp_config_register_request_complete(cfg_prec->cfg, HTPCallbackRequest); htp_config_register_response_complete(cfg_prec->cfg, HTPCallbackResponse); htp_config_set_parse_request_cookies(cfg_prec->cfg, 0); htp_config_set_parse_request_auth(cfg_prec->cfg, 0); /* don't convert + to space by default */ htp_config_set_plusspace_decode(cfg_prec->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URLENCODED, 0); /* libhtp <= 0.5.9 doesn't use soft limit, but it's impossible to set * only the hard limit. So we set both here to the (current) htp defaults. * The reason we do this is that if the user sets the hard limit in the * config, we have to set the soft limit as well. If libhtp starts using * the soft limit in the future, we at least make sure we control what * it's value is. */ htp_config_set_field_limits(cfg_prec->cfg, (size_t)HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FIELD_LIMIT_SOFT, (size_t)HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FIELD_LIMIT_HARD); return; } /* * We have this splitup so that in case double decoding has been enabled * for query and path, they would be called first on the callback queue, * before the callback set by Phase2() is called. We need this, since * the callback in Phase2() generates the normalized uri which utilizes * the query and path. */ static void HTPConfigSetDefaultsPhase2(char *name, HTPCfgRec *cfg_prec) { /* randomize inspection size if needed */ if (cfg_prec->randomize) { int rdrange = cfg_prec->randomize_range; cfg_prec->request_inspect_min_size += (int) (cfg_prec->request_inspect_min_size * (random() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX - 0.5) * rdrange / 100); cfg_prec->request_inspect_window += (int) (cfg_prec->request_inspect_window * (random() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX - 0.5) * rdrange / 100); SCLogInfo("'%s' server has 'request-body-minimal-inspect-size' set to" " %d and 'request-body-inspect-window' set to %d after" " randomization.", name, cfg_prec->request_inspect_min_size, cfg_prec->request_inspect_window); cfg_prec->response_inspect_min_size += (int) (cfg_prec->response_inspect_min_size * (random() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX - 0.5) * rdrange / 100); cfg_prec->response_inspect_window += (int) (cfg_prec->response_inspect_window * (random() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX - 0.5) * rdrange / 100); SCLogInfo("'%s' server has 'response-body-minimal-inspect-size' set to" " %d and 'response-body-inspect-window' set to %d after" " randomization.", name, cfg_prec->response_inspect_min_size, cfg_prec->response_inspect_window); } htp_config_register_request_line(cfg_prec->cfg, HTPCallbackRequestLine); return; } static void HTPConfigParseParameters(HTPCfgRec *cfg_prec, ConfNode *s, SCRadixTree *tree) { if (cfg_prec == NULL || s == NULL || tree == NULL) return; ConfNode *p = NULL; /* Default Parameters */ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &s->head, next) { if (strcasecmp("address", p->name) == 0) { ConfNode *pval; /* Addresses */ TAILQ_FOREACH(pval, &p->head, next) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP server %s: %s=%s", s->name, p->name, pval->val); /* IPV6 or IPV4? */ if (strchr(pval->val, ':') != NULL) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP adding ipv6 server %s at %s: %p", s->name, pval->val, cfg_prec->cfg); if (SCRadixAddKeyIPV6String(pval->val, tree, cfg_prec) == NULL) { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "LIBHTP failed to " "add ipv6 server %s, ignoring", pval->val); } } else { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP adding ipv4 server %s at %s: %p", s->name, pval->val, cfg_prec->cfg); if (SCRadixAddKeyIPV4String(pval->val, tree, cfg_prec) == NULL) { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "LIBHTP failed " "to add ipv4 server %s, ignoring", pval->val); } } /* else - if (strchr(pval->val, ':') != NULL) */ } /* TAILQ_FOREACH(pval, &p->head, next) */ } else if (strcasecmp("personality", p->name) == 0) { /* Personalities */ int personality = HTPLookupPersonality(p->val); SCLogDebug("LIBHTP default: %s = %s", p->name, p->val); SCLogDebug("LIBHTP default: %s = %s", p->name, p->val); if (personality >= 0) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP default: %s=%s (%d)", p->name, p->val, personality); if (htp_config_set_server_personality(cfg_prec->cfg, personality) == HTP_ERROR){ SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "LIBHTP Failed adding " "personality \"%s\", ignoring", p->val); } else { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP personality set to %s", HTPLookupPersonalityString(personality)); } /* The IDS personality by default converts the path (and due to * our query string callback also the query string) to lowercase. * Signatures do not expect this, so override it. */ htp_config_set_convert_lowercase(cfg_prec->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URL_PATH, 0); } else { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_VALUE, "LIBHTP Unknown personality " "\"%s\", ignoring", p->val); continue; } } else if (strcasecmp("request-body-limit", p->name) == 0 || strcasecmp("request_body_limit", p->name) == 0) { if (ParseSizeStringU32(p->val, &cfg_prec->request_body_limit) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_SIZE_PARSE, "Error parsing request-body-limit " "from conf file - %s. Killing engine", p->val); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strcasecmp("response-body-limit", p->name) == 0) { if (ParseSizeStringU32(p->val, &cfg_prec->response_body_limit) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_SIZE_PARSE, "Error parsing response-body-limit " "from conf file - %s. Killing engine", p->val); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strcasecmp("request-body-minimal-inspect-size", p->name) == 0) { if (ParseSizeStringU32(p->val, &cfg_prec->request_inspect_min_size) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_SIZE_PARSE, "Error parsing request-body-minimal-inspect-size " "from conf file - %s. Killing engine", p->val); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strcasecmp("request-body-inspect-window", p->name) == 0) { if (ParseSizeStringU32(p->val, &cfg_prec->request_inspect_window) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_SIZE_PARSE, "Error parsing request-body-inspect-window " "from conf file - %s. Killing engine", p->val); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strcasecmp("double-decode-path", p->name) == 0) { if (ConfValIsTrue(p->val)) { htp_config_register_request_line(cfg_prec->cfg, HTPCallbackDoubleDecodeQuery); } } else if (strcasecmp("double-decode-query", p->name) == 0) { if (ConfValIsTrue(p->val)) { htp_config_register_request_line(cfg_prec->cfg, HTPCallbackDoubleDecodePath); } } else if (strcasecmp("response-body-minimal-inspect-size", p->name) == 0) { if (ParseSizeStringU32(p->val, &cfg_prec->response_inspect_min_size) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_SIZE_PARSE, "Error parsing response-body-minimal-inspect-size " "from conf file - %s. Killing engine", p->val); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strcasecmp("response-body-inspect-window", p->name) == 0) { if (ParseSizeStringU32(p->val, &cfg_prec->response_inspect_window) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_SIZE_PARSE, "Error parsing response-body-inspect-window " "from conf file - %s. Killing engine", p->val); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strcasecmp("path-convert-backslash-separators", p->name) == 0) { htp_config_set_backslash_convert_slashes(cfg_prec->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URL_PATH, ConfValIsTrue(p->val)); } else if (strcasecmp("path-bestfit-replacement-char", p->name) == 0) { if (strlen(p->val) == 1) { htp_config_set_bestfit_replacement_byte(cfg_prec->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URL_PATH, p->val[0]); } else { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_YAML_CONF_ENTRY, "Invalid entry " "for libhtp param path-bestfit-replacement-char"); } } else if (strcasecmp("path-convert-lowercase", p->name) == 0) { htp_config_set_convert_lowercase(cfg_prec->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URL_PATH, ConfValIsTrue(p->val)); } else if (strcasecmp("path-nul-encoded-terminates", p->name) == 0) { htp_config_set_nul_encoded_terminates(cfg_prec->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URL_PATH, ConfValIsTrue(p->val)); } else if (strcasecmp("path-nul-raw-terminates", p->name) == 0) { htp_config_set_nul_raw_terminates(cfg_prec->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URL_PATH, ConfValIsTrue(p->val)); } else if (strcasecmp("path-separators-compress", p->name) == 0) { htp_config_set_path_separators_compress(cfg_prec->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URL_PATH, ConfValIsTrue(p->val)); } else if (strcasecmp("path-separators-decode", p->name) == 0) { htp_config_set_path_separators_decode(cfg_prec->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URL_PATH, ConfValIsTrue(p->val)); } else if (strcasecmp("path-u-encoding-decode", p->name) == 0) { htp_config_set_u_encoding_decode(cfg_prec->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URL_PATH, ConfValIsTrue(p->val)); } else if (strcasecmp("path-url-encoding-invalid-handling", p->name) == 0) { enum htp_url_encoding_handling_t handling; if (strcasecmp(p->val, "preserve_percent") == 0) { handling = HTP_URL_DECODE_PRESERVE_PERCENT; } else if (strcasecmp(p->val, "remove_percent") == 0) { handling = HTP_URL_DECODE_REMOVE_PERCENT; } else if (strcasecmp(p->val, "decode_invalid") == 0) { handling = HTP_URL_DECODE_PROCESS_INVALID; } else { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_YAML_CONF_ENTRY, "Invalid entry " "for libhtp param path-url-encoding-invalid-handling"); return; } htp_config_set_url_encoding_invalid_handling(cfg_prec->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URL_PATH, handling); } else if (strcasecmp("path-utf8-convert-bestfit", p->name) == 0) { htp_config_set_utf8_convert_bestfit(cfg_prec->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URL_PATH, ConfValIsTrue(p->val)); } else if (strcasecmp("uri-include-all", p->name) == 0) { cfg_prec->uri_include_all = ConfValIsTrue(p->val); SCLogDebug("uri-include-all %s", cfg_prec->uri_include_all ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } else if (strcasecmp("query-plusspace-decode", p->name) == 0) { htp_config_set_plusspace_decode(cfg_prec->cfg, HTP_DECODER_URLENCODED, ConfValIsTrue(p->val)); } else if (strcasecmp("meta-field-limit", p->name) == 0) { uint32_t limit = 0; if (ParseSizeStringU32(p->val, &limit) < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_SIZE_PARSE, "Error meta-field-limit " "from conf file - %s. Killing engine", p->val); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (limit == 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_SIZE_PARSE, "Error meta-field-limit " "from conf file cannot be 0. Killing engine"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* set default soft-limit with our new hard limit */ htp_config_set_field_limits(cfg_prec->cfg, (size_t)HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FIELD_LIMIT_SOFT, (size_t)limit); } else if (strcasecmp("randomize-inspection-sizes", p->name) == 0) { cfg_prec->randomize = ConfValIsTrue(p->val); } else if (strcasecmp("randomize-inspection-range", p->name) == 0) { uint32_t range = atoi(p->val); if (range > 100) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_SIZE_PARSE, "Invalid value for randomize" " inspection range setting from conf file - %s." " It should be inferior to 100." " Killing engine", p->val); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } cfg_prec->randomize_range = range; } else if (strcasecmp("http-body-inline", p->name) == 0) { if (ConfValIsTrue(p->val)) { cfg_prec->http_body_inline = 1; } else if (ConfValIsFalse(p->val)) { cfg_prec->http_body_inline = 0; } else { if (strcmp("auto", p->val) != 0) { WarnInvalidConfEntry("http_body_inline", "%s", "auto"); } if (EngineModeIsIPS()) { cfg_prec->http_body_inline = 1; } else { cfg_prec->http_body_inline = 0; } } } else { SCLogWarning(SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_VALUE, "LIBHTP Ignoring unknown " "default config: %s", p->name); } } /* TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &default_config->head, next) */ return; } void HTPConfigure(void) { SCEnter(); cfglist.next = NULL; cfgtree = SCRadixCreateRadixTree(NULL, NULL); if (NULL == cfgtree) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* Default Config */ cfglist.cfg = htp_config_create(); if (NULL == cfglist.cfg) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Failed to create HTP default config"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SCLogDebug("LIBHTP default config: %p", cfglist.cfg); HTPConfigSetDefaultsPhase1(&cfglist); if (ConfGetNode("app-layer.protocols.http.libhtp") == NULL) { HTPConfigParseParameters(&cfglist, ConfGetNode("libhtp.default-config"), cfgtree); } else { HTPConfigParseParameters(&cfglist, ConfGetNode("app-layer.protocols.http.libhtp.default-config"), cfgtree); } HTPConfigSetDefaultsPhase2("default", &cfglist); HTPParseMemcap(); /* Read server config and create a parser for each IP in radix tree */ ConfNode *server_config = ConfGetNode("app-layer.protocols.http.libhtp.server-config"); if (server_config == NULL) { server_config = ConfGetNode("libhtp.server-config"); if (server_config == NULL) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP Configuring %p", server_config); SCReturn; } } SCLogDebug("LIBHTP Configuring %p", server_config); ConfNode *si; /* Server Nodes */ TAILQ_FOREACH(si, &server_config->head, next) { /* Need the named node, not the index */ ConfNode *s = TAILQ_FIRST(&si->head); if (NULL == s) { SCLogDebug("LIBHTP s NULL"); continue; } SCLogDebug("LIBHTP server %s", s->name); HTPCfgRec *nextrec = cfglist.next; HTPCfgRec *htprec = SCMalloc(sizeof(HTPCfgRec)); if (NULL == htprec) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); memset(htprec, 0x00, sizeof(*htprec)); cfglist.next = htprec; cfglist.next->next = nextrec; cfglist.next->cfg = htp_config_create(); if (NULL == cfglist.next->cfg) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Failed to create HTP server config"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } HTPConfigSetDefaultsPhase1(htprec); HTPConfigParseParameters(htprec, s, cfgtree); HTPConfigSetDefaultsPhase2(s->name, htprec); } SCReturn; } void AppLayerHtpPrintStats(void) { #ifdef DEBUG SCMutexLock(&htp_state_mem_lock); SCLogInfo("htp memory %"PRIu64" (%"PRIu64")", htp_state_memuse, htp_state_memcnt); SCMutexUnlock(&htp_state_mem_lock); #endif } /** \internal * \brief get files callback * \param state state ptr * \param direction flow direction * \retval files files ptr */ static FileContainer *HTPStateGetFiles(void *state, uint8_t direction) { if (state == NULL) return NULL; HtpState *http_state = (HtpState *)state; if (direction & STREAM_TOCLIENT) { SCReturnPtr(http_state->files_tc, "FileContainer"); } else { SCReturnPtr(http_state->files_ts, "FileContainer"); } } static int HTPStateGetAlstateProgress(void *tx, uint8_t direction) { if (direction & STREAM_TOSERVER) return ((htp_tx_t *)tx)->request_progress; else return ((htp_tx_t *)tx)->response_progress; } static uint64_t HTPStateGetTxCnt(void *alstate) { HtpState *http_state = (HtpState *)alstate; if (http_state != NULL && http_state->conn != NULL) return (uint64_t)htp_list_size(http_state->conn->transactions); else return 0ULL; } static void *HTPStateGetTx(void *alstate, uint64_t tx_id) { HtpState *http_state = (HtpState *)alstate; if (http_state != NULL && http_state->conn != NULL) return htp_list_get(http_state->conn->transactions, tx_id); else return NULL; } static int HTPStateGetAlstateProgressCompletionStatus(uint8_t direction) { return (direction & STREAM_TOSERVER) ? HTP_REQUEST_COMPLETE : HTP_RESPONSE_COMPLETE; } int HTPStateGetEventInfo(const char *event_name, int *event_id, AppLayerEventType *event_type) { *event_id = SCMapEnumNameToValue(event_name, http_decoder_event_table); if (*event_id == -1) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_ENUM_MAP, "event \"%s\" not present in " "http's enum map table.", event_name); /* this should be treated as fatal */ return -1; } *event_type = APP_LAYER_EVENT_TYPE_TRANSACTION; return 0; } static void HTPStateTruncate(void *state, uint8_t direction) { FileContainer *fc = HTPStateGetFiles(state, direction); if (fc != NULL) { FileTruncateAllOpenFiles(fc); } } static int HTPStateHasTxDetectState(void *alstate) { HtpState *htp_state = (HtpState *)alstate; return (htp_state->tx_with_detect_state_cnt > 0); } static DetectEngineState *HTPGetTxDetectState(void *vtx) { htp_tx_t *tx = (htp_tx_t *)vtx; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); return tx_ud ? tx_ud->de_state : NULL; } static int HTPSetTxDetectState(void *alstate, void *vtx, DetectEngineState *s) { HtpState *htp_state = (HtpState *)alstate; htp_tx_t *tx = (htp_tx_t *)vtx; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud == NULL) { tx_ud = HTPMalloc(sizeof(*tx_ud)); if (unlikely(tx_ud == NULL)) return -ENOMEM; memset(tx_ud, 0, sizeof(*tx_ud)); htp_tx_set_user_data(tx, tx_ud); } htp_state->tx_with_detect_state_cnt++; tx_ud->de_state = s; return 0; } static int HTPRegisterPatternsForProtocolDetection(void) { char *methods[] = { "GET", "PUT", "POST", "HEAD", "TRACE", "OPTIONS", "CONNECT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "PROPFIND", "PROPPATCH", "MKCOL", "COPY", "MOVE", "LOCK", "UNLOCK", "CHECKOUT", "UNCHECKOUT", "CHECKIN", "UPDATE", "LABEL", "REPORT", "MKWORKSPACE", "MKACTIVITY", "MERGE", "INVALID", "VERSION-CONTROL", "BASELINE-CONTROL", NULL}; char *spacings[] = { "|20|", "|09|", NULL }; char *versions[] = { "HTTP/0.9", "HTTP/1.0", "HTTP/1.1", NULL }; uint methods_pos; uint spacings_pos; uint versions_pos; int register_result; char method_buffer[32] = ""; /* Loop through all the methods ands spacings and register the patterns */ for (methods_pos = 0; methods[methods_pos]; methods_pos++) { for (spacings_pos = 0; spacings[spacings_pos]; spacings_pos++) { /* Combine the method name and the spacing */ snprintf(method_buffer, sizeof(method_buffer), "%s%s", methods[methods_pos], spacings[spacings_pos]); /* Register the new method+spacing pattern * 3 is subtracted from the length since the spacing is hex typed as |xx| * but the pattern matching should only be one char */ register_result = AppLayerProtoDetectPMRegisterPatternCS(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, method_buffer, strlen(method_buffer)-3, 0, STREAM_TOSERVER); if (register_result < 0) { return -1; } } } /* Loop through all the http verions patterns that are TO_CLIENT */ for (versions_pos = 0; versions[versions_pos]; versions_pos++) { register_result = AppLayerProtoDetectPMRegisterPatternCS(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, versions[versions_pos], strlen(versions[versions_pos]), 0, STREAM_TOCLIENT); if (register_result < 0) { return -1; } } return 0; } /** * \brief Register the HTTP protocol and state handling functions to APP layer * of the engine. */ void RegisterHTPParsers(void) { SCEnter(); char *proto_name = "http"; /** HTTP */ if (AppLayerProtoDetectConfProtoDetectionEnabled("tcp", proto_name)) { AppLayerProtoDetectRegisterProtocol(ALPROTO_HTTP, proto_name); if (HTPRegisterPatternsForProtocolDetection() < 0) return; } else { SCLogInfo("Protocol detection and parser disabled for %s protocol", proto_name); return; } if (AppLayerParserConfParserEnabled("tcp", proto_name)) { AppLayerParserRegisterStateFuncs(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPStateAlloc, HTPStateFree); AppLayerParserRegisterTxFreeFunc(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPStateTransactionFree); AppLayerParserRegisterGetFilesFunc(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPStateGetFiles); AppLayerParserRegisterGetStateProgressFunc(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPStateGetAlstateProgress); AppLayerParserRegisterGetTxCnt(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPStateGetTxCnt); AppLayerParserRegisterGetTx(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPStateGetTx); AppLayerParserRegisterGetStateProgressCompletionStatus(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPStateGetAlstateProgressCompletionStatus); AppLayerParserRegisterHasEventsFunc(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPHasEvents); AppLayerParserRegisterGetEventsFunc(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPGetEvents); AppLayerParserRegisterGetEventInfo(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPStateGetEventInfo); AppLayerParserRegisterTruncateFunc(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPStateTruncate); AppLayerParserRegisterDetectStateFuncs(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPStateHasTxDetectState, HTPGetTxDetectState, HTPSetTxDetectState); AppLayerParserRegisterParser(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER, HTPHandleRequestData); AppLayerParserRegisterParser(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOCLIENT, HTPHandleResponseData); SC_ATOMIC_INIT(htp_config_flags); AppLayerParserRegisterParserAcceptableDataDirection(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER); HTPConfigure(); } else { SCLogInfo("Parsed disabled for %s protocol. Protocol detection" "still on.", proto_name); } #ifdef UNITTESTS AppLayerParserRegisterProtocolUnittests(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP, HTPParserRegisterTests); #endif SCReturn; } #ifdef UNITTESTS static HTPCfgRec cfglist_backup; void HtpConfigCreateBackup(void) { cfglist_backup = cfglist; return; } void HtpConfigRestoreBackup(void) { cfglist = cfglist_backup; return; } /** \test Test case where chunks are sent in smaller chunks and check the * response of the parser from HTP library. */ int HTPParserTest01(void) { int result = 1; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "POST / HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: Victor/1.0\r\n\r\nPost" " Data is c0oL!"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); htp_header_t *h = htp_table_get_index(tx->request_headers, 0, NULL); if (strcmp(bstr_util_strdup_to_c(h->value), "Victor/1.0") || tx->request_method_number != HTP_M_POST || tx->request_protocol_number != HTP_PROTOCOL_1_0) { printf("expected header value: Victor/1.0 and got %s: and expected" " method: POST and got %s, expected protocol number HTTP/1.0" " and got: %s \n", bstr_util_strdup_to_c(h->value), bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_method), bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test case where chunks are sent in smaller chunks and check the * response of the parser from HTP library. */ static int HTPParserTest01a(void) { int result = 1; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = " POST / HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: Victor/1.0\r\n\r\nPost" " Data is c0oL!"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); htp_header_t *h = htp_table_get_index(tx->request_headers, 0, NULL); if (strcmp(bstr_util_strdup_to_c(h->value), "Victor/1.0") || tx->request_method_number != HTP_M_POST || tx->request_protocol_number != HTP_PROTOCOL_1_0) { printf("expected header value: Victor/1.0 and got %s: and expected" " method: POST and got %s, expected protocol number HTTP/1.0" " and got: %s \n", bstr_util_strdup_to_c(h->value), bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_method), bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test See how it deals with an incomplete request. */ int HTPParserTest02(void) { int result = 1; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "POST"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *http_state = NULL; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); SCMutexLock(&f->m); int r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START| STREAM_EOF, httpbuf1, httplen1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 1 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); http_state = f->alstate; if (http_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(http_state, 0); htp_header_t *h = htp_table_get_index(tx->request_headers, 0, NULL); if ((tx->request_method) != NULL || h != NULL) { printf("expected method NULL, got %s \n", bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_method)); result = 0; goto end; } end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (http_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(http_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test case where method is invalid and data is sent in smaller chunks * and check the response of the parser from HTP library. */ int HTPParserTest03(void) { int result = 1; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "HELLO / HTTP/1.0\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); htp_header_t *h = htp_table_get_index(tx->request_headers, 0, NULL); if (tx->request_method_number != HTP_M_UNKNOWN || h != NULL || tx->request_protocol_number != HTP_PROTOCOL_1_0) { printf("expected method M_UNKNOWN and got %s: , expected protocol " "HTTP/1.0 and got %s \n", bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_method), bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test case where invalid data is sent and check the response of the * parser from HTP library. */ int HTPParserTest04(void) { int result = 1; Flow *f = NULL; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "World!\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; int r = 0; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START| STREAM_EOF, httpbuf1, httplen1); if (r != 0) { SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); htp_header_t *h = htp_table_get_index(tx->request_headers, 0, NULL); if (tx->request_method_number != HTP_M_UNKNOWN || h != NULL || tx->request_protocol_number != HTP_PROTOCOL_0_9) { printf("expected method M_UNKNOWN and got %s: , expected protocol " "NULL and got %s \n", bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_method), bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test both sides of a http stream mixed up to see if the HTP parser * properly parsed them and also keeps them separated. */ int HTPParserTest05(void) { int result = 1; Flow *f = NULL; HtpState *http_state = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "POST / HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: Victor/1.0\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ uint8_t httpbuf2[] = "Post D"; uint32_t httplen2 = sizeof(httpbuf2) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ uint8_t httpbuf3[] = "ata is c0oL!"; uint32_t httplen3 = sizeof(httpbuf3) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ uint8_t httpbuf4[] = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nServer: VictorServer/1.0\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen4 = sizeof(httpbuf4) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ uint8_t httpbuf5[] = "post R"; uint32_t httplen5 = sizeof(httpbuf5) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ uint8_t httpbuf6[] = "esults are tha bomb!"; uint32_t httplen6 = sizeof(httpbuf6) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); SCMutexLock(&f->m); int r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START, httpbuf1, httplen1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 1 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOCLIENT|STREAM_START, httpbuf4, httplen4); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 4 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOCLIENT, httpbuf5, httplen5); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 5 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER, httpbuf2, httplen2); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 2 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF, httpbuf3, httplen3); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 3 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOCLIENT|STREAM_EOF, httpbuf6, httplen6); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 6 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); http_state = f->alstate; if (http_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(http_state, 0); htp_header_t *h = htp_table_get_index(tx->request_headers, 0, NULL); if (tx->request_method_number != HTP_M_POST || h == NULL || tx->request_protocol_number != HTP_PROTOCOL_1_0) { printf("expected method M_POST and got %s: , expected protocol " "HTTP/1.0 and got %s \n", bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_method), bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } if (tx->response_status_number != 200) { printf("expected response 200 OK and got %"PRId32" %s: , expected protocol " "HTTP/1.0 and got %s \n", tx->response_status_number, bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->response_message), bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->response_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (http_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(http_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test proper chunked encoded response body */ int HTPParserTest06(void) { int result = 1; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /ld/index.php?id=412784631&cid=0064&version=4&" "name=try HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: " "LD-agent\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ uint8_t httpbuf2[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nDate: Sat, 03 Oct 2009 10:16:02 " "GMT\r\n" "Server: Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.8.28 " "OpenSSL/0.9.7a PHP/4.4.7 mod_perl/1.29 " "FrontPage/\r\n" "X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.7\r\nTransfer-Encoding: " "chunked\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" "580\r\n" "W2dyb3VwMV0NCnBob25lMT1wMDB3ODgyMTMxMzAyMTINCmxvZ2lu" "MT0NCnBhc3N3b3JkMT0NCnBob25lMj1wMDB3ODgyMTMxMzAyMTIN" "CmxvZ2luMj0NCnBhc3N3b3JkMj0NCnBob25lMz0NCmxvZ2luMz0N" "CnBhc3N3b3JkMz0NCnBob25lND0NCmxvZ2luND0NCnBhc3N3b3Jk" "ND0NCnBob25lNT0NCmxvZ2luNT0NCnBhc3N3b3JkNT0NCnBob25l" "Nj0NCmxvZ2luNj0NCnBhc3N3b3JkNj0NCmNhbGxfdGltZTE9MzIN" "CmNhbGxfdGltZTI9MjMyDQpkYXlfbGltaXQ9NQ0KbW9udGhfbGlt" "aXQ9MTUNCltncm91cDJdDQpwaG9uZTE9DQpsb2dpbjE9DQpwYXNz" "d29yZDE9DQpwaG9uZTI9DQpsb2dpbjI9DQpwYXNzd29yZDI9DQpw" "aG9uZTM9DQpsb2dpbjM9DQpwYXNzd29yZDM9DQpwaG9uZTQ9DQps" "b2dpbjQ9DQpwYXNzd29yZDQ9DQpwaG9uZTU9DQpsb2dpbjU9DQpw" "YXNzd29yZDU9DQpwaG9uZTY9DQpsb2dpbjY9DQpwYXNzd29yZDY9" "DQpjYWxsX3RpbWUxPQ0KY2FsbF90aW1lMj0NCmRheV9saW1pdD0N" "Cm1vbnRoX2xpbWl0PQ0KW2dyb3VwM10NCnBob25lMT0NCmxvZ2lu" "MT0NCnBhc3N3b3JkMT0NCnBob25lMj0NCmxvZ2luMj0NCnBhc3N3" "b3JkMj0NCnBob25lMz0NCmxvZ2luMz0NCnBhc3N3b3JkMz0NCnBo" "b25lND0NCmxvZ2luND0NCnBhc3N3b3JkND0NCnBob25lNT0NCmxv" "Z2luNT0NCnBhc3N3b3JkNT0NCnBob25lNj0NCmxvZ2luNj0NCnBh" "c3N3b3JkNj0NCmNhbGxfdGltZTE9DQpjYWxsX3RpbWUyPQ0KZGF5" "X2xpbWl0PQ0KbW9udGhfbGltaXQ9DQpbZ3JvdXA0XQ0KcGhvbmUx" "PQ0KbG9naW4xPQ0KcGFzc3dvcmQxPQ0KcGhvbmUyPQ0KbG9naW4y" "PQ0KcGFzc3dvcmQyPQ0KcGhvbmUzPQ0KbG9naW4zPQ0KcGFzc3dv" "cmQzPQ0KcGhvbmU0PQ0KbG9naW40PQ0KcGFzc3dvcmQ0PQ0KcGhv" "bmU1PQ0KbG9naW41PQ0KcGFzc3dvcmQ1PQ0KcGhvbmU2PQ0KbG9n" "aW42PQ0KcGFzc3dvcmQ2PQ0KY2FsbF90aW1lMT0NCmNhbGxfdGlt" "ZTI9DQpkYXlfbGltaXQ9DQptb250aF9saW1pdD0NCltmaWxlc10N" "Cmxpbms9aHR0cDovLzIwOS4yMDUuMTk2LjE2L2xkL2dldGJvdC5w" "aHA=\r\n0\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen2 = sizeof(httpbuf2) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *http_state = NULL; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); SCMutexLock(&f->m); int r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START, httpbuf1, httplen1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 1 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOCLIENT|STREAM_START, httpbuf2, httplen2); if (r != 0) { printf("toclient chunk 2 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); http_state = f->alstate; if (http_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(http_state, 0); htp_header_t *h = htp_table_get_index(tx->request_headers, 0, NULL); if (tx->request_method_number != HTP_M_GET || h == NULL || tx->request_protocol_number != HTP_PROTOCOL_1_1) { printf("expected method M_GET and got %s: , expected protocol " "HTTP/1.1 and got %s \n", bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_method), bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } if (tx->response_status_number != 200 || h == NULL || tx->request_protocol_number != HTP_PROTOCOL_1_1) { printf("expected response 200 OK and got %"PRId32" %s: , expected proto" "col HTTP/1.1 and got %s \n", tx->response_status_number, bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->response_message), bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->response_protocol)); result = 0; goto end; } end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (http_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(http_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test */ int HTPParserTest07(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /awstats.pl?/migratemigrate%20=%20| HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); goto end; } uint8_t ref[] = "/awstats.pl?/migratemigrate = |"; size_t reflen = sizeof(ref) - 1; htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } #include "conf-yaml-loader.h" /** \test Abort */ int HTPParserTest08(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /secondhouse/image/js/\%ce\%de\%ce\%fd_RentCity.js?v=2011.05.02 HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint8_t flags = 0; flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START|STREAM_EOF; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, httpbuf1, httplen1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { //printf("uri %s\n", bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_uri_normalized)); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Abort */ int HTPParserTest09(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /secondhouse/image/js/\%ce\%de\%ce\%fd_RentCity.js?v=2011.05.02 HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: Apache_2_2\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint8_t flags = 0; flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START|STREAM_EOF; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, httpbuf1, httplen1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { //printf("uri %s\n", bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_uri_normalized)); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Host:www.google.com <- missing space between name:value (rfc violation) */ int HTPParserTest10(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:www.google.com\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); htp_header_t *h = htp_table_get_index(tx->request_headers, 0, NULL); if (h == NULL) { goto end; } char *name = bstr_util_strdup_to_c(h->name); if (name == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(name, "Host") != 0) { printf("header name not \"Host\", instead \"%s\": ", name); free(name); goto end; } free(name); char *value = bstr_util_strdup_to_c(h->value); if (value == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(value, "www.google.com") != 0) { printf("header value not \"www.google.com\", instead \"%s\": ", value); free(value); goto end; } free(value); result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test double encoding in path */ static int HTPParserTest11(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /%2500 HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *)htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx != NULL && tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (4 != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be 2, is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)[0] != '/' || bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)[1] != '%' || bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)[2] != '0' || bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)[3] != '0') { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\": "); goto end; } } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test double encoding in query */ static int HTPParserTest12(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /?a=%2500 HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (7 != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be 5, is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)[0] != '/' || bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)[1] != '?' || bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)[2] != 'a' || bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)[3] != '=' || bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)[4] != '%' || bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)[5] != '0' || bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)[6] != '0') { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\": "); goto end; } } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Host:www.google.com0dName: Value0d0a <- missing space between name:value (rfc violation) */ int HTPParserTest13(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:www.google.com\rName: Value\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); htp_header_t *h = htp_table_get_index(tx->request_headers, 0, NULL); if (h == NULL) { goto end; } char *name = bstr_util_strdup_to_c(h->name); if (name == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(name, "Host") != 0) { printf("header name not \"Host\", instead \"%s\": ", name); free(name); goto end; } free(name); char *value = bstr_util_strdup_to_c(h->value); if (value == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(value, "www.google.com\rName: Value") != 0) { printf("header value not \"www.google.com\", instead \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, (uint8_t *)value, strlen(value)); printf("\": "); free(value); goto end; } free(value); result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test basic config */ int HTPParserConfigTest01(void) { int ret = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ \n\ server-config:\n\ \n\ - apache-tomcat:\n\ address: [,, \"::1\"]\n\ personality: Tomcat_6_0\n\ \n\ - iis7:\n\ address: \n\ -\n\ -\n\ personality: IIS_7_0\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); ConfNode *outputs; outputs = ConfGetNode("libhtp.default-config.personality"); if (outputs == NULL) { goto end; } outputs = ConfGetNode("libhtp.server-config"); if (outputs == NULL) { goto end; } ConfNode *node = TAILQ_FIRST(&outputs->head); if (node == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(node->name, "0") != 0) { goto end; } node = TAILQ_FIRST(&node->head); if (node == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(node->name, "apache-tomcat") != 0) { goto end; } int i = 0; ConfNode *n; ConfNode *node2 = ConfNodeLookupChild(node, "personality"); if (node2 == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(node2->val, "Tomcat_6_0") != 0) { goto end; } node = ConfNodeLookupChild(node, "address"); if (node == NULL) { goto end; } TAILQ_FOREACH(n, &node->head, next) { if (n == NULL) { goto end; } switch(i) { case 0: if (strcmp(n->name, "0") != 0) { goto end; } if (strcmp(n->val, "") != 0) { goto end; } break; case 1: if (strcmp(n->name, "1") != 0) { goto end; } if (strcmp(n->val, "") != 0) { goto end; } break; case 2: if (strcmp(n->name, "2") != 0) { goto end; } if (strcmp(n->val, "::1") != 0) { goto end; } break; default: goto end; } i++; } outputs = ConfGetNode("libhtp.server-config"); if (outputs == NULL) { goto end; } node = TAILQ_FIRST(&outputs->head); node = TAILQ_NEXT(node, next); if (node == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(node->name, "1") != 0) { goto end; } node = TAILQ_FIRST(&node->head); if (node == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(node->name, "iis7") != 0) { goto end; } node2 = ConfNodeLookupChild(node, "personality"); if (node2 == NULL) { goto end; } if (strcmp(node2->val, "IIS_7_0") != 0) { goto end; } node = ConfNodeLookupChild(node, "address"); if (node == NULL) { goto end; } i = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(n, &node->head, next) { if (n == NULL) { goto end; } switch(i) { case 0: if (strcmp(n->name, "0") != 0) { goto end; } if (strcmp(n->val, "") != 0) { goto end; } break; case 1: if (strcmp(n->name, "1") != 0) { goto end; } if (strcmp(n->val, "") != 0) { goto end; } break; default: goto end; } i++; } ret = 1; end: ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); return ret; } /** \test Test config builds radix correctly */ int HTPParserConfigTest02(void) { int ret = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ \n\ server-config:\n\ \n\ - apache-tomcat:\n\ address: [,, \"::1\"]\n\ personality: Tomcat_6_0\n\ \n\ - iis7:\n\ address: \n\ -\n\ -\n\ personality: IIS_7_0\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); if (cfglist.cfg == NULL) { printf("No default config created.\n"); goto end; } if (cfgtree == NULL) { printf("No config tree created.\n"); goto end; } htp_cfg_t *htp = cfglist.cfg; uint8_t buf[128]; const char *addr; void *user_data = NULL; addr = ""; if (inet_pton(AF_INET, addr, buf) == 1) { (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV4BestMatch(buf, cfgtree, &user_data); if (user_data != NULL) { HTPCfgRec *htp_cfg_rec = user_data; htp = htp_cfg_rec->cfg; SCLogDebug("LIBHTP using config: %p", htp); } if (htp == NULL) { printf("Could not get config for: %s\n", addr); goto end; } } else { printf("Failed to parse address: %s\n", addr); goto end; } user_data = NULL; addr = "::1"; if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr, buf) == 1) { (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV6BestMatch(buf, cfgtree, &user_data); if (user_data != NULL) { HTPCfgRec *htp_cfg_rec = user_data; htp = htp_cfg_rec->cfg; SCLogDebug("LIBHTP using config: %p", htp); } if (htp == NULL) { printf("Could not get config for: %s\n", addr); goto end; } } else { printf("Failed to parse address: %s\n", addr); goto end; } ret = 1; end: HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); return ret; } /** \test Test traffic is handled by the correct htp config */ int HTPParserConfigTest03(void) { int result = 1; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "POST / HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: Victor/1.0\r\n\r\nPost" " Data is c0oL!"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ \n\ server-config:\n\ \n\ - apache-tomcat:\n\ address: [,, \"::1\"]\n\ personality: Tomcat_6_0\n\ \n\ - iis7:\n\ address: \n\ -\n\ -\n\ personality: IIS_7_0\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); char *addr = ""; memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", addr, 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; htp_cfg_t *htp = cfglist.cfg; void *user_data = NULL; (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV4BestMatch((uint8_t *)f->dst.addr_data32, cfgtree, &user_data); if (user_data != NULL) { HTPCfgRec *htp_cfg_rec = user_data; htp = htp_cfg_rec->cfg; SCLogDebug("LIBHTP using config: %p", htp); } if (htp == NULL) { printf("Could not get config for: %s\n", addr); goto end; } StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } if (HTPStateGetTxCnt(htp_state) != 2) { printf("HTPStateGetTxCnt(htp_state) failure\n"); goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; if (tx->cfg != htp) { printf("wrong HTP config (%p instead of %p - default=%p): ", tx->cfg, htp, cfglist.cfg); goto end; } tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 1); if (tx == NULL) goto end; if (tx->cfg != htp) { printf("wrong HTP config (%p instead of %p - default=%p): ", tx->cfg, htp, cfglist.cfg); goto end; } end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /* disabled when we upgraded to libhtp 0.5.x */ #if 0 int HTPParserConfigTest04(void) { int result = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ path-control-char-handling: status_400\n\ path-convert-utf8: yes\n\ path-invalid-encoding-handling: remove_percent\n\ \n\ server-config:\n\ \n\ - apache-tomcat:\n\ personality: Tomcat_6_0\n\ path-invalid-utf8-handling: none\n\ path-nul-encoded-handling: status_404\n\ path-nul-raw-handling: status_400\n\ \n\ - iis7:\n\ personality: IIS_7_0\n\ path-replacement-char: o\n\ path-unicode-mapping: status_400\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); HTPCfgRec *cfg_rec = &cfglist; if (cfg_rec->cfg->path_control_char_handling != STATUS_400 || cfg_rec->cfg->path_convert_utf8 != 1 || cfg_rec->cfg->path_invalid_encoding_handling != URL_DECODER_REMOVE_PERCENT) { printf("failed 1\n"); goto end; } cfg_rec = cfg_rec->next; if (cfg_rec->cfg->bestfit_replacement_char != 'o' || cfg_rec->cfg->path_unicode_mapping != STATUS_400) { printf("failed 2\n"); goto end; } cfg_rec = cfg_rec->next; if (cfg_rec->cfg->path_invalid_utf8_handling != NONE || cfg_rec->cfg->path_nul_encoded_handling != STATUS_404 || cfg_rec->cfg->path_nul_raw_handling != STATUS_400) { printf("failed 3\n"); goto end; } result = 1; end: HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); return result; } #endif /** \test Test %2f decoding in profile Apache_2_2 * * %2f in path is left untouched * %2f in query string is normalized to %2F * %252f in query string is decoded/normalized to %2F */ static int HTPParserDecodingTest01(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /abc%2fdef HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.domain.ltd\r\n\r\n" "GET /abc/def?ghi%2fjkl HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.domain.ltd\r\n\r\n" "GET /abc/def?ghi%252fjkl HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.domain.ltd\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: Apache_2\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); char *addr = ""; memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", addr, 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } uint8_t ref1[] = "/abc%2fdef"; size_t reflen = sizeof(ref1) - 1; htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref1, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref1, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } uint8_t ref2[] = "/abc/def?ghi/jkl"; reflen = sizeof(ref2) - 1; tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 1); if (tx == NULL) goto end; tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *)htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref2, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref2, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } uint8_t ref3[] = "/abc/def?ghi%2fjkl"; reflen = sizeof(ref3) - 1; tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 2); if (tx == NULL) goto end; tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref3, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref3, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test %2f decoding in profile IDS * * %2f in path decoded to / * %2f in query string is decoded to / * %252f in query string is decoded to %2F */ static int HTPParserDecodingTest02(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /abc%2fdef HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.domain.ltd\r\n\r\n" "GET /abc/def?ghi%2fjkl HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.domain.ltd\r\n\r\n" "GET /abc/def?ghi%252fjkl HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.domain.ltd\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ double-decode-path: no\n\ double-decode-query: no\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); char *addr = ""; memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", addr, 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } uint8_t ref1[] = "/abc/def"; size_t reflen = sizeof(ref1) - 1; htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *)htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref1, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref1, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } uint8_t ref2[] = "/abc/def?ghi/jkl"; reflen = sizeof(ref2) - 1; tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 1); if (tx == NULL) goto end; tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *)htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref2, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref2, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } uint8_t ref3[] = "/abc/def?ghi%2fjkl"; reflen = sizeof(ref3) - 1; tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 2); if (tx == NULL) goto end; tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX" (3): ", (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref3, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref3, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test %2f decoding in profile IDS with double-decode-* options * * %252f in path decoded to / * %252f in query string is decoded to / */ static int HTPParserDecodingTest03(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /abc%252fdef HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.domain.ltd\r\n\r\n" "GET /abc/def?ghi%252fjkl HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.domain.ltd\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ double-decode-path: yes\n\ double-decode-query: yes\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); char *addr = ""; memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", addr, 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } uint8_t ref1[] = "/abc/def"; size_t reflen = sizeof(ref1) - 1; htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref1, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref1, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } uint8_t ref2[] = "/abc/def?ghi/jkl"; reflen = sizeof(ref2) - 1; tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 1); if (tx == NULL) goto end; tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *)htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref2, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref2, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test http:// in query profile IDS */ static int HTPParserDecodingTest04(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /abc/def?a=http://www.abc.com/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.domain.ltd\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ double-decode-path: yes\n\ double-decode-query: yes\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); char *addr = ""; memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", addr, 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } uint8_t ref1[] = "/abc/def?a=http://www.abc.com/"; size_t reflen = sizeof(ref1) - 1; htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref1, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref1, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test \ char in query profile IDS. Bug 739 */ static int HTPParserDecodingTest05(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /index?id=\\\" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.domain.ltd\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ double-decode-path: yes\n\ double-decode-query: yes\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); char *addr = ""; memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", addr, 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } uint8_t ref1[] = "/index?id=\\\""; size_t reflen = sizeof(ref1) - 1; htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref1, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref1, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test + char in query. Bug 1035 */ static int HTPParserDecodingTest06(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /put.php?ip= HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.domain.ltd\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ double-decode-path: yes\n\ double-decode-query: yes\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); char *addr = ""; memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", addr, 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } uint8_t ref1[] = "/put.php?ip="; size_t reflen = sizeof(ref1) - 1; htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref1, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref1, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test + char in query. Bug 1035 */ static int HTPParserDecodingTest07(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET /put.php?ip= HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.domain.ltd\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ double-decode-path: yes\n\ double-decode-query: yes\n\ query-plusspace-decode: yes\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); char *addr = ""; memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", addr, 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } uint8_t ref1[] = "/put.php?ip= 6000"; size_t reflen = sizeof(ref1) - 1; htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref1, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref1, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test 'proxy' URI normalization. Ticket 1008 */ static int HTPParserDecodingTest08(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET http://suricata-ids.org/blah/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: suricata-ids.org\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); char *addr = ""; memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", addr, 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } uint8_t ref1[] = "/blah/"; size_t reflen = sizeof(ref1) - 1; htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref1, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref1, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test 'proxy' URI normalization. Ticket 1008 */ static int HTPParserDecodingTest09(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "GET http://suricata-ids.org/blah/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: suricata-ids.org\r\n\r\n"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ TcpSession ssn; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ uri-include-all: true\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); char *addr = ""; memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", addr, 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < httplen1; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (httplen1 - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, &httpbuf1[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } uint8_t ref1[] = "http://suricata-ids.org/blah/"; size_t reflen = sizeof(ref1) - 1; htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL) goto end; HtpTxUserData *tx_ud = (HtpTxUserData *) htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); if (tx_ud != NULL && tx_ud->request_uri_normalized != NULL) { if (reflen != bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) { printf("normalized uri len should be %"PRIuMAX", is %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)reflen, (uintmax_t)bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); goto end; } if (memcmp(bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), ref1, bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)) != 0) { printf("normalized uri \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, bstr_ptr(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized), bstr_len(tx_ud->request_uri_normalized)); printf("\" != \""); PrintRawUriFp(stdout, ref1, reflen); printf("\": "); goto end; } } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test BG box crash -- chunks are messed up. Observed for real. */ static int HTPBodyReassemblyTest01(void) { int result = 0; HtpTxUserData htud; memset(&htud, 0x00, sizeof(htud)); HtpState hstate; memset(&hstate, 0x00, sizeof(hstate)); Flow flow; memset(&flow, 0x00, sizeof(flow)); AppLayerParserState *parser = AppLayerParserStateAlloc(); htp_tx_t tx; memset(&tx, 0, sizeof(tx)); hstate.f = &flow; flow.alparser = parser; uint8_t chunk1[] = "--e5a320f21416a02493a0a6f561b1c494\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploadfile\"; filename=\"D2GUef.jpg\"\r"; uint8_t chunk2[] = "POST /uri HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: hostname.com\r\nKeep-Alive: 115\r\nAccept-Charset: utf-8\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:9.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9.0.1\r\nAccept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-length: 68102\r\nReferer: http://otherhost.com\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip\r\nContent-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=e5a320f21416a02493a0a6f561b1c494\r\nCookie: blah\r\nAccept-Language: us\r\n\r\n--e5a320f21416a02493a0a6f561b1c494\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploadfile\"; filename=\"D2GUef.jpg\"\r"; int r = HtpBodyAppendChunk(&htud, &htud.request_body, (uint8_t *)chunk1, sizeof(chunk1)-1); BUG_ON(r != 0); r = HtpBodyAppendChunk(&htud, &htud.request_body, (uint8_t *)chunk2, sizeof(chunk2)-1); BUG_ON(r != 0); uint8_t *chunks_buffer = NULL; uint32_t chunks_buffer_len = 0; HtpRequestBodyReassemble(&htud, &chunks_buffer, &chunks_buffer_len); if (chunks_buffer == NULL) { goto end; } #ifdef PRINT printf("REASSCHUNK START: \n"); PrintRawDataFp(stdout, chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len); printf("REASSCHUNK END: \n"); #endif HtpRequestBodyHandleMultipart(&hstate, &htud, &tx, chunks_buffer, chunks_buffer_len); if (htud.request_body.content_len_so_far != 669) { printf("htud.request_body.content_len_so_far %"PRIu64": ", htud.request_body.content_len_so_far); goto end; } if (hstate.files_ts != NULL) goto end; result = 1; end: return result; } /** \test BG crash */ static int HTPSegvTest01(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "POST /uri HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: hostname.com\r\nKeep-Alive: 115\r\nAccept-Charset: utf-8\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:9.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9.0.1\r\nAccept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-length: 68102\r\nReferer: http://otherhost.com\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip\r\nContent-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=e5a320f21416a02493a0a6f561b1c494\r\nCookie: blah\r\nAccept-Language: us\r\n\r\n--e5a320f21416a02493a0a6f561b1c494\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploadfile\"; filename=\"D2GUef.jpg\"\r"; uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */ char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ double-decode-path: no\n\ double-decode-query: no\n\ request-body-limit: 0\n\ response-body-limit: 0\n\ "; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); TcpSession ssn; HtpState *http_state = NULL; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); SCLogDebug("\n>>>> processing chunk 1 <<<<\n"); SCMutexLock(&f->m); int r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START, httpbuf1, httplen1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 1 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); SCLogDebug("\n>>>> processing chunk 1 again <<<<\n"); SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER, httpbuf1, httplen1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 1 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); http_state = f->alstate; if (http_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); result = 0; goto end; } SCMutexLock(&f->m); AppLayerDecoderEvents *decoder_events = AppLayerParserGetDecoderEvents(f->alparser); if (decoder_events != NULL) { printf("app events: "); SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (http_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(http_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } /** \test Test really long request, this should result in HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_FIELD_TOO_LONG */ int HTPParserTest14(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; char *httpbuf = NULL; size_t len = 18887; TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ double-decode-path: no\n\ double-decode-query: no\n\ request-body-limit: 0\n\ response-body-limit: 0\n\ "; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); httpbuf = SCMalloc(len); if (unlikely(httpbuf == NULL)) goto end; memset(httpbuf, 0x00, len); /* create the request with a longer than 18k cookie */ strlcpy(httpbuf, "GET /blah/ HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: myhost.lan\r\n" "Connection: keep-alive\r\n" "Accept: */*\r\n" "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36\r\n" "Referer: http://blah.lan/\r\n" "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8\r\n" "Cookie: ", len); size_t o = strlen(httpbuf); for ( ; o < len - 4; o++) { httpbuf[o] = 'A'; } httpbuf[len - 4] = '\r'; httpbuf[len - 3] = '\n'; httpbuf[len - 2] = '\r'; httpbuf[len - 1] = '\n'; f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < len; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (len - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, (uint8_t *)&httpbuf[u], 1); if (u < 18294) { /* first 18294 bytes should result in 0 */ if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } } else if (u == 18294UL) { /* byte 18294 should result in error */ if (r != -1) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " -1: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } /* break out, htp state is in error state now */ SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); break; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL || tx->request_method_number != HTP_M_GET || tx->request_protocol_number != HTP_PROTOCOL_1_1) { printf("expected method M_GET and got %s: , expected protocol " "HTTP/1.1 and got %s \n", bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_method), bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_protocol)); goto end; } SCMutexLock(&f->m); AppLayerDecoderEvents *decoder_events = AppLayerParserGetEventsByTx(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP,f->alstate, 0); if (decoder_events == NULL) { printf("no app events: "); SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); if (decoder_events->events[0] != HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_FIELD_TOO_LONG) { printf("HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_FIELD_TOO_LONG not set: "); goto end; } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); if (httpbuf != NULL) SCFree(httpbuf); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); return result; } /** \test Test really long request (same as HTPParserTest14), now with config * update to allow it */ int HTPParserTest15(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; char *httpbuf = NULL; size_t len = 18887; TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; char input[] = "\ %YAML 1.1\n\ ---\n\ libhtp:\n\ \n\ default-config:\n\ personality: IDS\n\ double-decode-path: no\n\ double-decode-query: no\n\ request-body-limit: 0\n\ response-body-limit: 0\n\ meta-field-limit: 20000\n\ "; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); HtpConfigCreateBackup(); ConfYamlLoadString(input, strlen(input)); HTPConfigure(); httpbuf = SCMalloc(len); if (unlikely(httpbuf == NULL)) goto end; memset(httpbuf, 0x00, len); /* create the request with a longer than 18k cookie */ strlcpy(httpbuf, "GET /blah/ HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: myhost.lan\r\n" "Connection: keep-alive\r\n" "Accept: */*\r\n" "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36\r\n" "Referer: http://blah.lan/\r\n" "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8\r\n" "Cookie: ", len); size_t o = strlen(httpbuf); for ( ; o < len - 4; o++) { httpbuf[o] = 'A'; } httpbuf[len - 4] = '\r'; httpbuf[len - 3] = '\n'; httpbuf[len - 2] = '\r'; httpbuf[len - 1] = '\n'; f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < len; u++) { uint8_t flags = 0; if (u == 0) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START; else if (u == (len - 1)) flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_EOF; else flags = STREAM_TOSERVER; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, (uint8_t *)&httpbuf[u], 1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk %" PRIu32 " returned %" PRId32 ", expected" " 0: ", u, r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); } htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL || tx->request_method_number != HTP_M_GET || tx->request_protocol_number != HTP_PROTOCOL_1_1) { printf("expected method M_GET and got %s: , expected protocol " "HTTP/1.1 and got %s \n", bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_method), bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_protocol)); goto end; } SCMutexLock(&f->m); AppLayerDecoderEvents *decoder_events = AppLayerParserGetEventsByTx(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP,f->alstate, 0); if (decoder_events != NULL) { printf("app events: "); SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); if (httpbuf != NULL) SCFree(httpbuf); HTPFreeConfig(); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); HtpConfigRestoreBackup(); return result; } /** \test Test unusual delims in request line HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_FIELD_TOO_LONG */ int HTPParserTest16(void) { int result = 0; Flow *f = NULL; TcpSession ssn; HtpState *htp_state = NULL; int r = 0; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); uint8_t httpbuf[] = "GET\f/blah/\fHTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: myhost.lan\r\n" "Connection: keep-alive\r\n" "Accept: */*\r\n" "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36\r\n" "Referer: http://blah.lan/\r\n" "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8\r\n" "Cookie: blah\r\n\r\n"; size_t len = sizeof(httpbuf) - 1; f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 1024, 80); if (f == NULL) goto end; f->protoctx = &ssn; f->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); uint8_t flags = STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_START|STREAM_EOF; SCMutexLock(&f->m); r = AppLayerParserParse(alp_tctx, f, ALPROTO_HTTP, flags, (uint8_t *)httpbuf, len); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 1 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); result = 0; SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); htp_state = f->alstate; if (htp_state == NULL) { printf("no http state: "); goto end; } htp_tx_t *tx = HTPStateGetTx(htp_state, 0); if (tx == NULL || tx->request_method_number != HTP_M_GET || tx->request_protocol_number != HTP_PROTOCOL_1_1) { printf("expected method M_GET and got %s: , expected protocol " "HTTP/1.1 and got %s \n", tx ? bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_method) : "tx null", tx ? bstr_util_strdup_to_c(tx->request_protocol) : "tx null"); goto end; } SCMutexLock(&f->m); AppLayerDecoderEvents *decoder_events = AppLayerParserGetEventsByTx(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP,f->alstate, 0); if (decoder_events == NULL) { printf("no app events: "); SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); goto end; } SCMutexUnlock(&f->m); if (decoder_events->events[0] != HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_METHOD_DELIM_NON_COMPLIANT) { printf("HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_METHOD_DELIM_NON_COMPLIANT not set: "); goto end; } if (decoder_events->events[1] != HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_URI_DELIM_NON_COMPLIANT) { printf("HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_URI_DELIM_NON_COMPLIANT not set: "); goto end; } result = 1; end: if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); if (htp_state != NULL) HTPStateFree(htp_state); UTHFreeFlow(f); return result; } #endif /* UNITTESTS */ /** * \brief Register the Unit tests for the HTTP protocol */ void HTPParserRegisterTests(void) { #ifdef UNITTESTS UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest01", HTPParserTest01, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest01a", HTPParserTest01a, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest02", HTPParserTest02, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest03", HTPParserTest03, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest04", HTPParserTest04, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest05", HTPParserTest05, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest06", HTPParserTest06, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest07", HTPParserTest07, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest08", HTPParserTest08, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest09", HTPParserTest09, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest10", HTPParserTest10, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest11", HTPParserTest11, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest12", HTPParserTest12, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest13", HTPParserTest13, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserConfigTest01", HTPParserConfigTest01, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserConfigTest02", HTPParserConfigTest02, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserConfigTest03", HTPParserConfigTest03, 1); #if 0 /* disabled when we upgraded to libhtp 0.5.x */ UtRegisterTest("HTPParserConfigTest04", HTPParserConfigTest04, 1); #endif UtRegisterTest("HTPParserDecodingTest01", HTPParserDecodingTest01, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserDecodingTest02", HTPParserDecodingTest02, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserDecodingTest03", HTPParserDecodingTest03, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserDecodingTest04", HTPParserDecodingTest04, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserDecodingTest05", HTPParserDecodingTest05, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserDecodingTest06", HTPParserDecodingTest06, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserDecodingTest07", HTPParserDecodingTest07, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserDecodingTest08", HTPParserDecodingTest08, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserDecodingTest09", HTPParserDecodingTest09, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPBodyReassemblyTest01", HTPBodyReassemblyTest01, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPSegvTest01", HTPSegvTest01, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest14", HTPParserTest14, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest15", HTPParserTest15, 1); UtRegisterTest("HTPParserTest16", HTPParserTest16, 1); HTPFileParserRegisterTests(); HTPXFFParserRegisterTests(); #endif /* UNITTESTS */ } /** * @} */