package org.onoproject.yangtool; import; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration; import; import; import org.onlab.util.Tools; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; /** * Class that takes in input two paths, one to the yang file and one where * to generate the interface, and a yang container name, generates the sources * through OpenDaylight code generator plugin from yang, and modifies * them accordingly to the needs of the ONOS behavior system. */ public class YangLoader { /** * Public method to take a yang file from the input folder and generate classes * to the output folder. * @param inputFolder forlder with the yang files * @param completeOuputFolder folder where to put the desired classes * @throws IOException * @throws ConfigurationException * @throws InterruptedException */ public void generateBehaviourInterface(String inputFolder, String completeOuputFolder) throws IOException, ConfigurationException, InterruptedException { File projectDir = createTemporaryProject(inputFolder); List containerNames = findContainerName( new File(projectDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/src")); System.out.println("Containers " + containerNames); generateJava(projectDir); //modifyClasses(containerName, projectDir, completeInterfaceOuputFolder); copyFiles(new File(projectDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/dst"), new File(completeOuputFolder)); //System.out.println("Sources in " + completeOuputFolder); } private List findContainerName(File scrDir) { List allContainers = new ArrayList<>(); Arrays.asList(scrDir.listFiles()).stream().forEach(f -> { try { FileUtils.readLines(f).stream() .filter(line -> line.matches("(.*)container(.*)\\{")) .collect(Collectors.toList()).forEach(s -> { s = s.replace("container", ""); s = s.replace("{", ""); allContainers.add(s.trim()); }); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); return allContainers; } private File createTemporaryProject(String inputFolder) throws IOException, ConfigurationException { File tempDir = Files.createTempDir(); File scrDir = new File(tempDir, "src"); scrDir.mkdir(); copyFiles(new File(inputFolder), scrDir); createPomFile(tempDir, scrDir); return tempDir; } private void copyFiles(File inputFolder, File scrDir) throws IOException { Tools.copyDirectory(inputFolder, scrDir); } private void createPomFile(File tempDir, File scrDir) throws ConfigurationException { File pom = new File(tempDir, "pom.xml"); File dstDir = new File(tempDir, "dst"); dstDir.mkdir(); XMLConfiguration cfg = new XMLConfiguration(); cfg.load(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/pom-template.xml")); cfg.setProperty("build.plugins.plugin.executions.execution." + "configuration.yangFilesRootDir", scrDir.getPath()); cfg.setProperty("build.plugins.plugin.executions." + "execution.configuration.codeGenerators." + "generator.outputBaseDir", dstDir.getPath());; } private void generateJava(File projectDir) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process pr = rt.exec("mvn generate-sources", null, projectDir); String s = IOUtils.toString(pr.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); if (pr.waitFor() == 0) { if (s.contains("[WARNING]")) { System.out.println("Sources not generated, warning log: \n" + s); } else { System.out.println("Sources generated"); } } else { System.out.println("Sources not generated. " + s + " \nError " + pr.getInputStream().read()); } } //parsing classes part, for now is not used. private void modifyClasses(String containerName, File projectDir, String pathToNewInterface) throws IOException { String odlInterfacepath = getPathWithFileName(containerName, projectDir.getPath()); odlInterfacepath = odlInterfacepath + "/"; parseClass(odlInterfacepath, pathToNewInterface, containerName); System.out.println("ONOS behaviour interface generated " + "correctly at " + pathToNewInterface); } private String getPathWithFileName(String filename, String pathToGenerated) { File[] directories = new File(pathToGenerated).listFiles(File::isDirectory); while (directories.length != 0) { pathToGenerated = pathToGenerated + "/" + directories[0].getName(); directories = new File(pathToGenerated).listFiles(File::isDirectory); } File dir = new File(pathToGenerated); File behaviour = (File) Arrays.asList(dir.listFiles()).stream() .filter(f -> f.getName().equals(filename)).toArray()[0]; return behaviour.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(); } private void parseClass(String filePath, String pathToNewInterface, String filename) throws IOException { InputStream fis = null; String newFile = "package;\n" + "import;\n"; fis = new FileInputStream(filePath + filename); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (!line.contains("org.opendaylight.")) { if (line.contains("ChildOf")) { newFile = newFile + "HandlerBehaviour\n"; } else { newFile = newFile + line + "\n"; } } } PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(pathToNewInterface + filename.replace(".java", "") + ""); out.print(newFile); out.flush(); } }