/* * Copyright 2014-2015 Open Networking Laboratory * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onosproject.cli.net; import java.util.List; import org.apache.karaf.shell.commands.Command; import org.apache.karaf.shell.commands.Option; import org.onosproject.cli.AbstractShellCommand; import org.onosproject.net.intent.ConnectivityIntent; import org.onosproject.net.intent.HostToHostIntent; import org.onosproject.net.intent.Intent; import org.onosproject.net.intent.IntentService; import org.onosproject.net.intent.IntentState; import org.onosproject.net.intent.LinkCollectionIntent; import org.onosproject.net.intent.MultiPointToSinglePointIntent; import org.onosproject.net.intent.PathIntent; import org.onosproject.net.intent.PointToPointIntent; import org.onosproject.net.intent.SinglePointToMultiPointIntent; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; /** * Lists the inventory of intents and their states. */ @Command(scope = "onos", name = "intents", description = "Lists the inventory of intents and their states") public class IntentsListCommand extends AbstractShellCommand { @Option(name = "-i", aliases = "--installable", description = "Output Installable Intents", required = false, multiValued = false) private boolean showInstallable = false; @Option(name = "-s", aliases = "--summary", description = "Intents summary", required = false, multiValued = false) private boolean intentsSummary = false; @Option(name = "-p", aliases = "--pending", description = "Show inforamtion about pending intents", required = false, multiValued = false) private boolean pending = false; @Override protected void execute() { IntentService service = get(IntentService.class); if (intentsSummary) { IntentSummaries intentSummaries = new IntentSummaries(); intentSummaries.collectIntentSummary(service, service.getIntents()); if (outputJson()) { print("%s", intentSummaries.json()); } else { intentSummaries.printSummary(); } return; } else if (pending) { if (outputJson()) { print("%s", json(service, service.getPending())); } else { service.getPending().forEach(intent -> print("id=%s, key=%s, type=%s, appId=%s", intent.id(), intent.key(), intent.getClass().getSimpleName(), intent.appId().name()) ); } return; } if (outputJson()) { print("%s", json(service, service.getIntents())); } else { for (Intent intent : service.getIntents()) { IntentState state = service.getIntentState(intent.key()); if (state != null) { print("id=%s, state=%s, key=%s, type=%s, appId=%s", intent.id(), state, intent.key(), intent.getClass().getSimpleName(), intent.appId().name()); printDetails(service, intent); } } } } /** * Internal local class to keep track of all intent summaries. */ private class IntentSummaries { private IntentSummary summaryAll; private IntentSummary summaryConnectivity; private IntentSummary summaryHostToHost; private IntentSummary summaryPointToPoint; private IntentSummary summaryMultiPointToSinglePoint; private IntentSummary summarySinglePointToMultiPoint; private IntentSummary summaryPath; private IntentSummary summaryLinkCollection; private IntentSummary summaryUnknownType; /** * Initializes the internal state. */ private void init() { summaryAll = new IntentSummary("All"); summaryConnectivity = new IntentSummary("Connectivity"); summaryHostToHost = new IntentSummary("HostToHost"); summaryPointToPoint = new IntentSummary("PointToPoint"); summaryMultiPointToSinglePoint = new IntentSummary("MultiPointToSinglePoint"); summarySinglePointToMultiPoint = new IntentSummary("SinglePointToMultiPoint"); summaryPath = new IntentSummary("Path"); summaryLinkCollection = new IntentSummary("LinkCollection"); summaryUnknownType = new IntentSummary("UnknownType"); } /** * Collects summary of all intents. * * @param service the Intent Service to use * @param intents the intents */ private void collectIntentSummary(IntentService service, Iterable intents) { init(); // Collect the summary for each intent type intents for (Intent intent : intents) { IntentState intentState = service.getIntentState(intent.key()); if (intentState == null) { continue; } // Update the summary for all Intents summaryAll.update(intentState); if (intent instanceof ConnectivityIntent) { summaryConnectivity.update(intentState); // NOTE: ConnectivityIntent is a base type Intent // continue; } if (intent instanceof HostToHostIntent) { summaryHostToHost.update(intentState); continue; } if (intent instanceof PointToPointIntent) { summaryPointToPoint.update(intentState); continue; } if (intent instanceof MultiPointToSinglePointIntent) { summaryMultiPointToSinglePoint.update(intentState); continue; } if (intent instanceof SinglePointToMultiPointIntent) { summarySinglePointToMultiPoint.update(intentState); continue; } if (intent instanceof PathIntent) { summaryPath.update(intentState); continue; } if (intent instanceof LinkCollectionIntent) { summaryLinkCollection.update(intentState); continue; } summaryUnknownType.update(intentState); } } /** * Gets JSON representation of all Intents summary. * * @return JSON representation of all Intents summary */ ObjectNode json() { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode result = mapper.createObjectNode(); result.set("connectivity", summaryConnectivity.json(mapper)); result.set("hostToHost", summaryHostToHost.json(mapper)); result.set("pointToPoint", summaryPointToPoint.json(mapper)); result.set("multiPointToSinglePoint", summaryMultiPointToSinglePoint.json(mapper)); result.set("singlePointToMultiPoint", summarySinglePointToMultiPoint.json(mapper)); result.set("path", summaryPath.json(mapper)); result.set("linkCollection", summaryLinkCollection.json(mapper)); result.set("unknownType", summaryUnknownType.json(mapper)); result.set("all", summaryAll.json(mapper)); return result; } /** * Prints summary of the intents. */ private void printSummary() { summaryConnectivity.printState(); summaryHostToHost.printState(); summaryPointToPoint.printState(); summaryMultiPointToSinglePoint.printState(); summarySinglePointToMultiPoint.printState(); summaryPath.printState(); summaryLinkCollection.printState(); summaryUnknownType.printState(); summaryAll.printState(); } /** * Internal local class to keep track of a single type Intent summary. */ private class IntentSummary { private final String intentType; private int total = 0; private int installReq = 0; private int compiling = 0; private int installing = 0; private int installed = 0; private int recompiling = 0; private int withdrawReq = 0; private int withdrawing = 0; private int withdrawn = 0; private int failed = 0; private int unknownState = 0; private static final String FORMAT_SUMMARY_LINE1 = "%-23s total= %7d installed= %7d"; private static final String FORMAT_SUMMARY_LINE2 = "%-23s withdrawn= %7d failed= %7d"; private static final String FORMAT_SUMMARY_LINE3 = "%-23s installReq= %7d compiling= %7d"; private static final String FORMAT_SUMMARY_LINE4 = "%-23s installing= %7d recompiling= %7d"; private static final String FORMAT_SUMMARY_LINE5 = "%-23s withdrawReq= %7d withdrawing= %7d"; private static final String FORMAT_SUMMARY_LINE6 = "%-23s unknownState= %7d"; /** * Constructor. * * @param intentType the scring describing the Intent type */ IntentSummary(String intentType) { this.intentType = intentType; } /** * Updates the Intent Summary. * * @param intentState the state of the Intent */ void update(IntentState intentState) { total++; switch (intentState) { case INSTALL_REQ: installReq++; break; case COMPILING: compiling++; break; case INSTALLING: installing++; break; case INSTALLED: installed++; break; case RECOMPILING: recompiling++; break; case WITHDRAW_REQ: withdrawReq++; break; case WITHDRAWING: withdrawing++; break; case WITHDRAWN: withdrawn++; break; case FAILED: failed++; break; default: unknownState++; break; } } /** * Prints the Intent Summary. */ void printState() { print(FORMAT_SUMMARY_LINE1, intentType, total, installed); print(FORMAT_SUMMARY_LINE2, intentType, withdrawn, failed); print(FORMAT_SUMMARY_LINE3, intentType, installReq, compiling); print(FORMAT_SUMMARY_LINE4, intentType, installing, recompiling); print(FORMAT_SUMMARY_LINE5, intentType, withdrawReq, withdrawing); if (unknownState != 0) { print(FORMAT_SUMMARY_LINE6, intentType, unknownState); } } /** * Gets the JSON representation of the Intent Summary. * * @return the JSON representation of the Intent Summary */ JsonNode json(ObjectMapper mapper) { ObjectNode result = mapper.createObjectNode() .put("total", total) .put("installed", installed) .put("failed", failed) .put("installReq", installReq) .put("compiling", compiling) .put("installing", installing) .put("recompiling", recompiling) .put("withdrawReq", withdrawReq) .put("withdrawing", withdrawing) .put("withdrawn", withdrawn) .put("unknownState", unknownState); return result; } } } private void printDetails(IntentService service, Intent intent) { if (!intent.resources().isEmpty()) { print(" resources=%s", intent.resources()); } if (intent instanceof ConnectivityIntent) { ConnectivityIntent ci = (ConnectivityIntent) intent; if (!ci.selector().criteria().isEmpty()) { print(" selector=%s", ci.selector().criteria()); } if (!ci.treatment().allInstructions().isEmpty()) { print(" treatment=%s", ci.treatment().allInstructions()); } if (ci.constraints() != null && !ci.constraints().isEmpty()) { print(" constraints=%s", ci.constraints()); } } if (intent instanceof HostToHostIntent) { HostToHostIntent pi = (HostToHostIntent) intent; print(" host1=%s, host2=%s", pi.one(), pi.two()); } else if (intent instanceof PointToPointIntent) { PointToPointIntent pi = (PointToPointIntent) intent; print(" ingress=%s, egress=%s", pi.ingressPoint(), pi.egressPoint()); } else if (intent instanceof MultiPointToSinglePointIntent) { MultiPointToSinglePointIntent pi = (MultiPointToSinglePointIntent) intent; print(" ingress=%s, egress=%s", pi.ingressPoints(), pi.egressPoint()); } else if (intent instanceof SinglePointToMultiPointIntent) { SinglePointToMultiPointIntent pi = (SinglePointToMultiPointIntent) intent; print(" ingress=%s, egress=%s", pi.ingressPoint(), pi.egressPoints()); } else if (intent instanceof PathIntent) { PathIntent pi = (PathIntent) intent; print(" path=%s, cost=%d", pi.path().links(), pi.path().cost()); } else if (intent instanceof LinkCollectionIntent) { LinkCollectionIntent li = (LinkCollectionIntent) intent; print(" links=%s", li.links()); print(" egress=%s", li.egressPoints()); } List installable = service.getInstallableIntents(intent.key()); if (showInstallable && installable != null && !installable.isEmpty()) { print(" installable=%s", installable); } } // Produces JSON array of the specified intents. private JsonNode json(IntentService service, Iterable intents) { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ArrayNode result = mapper.createArrayNode(); intents.forEach(intent -> result.add(jsonForEntity(intent, Intent.class))); return result; } }