/* * Copyright 2014-2015 Open Networking Laboratory * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onosproject.routing.bgp; /** * BGP related constants. */ public final class BgpConstants { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private BgpConstants() { } /** BGP port number (RFC 4271). */ public static final int BGP_PORT = 179; /** BGP version. */ public static final int BGP_VERSION = 4; /** BGP OPEN message type. */ public static final int BGP_TYPE_OPEN = 1; /** BGP UPDATE message type. */ public static final int BGP_TYPE_UPDATE = 2; /** BGP NOTIFICATION message type. */ public static final int BGP_TYPE_NOTIFICATION = 3; /** BGP KEEPALIVE message type. */ public static final int BGP_TYPE_KEEPALIVE = 4; /** BGP Header Marker field length. */ public static final int BGP_HEADER_MARKER_LENGTH = 16; /** BGP Header length. */ public static final int BGP_HEADER_LENGTH = 19; /** BGP message maximum length. */ public static final int BGP_MESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH = 4096; /** BGP OPEN message minimum length (BGP Header included). */ public static final int BGP_OPEN_MIN_LENGTH = 29; /** BGP UPDATE message minimum length (BGP Header included). */ public static final int BGP_UPDATE_MIN_LENGTH = 23; /** BGP NOTIFICATION message minimum length (BGP Header included). */ public static final int BGP_NOTIFICATION_MIN_LENGTH = 21; /** BGP KEEPALIVE message expected length (BGP Header included). */ public static final int BGP_KEEPALIVE_EXPECTED_LENGTH = 19; /** BGP KEEPALIVE messages transmitted per Hold interval. */ public static final int BGP_KEEPALIVE_PER_HOLD_INTERVAL = 3; /** BGP KEEPALIVE messages minimum Holdtime (in seconds). */ public static final int BGP_KEEPALIVE_MIN_HOLDTIME = 3; /** BGP KEEPALIVE messages minimum transmission interval (in seconds). */ public static final int BGP_KEEPALIVE_MIN_INTERVAL = 1; /** BGP AS 0 (zero) value. See draft-ietf-idr-as0-06.txt Internet Draft. */ public static final long BGP_AS_0 = 0; /** * BGP OPEN related constants. */ public static final class Open { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private Open() { } /** * BGP OPEN: Optional Parameters related constants. */ public static final class OptionalParameters { } /** * BGP OPEN: Capabilities related constants (RFC 5492). */ public static final class Capabilities { /** BGP OPEN Optional Parameter Type: Capabilities. */ public static final int TYPE = 2; /** BGP OPEN Optional Parameter minimum length. */ public static final int MIN_LENGTH = 2; /** * BGP OPEN: Multiprotocol Extensions Capabilities (RFC 4760). */ public static final class MultiprotocolExtensions { /** BGP OPEN Multiprotocol Extensions code. */ public static final int CODE = 1; /** BGP OPEN Multiprotocol Extensions length. */ public static final int LENGTH = 4; /** BGP OPEN Multiprotocol Extensions AFI: IPv4. */ public static final int AFI_IPV4 = 1; /** BGP OPEN Multiprotocol Extensions AFI: IPv6. */ public static final int AFI_IPV6 = 2; /** BGP OPEN Multiprotocol Extensions SAFI: unicast. */ public static final int SAFI_UNICAST = 1; /** BGP OPEN Multiprotocol Extensions SAFI: multicast. */ public static final int SAFI_MULTICAST = 2; } /** * BGP OPEN: Support for 4-octet AS Number Capability (RFC 6793). */ public static final class As4Octet { /** BGP OPEN Support for 4-octet AS Number Capability code. */ public static final int CODE = 65; /** BGP OPEN 4-octet AS Number Capability length. */ public static final int LENGTH = 4; } } } /** * BGP UPDATE related constants. */ public static final class Update { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private Update() { } /** BGP AS length. */ public static final int AS_LENGTH = 2; /** BGP 4 Octet AS length (RFC 6793). */ public static final int AS_4OCTET_LENGTH = 4; /** * BGP UPDATE: ORIGIN related constants. */ public static final class Origin { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private Origin() { } /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code ORIGIN. */ public static final int TYPE = 1; /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code ORIGIN length. */ public static final int LENGTH = 1; /** BGP UPDATE ORIGIN: IGP. */ public static final int IGP = 0; /** BGP UPDATE ORIGIN: EGP. */ public static final int EGP = 1; /** BGP UPDATE ORIGIN: INCOMPLETE. */ public static final int INCOMPLETE = 2; /** * Gets the BGP UPDATE origin type as a string. * * @param type the BGP UPDATE origin type * @return the BGP UPDATE origin type as a string */ public static String typeToString(int type) { String typeString = "UNKNOWN"; switch (type) { case IGP: typeString = "IGP"; break; case EGP: typeString = "EGP"; break; case INCOMPLETE: typeString = "INCOMPLETE"; break; default: break; } return typeString; } } /** * BGP UPDATE: AS_PATH related constants. */ public static final class AsPath { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private AsPath() { } /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code AS_PATH. */ public static final int TYPE = 2; /** BGP UPDATE AS_PATH Type: AS_SET. */ public static final int AS_SET = 1; /** BGP UPDATE AS_PATH Type: AS_SEQUENCE. */ public static final int AS_SEQUENCE = 2; /** BGP UPDATE AS_PATH Type: AS_CONFED_SEQUENCE. */ public static final int AS_CONFED_SEQUENCE = 3; /** BGP UPDATE AS_PATH Type: AS_CONFED_SET. */ public static final int AS_CONFED_SET = 4; /** * Gets the BGP AS_PATH type as a string. * * @param type the BGP AS_PATH type * @return the BGP AS_PATH type as a string */ public static String typeToString(int type) { String typeString = "UNKNOWN"; switch (type) { case AS_SET: typeString = "AS_SET"; break; case AS_SEQUENCE: typeString = "AS_SEQUENCE"; break; case AS_CONFED_SEQUENCE: typeString = "AS_CONFED_SEQUENCE"; break; case AS_CONFED_SET: typeString = "AS_CONFED_SET"; break; default: break; } return typeString; } } /** * BGP UPDATE: NEXT_HOP related constants. */ public static final class NextHop { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private NextHop() { } /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code NEXT_HOP. */ public static final int TYPE = 3; /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code NEXT_HOP length. */ public static final int LENGTH = 4; } /** * BGP UPDATE: MULTI_EXIT_DISC related constants. */ public static final class MultiExitDisc { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private MultiExitDisc() { } /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code MULTI_EXIT_DISC. */ public static final int TYPE = 4; /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code MULTI_EXIT_DISC length. */ public static final int LENGTH = 4; /** BGP UPDATE Attributes lowest MULTI_EXIT_DISC value. */ public static final int LOWEST_MULTI_EXIT_DISC = 0; } /** * BGP UPDATE: LOCAL_PREF related constants. */ public static final class LocalPref { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private LocalPref() { } /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code LOCAL_PREF. */ public static final int TYPE = 5; /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code LOCAL_PREF length. */ public static final int LENGTH = 4; } /** * BGP UPDATE: ATOMIC_AGGREGATE related constants. */ public static final class AtomicAggregate { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private AtomicAggregate() { } /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code ATOMIC_AGGREGATE. */ public static final int TYPE = 6; /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code ATOMIC_AGGREGATE length. */ public static final int LENGTH = 0; } /** * BGP UPDATE: AGGREGATOR related constants. */ public static final class Aggregator { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private Aggregator() { } /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code AGGREGATOR. */ public static final int TYPE = 7; /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code AGGREGATOR length: 2 octet AS. */ public static final int AS2_LENGTH = 6; /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code AGGREGATOR length: 4 octet AS. */ public static final int AS4_LENGTH = 8; } /** * BGP UPDATE: MP_REACH_NLRI related constants. */ public static final class MpReachNlri { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private MpReachNlri() { } /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code MP_REACH_NLRI. */ public static final int TYPE = 14; /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code MP_REACH_NLRI min length. */ public static final int MIN_LENGTH = 5; } /** * BGP UPDATE: MP_UNREACH_NLRI related constants. */ public static final class MpUnreachNlri { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private MpUnreachNlri() { } /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code MP_UNREACH_NLRI. */ public static final int TYPE = 15; /** BGP UPDATE Attributes Type Code MP_UNREACH_NLRI min length. */ public static final int MIN_LENGTH = 3; } } /** * BGP NOTIFICATION related constants. */ public static final class Notifications { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private Notifications() { } /** * BGP NOTIFICATION: Message Header Error constants. */ public static final class MessageHeaderError { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private MessageHeaderError() { } /** Message Header Error code. */ public static final int ERROR_CODE = 1; /** Message Header Error subcode: Connection Not Synchronized. */ public static final int CONNECTION_NOT_SYNCHRONIZED = 1; /** Message Header Error subcode: Bad Message Length. */ public static final int BAD_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 2; /** Message Header Error subcode: Bad Message Type. */ public static final int BAD_MESSAGE_TYPE = 3; } /** * BGP NOTIFICATION: OPEN Message Error constants. */ public static final class OpenMessageError { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private OpenMessageError() { } /** OPEN Message Error code. */ public static final int ERROR_CODE = 2; /** OPEN Message Error subcode: Unsupported Version Number. */ public static final int UNSUPPORTED_VERSION_NUMBER = 1; /** OPEN Message Error subcode: Bad PEER AS. */ public static final int BAD_PEER_AS = 2; /** OPEN Message Error subcode: Unacceptable Hold Time. */ public static final int UNACCEPTABLE_HOLD_TIME = 6; } /** * BGP NOTIFICATION: UPDATE Message Error constants. */ public static final class UpdateMessageError { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private UpdateMessageError() { } /** UPDATE Message Error code. */ public static final int ERROR_CODE = 3; /** UPDATE Message Error subcode: Malformed Attribute List. */ public static final int MALFORMED_ATTRIBUTE_LIST = 1; /** UPDATE Message Error subcode: Unrecognized Well-known Attribute. */ public static final int UNRECOGNIZED_WELL_KNOWN_ATTRIBUTE = 2; /** UPDATE Message Error subcode: Missing Well-known Attribute. */ public static final int MISSING_WELL_KNOWN_ATTRIBUTE = 3; /** UPDATE Message Error subcode: Attribute Flags Error. */ public static final int ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_ERROR = 4; /** UPDATE Message Error subcode: Attribute Length Error. */ public static final int ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH_ERROR = 5; /** UPDATE Message Error subcode: Invalid ORIGIN Attribute. */ public static final int INVALID_ORIGIN_ATTRIBUTE = 6; /** UPDATE Message Error subcode: Invalid NEXT_HOP Attribute. */ public static final int INVALID_NEXT_HOP_ATTRIBUTE = 8; /** UPDATE Message Error subcode: Optional Attribute Error. Unused. */ public static final int OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR = 9; /** UPDATE Message Error subcode: Invalid Network Field. */ public static final int INVALID_NETWORK_FIELD = 10; /** UPDATE Message Error subcode: Malformed AS_PATH. */ public static final int MALFORMED_AS_PATH = 11; } /** * BGP NOTIFICATION: Hold Timer Expired constants. */ public static final class HoldTimerExpired { /** * Default constructor. *

* The constructor is private to prevent creating an instance of * this utility class. */ private HoldTimerExpired() { } /** Hold Timer Expired code. */ public static final int ERROR_CODE = 4; } /** BGP NOTIFICATION message Error subcode: Unspecific. */ public static final int ERROR_SUBCODE_UNSPECIFIC = 0; } }