/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs; import static org.apache.tools.ant.AntAssert.assertContains; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException; import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildFileRule; import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Os; import org.apache.tools.ant.util.regexp.RegexpMatcherFactory; import org.junit.Assume; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; /** * Tests <bm:manifestclasspath>. */ public class ManifestClassPathTest { @Rule public BuildFileRule buildRule = new BuildFileRule(); @Before public void setUp() { buildRule.configureProject("src/etc/testcases/taskdefs/manifestclasspath.xml"); } @Test public void testBadDirectory() { try { buildRule.executeTarget("test-bad-directory"); fail("Build exception should have been thrown on bad directory"); } catch (BuildException ex) { assertContains("Jar's directory not found:", ex.getMessage()); } assertNull(buildRule.getProject().getProperty("jar.classpath")); } @Test public void testBadNoProperty() { try { buildRule.executeTarget("test-bad-no-property"); fail("Build exception should have been thrown on no property"); } catch (BuildException ex) { assertContains("Missing 'property' attribute!", ex.getMessage()); } assertNull(buildRule.getProject().getProperty("jar.classpath")); } @Test public void testBadPropertyExists() { try { buildRule.executeTarget("test-bad-property-exists"); fail("Build exception should have been thrown on bad property"); } catch (BuildException ex) { assertContains("Property 'jar.classpath' already set!", ex.getMessage()); } assertEquals(buildRule.getProject().getProperty("jar.classpath"), "exists"); } @Test public void testBadNoJarfile() { try { buildRule.executeTarget("test-bad-no-jarfile"); fail("Build exception should have been thrown on bad jar file"); } catch (BuildException ex) { assertContains("Missing 'jarfile' attribute!", ex.getMessage()); } assertNull(buildRule.getProject().getProperty("jar.classpath")); } @Test public void testBadNoClassPath() { try { buildRule.executeTarget("test-bad-no-classpath"); fail("Build exception should have been thrown on no classpath"); } catch (BuildException ex) { assertContains("Missing nested !", ex.getMessage()); } assertNull(buildRule.getProject().getProperty("jar.classpath")); } @Test public void testParentLevel1() { buildRule.executeTarget("test-parent-level1"); assertEquals(buildRule.getProject().getProperty("jar.classpath"), "dsp-core/ " + "dsp-pres/ " + "dsp-void/ " + "../generated/dsp-core/ " + "../generated/dsp-pres/ " + "../generated/dsp-void/ " + "../resources/dsp-core/ " + "../resources/dsp-pres/ " + "../resources/dsp-void/"); } @Test public void testParentLevel2() { buildRule.executeTarget("test-parent-level2"); assertEquals(buildRule.getProject().getProperty("jar.classpath"), "../dsp-core/ " + "../dsp-pres/ " + "../dsp-void/ " + "../../generated/dsp-core/ " + "../../generated/dsp-pres/ " + "../../generated/dsp-void/ " + "../../resources/dsp-core/ " + "../../resources/dsp-pres/ " + "../../resources/dsp-void/"); } @Test public void testParentLevel2TooDeep() { try { buildRule.executeTarget("test-parent-level2-too-deep"); fail("Build exception should have been thrown on no suitable path"); } catch (BuildException ex) { assertContains("No suitable relative path from ", ex.getMessage()); } assertNull(buildRule.getProject().getProperty("jar.classpath")); } @Test public void testPseudoTahoeRefid() { Assume.assumeTrue("No regexp matcher is present", RegexpMatcherFactory.regexpMatcherPresent(buildRule.getProject())); buildRule.executeTarget("test-pseudo-tahoe-refid"); assertEquals(buildRule.getProject().getProperty("jar.classpath"), "classes/dsp-core/ " + "classes/dsp-pres/ " + "classes/dsp-void/ " + "generated/dsp-core/ " + "resources/dsp-core/ " + "resources/dsp-pres/"); } @Test public void testPseudoTahoeNested() { Assume.assumeTrue("No regexp matcher is present", RegexpMatcherFactory.regexpMatcherPresent(buildRule.getProject())); buildRule.executeTarget("test-pseudo-tahoe-nested"); assertEquals(buildRule.getProject().getProperty("jar.classpath"), "classes/dsp-core/ " + "classes/dsp-pres/ " + "classes/dsp-void/ " + "generated/dsp-core/ " + "resources/dsp-core/ " + "resources/dsp-pres/"); } @Test public void testParentLevel2WithJars() { buildRule.executeTarget("test-parent-level2-with-jars"); assertEquals(buildRule.getProject().getProperty("jar.classpath"), "../../lib/acme-core.jar " + "../../lib/acme-pres.jar " + "../dsp-core/ " + "../dsp-pres/ " + "../dsp-void/ " + "../../generated/dsp-core/ " + "../../generated/dsp-pres/ " + "../../generated/dsp-void/ " + "../../resources/dsp-core/ " + "../../resources/dsp-pres/ " + "../../resources/dsp-void/"); } @Test public void testInternationalGerman() { buildRule.executeTarget("international-german"); buildRule.executeTarget("run-two-jars"); assertContains("beta alpha", buildRule.getLog()); } @Test public void testInternationalHebrew() { Assume.assumeFalse("Test with hebrew path not attempted under Windows", Os.isFamily("windows")); buildRule.executeTarget("international-hebrew"); buildRule.executeTarget("run-two-jars"); assertContains("beta alpha", buildRule.getLog()); } @Test public void testSameWindowsDrive() { Assume.assumeTrue("Test with drive letters only run on windows", Os.isFamily("windows")); buildRule.executeTarget("testSameDrive"); assertEquals(buildRule.getProject().getProperty("cp"), "../a/b/x.jar"); } @Test public void testDifferentWindowsDrive() { Assume.assumeTrue("Test with drive letters only run on windows", Os.isFamily("windows")); // the lines below try to find a drive name different than the one containing the temp dir // if the temp dir is C will try to use D // if the temp dir is on D or other will try to use C File tmpdir = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")); String driveLetter = "C"; try { String tmpCanonicalPath = tmpdir.getCanonicalPath(); driveLetter = tmpCanonicalPath.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("exception happened getting canonical path of java.io.tmpdir : " + ioe.getMessage()); } String altDriveLetter = null; try { if ("C".equals(driveLetter)) { altDriveLetter = "D"; } else { altDriveLetter = "C"; } new java.io.File(altDriveLetter + ":/foo.txt").getCanonicalPath(); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { Assume.assumeNoException("Drive " + altDriveLetter + ": doesn't exist or is not ready", e); } buildRule.getProject().setProperty("altDriveLetter", altDriveLetter); try { buildRule.executeTarget("testDifferentDrive"); fail("Build exception should have been thrown on no alternative drive"); } catch (BuildException ex) { assertContains("No suitable relative path from ", ex.getMessage()); } assertNull(buildRule.getProject().getProperty("cp")); } } // END class ManifestClassPathTest