#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.
"""Test Chaining functions."""

from mock_trex import no_op

from mock import MagicMock
from mock import patch
import pytest

from nfvbench.chain_runner import ChainRunner
from nfvbench.chaining import ChainVnfPort
from nfvbench.chaining import InstancePlacer
from nfvbench.compute import Compute
import nfvbench.credentials
from nfvbench.factory import BasicFactory
import nfvbench.log
from nfvbench.nfvbench import load_default_config
from nfvbench.nfvbench import NFVBench
from nfvbench.packet_stats import InterfaceStats
from nfvbench.specs import ChainType
from nfvbench.specs import OpenStackSpec
from nfvbench.specs import Specs
from nfvbench.summarizer import _annotate_chain_stats
from nfvbench.traffic_client import TrafficClient
from nfvbench.traffic_gen.traffic_base import Latency
from nfvbench.traffic_gen.trex import TRex

# just to get rid of the unused function warning

def setup_module(module):
    """Enable log."""

def _get_chain_config(sc=ChainType.PVP, scc=1, shared_net=True):
    config, _ = load_default_config()
    config.vm_image_file = 'nfvbenchvm-0.0.qcow2'
    config.service_chain_count = scc
    config.service_chain = sc
    config.service_chain_shared_net = shared_net
    config.rate = '1Mpps'
    config['traffic_generator']['generator_profile'] = [{'name': 'dummy',
                                                         'tool': 'dummy',
                                                         'ip': '',
                                                         'intf_speed': None,
                                                         'interfaces': [{'port': 0, 'pci': '0.0'},
                                                                        {'port': 1, 'pci': '0.0'}]}]
    config.ndr_run = False
    config.pdr_run = False
    config.single_run = True
    config.generator_profile = 'dummy'
    config.duration_sec = 2
    config.interval_sec = 1
    config.openrc_file = "dummy.rc"
    return config

def test_chain_runner_ext_no_openstack():
    """Test ChainRunner EXT no openstack."""
    config = _get_chain_config(sc=ChainType.EXT)
    specs = Specs()
    config.vlans = [100, 200]
    config['traffic_generator']['mac_addrs_left'] = ['00:00:00:00:00:00']
    config['traffic_generator']['mac_addrs_right'] = ['00:00:00:00:01:00']
    runner = ChainRunner(config, None, specs, BasicFactory())

def _mock_find_image(self, image_name):
    return True

@patch.object(Compute, 'find_image', _mock_find_image)
def _test_pvp_chain(config, cred, mock_glance, mock_neutron, mock_client):
    # instance = self.novaclient.servers.create(name=vmname,...)
    # instance.status == 'ACTIVE'
    mock_client.return_value.servers.create.return_value.status = 'ACTIVE'
    netw = {'id': 0, 'provider:network_type': 'vlan', 'provider:segmentation_id': 1000}
    mock_neutron.Client.return_value.create_network.return_value = {'network': netw}
    mock_neutron.Client.return_value.list_networks.return_value = {'networks': None}
    specs = Specs()
    openstack_spec = OpenStackSpec()
    cred = MagicMock(spec=nfvbench.credentials.Credentials)
    runner = ChainRunner(config, cred, specs, BasicFactory())

def test_pvp_chain_runner():
    """Test PVP chain runner."""
    cred = MagicMock(spec=nfvbench.credentials.Credentials)
    for shared_net in [True, False]:
        for sc in [ChainType.PVP]:
            for scc in [1, 2]:
                config = _get_chain_config(sc, scc, shared_net)
                _test_pvp_chain(config, cred)

@patch.object(Compute, 'find_image', _mock_find_image)
def _test_ext_chain(config, cred, mock_glance, mock_neutron, mock_client):
    # instance = self.novaclient.servers.create(name=vmname,...)
    # instance.status == 'ACTIVE'
    mock_client.return_value.servers.create.return_value.status = 'ACTIVE'
    netw = {'id': 0, 'provider:network_type': 'vlan', 'provider:segmentation_id': 1000}
    mock_neutron.Client.return_value.list_networks.return_value = {'networks': [netw]}
    specs = Specs()
    openstack_spec = OpenStackSpec()
    cred = MagicMock(spec=nfvbench.credentials.Credentials)
    runner = ChainRunner(config, cred, specs, BasicFactory())

def test_ext_chain_runner():
    """Test openstack+EXT chain runner."""
    cred = MagicMock(spec=nfvbench.credentials.Credentials)
    for shared_net in [True, False]:
        for no_arp in [False, True]:
            for scc in [1, 2]:
                config = _get_chain_config(ChainType.EXT, scc, shared_net)
                config.no_arp = no_arp
                if no_arp:
                    # If EXT and no arp, the config must provide mac addresses (1 pair per chain)
                    config['traffic_generator']['mac_addrs_left'] = ['00:00:00:00:00:00'] * scc
                    config['traffic_generator']['mac_addrs_right'] = ['00:00:00:00:01:00'] * scc
                _test_ext_chain(config, cred)

def _check_nfvbench_openstack(sc=ChainType.PVP, l2_loopback=False):
    for scc in range(1, 3):
        config = _get_chain_config(sc, scc=scc, shared_net=True)
        if l2_loopback:
            config.l2_loopback = True
            config.vlans = [[100], [200]]
        factory = BasicFactory()
        config_plugin = factory.get_config_plugin_class()(config)
        config = config_plugin.get_config()
        openstack_spec = config_plugin.get_openstack_spec()
        nfvb = NFVBench(config, openstack_spec, config_plugin, factory)
        res = nfvb.run({}, 'pytest')
        if res['status'] != 'OK':
            print res
        assert res['status'] == 'OK'

mac_seq = 0

def _mock_get_mac(dummy):
    global mac_seq
    mac_seq += 1
    return '01:00:00:00:00:%02x' % mac_seq

@patch.object(Compute, 'find_image', _mock_find_image)
@patch.object(TrafficClient, 'skip_sleep', lambda x: True)
@patch.object(ChainVnfPort, 'get_mac', _mock_get_mac)
def test_nfvbench_run(mock_cred, mock_glance, mock_neutron, mock_client):
    """Test NFVbench class with openstack+PVP."""
    # instance = self.novaclient.servers.create(name=vmname,...)
    # instance.status == 'ACTIVE'
    mock_client.return_value.servers.create.return_value.status = 'ACTIVE'
    netw = {'id': 0, 'provider:network_type': 'vlan', 'provider:segmentation_id': 1000}
    mock_neutron.Client.return_value.create_network.return_value = {'network': netw}
    mock_neutron.Client.return_value.list_networks.return_value = {'networks': None}

@patch.object(Compute, 'find_image', _mock_find_image)
@patch.object(TrafficClient, 'skip_sleep', lambda x: True)
def test_nfvbench_ext_arp(mock_cred, mock_glance, mock_neutron, mock_client):
    """Test NFVbench class with openstack+EXT+ARP."""
    # instance = self.novaclient.servers.create(name=vmname,...)
    # instance.status == 'ACTIVE'
    mock_client.return_value.servers.create.return_value.status = 'ACTIVE'
    netw = {'id': 0, 'provider:network_type': 'vlan', 'provider:segmentation_id': 1000}
    mock_neutron.Client.return_value.list_networks.return_value = {'networks': [netw]}

@patch.object(Compute, 'find_image', _mock_find_image)
@patch.object(TrafficClient, 'skip_sleep', lambda x: True)
def test_nfvbench_l2_loopback(mock_cred, mock_glance, mock_neutron, mock_client):
    """Test NFVbench class with l2-loopback."""
    # instance = self.novaclient.servers.create(name=vmname,...)
    # instance.status == 'ACTIVE'
    mock_client.return_value.servers.create.return_value.status = 'ACTIVE'

# This is a reduced version of flow stats coming from Trex
# with 2 chains and latency for a total of 8 packet groups
# Random numbers with random losses
CH0_P0_TX = 1234
CH0_P1_RX = 1200
CH0_P1_TX = 28900
CH0_P0_RX = 28000
LCH0_P0_TX = 167
LCH0_P1_RX = 130
LCH0_P1_TX = 523
LCH0_P0_RX = 490
CH1_P0_TX = 132344
CH1_P1_RX = 132004
CH1_P1_TX = 1289300
CH1_P0_RX = 1280400
LCH1_P0_TX = 51367
LCH1_P1_RX = 5730
LCH1_P1_TX = 35623
LCH1_P0_RX = 67

    'flow_stats': {
        # chain 0 port 0 normal stream
        0: {'rx_pkts': {0: 0, 1: CH0_P1_RX, 'total': CH0_P1_RX},
            'tx_pkts': {0: CH0_P0_TX, 1: 0, 'total': CH0_P0_TX}},
        # chain 1 port 0 normal stream
        1: {'rx_pkts': {0: 0, 1: CH1_P1_RX, 'total': CH1_P1_RX},
            'tx_pkts': {0: CH1_P0_TX, 1: 0, 'total': CH1_P0_TX}},
        # chain 0 port 1 normal stream
        128: {'rx_pkts': {0: CH0_P0_RX, 1: 0, 'total': CH0_P0_RX},
              'tx_pkts': {0: 0, 1: CH0_P1_TX, 'total': CH0_P1_TX}},
        # chain 1 port 1 normal stream
        129: {'rx_pkts': {0: CH1_P0_RX, 1: 0, 'total': CH1_P0_RX},
              'tx_pkts': {0: 0, 1: CH1_P1_TX, 'total': CH1_P1_TX}},
        # chain 0 port 0 latency stream
        256: {'rx_pkts': {0: 0, 1: LCH0_P1_RX, 'total': LCH0_P1_RX},
              'tx_pkts': {0: LCH0_P0_TX, 1: 0, 'total': LCH0_P0_TX}},
        # chain 1 port 0 latency stream
        257: {'rx_pkts': {0: 0, 1: LCH1_P1_RX, 'total': LCH1_P1_RX},
              'tx_pkts': {0: LCH1_P0_TX, 1: 0, 'total': LCH1_P0_TX}},
        # chain 0 port 1 latency stream
        384: {'rx_pkts': {0: LCH0_P0_RX, 1: 0, 'total': LCH0_P0_RX},
              'tx_pkts': {0: 0, 1: LCH0_P1_TX, 'total': LCH0_P1_TX}},
        # chain 1 port 1 latency stream
        385: {'rx_pkts': {0: LCH1_P0_RX, 1: 0, 'total': LCH1_P0_RX},
              'tx_pkts': {0: 0, 1: LCH1_P1_TX, 'total': LCH1_P1_TX}}}}

def test_trex_streams_stats():
    """Test TRex stats for chains 0 and 1."""
    traffic_client = MagicMock()
    trex = TRex(traffic_client)
    if_stats = [InterfaceStats("p0", "dev0"), InterfaceStats("p1", "dev1")]
    latencies = [Latency()] * 2
    trex.get_stream_stats(TREX_STATS, if_stats, latencies, 0)
    assert if_stats[0].tx == CH0_P0_TX + LCH0_P0_TX
    assert if_stats[0].rx == CH0_P0_RX + LCH0_P0_RX
    assert if_stats[1].tx == CH0_P1_TX + LCH0_P1_TX
    assert if_stats[1].rx == CH0_P1_RX + LCH0_P1_RX

    trex.get_stream_stats(TREX_STATS, if_stats, latencies, 1)
    assert if_stats[0].tx == CH1_P0_TX + LCH1_P0_TX
    assert if_stats[0].rx == CH1_P0_RX + LCH1_P0_RX
    assert if_stats[1].tx == CH1_P1_TX + LCH1_P1_TX
    assert if_stats[1].rx == CH1_P1_RX + LCH1_P1_RX

def check_placer(az, hyp, req_az, resolved=False):
    """Combine multiple combinatoons of placer tests."""
    placer = InstancePlacer(az, hyp)
    assert placer.is_resolved() == resolved
    assert placer.get_required_az() == req_az
    assert placer.register_full_name('nova:comp1')
    assert placer.is_resolved()
    assert placer.get_required_az() == 'nova:comp1'

def test_placer_no_user_pref():
    """Test placement when user does not provide any preference."""
    check_placer(None, None, '')

def test_placer_user_az():
    """Test placement when user only provides an az."""
    check_placer('nova', None, 'nova:')
    check_placer(None, 'nova:', 'nova:')
    check_placer('nebula', 'nova:', 'nova:')

def test_placer_user_hyp():
    """Test placement when user provides a hypervisor."""
    check_placer(None, 'comp1', ':comp1')
    check_placer('nova', 'comp1', 'nova:comp1', resolved=True)
    check_placer(None, 'nova:comp1', 'nova:comp1', resolved=True)
    # hyp overrides az
    check_placer('nebula', 'nova:comp1', 'nova:comp1', resolved=True)
    # also check for cases of extra parts (more than 1 ':')
    check_placer('nova:nebula', 'comp1', 'nova:comp1', resolved=True)

def test_placer_negative():
    """Run negative tests on placer."""
    # AZ mismatch
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        placer = InstancePlacer('nova', None)
    # comp mismatch
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        placer = InstancePlacer(None, 'comp1')

# without total, with total and only 2 col
CHAIN_STATS = [{0: {'packets': [2000054, 1999996, 1999996]}},
               {0: {'packets': [2000054, 1999996, 1999996]},
                1: {'packets': [2000054, 2000054, 2000054]},
                'total': {'packets': [4000108, 4000050, 4000050]}},
               {0: {'packets': [2000054, 2000054]}},
               {0: {'packets': [2000054, 1999996]}},
               # shared networks no drops, shared nets will have empty strings
               {0: {'packets': [15000002, '', 15000002, 15000002, '', 15000002]},
                1: {'packets': [15000002, '', 15000002, 15000002, '', 15000002]},
                'total': {'packets': [30000004, 30000004, 30000004, 30000004, 30000004, 30000004]}},
               {0: {'packets': [15000002, '', 14000002, 14000002, '', 13000002]},
                1: {'packets': [15000002, '', 15000002, 15000002, '', 15000002]},
                'total': {'packets': [30000004, 29000004, 29000004, 29000004, 29000004, 28000004]}}]
XP_CHAIN_STATS = [{0: {'packets': [2000054, '-58 (-0.0029%)', 1999996]}},
                  {0: {'packets': [2000054, '-58 (-0.0029%)', 1999996]},
                   1: {'packets': [2000054, '=>', 2000054]},
                   'total': {'packets': [4000108, '-58 (-0.0014%)', 4000050]}},
                  {0: {'packets': [2000054, 2000054]}},
                  {0: {'packets': [2000054, '-58 (-0.0029%)']}},
                  # shared net, leave spaces alone
                  {0: {'packets': [15000002, '', '=>', '=>', '', 15000002]},
                   1: {'packets': [15000002, '', '=>', '=>', '', 15000002]},
                   'total': {'packets': [30000004, '=>', '=>', '=>', '=>', 30000004]}},
                  {0: {'packets': [15000002, '', '-1,000,000 (-6.6667%)', '=>', '',
                                   '-1,000,000 (-7.1429%)']},
                   1: {'packets': [15000002, '', '=>', '=>', '', 15000002]},
                   'total': {'packets': [30000004, '-1,000,000 (-3.3333%)', '=>', '=>', '=>',
                                         '-1,000,000 (-3.4483%)']}}]

def test_summarizer():
    """Test Summarizer class."""
    for stats, exp_stats in zip(CHAIN_STATS, XP_CHAIN_STATS):
        assert stats == exp_stats