# Copyright 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import glob from math import isnan import os import re import signal import subprocess import errno import fcntl from functools import wraps import json from .log import LOG from nfvbench.traffic_gen.traffic_utils import multiplier_map class TimeoutError(Exception): pass def timeout(seconds=10, error_message=os.strerror(errno.ETIME)): def decorator(func): def _handle_timeout(_signum, _frame): raise TimeoutError(error_message) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_timeout) signal.alarm(seconds) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: signal.alarm(0) return result return wraps(func)(wrapper) return decorator def save_json_result(result, json_file, std_json_path, service_chain, service_chain_count, flow_count, frame_sizes): """Save results in json format file.""" filepaths = [] if json_file: filepaths.append(json_file) if std_json_path: name_parts = [service_chain, str(service_chain_count), str(flow_count)] + list(frame_sizes) filename = '-'.join(name_parts) + '.json' filepaths.append(os.path.join(std_json_path, filename)) if filepaths: for file_path in filepaths: LOG.info('Saving results in json file: %s...', file_path) with open(file_path, 'w') as jfp: json.dump(result, jfp, indent=4, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': '), default=lambda obj: obj.to_json()) def dict_to_json_dict(record): return json.loads(json.dumps(record, default=lambda obj: obj.to_json())) def get_intel_pci(nic_slot=None, nic_ports=None): """Returns two PCI address that will be used for NFVbench @param nic_slot: The physical PCIe slot number in motherboard @param nic_ports: Array of two integers indicating the ports to use on the NIC When nic_slot and nic_ports are both supplied, the function will just return the PCI addresses for them. The logic used is: (1) Run "dmidecode -t slot" (2) Grep for "SlotID:" with given nic_slot, and derive the bus address; (3) Based on given nic_ports, generate the pci addresses based on above base address; When either nic_slot or nic_ports is not supplied, the function will traverse all Intel NICs which use i40e or ixgbe driver, sorted by PCI address, and return first two available ports which are not bonded (802.11ad). """ if nic_slot and nic_ports: dmidecode = subprocess.check_output(['dmidecode', '-t', 'slot']) regex = r"(?<=SlotID:{}).*?(....:..:..\..)".format(nic_slot) match = re.search(regex, dmidecode.decode('utf-8'), flags=re.DOTALL) if not match: return None pcis = [] # On some servers, the "Bus Address" returned by dmidecode is not the # base pci address of the NIC. So only keeping the bus part of the # address for better compability. bus = match.group(1)[:match.group(1).rindex(':') + 1] + "00." for port in nic_ports: pcis.append(bus + str(port)) return pcis hx = r'[0-9a-fA-F]' regex = r'({hx}{{4}}:({hx}{{2}}:{hx}{{2}}\.{hx}{{1}})).*(drv={driver}|.*unused=.*{driver})' pcis = [] try: trex_base_dir = '/opt/trex' contents = os.listdir(trex_base_dir) trex_dir = os.path.join(trex_base_dir, contents[0]) process = subprocess.Popen(['python', 'dpdk_setup_ports.py', '-s'], cwd=trex_dir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) devices, _ = process.communicate() except Exception: devices = '' for driver in ['i40e', 'ixgbe']: matches = re.findall(regex.format(hx=hx, driver=driver), devices.decode("utf-8")) if not matches: continue matches.sort() device_list = list(x[0].split('.')[0] for x in matches) device_ports_list = {i: {'ports': device_list.count(i)} for i in device_list} for port in matches: intf_name = glob.glob("/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/net/*" % port[0]) if intf_name: intf_name = intf_name[0][intf_name[0].rfind('/') + 1:] process = subprocess.Popen(['ip', '-o', '-d', 'link', 'show', intf_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) intf_info, _ = process.communicate() if re.search('team_slave|bond_slave', intf_info.decode("utf-8")): device_ports_list[port[0].split('.')[0]]['busy'] = True for port in matches: if not device_ports_list[port[0].split('.')[0]].get('busy'): pcis.append(port[1]) if len(pcis) == 2: break return pcis def parse_flow_count(flow_count): flow_count = str(flow_count) input_fc = flow_count multiplier = 1 if flow_count[-1].upper() in multiplier_map: multiplier = multiplier_map[flow_count[-1].upper()] flow_count = flow_count[:-1] try: flow_count = int(flow_count) except ValueError: raise Exception("Unknown flow count format '{}'".format(input_fc)) return flow_count * multiplier def cast_integer(value): # force 0 value if NaN value from TRex to avoid error in JSON result parsing return int(value) if not isnan(value) else 0 class RunLock(object): """ Attempts to lock file and run current instance of NFVbench as the first, otherwise raises exception. """ def __init__(self, path='/tmp/nfvbench.lock'): self._path = path self._fd = None def __enter__(self): try: self._fd = os.open(self._path, os.O_CREAT) fcntl.flock(self._fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except (OSError, IOError): raise Exception('Other NFVbench process is running. Please wait') def __exit__(self, *args): fcntl.flock(self._fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN) os.close(self._fd) self._fd = None # Try to remove the lock file, but don't try too hard because it is unnecessary. try: os.unlink(self._path) except (OSError, IOError): pass