# Copyright 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import bitmath # IMIX frame size including the 4-byte FCS field IMIX_L2_SIZES = [64, 594, 1518] IMIX_RATIOS = [7, 4, 1] # weighted average l2 frame size includng the 4-byte FCS IMIX_AVG_L2_FRAME_SIZE = sum( [1.0 * imix[0] * imix[1] for imix in zip(IMIX_L2_SIZES, IMIX_RATIOS)]) / sum(IMIX_RATIOS) multiplier_map = { 'K': 1000, 'M': 1000000, 'G': 1000000000 } def convert_rates(l2frame_size, rate, intf_speed): """Convert a given rate unit into the other rate units. l2frame_size: size of the L2 frame in bytes (includes 32-bit FCS) or 'IMIX' rate: a dict that has at least one of the following key: 'rate_pps', 'rate_bps', 'rate_percent' with the corresponding input value intf_speed: the line rate speed in bits per second """ avg_packet_size = get_average_packet_size(l2frame_size) if 'rate_pps' in rate: # input = packets/sec initial_rate_type = 'rate_pps' pps = rate['rate_pps'] bps = pps_to_bps(pps, avg_packet_size) load = bps_to_load(bps, intf_speed) elif 'rate_bps' in rate: # input = bits per second initial_rate_type = 'rate_bps' bps = rate['rate_bps'] load = bps_to_load(bps, intf_speed) pps = bps_to_pps(bps, avg_packet_size) elif 'rate_percent' in rate: # input = percentage of the line rate (between 0.0 and 100.0) initial_rate_type = 'rate_percent' load = rate['rate_percent'] bps = load_to_bps(load, intf_speed) pps = bps_to_pps(bps, avg_packet_size) else: raise Exception('Traffic config needs to have a rate type key') return { 'initial_rate_type': initial_rate_type, 'rate_pps': int(float(pps)), 'rate_percent': load, 'rate_bps': int(float(bps)) } def get_average_packet_size(l2frame_size): """Retrieve the average L2 frame size l2frame_size: an L2 frame size in bytes (including FCS) or 'IMIX' return: average l2 frame size inlcuding the 32-bit FCS """ if l2frame_size.upper() == 'IMIX': return IMIX_AVG_L2_FRAME_SIZE return float(l2frame_size) def load_to_bps(load_percentage, intf_speed): return float(load_percentage) / 100.0 * intf_speed def bps_to_load(bps, intf_speed): return float(bps) / intf_speed * 100.0 def bps_to_pps(bps, avg_packet_size): return float(bps) / (avg_packet_size + 20.0) / 8 def pps_to_bps(pps, avg_packet_size): return float(pps) * (avg_packet_size + 20.0) * 8 def weighted_avg(weight, count): if sum(weight): return sum([x[0] * x[1] for x in zip(weight, count)]) / sum(weight) return float('nan') def _get_bitmath_rate(rate_bps): rate = rate_bps.replace('ps', '').strip() bitmath_rate = bitmath.parse_string(rate) if bitmath_rate.bits <= 0: raise Exception('%s is out of valid range' % rate_bps) return bitmath_rate def parse_rate_str(rate_str): if rate_str.endswith('pps'): rate_pps = rate_str[:-3] if not rate_pps: raise Exception('%s is missing a numeric value' % rate_str) try: multiplier = multiplier_map[rate_pps[-1].upper()] rate_pps = rate_pps[:-1] except KeyError: multiplier = 1 rate_pps = int(float(rate_pps.strip()) * multiplier) if rate_pps <= 0: raise Exception('%s is out of valid range' % rate_str) return {'rate_pps': str(rate_pps)} if rate_str.endswith('ps'): rate = rate_str.replace('ps', '').strip() bit_rate = bitmath.parse_string(rate).bits if bit_rate <= 0: raise Exception('%s is out of valid range' % rate_str) return {'rate_bps': str(int(bit_rate))} if rate_str.endswith('%'): rate_percent = float(rate_str.replace('%', '').strip()) if rate_percent <= 0 or rate_percent > 100.0: raise Exception('%s is out of valid range (must be 1-100%%)' % rate_str) return {'rate_percent': str(rate_percent)} raise Exception('Unknown rate string format %s' % rate_str) def get_load_from_rate(rate_str, avg_frame_size=64, line_rate='10Gbps'): '''From any rate string (with unit) return the corresponding load (in % unit) :param str rate_str: the rate to convert - must end with a unit (e.g. 1Mpps, 30%, 1Gbps) :param int avg_frame_size: average frame size in bytes (needed only if pps is given) :param str line_rate: line rate ending with bps unit (e.g. 1Mbps, 10Gbps) is the rate that corresponds to 100% rate :return float: the corresponding rate in % of line rate ''' rate_dict = parse_rate_str(rate_str) if 'rate_percent' in rate_dict: return float(rate_dict['rate_percent']) lr_bps = _get_bitmath_rate(line_rate).bits if 'rate_bps' in rate_dict: bps = int(rate_dict['rate_bps']) else: # must be rate_pps pps = rate_dict['rate_pps'] bps = pps_to_bps(pps, avg_frame_size) return bps_to_load(bps, lr_bps) def divide_rate(rate, divisor): if 'rate_pps' in rate: key = 'rate_pps' value = int(rate[key]) elif 'rate_bps' in rate: key = 'rate_bps' value = int(rate[key]) else: key = 'rate_percent' value = float(rate[key]) value /= divisor rate = dict(rate) rate[key] = str(value) if value else str(1) return rate def to_rate_str(rate): if 'rate_pps' in rate: pps = rate['rate_pps'] return '{}pps'.format(pps) if 'rate_bps' in rate: bps = rate['rate_bps'] return '{}bps'.format(bps) if 'rate_percent' in rate: load = rate['rate_percent'] return '{}%'.format(load) assert False # avert pylint warning return None def nan_replace(d): """Replaces every occurence of 'N/A' with float nan.""" for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): nan_replace(v) elif v == 'N/A': d[k] = float('nan') def mac_to_int(mac): """Converts MAC address to integer representation.""" return int(mac.translate(None, ":.- "), 16) def int_to_mac(i): """Converts integer representation of MAC address to hex string.""" mac = format(i, 'x').zfill(12) blocks = [mac[x:x + 2] for x in range(0, len(mac), 2)] return ':'.join(blocks)