#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # from flask import Flask from flask import jsonify from flask import render_template from flask import request from flask_socketio import emit from flask_socketio import SocketIO from fluentd import FluentLogHandler from summarizer import NFVBenchSummarizer import json from log import LOG import Queue import traceback from utils import byteify from utils import RunLock import uuid # this global cannot reside in Ctx because of the @app and @socketio decorators app = None socketio = None STATUS_OK = 'OK' STATUS_ERROR = 'ERROR' STATUS_PENDING = 'PENDING' STATUS_NOT_FOUND = 'NOT_FOUND' def result_json(status, message, request_id=None): body = { 'status': status, 'error_message': message } if request_id is not None: body['request_id'] = request_id return body def load_json(data): return json.loads(json.dumps(data), object_hook=byteify) def get_uuid(): return uuid.uuid4().hex class Ctx(object): MAXLEN = 5 run_queue = Queue.Queue() busy = False result = None request_from_socketio = False results = {} ids = [] current_id = None @staticmethod def enqueue(config, request_id, from_socketio=False): Ctx.busy = True Ctx.request_from_socketio = from_socketio config['request_id'] = request_id Ctx.run_queue.put(config) if len(Ctx.ids) >= Ctx.MAXLEN: try: del Ctx.results[Ctx.ids.pop(0)] except KeyError: pass Ctx.ids.append(request_id) @staticmethod def dequeue(): config = Ctx.run_queue.get() Ctx.current_id = config['request_id'] return config @staticmethod def release(): Ctx.current_id = None Ctx.busy = False @staticmethod def set_result(res): res['request_id'] = Ctx.current_id Ctx.results[Ctx.current_id] = res Ctx.result = res @staticmethod def get_result(request_id=None): if request_id: try: res = Ctx.results[request_id] except KeyError: return None if Ctx.result and request_id == Ctx.result['request_id']: Ctx.result = None return res else: res = Ctx.result if res: Ctx.result = None return res @staticmethod def is_busy(): return Ctx.busy @staticmethod def get_current_request_id(): return Ctx.current_id def setup_flask(root_path): global socketio global app app = Flask(__name__) app.root_path = root_path socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode='threading') busy_json = result_json(STATUS_ERROR, 'there is already an NFVbench request running') not_busy_json = result_json(STATUS_ERROR, 'no pending NFVbench run') not_found_msg = 'results not found' pending_msg = 'NFVbench run still pending' # --------- socketio requests ------------ @socketio.on('start_run') def socketio_start_run(config): if not Ctx.is_busy(): Ctx.enqueue(config, get_uuid(), from_socketio=True) else: emit('error', {'reason': 'there is already an NFVbench request running'}) @socketio.on('echo') def socketio_echo(config): emit('echo', config) # --------- HTTP requests ------------ @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('index.html') @app.route('/echo', methods=['GET']) def echo(): config = request.json return jsonify(config) @app.route('/start_run', methods=['POST']) def start_run(): config = load_json(request.json) if not config: config = {} if Ctx.is_busy(): return jsonify(busy_json) request_id = get_uuid() Ctx.enqueue(config, request_id) return jsonify(result_json(STATUS_PENDING, pending_msg, request_id)) @app.route('/status', defaults={'request_id': None}, methods=['GET']) @app.route('/status/', methods=['GET']) def get_status(request_id): if request_id: if Ctx.is_busy() and request_id == Ctx.get_current_request_id(): # task with request_id still pending return jsonify(result_json(STATUS_PENDING, pending_msg, request_id)) res = Ctx.get_result(request_id) if res: # found result for given request_id return jsonify(res) else: # result for given request_id not found return jsonify(result_json(STATUS_NOT_FOUND, not_found_msg, request_id)) else: if Ctx.is_busy(): # task still pending, return with request_id return jsonify(result_json(STATUS_PENDING, pending_msg, Ctx.get_current_request_id())) res = Ctx.get_result() if res: return jsonify(res) else: return jsonify(not_busy_json) class WebSocketIoServer(object): """This class takes care of the web socketio server, accepts websocket events, and sends back notifications using websocket events (send_ methods). Caller should simply create an instance of this class and pass a runner object then invoke the run method """ def __init__(self, http_root, runner, logger): self.nfvbench_runner = runner setup_flask(http_root) self.fluent_logger = logger self.result_fluent_logger = FluentLogHandler("resultnfvbench", fluentd_ip=self.fluent_logger.sender.host, fluentd_port=self.fluent_logger.sender.port) \ if self.fluent_logger else None def run(self, host='', port=7556): # socketio.run will not return so we need to run it in a background thread so that # the calling thread (main thread) can keep doing work socketio.start_background_task(target=socketio.run, app=app, host=host, port=port) # wait for run requests # the runner must be executed from the main thread (Trex client library requirement) while True: # print 'main thread waiting for requests...' config = Ctx.dequeue() # print 'main thread processing request...' print config try: # remove unfilled values as we do not want them to override default values with None config = {k: v for k, v in config.items() if v is not None} with RunLock(): results = self.nfvbench_runner.run(config, config) except Exception as exc: print 'NFVbench runner exception:' traceback.print_exc() results = result_json(STATUS_ERROR, str(exc)) LOG.exception() if Ctx.request_from_socketio: socketio.emit('run_end', results) else: # this might overwrite a previously unfetched result Ctx.set_result(results) summary = NFVBenchSummarizer(results['result'], self.result_fluent_logger) LOG.info(str(summary)) Ctx.release() if self.fluent_logger: self.fluent_logger.send_run_summary(True) def send_interval_stats(self, time_ms, tx_pps, rx_pps, drop_pct): stats = {'time_ms': time_ms, 'tx_pps': tx_pps, 'rx_pps': rx_pps, 'drop_pct': drop_pct} socketio.emit('run_interval_stats', stats) def send_ndr_found(self, ndr_pps): socketio.emit('ndr_found', {'rate_pps': ndr_pps}) def send_pdr_found(self, pdr_pps): socketio.emit('pdr_found', {'rate_pps': pdr_pps})