#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2021 Orange # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import json import requests class TestapiClient: def __init__(self, testapi_url: str, logger): """ Args: testapi_url: testapi URL as a string, for instance "" logger: reference to behave_tests logger. """ self._base_url = testapi_url self._logger = logger def find_last_result(self, testapi_params, scenario_tag: str, nfvbench_test_input): """Search testapi database and return latest result matching filters. Look for the most recent testapi result matching testapi params, behave scenario tag and nfvbench test input params, and return that result as a dictionary. Args: testapi_params: dict holding the parameters of the testapi request. See `build_testapi_url()` for the list of supported keys. scenario_tag: Behave scenario tag to filter results. One of "throughput" or "latency". nfvbench_test_input: dict holding nfvbench test parameters and used to filter the testapi results. The following keys are currently supported: - mandatory keys: 'duration_sec', 'frame_sizes', 'flow_count', 'rate' - optional keys: 'user_label', 'flavor_type' Returns: None if no result matching the filters can be found, else a dictionary built from testapi JSON test result. """ self._logger.info(f"find_last_result: filter on scenario tag: {scenario_tag}") nfvbench_input_str = nfvbench_input_to_str(nfvbench_test_input) self._logger.info(f"find_last_result: filter on test conditions: {nfvbench_input_str}") page = 1 while True: # While there are results pages to read url = self._build_testapi_url(testapi_params, page) self._logger.info("find_last_result: GET " + url) last_results = self._do_testapi_request(url) for result in last_results["results"]: for tagged_result in result["details"]["results"][scenario_tag]: if tagged_result["output"]["status"] != "OK": # Drop result if nfvbench status is not OK # (such result should not have been put in database by behave_tests, # but let's be cautious) continue if equal_test_conditions(tagged_result["input"], nfvbench_test_input): return tagged_result if page >= last_results["pagination"]["total_pages"]: break page += 1 return None def _build_testapi_url(self, testapi_params, page=1): """Build URL for testapi request. Build a URL for a testapi HTTP GET request using the provided parameters and limiting the results to the tests whose criteria equals "PASS". Args: testapi_params: dictionary holding the parameters of the testapi request: - mandatory keys: "project_name", "case_name" - optional keys: "installer", "pod_name" - ignored keys: "build_tag", "scenario", "version", "criteria". page: (Optional) number of the results page to get. """ url = self._base_url url += f"?project={testapi_params['project_name']}" url += f"&case={testapi_params['case_name']}" if "installer" in testapi_params.keys(): url += f"&installer={testapi_params['installer']}" if "pod_name" in testapi_params.keys(): url += f"&pod={testapi_params['pod_name']}" url += '&criteria=PASS' url += f"&page={page}" return url def _do_testapi_request(self, testapi_url): """Perform HTTP GET request on testapi. Perform an HTTP GET request on testapi, check status code and return JSON results as dictionary. Args: testapi_url: a complete URL to request testapi results (with base endpoint and parameters) Returns: The JSON document from testapi as a Python dictionary Raises: """ response = requests.get(testapi_url) assert response.status_code == 200 # TODO: better error message results = json.loads(response.text) return results def equal_test_conditions(testapi_input, nfvbench_input): """Check test conditions in behave scenario results record. Check whether a behave scenario results record from testapi matches a given nfvbench input, ie whether the record comes from a test done under the same conditions (frame size, flow count, ...) Args: testapi_input: dict holding the test conditions of a behave scenario results record from testapi nfvbench_input: dict of nfvbench test parameters (reference) The following dict keys are currently supported: - mandatory keys: 'duration_sec', 'frame_sizes', 'flow_count', 'rate' - optional keys: 'user_label', 'flavor_type' Optional keys are taken into account only when they can be found in `nfvbench_input`, else they are ignored. Returns: True if test conditions match, else False. """ # Select required keys (other keys can be not set or unconsistent between scenarios) required_keys = ['duration_sec', 'frame_sizes', 'flow_count', 'rate'] if 'user_label' in nfvbench_input: required_keys.append('user_label') if 'flavor_type' in nfvbench_input: required_keys.append('flavor_type') try: testapi_subset = {k: testapi_input[k] for k in required_keys} nfvbench_subset = {k: nfvbench_input[k] for k in required_keys} return testapi_subset == nfvbench_subset except KeyError: # Fail the comparison if a required key is missing from one of the dicts return False def nfvbench_input_to_str(nfvbench_input: dict) -> str: """Build string showing nfvbench input parameters used for results search Args: nfvbench_input: dict of nfvbench test parameters """ string = "" for key in ['user_label', 'flavor_type', 'frame_sizes', 'flow_count', 'rate', 'duration_sec']: if key in nfvbench_input: string += f"{key}={nfvbench_input[key]} " return string