path: root/nfvbench/
diff options
authorahothan <>2017-07-28 17:08:46 -0700
committerahothan <>2017-07-31 12:34:00 -0700
commit04a7de082bd221eae3c7004f4e0b99dfa4f8be91 (patch)
treec9fb7beaedc80479772ba24c3b47c85d49c22f76 /nfvbench/
parentb8f02ed4e72399840a93aceb02b8c53831bbe68a (diff)
Initial code drop from Cisco1.0.0
Change-Id: Ie2993886dc8e95c5f73ccdb871add8b96ffcc849 Signed-off-by: ahothan <>
Diffstat (limited to 'nfvbench/')
1 files changed, 402 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nfvbench/ b/nfvbench/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ee2426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nfvbench/
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import bitmath
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+import math
+from specs import ChainType
+from tabulate import tabulate
+class Formatter(object):
+ """Collection of string formatter methods"""
+ @staticmethod
+ def fixed(data):
+ return data
+ @staticmethod
+ def int(data):
+ return '{:,}'.format(data)
+ @staticmethod
+ def float(decimal):
+ return lambda data: '%.{}f'.format(decimal) % (data)
+ @staticmethod
+ def standard(data):
+ if type(data) == int:
+ return
+ elif type(data) == float:
+ return Formatter.float(4)(data)
+ else:
+ return Formatter.fixed(data)
+ @staticmethod
+ def suffix(suffix_str):
+ return lambda data: Formatter.standard(data) + suffix_str
+ @staticmethod
+ def bits(data):
+ # By default, `best_prefix` returns a value in byte format, this hack (multiply by 8.0)
+ # will convert it into bit format.
+ bit = 8.0 * bitmath.Bit(float(data))
+ bit = bit.best_prefix(bitmath.SI)
+ byte_to_bit_classes = {
+ 'kB': bitmath.kb,
+ 'MB': bitmath.Mb,
+ 'GB': bitmath.Gb,
+ 'TB': bitmath.Tb,
+ 'PB': bitmath.Pb,
+ 'EB': bitmath.Eb,
+ 'ZB': bitmath.Zb,
+ 'YB': bitmath.Yb,
+ }
+ bps = byte_to_bit_classes.get(bit.unit, bitmath.Bit).from_other(bit) / 8.0
+ if bps.unit != 'Bit':
+ return bps.format("{value:.4f} {unit}ps")
+ else:
+ return bps.format("{value:.4f} bps")
+ @staticmethod
+ def percentage(data):
+ if data is None:
+ return ''
+ elif math.isnan(data):
+ return '-'
+ else:
+ return Formatter.suffix('%')(Formatter.float(4)(data))
+class Table(object):
+ """ASCII readable table class"""
+ def __init__(self, header):
+ header_row, self.formatters = zip(*header)
+ = [header_row]
+ self.columns = len(header_row)
+ def add_row(self, row):
+ assert(self.columns == len(row))
+ formatted_row = []
+ for entry, formatter in zip(row, self.formatters):
+ formatted_row.append(formatter(entry))
+ def get_string(self, indent=0):
+ spaces = ' ' * indent
+ table = tabulate(,
+ headers='firstrow',
+ tablefmt='grid',
+ stralign='center',
+ floatfmt='.2f')
+ return table.replace('\n', '\n' + spaces)
+class Summarizer(object):
+ """Generic summarizer class"""
+ indent_per_level = 2
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.indent_size = 0
+ self.marker_stack = [False]
+ self.str = ''
+ def __indent(self, marker):
+ self.indent_size += self.indent_per_level
+ self.marker_stack.append(marker)
+ def __unindent(self):
+ assert(self.indent_size >= self.indent_per_level)
+ self.indent_size -= self.indent_per_level
+ self.marker_stack.pop()
+ def __get_indent_string(self):
+ current_str = ' ' * self.indent_size
+ if self.marker_stack[-1]:
+ current_str = current_str[:-2] + '> '
+ return current_str
+ def _put(self, *args):
+ self.str += self.__get_indent_string()
+ if len(args) and type(args[-1]) == dict:
+ self.str += ' '.join(map(str, args[:-1])) + '\n'
+ self._put_dict(args[-1])
+ else:
+ self.str += ' '.join(map(str, args)) + '\n'
+ def _put_dict(self, data):
+ with self._create_block(False):
+ for key, value in data.iteritems():
+ if type(value) == dict:
+ self._put(key + ':')
+ self._put_dict(value)
+ else:
+ self._put(key + ':', value)
+ def _put_table(self, table):
+ self.str += self.__get_indent_string()
+ self.str += table.get_string(self.indent_size) + '\n'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.str
+ @contextmanager
+ def _create_block(self, marker=True):
+ self.__indent(marker)
+ yield
+ self.__unindent()
+class NFVBenchSummarizer(Summarizer):
+ """Summarize nfvbench json result"""
+ ndr_pdr_header = [
+ ('-', Formatter.fixed),
+ ('L2 Frame Size', Formatter.standard),
+ ('Rate (fwd+rev)', Formatter.bits),
+ ('Rate (fwd+rev)', Formatter.suffix(' pps')),
+ ('Avg Drop Rate', Formatter.suffix('%')),
+ ('Avg Latency (usec)', Formatter.standard),
+ ('Min Latency (usec)', Formatter.standard),
+ ('Max Latency (usec)', Formatter.standard)
+ ]
+ single_run_header = [
+ ('L2 Frame Size', Formatter.standard),
+ ('Drop Rate', Formatter.suffix('%')),
+ ('Avg Latency (usec)', Formatter.standard),
+ ('Min Latency (usec)', Formatter.standard),
+ ('Max Latency (usec)', Formatter.standard)
+ ]
+ config_header = [
+ ('Direction', Formatter.standard),
+ ('Requested TX Rate (bps)', Formatter.bits),
+ ('Actual TX Rate (bps)', Formatter.bits),
+ ('RX Rate (bps)', Formatter.bits),
+ ('Requested TX Rate (pps)', Formatter.suffix(' pps')),
+ ('Actual TX Rate (pps)', Formatter.suffix(' pps')),
+ ('RX Rate (pps)', Formatter.suffix(' pps'))
+ ]
+ chain_analysis_header = [
+ ('Interface', Formatter.standard),
+ ('Device', Formatter.standard),
+ ('Packets (fwd)', Formatter.standard),
+ ('Drops (fwd)', Formatter.standard),
+ ('Drop% (fwd)', Formatter.percentage),
+ ('Packets (rev)', Formatter.standard),
+ ('Drops (rev)', Formatter.standard),
+ ('Drop% (rev)', Formatter.percentage)
+ ]
+ direction_keys = ['direction-forward', 'direction-reverse', 'direction-total']
+ direction_names = ['Forward', 'Reverse', 'Total']
+ def __init__(self, result):
+ Summarizer.__init__(self)
+ self.result = result
+ self.config = self.result['config']
+ self.__summarize()
+ def __summarize(self):
+ self._put()
+ self._put('========== NFVBench Summary ==========')
+ self._put('Date:', self.result['date'])
+ self._put('NFVBench version', self.result['nfvbench_version'])
+ self._put('Openstack Neutron:', {
+ 'vSwitch': self.result['openstack_spec']['vswitch'],
+ 'Encapsulation': self.result['openstack_spec']['encaps']
+ })
+ self._put('Benchmarks:')
+ with self._create_block():
+ self._put('Networks:')
+ with self._create_block():
+ network_benchmark = self.result['benchmarks']['network']
+ self._put('Components:')
+ with self._create_block():
+ self._put('TOR:')
+ with self._create_block(False):
+ self._put('Type:', self.config['tor']['type'])
+ self._put('Traffic Generator:')
+ with self._create_block(False):
+ self._put('Profile:', self.config['generator_config']['name'])
+ self._put('Tool:', self.config['generator_config']['tool'])
+ if network_benchmark['versions']:
+ self._put('Versions:')
+ with self._create_block():
+ for component, version in network_benchmark['versions'].iteritems():
+ self._put(component + ':', version)
+ if self.config['ndr_run'] or self.config['pdr_run']:
+ self._put('Measurement Parameters:')
+ with self._create_block(False):
+ if self.config['ndr_run']:
+ self._put('NDR:', self.config['measurement']['NDR'])
+ if self.config['pdr_run']:
+ self._put('PDR:', self.config['measurement']['PDR'])
+ self._put('Service chain:')
+ for result in network_benchmark['service_chain'].iteritems():
+ with self._create_block():
+ self.__chain_summarize(*result)
+ def __chain_summarize(self, chain_name, chain_benchmark):
+ self._put(chain_name + ':')
+ if chain_name == ChainType.PVVP:
+ self._put('Mode:', chain_benchmark.get('mode'))
+ with self._create_block():
+ self._put('Traffic:')
+ with self._create_block(False):
+ self.__traffic_summarize(chain_benchmark['result'])
+ def __traffic_summarize(self, traffic_benchmark):
+ self._put('Profile:', traffic_benchmark['profile'])
+ self._put('Bidirectional:', traffic_benchmark['bidirectional'])
+ self._put('Flow count:', traffic_benchmark['flow_count'])
+ self._put('Service chains count:', traffic_benchmark['service_chain_count'])
+ self._put('Compute nodes:', traffic_benchmark['compute_nodes'].keys())
+ with self._create_block(False):
+ self._put()
+ if not self.config['no_traffic']:
+ self._put('Run Summary:')
+ self._put()
+ with self._create_block(False):
+ self._put_table(self.__get_summary_table(traffic_benchmark['result']))
+ try:
+ self._put()
+ self._put(traffic_benchmark['result']['warning'])
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ for entry in traffic_benchmark['result'].iteritems():
+ if 'warning' in entry:
+ continue
+ self.__chain_analysis_summarize(*entry)
+ def __chain_analysis_summarize(self, frame_size, analysis):
+ self._put()
+ self._put('L2 frame size:', frame_size)
+ if 'analysis_duration_sec' in analysis:
+ self._put('Chain analysis duration:',
+ Formatter.float(3)(analysis['analysis_duration_sec']), 'seconds')
+ if self.config['ndr_run']:
+ self._put('NDR search duration:', Formatter.float(0)(analysis['ndr']['time_taken_sec']),
+ 'seconds')
+ if self.config['pdr_run']:
+ self._put('PDR search duration:', Formatter.float(0)(analysis['pdr']['time_taken_sec']),
+ 'seconds')
+ self._put()
+ if not self.config['no_traffic'] and self.config['single_run']:
+ self._put('Run Config:')
+ self._put()
+ with self._create_block(False):
+ self._put_table(self.__get_config_table(analysis['run_config']))
+ if 'warning' in analysis['run_config'] and analysis['run_config']['warning']:
+ self._put()
+ self._put(analysis['run_config']['warning'])
+ self._put()
+ if 'packet_analysis' in analysis:
+ self._put('Chain Analysis:')
+ self._put()
+ with self._create_block(False):
+ self._put_table(self.__get_chain_analysis_table(analysis['packet_analysis']))
+ self._put()
+ def __get_summary_table(self, traffic_result):
+ if self.config['single_run']:
+ summary_table = Table(self.single_run_header)
+ else:
+ summary_table = Table(self.ndr_pdr_header)
+ if self.config['ndr_run']:
+ for frame_size, analysis in traffic_result.iteritems():
+ if frame_size == 'warning':
+ continue
+ summary_table.add_row([
+ 'NDR',
+ frame_size,
+ analysis['ndr']['rate_bps'],
+ int(analysis['ndr']['rate_pps']),
+ analysis['ndr']['stats']['overall']['drop_percentage'],
+ analysis['ndr']['stats']['overall']['avg_delay_usec'],
+ analysis['ndr']['stats']['overall']['min_delay_usec'],
+ analysis['ndr']['stats']['overall']['max_delay_usec']
+ ])
+ if self.config['pdr_run']:
+ for frame_size, analysis in traffic_result.iteritems():
+ if frame_size == 'warning':
+ continue
+ summary_table.add_row([
+ 'PDR',
+ frame_size,
+ analysis['pdr']['rate_bps'],
+ int(analysis['pdr']['rate_pps']),
+ analysis['pdr']['stats']['overall']['drop_percentage'],
+ analysis['pdr']['stats']['overall']['avg_delay_usec'],
+ analysis['pdr']['stats']['overall']['min_delay_usec'],
+ analysis['pdr']['stats']['overall']['max_delay_usec']
+ ])
+ if self.config['single_run']:
+ for frame_size, analysis in traffic_result.iteritems():
+ summary_table.add_row([
+ frame_size,
+ analysis['stats']['overall']['drop_rate_percent'],
+ analysis['stats']['overall']['rx']['avg_delay_usec'],
+ analysis['stats']['overall']['rx']['min_delay_usec'],
+ analysis['stats']['overall']['rx']['max_delay_usec']
+ ])
+ return summary_table
+ def __get_config_table(self, run_config):
+ config_table = Table(self.config_header)
+ for key, name in zip(self.direction_keys, self.direction_names):
+ if key not in run_config:
+ continue
+ config_table.add_row([
+ name,
+ run_config[key]['orig']['rate_bps'],
+ run_config[key]['tx']['rate_bps'],
+ run_config[key]['rx']['rate_bps'],
+ int(run_config[key]['orig']['rate_pps']),
+ int(run_config[key]['tx']['rate_pps']),
+ int(run_config[key]['rx']['rate_pps']),
+ ])
+ return config_table
+ def __get_chain_analysis_table(self, packet_analysis):
+ chain_analysis_table = Table(self.chain_analysis_header)
+ forward_analysis = packet_analysis['direction-forward']
+ reverse_analysis = packet_analysis['direction-reverse']
+ reverse_analysis.reverse()
+ for fwd, rev in zip(forward_analysis, reverse_analysis):
+ chain_analysis_table.add_row([
+ fwd['interface'],
+ fwd['device'],
+ fwd['packet_count'],
+ fwd.get('packet_drop_count', None),
+ fwd.get('packet_drop_percentage', None),
+ rev['packet_count'],
+ rev.get('packet_drop_count', None),
+ rev.get('packet_drop_percentage', None),
+ ])
+ return chain_analysis_table