.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 Georedundancy: Connection between different OpenStack cells ----------------------------------------------------------- Georedundancy refers to a configuration which ensures the service continuity of the VNF-s even if a whole datacenter fails [Q: Do we include or exclude VNF pooling?]. This can be achieved by redundant VNF-s in a hot (spare VNF is running its configuration and internal state is synchronised to the active VNF), warm (spare VNF is running, its configuration is synchronised to the active VNF) or cold (spare VNF is not running, active VNF-s configuration is stored in a database and dropped to the spare VNF during its activation) standby state in a different datacenter from where the active VNF-s are running. The synchronisation and data transfer can be handled by the application or the infrastructure. In all of these georedundancy setups there is a need for a network connection between the datacenter running the active VNF and the datacenter running the spare VNF. In case of a distributed cloud it is possible that the georedundant cloud of an application is not predefined or changed and the change requires configuration in the underlay networks. This set of georedundancy use cases is about enabling the possiblity to select a datacenter as backup datacenter and build the connectivity between the NFVI-s in the different datacenters in a programmable way. Description ^^^^^^^^^^^ There should be an API to manage the infrastructure-s networks between two OpenStack cells. (Note: In the Mitaka release of OpenStack cells v1 are considered as, cells v2 functionaity is under implementation) - Maybe the existing capability of Neutron to have several subnets associated to an external network is enough? Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Possibility to define a remote and a local endpoint - As in case of cells the nova-api service is shared it should be possible to identify the cell in the API calls Northbound API / Workflow """"""""""""""""""""""""" - An infrastructure network management API is needed - When the endpoints are created neutron is configured to use the new network. (Note: Nova networking is not considered as it is deprecated.) Data model objects """""""""""""""""" - TBD Orchestration """"""""""""" - TBD Dependencies on compute services """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" None. Potential implementation """""""""""""""""""""""" - TBD