.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 *************************** NetReady: Network Readiness *************************** :Project: NetReady, https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/netready/NetReady :Abstract: OPNFV provides an infrastructure with different SDN controller options to realize NFV functionality on the platform it builds. As OPNFV uses OpenStack as VIM, we need to analyze the capabilities this component offers us. The networking functionality is provided by a single component called Neutron, which hides the controller under it, let it be Neutron itself or any supported SDN controller. As NFV wasn't taken into consideration at the time when Neutron was designed we are already facing several bottlenecks and architectural shortcomings while implementing our use cases. The NetReady project aims at evolving OpenStack networking step-by-step to find the most efficient way to fulfill the requirements of the identified NFV use cases, taking into account the NFV mindset and the capabilities of SDN controllers. :History: ========== ===================================================== Date Description ========== ===================================================== 22.03.2016 Project creation 19.04.2016 Initial version of the deliverable uploaded to Gerrit ========== ===================================================== .. raw:: latex \newpage .. include:: glossary.rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 :numbered: introduction.rst use_cases.rst current_solutions.rst gap_analysis.rst architecture.rst implementation.rst summary.rst