#!/bin/bash # # Author: Dimitri Mazmanov (dimitri.mazmanov@ericsson.com) # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # set -o xtrace set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail # Ensure that openrc containing OpenStack environment variables is present. source openrc # Endpoints. Dynamically get IP addresses from another service (keystone) KINGBIRD_PUBLIC_URL=$(openstack endpoint list | grep keystone | grep public | cut -d '|' -f 8 | cut -d '/' -f 3 | cut -d ':' -f 1) KINGBIRD_ADMIN_URL=$(openstack endpoint list | grep keystone | grep admin | cut -d '|' -f 8 | cut -d '/' -f 3 | cut -d ':' -f 1) KINGBIRD_INTERNAL_URL=$(openstack endpoint list | grep keystone | grep internal | cut -d '|' -f 8 | cut -d '/' -f 3 | cut -d ':' -f 1) KINGBIRD_PORT=8118 KINGBIRD_VERSION='v1.0' # MySQL mysql_host=$(mysql -uroot -se "SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(USER(), '@', -1);") mysql_user='kingbird' mysql_pass='mysql_kb' mysql_db='kingbird' # Keystone admin_password='keystone_kb_pass' admin_user='kingbird' admin_tenant_name='services' auth_uri=$OS_AUTH_URL"v3" # Rabbit rabbit_user='nova' rabbit_password=$(sed -n 's/^rabbit_password *= *\([^ ]*.*\)/\1/p' < /etc/nova/nova.conf) rabbit_hosts=$(sed -n 's/^rabbit_hosts *= *\([^ ]*.*\)/\1/p' < /etc/nova/nova.conf) # Config KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE='/etc/kingbird/kingbird.conf' bind_host=$(sed -n 's/^admin_bind_host *= *\([^ ]*.*\)/\1/p' < /etc/keystone/keystone.conf) function ini_has_option { local file=$1 local section=$2 local option=$3 local line line=$(sed -ne "/^\[$section\]/,/^\[.*\]/ { /^$option[ \t]*=/ p; }" "$file") [ -n "$line" ] } function iniset { local file=$1 local section=$2 local option=$3 local value=$4 [[ -z $section || -z $option ]] && return if ! grep -q "^\[$section\]" "$file" 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\n[$section]" >>"$file" fi if ! ini_has_option "$file" "$section" "$option"; then sed -i -e "/^\[$section\]/ a\\ $option = $value " "$file" else local sep=$(echo -ne "\x01") # Replace it sed -i -e '/^\['${section}'\]/,/^\[.*\]/ s'${sep}'^\('${option}'[ \t]*=[ \t]*\).*$'${sep}'\1'"${value}"${sep} "$file" fi } export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qq update apt-get install -y \ curl \ git \ libffi-dev \ libssl-dev \ libxml2-dev \ libxslt1-dev \ libyaml-dev \ python-dev \ python-pip \ python-setuptools sudo pip install --upgrade pip sudo pip install tox==1.6.1 #Recreate database mysql -uroot -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $mysql_db;" mysql -uroot -e "CREATE DATABASE $mysql_db CHARACTER SET utf8;" mysql -uroot -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $mysql_db.* TO '$mysql_user'@'$mysql_host' IDENTIFIED BY '$mysql_pass';" set +e #Configure kingbird user openstack user show kingbird 2>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "User already exists. Skipping.." else echo "Creating Kingbird user.." openstack user create --project=${admin_tenant_name} --password=${admin_password} ${admin_user} openstack role add --user=${admin_user} --project=${admin_tenant_name} admin fi #Configure kingbird endpoints openstack service show kingbird 2>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Kingbird service already exists. Skipping.." else echo "Creating Kingbird endpoints.." openstack service create --name=kingbird --description="Kingbird" multisite openstack endpoint create kingbird public http://${KINGBIRD_PUBLIC_URL}:${KINGBIRD_PORT}/${KINGBIRD_VERSION} --region ${OS_REGION_NAME} openstack endpoint create kingbird admin http://${KINGBIRD_ADMIN_URL}:${KINGBIRD_PORT}/${KINGBIRD_VERSION} --region ${OS_REGION_NAME} openstack endpoint create kingbird internal http://${KINGBIRD_INTERNAL_URL}:${KINGBIRD_PORT}/${KINGBIRD_VERSION} --region ${OS_REGION_NAME} fi set -e # Cleanup the folder before making a fresh clone rm -rf kingbird/ #Setup Kingbird git clone https://github.com/openstack/kingbird.git && cd kingbird/ git checkout tags/0.2.1 -b colorado pip install -r requirements.txt pip install --force-reinstall -U . mkdir -p /etc/kingbird/ oslo-config-generator --config-file tools/config-generator.conf --output-file ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} # Configure host section iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} DEFAULT bind_host ${bind_host} iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} DEFAULT bind_port ${KINGBIRD_PORT} iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} host_details host ${bind_host} # Configure cache section. Ideally should be removed iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} cache admin_tenant ${admin_tenant_name} iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} cache admin_username ${admin_user} iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} cache admin_password ${admin_password} iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} cache auth_uri ${auth_uri} iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} cache identity_uri ${OS_AUTH_URL} # Configure keystone_authtoken section iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} keystone_authtoken admin_tenant_name ${admin_tenant_name} iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} keystone_authtoken admin_user ${admin_user} iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} keystone_authtoken admin_password ${admin_password} iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} keystone_authtoken auth_uri ${auth_uri} iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} keystone_authtoken identity_uri ${OS_AUTH_URL} # Configure RabbitMQ credentials iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_userid ${rabbit_user} iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_password ${rabbit_password} iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_hosts ${rabbit_hosts} iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_virtual_host / iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_ha_queues False # Configure the database. iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} database connection "mysql://$mysql_user:$mysql_pass@$mysql_host/$mysql_db?charset=utf8" iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} database max_overflow -1 iniset ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} database max_pool_size 1000 # Run kingbird mkdir -p /var/log/kingbird kingbird-manage --config-file ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} db_sync kingbird-engine --config-file ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} --log-file /var/log/kingbird/kingbird-engine.log & kingbird-api --config-file ${KINGBIRD_CONF_FILE} --log-file /var/log/kingbird/kingbird-api.log &