################################################ Federated Authentication Utilizing Apache & SSSD ################################################ :Author: John Dennis :Email: jdennis@redhat.com .. contents:: Table of Contents ************ Introduction ************ Applications should not need to handle the burden of authentication and authorization. These are complex technologies further complicated by the existence of a wide variety of authentication mechanisms. Likewise there are numerous identity providers (IdP) which one may wish to utilize, perhaps in a federated manner. The potential to make critical mistakes are high while consuming significant engineering resources. Ideally an application should "outsource" it's authentication to an "expert" and avoid unnecessary development costs. For web based applications (both conventional HTML and REST API) there has been a trend to embed a simple HTTP server in the application or application server which handles the HTTP requests eschewing the use of a traditional web server such as Apache. .. figure:: sssd_01.png :align: center _`Figure 1.` But traditional web servers have a lot of advantages. They often come with extensive support for technologies you might wish to utilize in your application. It would require signification software engineering to add support for those technologies in your application. The problem is compounded by the fact many of these technologies demand domain expertise which is unlikely to be available in the application development team. Another problem is the libraries needed to utilize the technology may not even be available in the programming language the application is being developed in. Fundamentally an application developer should focus on developing their application instead of investing resources into implementing complex code for the ancillary technologies the application may wish to utilize. Therefore fronting your application with a web server such as Apache makes a lot of sense. One should allow Apache to handle complex tasks such as multiple authentication mechanisms talking to multiple IdP's. Suppose you want your application to handle Single Sign-On (SSO) via Kerberos or authentication based on X509 certificates (i.e. PKI). Apache already has extensions to handle these which have been field proven, it would be silly to try and support these in your application. Apache also comes with other useful extensions such as ``mod_identity_lookup`` which can extract metadata about an authenticated user from multiple sources such as LDAP, Active Directory, NIS, etc. By fronting your application with Apache and allowing Apache to handle the complex task of authentication, identity lookups etc. you've greatly increased the features of your application while at the same time reducing application development time along with increasing application security and robustness. .. figure:: sssd_02.png :align: center _`Figure 2.` When Apache fronts your application you will be passed the results of authentication and identity lookups. Your application only needs a simple mechanism to accept these values. There are a variety of ways the values can be passed from Apache to your application which will be discussed in later sections. Authentication & Identity Properties ==================================== Authentication is proving that a user is who they claim to be, in other words after authentication the user has a proven identity. In security parlance the authenticated entity is call a principal. Principals may be humans, machines or services. Authorization is distinct from authentication. Authorization declares what actions an authenticated principal may perform. For example, does a principal have permission to read a certain file, run a specific command, etc. Identity metadata is typically bound to the principal to provide extra information. Examples include the users full name, their organization, the groups they are members of, etc. Apache can provide both authentication and identity metadata to an application freeing the application of this task. Authorization usually will remain the province of the application. A typical design pattern is to assign roles to a principal based on identity properties. As the application executes on behalf of a principal the application will check if the principal has the necessary role needed to perform the operation. Apache ships with a wide variety of authentication modules. After an Apache authentication module successfully authenticates a principal, it sets internal variables identifying the principal and the authentication method used to authenticate the principal. These are exported as the CGI variables REMOTE_USER and AUTH_TYPE respectively (see `CGI Export Issues`_ for further information). Identity Properties ------------------- Most Apache authentication modules do not have access to any of the identity properties bound to the authenticated principal. Those identity properties must be provided by some other mechanism. Typical mechanisms include lookups in LDAP, Active Directory, NIS, POSIX passwd/gecos and SQL. Managing these lookups can be difficult especially in a networked environment where services may be temporarily unavailable and/or in a enterprise deployment where identity sources must be multiplexed across a variety of services according to enterprise wide policy. `SSSD`_ (System Security Services Daemon) is designed to alleviate many of the problems surrounding authentication and identity property lookup. SSSD can provide identity properties via D-Bus using it's InfoPipe (IFP) feature. The `mod_identity_lookup`_ Apache module is given the name of the authenticated principal and makes available identity properties via Apache environment variables (see `Configure SSSD IFP`_ for details). Exporting & Consuming Identity Metadata ======================================= The authenticated principal (REMOTE_USER), the mechanism used to authenticate the principal (AUTH_TYPE) and identity properties (supplied by SSSD IFP) are exported to the application which trusts this metadata to be valid. How is this identity metadata exported from Apache and then be consumed by a Java EE Servlet? The architectural design inside Apache tries to capitalize on the existing CGI standard (`CGI RFC`_) as much as possible. CGI defines these relevant environment variables: * REMOTE_USER * AUTH_TYPE * REMOTE_ADDR * REMOTE_HOST Transporting Identity Metadata from Apache to a Java EE Servlet =============================================================== In following figure we can see that the user connects to Apache instead of the servlet container. Apache authenticates the user, looks up the principal's identity information and then proxies the request to the servlet container. The additional identity metadata must be included in the proxy request in order for the servlet to extract it. .. figure:: sssd_03.png :align: center _`Figure 3.` The Java EE Servlet API is designed with the HTTP protocol in mind however the servlet never directly accesses the HTTP protocol stream. Instead it uses the servlet API to get access to HTTP request data. The responsibility for HTTP communication rests with the container's ``Connector`` objects. When the servlet API needs information it works in conjunction with the ``Connector`` to supply it. For example the ``HttpServletRequest.getRemoteHost()`` method interrogates information the ``Connector`` placed on the internal request object. Analogously ``HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser()`` interrogates information placed on the internal request object by an authentication filter. But what happens when a HTTP request is proxied to a servlet container by Apache and ``getRemoteHost()`` or ``getRemoteUser()`` is called? Most ``Connector`` objects do not understand the proxy scenario, to them a request from a proxy looks just like a request sent directly to the servlet container. Therefore ``getRemoteHost()`` or ``getRemoteUser()`` ends up returning information relative to the proxy instead of the user who connected to the proxy because it's the proxy who connected to the servlet container and not the end user. There are 2 fundamental approaches which allow the servlet API to return data supplied by the proxy: 1. Proxy uses special protocol (e.g. AJP) to embed metadata. 2. Metadata is embedded in an HTTP extension by the proxy (i.e. headers) Proxy With AJP Protocol ----------------------- The AJP_ protocol was designed as a protocol to exchange HTTP requests and responses between Apache and a Java EE Servlet Container. One of its design goals was to improve performance by translating common text values appearing in HTTP requests to a more compact binary form. At the same time AJP provided a mechanism to supply metadata about the request to the servlet container. That metadata is encoded in an AJP attribute (a name/value pair). The Apache AJP Proxy module looks up information in the internal Apache request object (e.g. remote user, remote address, etc.) and encodes that metadata in AJP attributes. On the servlet container side a AJP ``Connector`` object is aware of these metadata attributes, extracts them from the protocol and supplies their values to the upper layers of the servlet API. Thus a call to ``HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser()`` made by a servlet will receive the value set by Apache prior to the proxy. This is the desired and expected behavior. A servlet should be ignorant of the consequences of proxies; the servlet API should behave the same regardless of the presence of a proxy. The AJP protocol also has a general purpose attribute mechanism whereby any arbitrary name/value pair can be passed. This proxy metadata can be retrieved by a servlet by calling ``ServletRequest.getAttribute()`` [1]_ When Apache mod_proxy_ajp is being used the authentication metadata for the remote user and auth type are are automatically inserted into the AJP protocol and the AJP ``Connector`` object on the servlet receiving end supplies those values to ``HttpServletRequest.getRemoteHost()`` and ``HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser()`` respectively. But the identity metadata supplied by ``mod_identity_lookup`` needs to be explicitly encoded into an AJP attribute (see `Configure SSSD IFP`_ for details) that can later be retrieved by ``ServletRequest.getAttribute()``. Proxy With HTTP Protocol ------------------------ Although the AJP protocol offers a number of nice advantages sometimes it's not an option. Not all servlet containers support AJP or there may be some other deployment constraint that precludes its use. In this case option 2 from above needs to be used. Option 2 requires only the defined HTTP protocol be used without any "out of band" metadata. The conventional way to attach extension metadata to a HTTP request is to add extension HTTP headers. One problem with using extension HTTP headers to pass metadata to a servlet is the expectation the servlet API will have the same behavior. In other words the value returned by ``HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser()`` should not depend on whether the proxy request was exchanged with the AJP protocol or the HTTP protocol. The solution to this is to wrap the ``HttpServletRequest`` object in a servlet filter. The wrapper overrides certain request methods (e.g. ``getRemoteUser()``). The override method looks to see if the metadata is in the extension HTTP headers, if so it returns the value found in the extension HTTP header otherwise it defers to the existing servlet implementation. The ``ServletRequest.getAttribute()`` is overridden in an analogous manner in the wrapper filter. Any call to ``ServletRequest.getAttribute()`` is first checked to see if the value exists in the extension HTTP header first. Metadata supplied by Apache that is **not** part of the normal Java EE Servlet API **always** appears to the servlet via the ``ServletRequest.getAttribute()`` method regardless of the proxy transport mechanism. The consequence of this is a servlet continues to utilize the existing Java EE Servlet API without concern for intermediary proxies, *and* any other metadata supplied by a proxy is *always* retrieved via ``ServletRequest.getAttribute()`` (see the caveat about ``ServletRequest.getAttributeNames()`` [1]_). ******************* Configuration Guide ******************* Although Apache authentication and SSSD identity lookup can operate with a variety of authentication mechanisms, IdP's and identity metadata providers we will demonstrate a configuration example which utilizes the FreeIPA_ IdP. FreeIPA excels at Kerberos SSO authentication, Active Directory integration, LDAP based identity metadata storage and lookup, DNS services, host based RBAC, SSH key management, certificate management, friendly web based console, command line tools and many other advanced IdP features. The following configuration steps will need to be performed: 1. Install FreeIPA_ by following the installation guides in the FreeIPA_ documentation area. When you install FreeIPA_ you will need to select a realm (a.k.a domain) in which your users and hosts will exist. In our example we will use the ``EXAMPLE.COM`` realm. 2. Install and configure the Apache HTTP web server. The recommendation is to install and run the Apache HTTP web server on the same system the Java EE Container running AAA is installed on. 3. Configure the proxy connector in the Java EE Container and set the ``secureProxyPorts``. We will also illustrate the operation of the system by adding an example user named ``testuser`` who will be a member of the ``odl_users`` and ``odl_admin`` groups. Add Example User and Groups to FreeIPA ====================================== After installing FreeIPA you will need to populate FreeIPA with your users, groups and other data. Refer to the documentation in FreeIPA_ for the variety of ways this task can be performed; it runs the gamut from web based console to command line utilities. For simplicity we will use the command line utilities. Identify yourself to FreeIPA as an administrator; this will give you the necessary privileges needed to create and modify data in FreeIPA. You do this by obtaining a Kerberos ticket for the ``admin`` user (or any other user in FreeIPA with administrator privileges. :: % kinit admin@EXAMPLE.COM Create the example ``odl_users`` and `odl_admin`` groups. :: % ipa group-add odl_users --desc 'OpenDaylight Users' % ipa group-add odl_admin --desc 'OpenDaylight Administrators' Create the example user ``testuser`` with the first name "Test" and a last name of "User" and an email address of "test.user@example.com" :: % ipa user-add testuser --first Test --last User --email test.user@example.com Now add ``testuser`` to the ``odl_users`` and ``odl_admin`` groups. :: % ipa group-add-member odl_users --user testuser % ipa group-add-member odl_admin --user testuser Configure Apache ================ A number of Apache configuration directives will need to be specified to implement the Apache to application binding. Although these configuration directives can be located in any number of different Apache configuration files the most sensible approach is to co-locate them in a single application configuration file. This greatly simplifies the deployment of your application and isolates your application configuration from other applications and services sharing the Apache installation. In the examples that follow our application will be named ``my_app`` and the Apache application configuration file will be named ``my_app.conf`` which should be located in Apache's ``conf.d/`` directory. The web resource we are protecting and supplying identity metadata for will be named ``my_resource``. Configure Apache for Kerberos ----------------------------- When FreeIPA is deployed Kerberos is the preferred authentication mechanism for Single Sign-On (SSO). FreeIPA also provides identity metadata via Apache ``mod_identity_lookup``. To protect your ``my_resource`` resource with Kerberos authentication identify your resource as requiring Kerberos authentication in your ``my_app.conf`` Apache configuration. For example: :: AuthType Kerberos AuthName "Kerberos Login" KrbMethodNegotiate On KrbMethodK5Passwd Off KrbAuthRealms EXAMPLE.COM Krb5KeyTab /etc/http.keytab require valid-user You will need to replace EXAMPLE.COM in the KrbAuthRealms declaration with the Kerberos realm for your deployment. Configure SSSD IFP ------------------ To use the Apache ``mod_identity_lookup`` module to supply identity metadata you need to do the following in ``my_app.conf``: 1. Enable the module :: LoadModule lookup_identity_module modules/mod_lookup_identity.so 2. Apply the identity metadata lookup to specific URL's (e.g. ``my_resource``) via an Apache location directive. In this example we look up the "mail" attribute and assign it to the REMOTE_USER_EMAIL environment variable. :: LookupUserAttr mail REMOTE_USER_EMAIL 3. Export the environment variable via the desired proxy protocol, see `Exporting Environment Variables to the Proxy`_ Exporting Environment Variables to the Proxy -------------------------------------------- First you need to decide which proxy protocol you're going to use, AJP or HTTP and then determine the target address and port to proxy to. The recommended configuration is to run both the Apache server and the servlet container on the same host and to proxy requests over the local loopback interface (see `Declaring the Connector Ports for Authentication Proxies`_). In our examples we'll use port 8383. Thus in ``my_app.conf`` add a proxy declaration. For HTTP Proxy :: ProxyPass / http://localhost:8383/ ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8383/ For AJP Proxy :: ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8383/ ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8383/ AJP Exports ^^^^^^^^^^^ AJP automatically forwards REMOTE_USER and AUTH_TYPE making them available to the ``HttpServletRequest`` API, thus you do not need to explicitly forward these in the proxy configuration. However all other ``mod_identity_lookup`` metadata must be explicitly forwarded as an AJP attribute. These AJP attributes become visible in the ``ServletRequest.getAttribute()`` method [1]_. The Apache ``mod_proxy_ajp`` module automatically sends any Apache environment variable prefixed with "AJP\_" as an AJP attribute which can be retrieved with ``ServletRequest.getAttribute()``. Therefore the ``mod_identity_lookup`` directives which specify the Apache environment variable to set with the result of a lookup must be prefixed with "AJP\_". Using the above example of looking up the principal's email address we modify the environment variable to include the "AJP\_" prefix. Thusly: :: LookupUserAttr mail AJP_REMOTE_USER_EMAIL The sequence of events is as follows: 1. When the URL matches "my_resource". 2. ``mod_identity_lookup`` retrieves the mail attribute for the principal. 3. ``mod_identity_lookup`` assigns the value of the mail attribute lookup to the AJP_REMOTE_USER_EMAIL Apache environment variable. 4. ``mod_proxy_ajp`` encodes AJP_REMOTE_USER_EMAIL environment variable into an AJP attribute in the AJP protocol because the environment variable is prefixed with "AJP\_". The name of the attribute is stripped of it's "AJP\_" prefix thus the AJP_REMOTE_USER_EMAIL environment variable is transferred as the AJP attribute REMOTE_USER_EMAIL. 5. The request is forwarded (i.e. proxied) to servlet container using the AJP protocol. 6. The servlet container's AJP ``Connector`` object is assigned each AJP attribute to the set of attributes on the ``ServletRequest`` attribute list. Thus a call to ``ServletRequest.getAttribute("REMOTE_USER_EMAIL")`` yields the value set by ``mod_identity_lookup``. HTTP Exports ^^^^^^^^^^^^ When HTTP proxy is used there are no automatic or implicit metadata transfers; every metadata attribute must be explicitly handled on both ends of the proxy connection. All identity metadata attributes are transferred as extension HTTP headers, by convention those headers are prefixed with "X-SSSD-". Using the original example of looking up the principal's email address we must now perform two independent actions: 1. Lookup the value via ``mod_identity_lookup`` and assign to an Apache environment variable. 2. Export the environment variable in the request header with the "X-SSSD-" prefix. :: LookupUserAttr mail REMOTE_USER_EMAIL RequestHeader set X-SSSD-REMOTE_USER_EMAIL %{REMOTE_USER_EMAIL}e The sequence of events is as follows: 1. When the URL matches "my_resource". 2. ``mod_identity_lookup`` retrieves the mail attribute for the principal. 3. ``mod_identity_lookup`` assigns the value of the mail attribute lookup to the REMOTE_USER_EMAIL Apache environment variable. 4. Apache's RequestHeader directive executes just prior to the request being forwarded (i.e. in the Apache fixup stage). It adds the header X-SSSD-REMOTE_USER_EMAIL and assigns the value for REMOTE_USER_EMAIL found in the set of environment variables. It does this because the syntax %{XXX} is a variable reference for the name XXX and the 'e' appended after the closing brace indicates the lookup is to be performed in the set of environment variables. 5. The request is forwarded (i.e. proxied) to the servlet container using the HTTP protocol. 6. When ``ServletRequest.getAttribute()`` is called the ``SssdFilter`` wrapper intercepts the ``getAttribute()`` method. It looks for an HTTP header of the same name with "X-SSSD-" prefixed to it. In this case ``getAttribute("REMOTE_USER_EMAIL")`` causes the lookup of "X-SSSD-REMOTE_USER_EMAIL" in the HTTP headers, if found that value is returned. AJP Proxy Example Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you are using AJP proxy to the Java EE Container on port 8383 your ``my_app.conf`` Apache configuration file will probably look like this: :: ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8383/ ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8383/ LookupUserAttr mail AJP_REMOTE_USER_EMAIL " " LookupUserAttr givenname AJP_REMOTE_USER_FIRSTNAME LookupUserAttr sn AJP_REMOTE_USER_LASTNAME LookupUserGroups AJP_REMOTE_USER_GROUPS ":" Note the specification of the colon separator for the ``LookupUserGroups`` operation. [3]_ HTTP Proxy Example Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you are using a conventional HTTP proxy to the Java EE Container on port 8383 your ``my_app.conf`` Apache configuration file will probably look like this: :: ProxyPass / http://localhost:8383/ ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8383/ RequestHeader set X-SSSD-REMOTE_USER expr=%{REMOTE_USER} RequestHeader set X-SSSD-AUTH_TYPE expr=%{AUTH_TYPE} RequestHeader set X-SSSD-REMOTE_HOST expr=%{REMOTE_HOST} RequestHeader set X-SSSD-REMOTE_ADDR expr=%{REMOTE_ADDR} LookupUserAttr mail REMOTE_USER_EMAIL RequestHeader set X-SSSD-REMOTE_USER_EMAIL %{REMOTE_USER_EMAIL}e LookupUserAttr givenname REMOTE_USER_FIRSTNAME RequestHeader set X-SSSD-REMOTE_USER_FIRSTNAME %{REMOTE_USER_FIRSTNAME}e LookupUserAttr sn REMOTE_USER_LASTNAME RequestHeader set X-SSSD-REMOTE_USER_LASTNAME %{REMOTE_USER_LASTNAME}e LookupUserGroups REMOTE_USER_GROUPS ":" RequestHeader set X-SSSD-REMOTE_USER_GROUPS %{REMOTE_USER_GROUPS}e Note the specification of the colon separator for the ``LookupUserGroups`` operation. [3]_ Configure Java EE Container Proxy Connector =========================================== The Java EE Container must be configured to listen for connections from the Apache web server. A Java EE Container specifies connections via a ``Connector`` object. A ``Connector`` **must** be dedicated **exclusively** for handling authenticated requests from the Apache web server. The reason for this is explained in `The Proxy Problem`_. In addition ``ClaimAuthFilter`` needs to validate that any request it processes originated from the trusted Apache instance. This is accomplished by dedicating one or more ports exclusively for use by the trusted Apache server and enumerating them in the ``secureProxyPorts`` configuration as explained in `Locking Down the Apache to Java EE Container Channel`_ and `Declaring the Connector Ports for Authentication Proxies`_. Configure Tomcat Proxy Connector -------------------------------- The Tomcat Java EE Container defines Connectors in its ``server.xml`` configuration file. :: :address: This should be the loopback address as explained `Locking Down the Apache to Java EE Container Channel`_. :port: In our examples we've been using port 8383 as the proxy port. The exact port is not important but it must be consistent with the Apache proxy port, the ``Connector`` declaration, and the port value in ``secureProxyPorts``. :protocol: As explained in `Transporting Identity Metadata from Apache to a Java EE Servlet`_ you will need to decide if you are using HTTP or AJP as the proxy protocol. In the example above the protocol is set for HTTP, if you use AJP instead the protocol should instead be "AJP/1.3". :tomcatAuthentication: This boolean flag tells Tomcat whether Tomcat should perform authentication on the incoming requests or not. Since authentication is performed by Apache we do not want Tomcat to perform authentication therefore this flag must be set to false. The AAA system needs to know which port(s) the trusted Apache proxy will be sending requests on so it can trust the request authentication metadata. See `Declaring the Connector Ports for Authentication Proxies`_ for more information). Set ``secureProxyPorts`` in the FederationConfiguration. :: secureProxyPorts=8383 Configure Jetty Proxy Connector ------------------------------- The Jetty Java EE Container defines Connectors in its ``jetty.xml`` configuration file. :: 8383 300000 2 false 8445 federationConn 20000 5000 :host: This should be the loopback address as explained `Locking Down the Apache to Java EE Container Channel`_. :port: In our examples we've been using port 8383 as the proxy port. The exact port is not important but it must be consistent with the Apache proxy port, the ``Connector`` declaration, and the port value in ``secureProxyPorts``. Note, values in Jetty XML can also be parameterized so that they may be passed from property files or set on the command line. Thus typically the port is set within Jetty XML, but uses the Property element to be customizable. Thus the above ``host`` and ``port`` properties could be specificed this way: :: The AAA system needs to know which port(s) the trusted Apache proxy will be sending requests on so it can trust the request authentication metadata. See `Declaring the Connector Ports for Authentication Proxies`_ for more information). Set ``secureProxyPorts`` in the FederationConfiguration. ************************************************ How Apache Identity Metadata is Processed in AAA ************************************************ `Figure 2.`_ and `Figure 3.`_ illustrates the fact the first stage in processing a request from a user begins with Apache where the user is authenticated and SSSD supplies additional metadata about the user. The original request along with the metadata are subsequently forwarded by Apache to the Java EE Container. `Figure 4.`_ illustrates the processing inside the Java EE Container once it receives the request on one of its secure connectors. .. figure:: sssd_04.png :align: center _`Figure 4.` :Step 1: One or more Connectors have been configured to listen for requests being forwarded from a trusted Apache instance. The Connector is configured to communicate using either the HTTP or AJP protocols. See `Exporting Environment Variables to the Proxy`_ for more information on selecting a proxy transport protocol. :Step 2: The identity metadata bound to the request needs to be extracted differently depending upon whether HTTP or AJP is the transport protocol. To allow later stages in the pipeline to be ignorant of the transport protocol semantics the ``SssdFilter`` servlet filter is introduced. The ``SssdFilter`` wraps the ``HttpServletRequest`` class and intercepts calls which might return the identity metadata. The wrapper in the filter looks in protocol specific locations for the metadata. In this manner users of the ``HttpServletRequest`` are isolated from protocol differences. :Step 3: The ``ClaimAuthFilter`` is responsible for determining if identity metadata is bound to the request. If so all identity metadata is packaged into an assertion which is then handed off to ``SssdClaimAuth`` which will transform the identity metadata in the assertion into a AAA Claim which is the authorizing token for the user. :Step 4: The ``SssdClaimAuth`` object is responsible for transforming the external federated identity metadata provided by Apache and SSSD into a AAA claim. The AAA claim is an authorization token which includes information about the user plus a set of roles. These roles provide the authorization to perform AAA tasks. Although how roles are assigned is flexible the expectation is domain and/or group membership will be the primary criteria for role assignment. Because deciding how to handle external federated identity metadata is site and deployment specific we need a loadable policy mechanism. This is accomplished by a set of transformation rules which transforms the incoming IdP identity metadata into a AAA claim. For greater clarity this important step is broken down into smaller units in the shaded box in `Figure 4.`_. :Step 4.1: `The Mapping Rule Processor`_ is designed to accept a JSON object (set of key/value pairs) as input and emit a different JSON object as output effectively operating as a transformation engine on key/value pairs. :Step 4.2: The input assertion is rewritten as a JSON object in the format required by the Mapping Rule Processor. The JSON assertion is then passed into the Mapping Rule Processor. :Step 4.3: `The Mapping Rule Processor`_ identified as ``IdPMapper`` evaluates the input JSON assertion in the context of the mapping rules defined for the site deployment. If ``IdPMapper`` is able to successfully transform the input it will return a JSON object which we called the *mapped* result. If the input JSON assertion is not compatible with the site specific rules loaded into the ``IdPMapper`` then NULL is returned by the ``IdPMapper``. :Step 4.4: If a mapped JSON object is returned by the ``IdPMapper`` the mapping was successful. The values in the mapped result are re-written into an AAA Claim token. How Apache Identity Metadata is Mapped to AAA Values ==================================================== A federated IdP supplies metadata in a form unique to the IdP. This is called an assertion. That assertion must be transformed into a format and data understood by AAA. More importantly that assertion needs to yield *authorization roles specific to AAA*. In `Figure 4.`_ Step 4.3 the ``IdPMapper`` provides the transformation from an external IdP assertion to an AAA specific claim. It does this via a Mapping Rule Processor which reads a site specific set of transformation rules. These mapping rules define how to transform an external IdP assertion into a AAA claim. The mapping rules also are responsible for validating the external IdP claim to make sure it is consistent with the site specific requirements. The operation of the Mapping Rule Processor and the syntax of the mapping rules are defined in `The Mapping Rule Processor`_. Below is an example mapping rule which might be loaded into the Mapping Rule Processor. It is assumed there are two AAA roles which may be assigned [4]_: ``user`` A role granting standard permissions for normal ODL users. ``admin`` A special role granting full administrative permissions. In this example assigning the ``user`` and ``admin`` roles will be based on group membership in the following groups: ``odl_users`` Members of this group are normal ODL users with restricted permissions. ``odl_admin`` Members of this group are ODL administrators with permission to perform all operations. Granting of the ``user`` and/or ``admin`` roles based on membership in the ``odl_users`` and ``odl_admin`` is illustrated in the follow mapping rule example which also extracts the user principal and domain information in the preferred format for the site (e.g. usernames are lowercase without domain suffixes and the domain is uppercase and supplied separately). _`Mapping Rule Example 1.` :: 1 [ 2 {"mapping": {"ClientId": "$client_id", 3 "UserId": "$user_id", 4 "User": "$username", 5 "Domain": "$domain", 6 "roles": "$roles", 7 }, 8 "statement_blocks": [ 9 [ 10 ["set", "$groups", []], 11 ["set", "$roles", []] 12 ], 13 [ 14 ["in", "REMOTE_USER", "$assertion"], 15 ["exit", "rule_fails", "if_not_success"], 16 ["regexp", "$assertion[REMOTE_USER]", "(?\\w+)@(?.+)"], 17 ["exit", "rule_fails", "if_not_success"], 18 ["lower", "$username", "$regexp_map[username]"], 19 ["upper", "$domain", "$regexp_map[domain]"], 20 ], 21 [ 22 ["in", "REMOTE_USER_GROUPS", "$assertion"], 23 ["exit", "rule_fails", "if_not_success"], 24 ["split", "$groups", "$assertion[REMOTE_USER_GROUPS]", ":"], 25 ], 26 [ 27 ["in", "odl_users", "$groups"], 28 ["continue", "if_not_success"], 29 ["append", "$roles", "user"], 30 ], 31 [ 32 ["in", "odl_admin", "$groups"], 33 ["continue", "if_not_success"], 34 ["append", "$roles", "admin"] 35 ], 36 [ 37 ["unique", "$roles", "$roles"], 38 ["length", "$n_roles", "$roles"], 39 ["compare", "$n_roles", ">", 0], 40 ["exit", "rule_fails", "if_not_success"], 41 ], 42 ] 43 } 44 ] :Line 1: Starts a list of rules. In this example only 1 rule is defined. Each rule is a JSON object containing a ``mapping`` and a required list of ``statement_blocks``. The ``mapping`` may either be specified inside a rule as it is here or may be referenced by name in a table of mappings (this is easier to manage if you have a large number of rules and small number of mappings). :Lines 2-7: Defines the JSON mapped result. Each key maps to AAA claim. The value is a rule variable whose value will be substituted if the rule succeeds. Thus for example the AAA claim value ``User`` will be assigned the value from the ``$username`` rule variable. :Line 8: Begins the list of statement blocks. A statement must be contained inside a block. :Lines 9-12: The first block usually initializes variables that will be referenced later. Here we initialize ``$groups`` and ``$roles`` to empty arrays. These arrays may be appended to in later blocks and may be referenced in the final ``mapping`` output. :Lines 13-20: This block sets the user and domain information based on ``REMOTE_USER`` and exits the rule if ``REMOTE_USER`` is not defined. :Lines 14-15: This test is critical, it assures ``REMOTE_USER`` is defined in the assertion, if not the rule is skipped because we depend on ``REMOTE_USER``. :Lines 16-17: Performs a regular expression match against ``REMOTE_USER`` to split the username from the domain. The regular expression uses named groups, in this instance ``username`` and ``domain``. If the regular expression does not match the rule is skipped. :Lines 18-19: These lines reference the previous result of the regular expression match which are stored in the special variable ``$regexp_map``. The username is converted to lower case and stored in ``$username`` and the domain is converted to upper case and stored in ``$domain``. The choice of case is purely by convention and site requirements. :Lines 21-35: These 3 blocks assign roles based on group membership. :Lines 21-25: Assures ``REMOTE_USER_GROUPS`` is defined in the assertion; if not, the rule is skipped. ``REMOTE_USER_GROUPS`` is colon separated list of group names. In order to operate on the individual group names appearing in ``REMOTE_USER_GROUPS`` line 24 splits the string on the colon separator and stores the result in the ``$groups`` array. :Lines 27-30: This block assigns the ``user`` role if the user is a member of the ``odl_users`` group. :Lines 31-35: This block assigns the ``admin`` role if the user is a member of the ``odl_admin`` group. :Lines 36-41: This block performs final clean up actions for the rule. First it assures there are no duplicates in the ``$roles`` array by calling the ``unique`` function. Then it gets a count of how many items are in the ``$roles`` array and tests to see if it's empty. If there are no roles assigned the rule is skipped. :Line 43: This is the end of the rule. If we reach the end of the rule it succeeds. When a rule succeeds the mapping associated with the rule is looked up. Any rule variable appearing in the mapping is substituted with its value. Using the rules in `Mapping Rule Example 1.`_ and following example assertion in JSON format: _`Assertion Example 1.` :: { "REMOTE_USER": "TestUser@example.com", "REMOTE_AUTH_TYPE": "Negotiate", "REMOTE_USER_GROUPS": "odl_users:odl_admin", "REMOTE_USER_EMAIL": "test.user@example.com", "REMOTE_USER_FIRSTNAME": "Test", "REMOTE_USER_LASTNAME": "User" } Then the mapper will return the following mapped JSON document. This is the ``mapping`` defined on line 2 of `Mapping Rule Example 1.`_ with the variables substituted after the rule successfully executed. Note any valid JSON data type can be returned, in this example the ``null`` value is returned for ``ClientId`` and ``UserId``, normal strings for ``User`` and ``Domain`` and an array of strings for the ``roles`` value. _`Mapped Result Example 1.` :: { "ClientId": null, "UserId": null, "User": "testuser", "Domain": "EXAMPLE.COM", "roles": ["user", "admin"] } ************************** The Mapping Rule Processor ************************** The Mapping Rule Processor is designed to be as flexible and generic as possible. It accepts a JSON object as input and returns a JSON object as output. JSON was chosen because virtually all data can be represented in JSON, JSON has extensive support and JSON is human readable. The rules loaded into the Mapping Rule Processor are also expressed in JSON. One advantage of this is it makes it easy for a site administrator to define hardcoded values which are always returned and/or static tables of white and black listed users or users who are always mapped into certain roles. .. include:: mapping.rst *********************** Security Considerations *********************** Attack Vectors ============== A Java EE Container fronted by Apache has by definition 2 major components: * Apache * Java EE Container Each of these needs to be secure in its own right. There is extensive documentation on securing each of these components and the reader is encouraged to review this material. For the purpose of this discussion we are most interested in how Apache and the Java EE Container cooperate to form an integrated security system. Because Apache is performing authentication on behalf of the Java EE Container, it views Apache as a trusted partner. Our primary concern is the communication channel between Apache and the Java EE Container. We must assure the Java EE Container knows who it's trusted partner is and that it only accepts security sensitive data from that partner, this can best be described as `The Proxy Problem`_. Forged REMOTE_USER ------------------ HTTP request handling is often implemented as a processing pipeline where individual handlers are passed the request, they may then attach additional metadata to the request or transform it in some manner before handing it off to the next stage in the pipeline. A request handler may also short circuit the request processing pipeline and cause a response to be generated. Authentication is typically implemented an as early stage request handler. If a request gets past an authentication handler later stage handlers can safely assume the request belongs to an authenticated user. Authorization metadata may also have been attached to the request. Later stage handlers use the authentication/authorization metadata to make decisions as to whether the operations in the request can be satisfied. When a request is fielded by a traditional web server with CGI (Common Gateway Interface, RFC 3875) the request metadata is passed via CGI meta-variables. CGI meta-variables are often implemented as environment variables, but in practical terms CGI metadata is really just a set of name/value pairs a later stage (i.e. CGI script, servlet, etc.) can reference to learn information about the request. The CGI meta-variables REMOTE_USER and AUTH_TYPE relate to authentication. REMOTE_USER is the identity of the authenticated user and AUTH_TYPE is the authentication mechanism that was used to authenticate the user. **If a later stage request handler sees REMOTE_USER and AUTH_TYPE as non-null values it assumes the user is fully authenticated! Therefore is it essential REMOTE_USER and AUTH_TYPE can only enter the request pipeline via a trusted source.** The Proxy Problem ================= In a traditional monolithic web server the CGI meta-variables are created and managed by the web server, which then passes them to CGI scripts and executables in a very controlled environment where they execute in the context of the web server. Forgery of CGI meta-variables is generally not possible unless the web server has been compromised in some fashion. However in our configuration the Apache web server acts as an identity processor, which then forwards (i.e. proxies) the request to the Java EE container (i.e Tomcat, Jetty, etc.). One could think of the Java EE container as just another CGI script which receives CGI meta-variables provided by the Apache web server. Where this analogy breaks down is how Apache invokes the CGI script. Instead of forking a child process where the child's environment and input/output pipes are carefully controlled by Apache the request along with its additional metadata is forwarded over a transport (typically TCP/IP) to another process, the proxy, which listens on socket. The proxy (in this case the Java EE container) reads the request and the attached metadata and acts upon it. If the request read by the proxy contains the REMOTE_USER and AUTH_TYPE CGI meta-variables the proxy will consider the request **fully authenticated!**. Therefore when the Java EE container is configured as a proxy it is **essential** it only reads requests from a **trusted** Apache web server. If any other client aside from the trusted Apache web server is permitted to connect to the Java EE container that client could present forged REMOTE_USER and AUTH_TYPE meta-variables, which would be automatically accepted as valid thus opening a huge security hole. Possible Approaches to Lock Down a Proxy Channel ================================================ Tomcat Valves ------------- You can use a `Tomcat Remote Address Valve`_ valve to filter by IP or hostname to only allow a subset of machines to connect. This can be configured at the Engine, Host, or Context level in the conf/server.xml by adding something like the following: :: The problem with valves is they are a Tomcat only concept, the ``RemoteAddrValve`` only checks addresses, not port numbers (although it should be easy to add port checking) and they don't offer anything better than what is described in `Locking Down the Apache to Java EE Container Channel`_, which is not container specific. Servlet filters are always available regardless of the container the servlet is running in. A filter can check both the address and port number and refuse to operate on the request if the address and port are not known to be a trusted authentication proxy. Also note that if the Java EE Container is configured to accept connections other than from the trusted HTTP proxy server (a very likely scenario) then filtering at the connector level is not sufficient because a servlet which trusts ``REMOTE_USER`` must be assured the request arrived only on a trusted HTTP proxy server connection, not one of the other possible connections. SSL/TLS with client auth ------------------------ SSL with client authentication is the ultimate way to lock down a HTTP Server to Java EE Container proxy connection. SSL with client authentication provides authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality. However those desirable attributes come at a performance cost which may be excessive. Unless a persistent TCP connection is established between the HTTP server and the Java EE Container a SSL handshake will need to occur on each request being proxied, SSL handshakes are expensive. Given that the HTTP server and the Java EE Container will likely be deployed on the same compute node (or at a minimum on a secure subnet) the advantage of SSL for proxy connections may not be warranted because other options are available for these configuration scenarios; see `Locking Down the Apache to Java EE Container Channel`_. Also note that if the Java EE Container is configured to accept connections other than from the trusted HTTP proxy server (a very likely scenario), then filtering at the connector level is not sufficient because a servlet which trusts ``REMOTE_USER`` must be assured that the request arrived only on a trusted HTTP proxy server connection, not one of the other possible connections. Java Security Manager Permissions --------------------------------- The Java Security Manager allows you define permissions which are checked at run time before code executes. ``java.net.SocketPermission`` and ``java.net.NetPermission`` would appear to offer solutions for restricting which host and port a request containing ``REMOTE_USER`` will be trusted. However security permissions are applied *after* a request is accepted by a connector. They are also more geared towards what connections code can subsequently utilize as opposed to what connection a request was presented on. Therefore security manager permissions seem to offer little value for our purpose. One can simply test to see which host sent the proxy request and on what port it arrived on by looking at the connection information in the request. Restricting which proxies can submit trusted requests is better handled at the level of the connector, which unfortunately is a container implementation issue. Tomcat and Jetty have different ways of handling connector specifications. AJP requiredSecret ------------------ The AJP protocol includes an attribute called ``requiredSecret``, which can be used to secure the connection between AJP endpoints. When an HTTP server sends an AJP proxy request to a Java EE Container it embeds in the protocol transmission a string (``requiredSecret``) known only to the HTTP server and the Java EE Container. The AJP connector on the Java EE Container is configured with the ``requiredSecret`` value and will reject as unauthorized any AJP requests whose ``requiredSecret`` does not match. There are two problems with `requiredSecret``. First of all it's not particularly secure. In fact, it's fundamentally no different than sending a cleartext password. If the AJP request is not encrypted it means the ``requiredSecret`` will be sent in the clear which is probably one of the most egregious security mistakes. If the AJP request is transmitted in a manner where the traffic can be sniffed, it would be trivial to recover the ``requiredSecret`` and forge a request with it. On the other hand encrypting the communication channel between the HTTP server and the Java EE Container means using SSL which is fairly heavyweight. But more to the point, if one is using SSL to encrypt the channel there is a *far better* mechanism to ensure the HTTP server is who it claims to be than embedding ``requiredSecret``. If one is using SSL you might as well use SSL client authentication where the HTTP identifies itself via a client certificate. SSL client authentication is a very robust authentication mechanism. But doing SSL client authentication, or for that matter just SSL encryption, for *every* AJP protocol request is prohibitively expensive from a performance standpoint. The second problem with ``requiredSecret`` is that despite being documented in a number of places it's not actually implemented in Apache ``mod_proxy_ajp``. This is detailed in `bug 53098`_. You can set ``requiredSecret`` in the ``mod_proxy_ajp`` configuration, but it won't be included in the wire protocol. There is a patch to implement ``requiredSecret`` but, it hasn't made it into any shipping version of Apache yet. But even if ``requiredSecret`` was implemented it's not useful. Also one could construct the equivalent of ``requiredSecret`` from other AJP attributes and/or an HTTP extension header but those would suffer from the same security issues ``requiredSecret`` has, therefore it's mostly pointless. Java EE Container Issues ======================== Jetty Issues ------------ Jetty is a Java EE Container which can be used as alternative to Tomcat. Jetty is an Eclipse project. Recent versions of Jetty have dropped support for AJP; this is described in the `Jetty AJP Configuration Guide`_ which states: Configuring AJP13 Using mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp. Support for this feature has been dropped with Jetty 9. If you feel this should be brought back please file a bug. Eclipse `Bug 387928`_ *Retire jetty-ajp* was opened to track the removal of AJP in Jetty and is now closed. Tomcat Issues ------------- You should refer the `Tomcat Security How-To`_ for a full discussion of Tomcat security issues. The tomcatAuthentication attribute is used with the AJP connectors to determine if Tomcat should authenticate the user or if authentication can be delegated to the reverse proxy that will then pass the authenticated username to Tomcat as part of the AJP protocol. The requiredSecret attribute in AJP connectors configures a shared secret between Tomcat and the reverse proxy in front of Tomcat. It is used to prevent unauthorized connections over AJP protocol. Locking Down the Apache to Java EE Container Channel ==================================================== The recommended approach to lock down the proxy channel is: * Run both Apache and the servlet container on the same host. * Configure Apache to forward the proxy request on the loopback interface (e.g. also known as ``localhost``). This prohibits any external IP address from connecting, only processes running on the locked down host can communicate over ``localhost``. * Reserve one or more ports for communication **exclusively** for proxy communication between Apache and the servlet container. The servlet container may listen on other ports for non-critical non-authenticated requests. * The ``ClaimAuthFilter`` that reads the identity metadata **must** assure that requests have arrived only on a **trusted port**. To achieve this the ``FederationConfiguration`` defines the ``secureProxyPorts`` configuration option. ``secureProxyPorts`` is a space delimited list of ports which during deployment the administrator has configured such that they are **exclusively** dedicated for use by the Apache server(s) providing authentication and identity information. These ports are set in the servlet container's ``Connector`` declarations. See `Declaring the Connector Ports for Authentication Proxies`_ for more information). * When the ``ClaimAuthFilter`` receives a request, the first thing it does is check the ``ServletRequest.getLocalPort()`` value and verifies it is a member of the ``secureProxyPorts`` configuration option. If the port is a member of ``secureProxyPorts``, it will trust every identity assertion found in the request. If the local port is not a member of ``secureProxyPorts``, a HTTP 401 (unauthorized) error status will be returned for the request. A warning message will be logged the first time this occurs. Declaring the Connector Ports for Authentication Proxies -------------------------------------------------------- As described in `The Proxy Problem`_ the AAA authentication system **must** confirm the request it is processing originated from a *trusted HTTP proxy server*. This is accomplished with port isolation. The administrator deploying a federated AAA solution with SSSD identity lookups must declare in the AAA federation configuration which ports the proxy requests from the trusted HTTP server will arrive on by setting the ``secureProxyPorts`` configuration item. These ports **must** only be used for the trusted HTTP proxy server. The AAA federation software will not perform authentication for any request arriving on a port other than those listed in ``secureProxyPorts``. .. figure:: sssd_05.png :align: center _`Figure 5.` ``secureProxyPorts`` configuration option is set either in the ``federation.cfg`` file or in the ``org.opendaylight.aaa.federation.secureProxyPorts`` bundle configuration. ``secureProxyPorts`` is a space-delimited list of port numbers on which a trusted HTTP proxy performing authentication forwards pre-authenticated requests. For example: :: secureProxyPorts=8383 Means a request which arrived on port 8383 is from a trusted HTTP proxy server and the value of ``REMOTE_USER`` and other authentication metadata in request can be trusted. ######## Appendix ######## ***************** CGI Export Issues ***************** Apache processes requests as a series of steps in a pipeline fashion. The ordering of these steps is important. Core Apache is fairly minimal, most of Apache's features are supplied by loadable modules. When a module is loaded it registers a set of *hooks* (function pointers) which are to be run at specific stages in the Apache request processing pipeline. Thus a module can execute code at any of a number of stages in the request pipeline. The user metadata supplied by Apache is initialized in two distinct parts of Apache. 1. an authentication module (e.g. mod_auth_kerb) 2. the ``mod_lookup_identity`` module. After successful authentication the authentication module will set the name of the user principal and the mechanism used for authentication in the request structure. * ``request->user`` * ``request->ap_auth_type`` Authentication hooks run early in the request pipeline for the obvious reason a request should not be processed if not authenticated. The specific authentication module that runs is defined by ``Location`` directive in the Apache configuration which binds specific authentication to specific URL's. The ``mod_lookup_identity`` module must run *after* authentication module runs because it depends on knowing who the authenticated principal is so it can lookup the data on that principal. When reading ``mod_lookup_identity`` documentation one often sees references to the ``REMOTE_USER`` CGI environment variable with the implication ``REMOTE_USER`` is how one accesses the name of the authenticated principal. This is a bit misleading, ``REMOTE_USER`` is a CGI environment variable. CGI environment variables are only set by Apache when it believes the request is going to be processed by a CGI implementation. In this case ``REMOTE_USER`` is initialized from the ``request->user`` value. How is the authenticated principal actually forwarded to our proxy? =================================================================== If we are using the AJP proxy protocol the ``mod_proxy_ajp`` module when preparing the proxy request will read the value of ``request->user`` and insert it into the ``SC_A_REMOTE_USER`` AJP attribute. On the receiving end ``SC_A_REMOTE_USER`` will be extracted from the AJP request and used to populate the value returned by``HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser()``. The exchange of the authenticated principal when using AJP is transparent to both the sender and receiver, nothing special needs to be done. See `Transporting Identity Metadata from Apache to a Java EE Servlet`_ for details on how metadata can be exchanged with the proxy. However, if AJP is not being used to proxy the request the authenticated principal must be passed through some other mechanism, an HTTP extension header is the obvious solution. The Apache ``mod_headers`` module can be used to add HTTP request headers to the proxy request, for example: :: RequestHeader set MY_HEADER MY_VALUE Where does the value MY_VALUE come from? It can be hardcoded into the ``RequestHeader`` statement or it can reference an existing environment variable like this: :: RequestHeader set MY_HEADER %{FOOBAR}e where the notation ``%{FOOBAR}e`` is the contents of the environment variable FOOBAR. Thus we might expect we could do this: :: RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER %{REMOTE_USER}e The conundrum is the presumption the ``REMOTE_USER`` environment variable has already been set at the time ``mod_headers`` executes the ``RequestHeader`` statement. Unfortunately this often is not the case. The Apache environment variables ``REMOTE_USER`` and ``AUTH_TYPE`` are set by the Apache function ``ap_add_common_vars()`` defined in server/util_script.c. ``ap_add_common_vars()`` and is called by the following modules: * mod_authnz_fcgi * mod_proxy_fcgi * mod_proxy_scgi * mod_isapi * mod_ext_filter * mod_include * mod_cgi * mod_cgid Apache variables ================ Apache modules provide access to variables which can be referenced by configuration directives. Unfortunately there isn't a lot of uniformity to what the variables are and how they're referenced; it mostly depends on how a given Apache module was implemented. As you might imagine a bit of inconsistent historical cruft has accumulated over the years, it can be confusing. The Apache Foundation is trying to clean some of this up bringing uniformity to modules by utilizing the common ``expr`` (expression) module `ap_expr`_. The idea being modules will forgo their home grown expression syntax with its numerous quirks and instead expose the common ``expr`` language. However this is a work in progress and at the time of this writing only a few modules have acquired ``expr`` expression support. Among the existing Apache modules there currently are three different sets of variables. 1. Server variables. 2. Environment variables. 3. SSL variables. Server variables (item 1) are names given to internal values. The set of names for server variables and what they map to are defined by the module implementing the server variable lookup. For example ``mod_rewrite`` has its own variable lookup implementation. Environment variables (item 2) are variables *exported* to a subprocess. Internally they are stored in ``request->subprocess_env``. The most common use of environment variables exported to a subprocess are the CGI variables. SSL variables are connection specific values describing the SSL connection. The lookup is implemented by ``ssl_var_lookup()``, which given a variable name looks in a variety of internal data structures to find the matching value. The important thing to remember is **server variables != environment variables**. This can be confusing because they often share the same name. For example, there is the server variable ``REMOTE_USER`` and there is the environment variable ``REMOTE_USER``. The environment variable ``REMOTE_USER`` only exists if some module has called ``ap_add_common_vars()``. To complicate matters, some modules allow you to access *server variables*, other modules allow you to access *environment variables* and some modules provide access to both *server variables* and *environment variables*. Coming back to our goal of setting an HTTP extension header to the value of ``REMOTE_USER``, we observe that ``mod_headers`` provides the needed ``RequestHeader`` operation to set a HTTP header in the request. Looking at the documentation for ``RequestHeader`` we see a value can be specified with one of the following lookups: %{VARNAME}e The contents of the environment variable VARNAME. %{VARNAME}s The contents of the SSL environment variable VARNAME, if mod_ssl is enabled. But wait! This only gives us access to *environment variables* and the ``REMOTE_USER`` environment variable is only set if ``ap_add_common_vars()`` is called by a module **after** an authentication module runs! ``ap_add_common_vars()`` is usually only invoked if the request is going to be passed to a CGI script. But we're not doing CGI; instead we're proxying the request. The likelihood the ``REMOTE_USER`` environment variable will be set is quite low. See `Setting the REMOTE_USER environment variable`_. ``mod_headers`` is the only way to set a HTTP extension header and ``mod_headers`` only gives you access to environment variables and the ``REMOTE_USER`` environment variable is not set. Therefore if we're not using AJP and must depend on setting a HTTP extension header for ``REMOTE_USER``, we have a **serious problem**. But there is a solution; you can either try the machinations described in `Setting the REMOTE_USER environment variable`_ or assure you're running at least Apache version 2.4.10. In Apache 2.4.10 the ``mod_headers`` module added support for `ap_expr`_. `ap_expr`_ provides access to *server variables* by using the ``%{VARIABLE}`` notation. `ap_expr`_ also can lookup subprocess environment variables and operating system environment variables using its ``reqenv()`` and ``osenv()`` functions respectively. Thus the simple solution for exporting the ``REMOTE_USER`` HTTP extension header if you're running Apache 2.4.10 or later is: :: RequestHeader set X-SSSD-REMOTE_USER expr=%{REMOTE_USER} The ``expr=%{REMOTE_USER}`` in the above statement says pass ``%{REMOTE_USER}`` as an expression to `ap_expr`_, evaluate the expression and return the value. In this case the expression ``%{REMOTE_USER}`` is very simple, just the value of the server variables ``REMOTE_USER``. Because ``RequestHeader`` runs after authentication ``request->user`` will have been set. Setting the REMOTE_USER environment variable ============================================ If you do a web search on how to export ``REMOTE_USER`` in a HTTP extension header for a proxy you will discover this is a common problem that has frustrated a lot of people [2]_. The usual advice seems to be to use ``mod_rewrite`` with a look-ahead. In fact this is even documented in the `mod_rewrite documentation for REMOTE_USER`_ which says: %{LA-U:variable} can be used for look-aheads which perform an internal (URL-based) sub-request to determine the final value of variable. This can be used to access variable for rewriting which is not available at the current stage, but will be set in a later phase. For instance, to rewrite according to the REMOTE_USER variable from within the per-server context (httpd.conf file) you must use %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} - this variable is set by the authorization phases, which come after the URL translation phase (during which mod_rewrite operates). One suggested solution is this: :: RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} (.+) RewriteRule .* - [E=RU:%1] RequestHeader set X_REMOTE_USER %{RU}e 1. The RewriteCond with the %{LA-U:} construct performs an internal redirect to obtain the value of ``REMOTE_USER`` *server variable*, if that value is non-empty because the (.+) regular expression matched the rewrite condition succeeds and the following RewriteRule executes. 2. The RewriteRule executes, the first parameter is a pattern, the second parameter is the replacement which can be followed by optional flags inside brackets. The .* pattern is a regular expression that matches anything, the - replacement is a special value which indicates no replacement is to be performed. In other words the pattern and replacement are no-ops and the RewriteRule is just being used for it's side effect defined in the flags. The E=NAME:VALUE notation says set the NAME environment variable to VALUE. In this case the environment variable is RU and the value is %1. The documentation for RewriteRule tells us that %N are back-references to the last matched RewriteCond pattern, in this case it's the value of ``REMOTE_USER``. 3. Finally ``RequestHeader`` sets the request header ``X_REMOTE_USER`` to the value of the ``RU`` environment variable. Another suggested solution is this: :: RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%{LA-U:REMOTE_USER}] The Problem with mod_rewrite lookahead -------------------------------------- I **do not recommend** using mod_rewrite's lookahead to gain access to authentication data values. Although the above suggestions will work to get access to ``REMOTE_USER`` it is *extremely inefficient* because it causes Apache to reprocess the request with an internal redirect. The documentation suggests a lookahead reference will cause one internal redirect. However from examining Apache debug logs the ``mod_rewite`` lookahead caused ``mod_lookup_identity`` to be invoked **11 times** while handling one request. If the ``mod_rewrite`` lookahead is removed and another technique is used to get access to ``REMOTE_USER`` then ``mod_lookup_identity`` is invoked exactly once as expected. But it's not just ``REMOTE_USER`` which we need access to, we also need to reference ``AUTH_TYPE`` which has the identical issues associated with ``REMOTE_USER``. If an equivalent ``mod_rewrite`` block is added to the configuration for ``AUTH_TYPE`` so that both ``REMOTE_USER`` and ``auth_type`` are resolved using a lookahead Apache appears to go into an infinite loop and the request stalls. I tried to debug what was occurring when Apache was configured this way and why it seemed to be executing the same code over and over but I was not able to figure it out. My conclusion is **using mod_rewrite lookahead's is not a viable solution!** Other web posts also make reference to the inefficiency but they seem to be unaware of just how bad it is. .. [1] Tomcat has a bug/feature, not all attributes are enumerated by getAttributeNames() therefore getAttributeNames() cannot be used to obtain the full set of attributes. However if you know the name of the attribute a priori you can call getAttribute() and obtain the value. Therefore we maintain a list of attribute names (httpAttributes) which will be used to call getAttribute() with so we don't miss essential attributes. This is the Tomcat bug, note it is marked WONTFIX. Bug 25363 - request.getAttributeNames() not working properly Status: RESOLVED WONTFIX https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=25363 The solution adopted by Tomcat is to document the behavior in the "The Apache Tomcat Connector - Reference Guide" under the JkEnvVar property where is says: You can retrieve the variables on Tomcat as request attributes via request.getAttribute(attributeName). Note that the variables send via JkEnvVar will not be listed in request.getAttributeNames(). .. [2] Some examples of posts concerning the export of ``REMOTE_USER`` include: http://www.jaddog.org/2010/03/22/how-to-proxy-pass-remote_user/ and http://serverfault.com/questions/23273/apache-proxy-passing-on-remote-user-to-backend-server/ .. [3] The ``mod_lookup_identity`` ``LookupUserGroups`` option accepts an optional parameter to specify the separator used to separate group names. By convention this is normally the colon (:) character. In our examples we explicitly specify the colon separator because the mapping rules split the value found in ``REMOTE_USER_GROUPS`` on the colon character. .. [4] The example of using the `The Mapping Rule Processor`_ to establish the set of roles assigned to a user based on group membership is for illustrative purposes in order to show features of the federated IdP and mapping mechanism. Role assignment in AAA may be done in other ways. For example an unscoped token without roles can be used to acquire a scoped token with roles by presenting it to the appropriate REST API endpoint. In actual deployments this may be preferable because it places the responsibility of deciding who has what role/permission on what part of the controller/network resources more in the hands of the SDN controller administrator than the IdP administrator. .. _FreeIPA: http://www.freeipa.org/ .. _SSSD: https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ .. _mod_identity_lookup: http://www.adelton.com/apache/mod_lookup_identity/ .. _AJP: http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/ajp/ajpv13a.html .. _Tomcat Security How-To: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/security-howto.html .. _The Apache Tomcat Connector - Generic HowTo: http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/generic_howto/printer/proxy.html .. _CGI RFC: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3875 .. _ap_expr: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/expr.html .. _mod_rewrite documentation for REMOTE_USER: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_rewrite.html#rewritecond .. _bug 53098: https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=53098 .. _Jetty AJP Configuration Guide: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Jetty/Howto/Configure_AJP13 .. _Bug 387928: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=387928 .. _Tomcat Remote Address Valve: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/valve.html#Remote_Address_Filter