title Resource Access Sequence with Access Token This walks through a listing request of a secured resource (MD-SAL topology) from a client to the ODL controller using an access token (either one generated by the ODL token endpoint, or a token from a third-party IdP) and shows how the authentication context get set upon successful token validation. If token validation fails, the TokenAuthFilter will return a 401, and the REST layer will be oblivious to the failed request. Client -> ServletContainer: list topologies note right of Client (Authorization = access token) end note ServletContainer -> TokenAuthFilter: access token loop foreach TokenAuth TokenAuthFilter -> TokenAuth: validate(token) TokenAuth -> TokenAuth: validateToken end TokenAuth -> TokenAuthFilter: Authentication note left of TokenAuth (user/domain/roles/expiration) end note TokenAuthFilter -> AuthenticationService: set(Authentication) TokenAuthFilter -> RestConf: list topologies RestConf -> AuthenticationService: get: Authentication