import sys import copy import logging import threading from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader import requests import time import json import random from uuid import uuid4 from utils.pdp import check_pdp from utils.parse import parse import utils.config logger = None HOST_MANAGER = None PORT_MANAGER = None HOST_AUTHZ = None PORT_AUTHZ = None HOST_KEYSTONE = None PORT_KEYSTONE = None lock = threading.Lock() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_scenario(args): m = SourceFileLoader("scenario", args.filename[0]) return m.load_module() def get_keystone_id(pdp_name): global HOST_MANAGER, PORT_MANAGER keystone_project_id = None for pdp_key, pdp_value in check_pdp(moon_url="http://{}:{}".format(HOST_MANAGER, PORT_MANAGER))["pdps"].items(): if pdp_name: if pdp_name != pdp_value["name"]: continue if pdp_value['security_pipeline'] and pdp_value["keystone_project_id"]: logger.debug("Found pdp with keystone_project_id={}".format(pdp_value["keystone_project_id"])) keystone_project_id = pdp_value["keystone_project_id"] if not keystone_project_id: logger.error("Cannot find PDP with keystone project ID") sys.exit(1) return keystone_project_id def _construct_payload(creds, current_rule, enforcer, target): # Convert instances of object() in target temporarily to # empty dict to avoid circular reference detection # errors in jsonutils.dumps(). temp_target = copy.deepcopy(target) for key in target.keys(): element = target.get(key) if type(element) is object: temp_target[key] = {} _data = _json = None if enforcer: _data = {'rule': json.dumps(current_rule), 'target': json.dumps(temp_target), 'credentials': json.dumps(creds)} else: _json = {'rule': current_rule, 'target': temp_target, 'credentials': creds} return _data, _json def _send(url, data=None, stress_test=False): current_request = dict() current_request['url'] = url try: if stress_test: current_request['start'] = time.time() # with lock: res = requests.get(url) current_request['end'] = time.time() current_request['delta'] = current_request["end"] - current_request["start"] else: with lock: current_request['start'] = time.time() if data: data, _ = _construct_payload(data['credentials'], data['rule'], True, data['target']) res =, json=data, headers={'content-type': "application/x-www-form-urlencode"} ) else: res = requests.get(url) current_request['end'] = time.time() current_request['delta'] = current_request["end"] - current_request["start"] except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: logger.warning("Unable to connect to server") return {} if not stress_test: try: j = res.json() if res.status_code == 200: logger.warning("\033[1m{}\033[m \033[32mGrant\033[m".format(url)) elif res.status_code == 401: logger.warning("\033[1m{}\033[m \033[31mDeny\033[m".format(url)) else: logger.error("\033[1m{}\033[m {} {}".format(url, res.status_code, res.text)) except Exception as e: if res.text == "True": logger.warning("\033[1m{}\033[m \033[32mGrant\033[m".format(url)) elif res.text == "False": logger.warning("\033[1m{}\033[m \033[31mDeny\033[m".format(url)) else: logger.error("\033[1m{}\033[m {} {}".format(url, res.status_code, res.text)) logger.exception(e) logger.error(res.text) else: if j.get("result"): # logger.warning("{} \033[32m{}\033[m".format(url, j.get("result"))) logger.debug("{}".format(j.get("error", ""))) current_request['result'] = "Grant" else: # logger.warning("{} \033[31m{}\033[m".format(url, "Deny")) logger.debug("{}".format(j)) current_request['result'] = "Deny" return current_request class AsyncGet(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, url, semaphore=None, **kwargs): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.url = url self.kwargs = kwargs self.sema = semaphore self.result = dict() self.uuid = uuid4().hex self.index = kwargs.get("index", 0) def run(self): self.result = _send(self.url, data=self.kwargs.get("data"), stress_test=self.kwargs.get("stress_test", False)) self.result['index'] = self.index def send_requests(scenario, keystone_project_id, request_second=1, limit=500, dry_run=None, stress_test=False, destination="wrapper"): global HOST_AUTHZ, PORT_AUTHZ backgrounds = [] time_data = list() start_timing = time.time() request_cpt = 0 SUBJECTS = tuple(scenario.subjects.keys()) OBJECTS = tuple(scenario.objects.keys()) ACTIONS = tuple(scenario.actions.keys()) while request_cpt < limit: rule = (random.choice(SUBJECTS), random.choice(OBJECTS), random.choice(ACTIONS)) if destination.lower() == "wrapper": url = "http://{}:{}/authz".format(HOST_AUTHZ, PORT_AUTHZ) data = { 'target': { "user_id": random.choice(SUBJECTS), "target": { "name": random.choice(OBJECTS) }, "project_id": keystone_project_id }, 'credentials': None, 'rule': random.choice(ACTIONS) } else: url = "http://{}:{}/authz/{}/{}".format(HOST_AUTHZ, PORT_AUTHZ, keystone_project_id, "/".join(rule)) data = None if dry_run: continue request_cpt += 1 if stress_test: time_data.append(copy.deepcopy(_send(url, stress_test=stress_test))) else: background = AsyncGet(url, stress_test=stress_test, data=data, index=request_cpt) backgrounds.append(background) background.start() if request_second > 0: if request_cpt % request_second == 0: if time.time()-start_timing < 1: while True: if time.time()-start_timing > 1: break start_timing = time.time() if not stress_test: for background in backgrounds: background.join() if background.result: time_data.append(copy.deepcopy(background.result)) return time_data def save_data(filename, time_data): json.dump(time_data, open(filename, "w")) def get_delta(time_data): time_delta = list() time_delta_sum1 = 0 for item in time_data: time_delta.append(item['delta']) time_delta_sum1 += item['delta'] time_delta_average1 = time_delta_sum1 / len(time_data) return time_delta, time_delta_average1 def main(): global HOST_MANAGER, PORT_MANAGER, HOST_AUTHZ, PORT_AUTHZ args = parse() consul_host = args.consul_host consul_port = args.consul_port conf_data = utils.config.get_config_data(consul_host, consul_port) HOST_MANAGER = conf_data['manager_host'] PORT_MANAGER = conf_data['manager_port'] HOST_AUTHZ = args.authz_host PORT_AUTHZ = args.authz_port # HOST_KEYSTONE = conf_data['keystone_host'] # PORT_KEYSTONE = conf_data['manager_host'] scenario = get_scenario(args) keystone_project_id = get_keystone_id(args.pdp) time_data = send_requests( scenario, keystone_project_id, request_second=args.request_second, limit=args.limit, dry_run=args.dry_run, stress_test=args.stress_test, destination=args.destination ) if not args.dry_run: save_data(args.write, time_data) if __name__ == "__main__": main()