pdp_name = "pdp1"
policy_name = "Session policy example"
model_name = "Session"
policy_genre = "session"

subjects = {
    "user0": "",
    "user1": "",
    "user2": "",
    "user3": "",
    "user4": "",
    "user5": "",
    "user6": "",
    "user7": "",
    "user8": "",
    "user9": "",
    "user10": "",
    "user11": "",
    "user12": "",
    "user13": "",
    "user14": "",
    "user15": "",
    "user16": "",
    "user17": "",
    "user18": "",
    "user19": "",
    "user20": "",
    "user21": "",
    "user22": "",
    "user23": "",
    "user24": "",
    "user25": "",
    "user26": "",
    "user27": "",
    "user28": "",
    "user29": "",
    "user30": "",
    "user31": "",
    "user32": "",
    "user33": "",
    "user34": "",
    "user35": "",
    "user36": "",
    "user37": "",
    "user38": "",
    "user39": "",
objects = {"admin": "", "employee": "", "dev1": "", "dev3": "",
           "dev4": "", "dev5": "", "dev6": "", "dev7": "", "dev8": ""}
actions = {"activate": "", "deactivate": ""}

subject_categories = {"subjectid": "", }
object_categories = {"role": "", }
action_categories = {"session-action": "", }

subject_data = {"subjectid": {
    "user0": "",
    "user1": "",
    "user2": "",
    "user3": "",
    "user4": "",
    "user5": "",
    "user6": "",
    "user7": "",
    "user8": "",
    "user9": "",
    "user10": "",
    "user11": "",
    "user12": "",
    "user13": "",
    "user14": "",
    "user15": "",
    "user16": "",
    "user17": "",
    "user18": "",
    "user19": "",
    "user20": "",
    "user21": "",
    "user22": "",
    "user23": "",
    "user24": "",
    "user25": "",
    "user26": "",
    "user27": "",
    "user28": "",
    "user29": "",
    "user30": "",
    "user31": "",
    "user32": "",
    "user33": "",
    "user34": "",
    "user35": "",
    "user36": "",
    "user37": "",
    "user38": "",
    "user39": "",
object_data = {"role": {
    "admin": "",
    "employee": "",
    "dev1": "",
    "dev2": "",
    "dev3": "",
    "dev4": "",
    "dev5": "",
    "dev6": "",
    "dev7": "",
    "dev8": "",
    "*": ""
action_data = {"session-action": {"activate": "", "deactivate": "", "*": ""}}

subject_assignments = {
    "user0": ({"subjectid": "user0"}, ),
    "user1": ({"subjectid": "user1"}, ),
    "user2": ({"subjectid": "user2"}, ),
    "user3": ({"subjectid": "user3"}, ),
    "user4": ({"subjectid": "user4"}, ),
    "user5": ({"subjectid": "user5"}, ),
    "user6": ({"subjectid": "user6"}, ),
    "user7": ({"subjectid": "user7"}, ),
    "user8": ({"subjectid": "user8"}, ),
    "user9": ({"subjectid": "user9"}, ),
    "user10": ({"subjectid": "user10"}, ),
    "user11": ({"subjectid": "user11"}, ),
    "user12": ({"subjectid": "user12"}, ),
    "user13": ({"subjectid": "user13"}, ),
    "user14": ({"subjectid": "user14"}, ),
    "user15": ({"subjectid": "user15"}, ),
    "user16": ({"subjectid": "user16"}, ),
    "user17": ({"subjectid": "user17"}, ),
    "user18": ({"subjectid": "user18"}, ),
    "user19": ({"subjectid": "user19"}, ),
    "user20": ({"subjectid": "user20"},),
    "user21": ({"subjectid": "user21"},),
    "user22": ({"subjectid": "user22"},),
    "user23": ({"subjectid": "user23"},),
    "user24": ({"subjectid": "user24"},),
    "user25": ({"subjectid": "user25"},),
    "user26": ({"subjectid": "user26"},),
    "user27": ({"subjectid": "user27"},),
    "user28": ({"subjectid": "user28"},),
    "user29": ({"subjectid": "user29"},),
    "user30": ({"subjectid": "user30"},),
    "user31": ({"subjectid": "user31"},),
    "user32": ({"subjectid": "user32"},),
    "user33": ({"subjectid": "user33"},),
    "user34": ({"subjectid": "user34"},),
    "user35": ({"subjectid": "user35"},),
    "user36": ({"subjectid": "user36"},),
    "user37": ({"subjectid": "user37"},),
    "user38": ({"subjectid": "user38"},),
    "user39": ({"subjectid": "user39"},),
object_assignments = {"admin": ({"role": "admin"}, {"role": "*"}),
                      "employee": ({"role": "employee"}, {"role": "*"}),
                      "dev1": ({"role": "employee"}, {"role": "dev1"}, {"role": "*"}),
                      "dev2": ({"role": "employee"}, {"role": "dev2"}, {"role": "*"}),
                      "dev3": ({"role": "employee"}, {"role": "dev3"}, {"role": "*"}),
                      "dev4": ({"role": "employee"}, {"role": "dev4"}, {"role": "*"}),
                      "dev5": ({"role": "employee"}, {"role": "dev5"}, {"role": "*"}),
                      "dev6": ({"role": "employee"}, {"role": "dev6"}, {"role": "*"}),
                      "dev7": ({"role": "employee"}, {"role": "dev7"}, {"role": "*"}),
                      "dev8": ({"role": "employee"}, {"role": "dev8"}, {"role": "*"}),
action_assignments = {"activate": ({"session-action": "activate"}, {"session-action": "*"}, ),
                      "deactivate": ({"session-action": "deactivate"}, {"session-action": "*"}, )

meta_rule = {
    "session": {"id": "", "value": ("subjectid", "role", "session-action")},

rules = {
    "session": (
            "rule": ("user0", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user1", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "delete",
                        "target": "rbac:role:employee"  # delete the role employee from the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user2", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user2", "dev1", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user2", "dev2", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user3", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user3", "dev1", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user3", "dev2", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user4", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user4", "dev1", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user4", "dev2", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user5", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user5", "dev1", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user5", "dev2", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user6", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user6", "dev1", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user6", "dev2", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user7", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user7", "dev1", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user7", "dev2", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user8", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user8", "dev1", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user8", "dev2", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user9", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user9", "dev1", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user9", "dev2", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user10", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user11", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "delete",
                        "target": "rbac:role:employee"  # delete the role employee from the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user12", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user12", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user12", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user13", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user13", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user13", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user14", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user14", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user14", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user15", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user15", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user15", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user16", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user16", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user16", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user17", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user17", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user17", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user18", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user18", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user18", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user19", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user19", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user19", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user1
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user20", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user21", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "delete",
                        "target": "rbac:role:employee"  # delete the role employee from the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user22", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user22", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user22", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user23", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user23", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user23", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user24", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user24", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user24", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user25", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user25", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user25", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user26", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user26", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user26", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user27", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user27", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user27", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user28", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user28", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user28", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user29", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user29", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user29", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user2
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user30", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user31", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "delete",
                        "target": "rbac:role:employee"  # delete the role employee from the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user32", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user32", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user32", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user33", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user33", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user33", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user34", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user34", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user34", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user35", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user35", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user35", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user36", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user36", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user36", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user37", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user37", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user37", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user38", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user38", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user38", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user39", "employee", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user39", "dev3", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac
            "rule": ("user39", "dev4", "*"),
            "instructions": (
                    "update": {
                        "operation": "add",
                        "target": "rbac:role:admin"  # add the role admin to the current user3
                {"chain": {"name": "rbac"}}  # chain with the meta_rule named rbac