GUI for the Moon project ================================ This directory contains all the code for the Moon project It is designed to provide a running GUI of the Moon platform instance. ## Usage ### Prerequist - `sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs-legacy` - `sudo npm install --global gulp-cli` ### Install all packages - `cd $MOON_HOME/moon_gui` - `sudo npm install` ### Run the GUI - `gulp webServerDelivery` - Open your web browser ## Configuration ### Build the delivery package - `gulp delivery` ### Launch the Web Server - `gulp webServerDelivery` ### Development During the development it is possible to use following commands : - `gulp build` Launch a Web Server - `gulp webServer` - Gulp webServer will refresh the browser when a file related to the application changed ### Constants It is possible to change some constants (API endpoints) - $MOON_HOME/moon_gui/static/app/moon.constants.js ### CORS The GUI need to connect itself to Keystone and Moon. Opening CORS to the GUI WebServer is required. In order to modify Keystone : `cd $pathtoVmSpace/docker/keystone` Concerned file is In order to modify Moon : `cd $MOON_HOME/moon_interface/interface` Concerned file is