# Copyright 2015 Open Platform for NFV Project, Inc. and its contributors # This software is distributed under the terms and conditions of the 'Apache-2.0' # license which can be found in the file 'LICENSE' in this package distribution # or at 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0'. """ Those API are helping API used to manage the Moon platform. """ from flask_restful import Resource, request # from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging # from moon_utilities.security_functions import call import moon_consul.api # from moon_utilities.auth import check_auth __version__ = "0.1.0" LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # CONF = cfg.CONF class API(Resource): """ Endpoint for API requests """ __urls__ = ( "/api", "/api/", "/api/", "/api//", "/api//") # @check_auth def get(self, group_id="", endpoint_id="", user_id=""): """Retrieve all API endpoints or a specific endpoint if endpoint_id is given :param group_id: the name of one existing group (ie generic, ...) :param endpoint_id: the name of one existing component (ie Logs, Status, ...) :return: { "group_name": { "endpoint_name": { "description": "a description", "methods": { "get": "description of the HTTP method" }, "urls": ('/api', '/api/', '/api/') } } """ __methods = ("get", "post", "put", "delete", "options", "patch") api_list = filter(lambda x: "__" not in x, dir(moon_consul.api)) api_desc = dict() for api_name in api_list: api_desc[api_name] = {} group_api_obj = eval("moon_interface.api.{}".format(api_name)) api_desc[api_name]["description"] = group_api_obj.__doc__ if "__version__" in dir(group_api_obj): api_desc[api_name]["version"] = group_api_obj.__version__ object_list = list(filter(lambda x: "__" not in x, dir(group_api_obj))) for obj in map(lambda x: eval("moon_interface.api.{}.{}".format(api_name, x)), object_list): if "__urls__" in dir(obj): api_desc[api_name][obj.__name__] = dict() api_desc[api_name][obj.__name__]["urls"] = obj.__urls__ api_desc[api_name][obj.__name__]["methods"] = dict() for _method in filter(lambda x: x in __methods, dir(obj)): docstring = eval("moon_interface.api.{}.{}.{}.__doc__".format(api_name, obj.__name__, _method)) api_desc[api_name][obj.__name__]["methods"][_method] = docstring api_desc[api_name][obj.__name__]["description"] = str(obj.__doc__) if group_id in api_desc: if endpoint_id in api_desc[group_id]: return {group_id: {endpoint_id: api_desc[group_id][endpoint_id]}} elif len(endpoint_id) > 0: LOG.error("Unknown endpoint_id {}".format(endpoint_id)) return {"error": "Unknown endpoint_id {}".format(endpoint_id)} return {group_id: api_desc[group_id]} return api_desc