# Copyright 2018 Orange and its contributors # This software is distributed under the terms and conditions of the 'Apache-2.0' # license which can be found in the file 'LICENSE' in this package distribution # or at 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0'. CHANGES ======= 0.1 --- - First version of the moon_utilities library. 0.2 --- - Delete Keystone references in exceptions - Update the user used to authenticate actions in moon (moon_user_id) 0.3 --- - Adding validation function - Update enforce decorator - Refactoring by adding base exception and json utilities from manager to utilities 0.4 --- - Move authentication function from moon_manager to moon_utilities - Adding invalided_functions - Fix a bug in security_functions.py - Add logout functionality - Add re-login functionality 0.5 --- - Add script to automatically generate OpenStack RBAC policy from policy.json original files 0.6 --- - Add a prompt to enter the password at user creation, -p option to set the password in clear in the CLI - Move the import functionality in moon_utilities - Fix some bugs in generate_opst_policy - Fix some bugs when importing directly in cache - Add the global attribute functionality - Fix of not relevant yields in invalided_functions 0.7 --- - Add an installation script - Update import json to db and cache functions 0.8 --- - Add a change password function - Add of a method connecting the user with environment variables