# Software Name: MOON # Version: 5.4 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Orange and its contributors # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # This software is distributed under the 'Apache License 2.0', # the text of which is available at 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt' # or see the "LICENSE" file for more details. from falcon.http_error import HTTPError import hug import logging.config import json import re import requests import sys from uuid import uuid4 from moon_engine.api import ERROR_CODE from moon_engine.api import status, logs, import_json, configuration from moon_utilities import exceptions from moon_utilities import auth_functions from moon_utilities import json_utils from moon_cache import cache from moon_engine import authz_driver LOGGER = logging.getLogger("moon.engine.server") CACHE = None @hug.directive() def server_uuid(default="", **kwargs): """ Hug directive allowing to get the UUID of the component everywhere :param default: :param kwargs: :return: UUID of the component """ return configuration.get_configuration("uuid") def get_updates_from_manager(): """ Request the Manager to get all data from the database :return: None """ LOGGER.info("Retrieving all data from Manager") for attribute in ( "pdp", "models", "policies", "subjects", "objects", "actions", "subject_categories", "object_categories", "action_categories", "subject_assignments", "object_assignments", "action_assignments", "meta_rules", # "rules", ): # Note: force updates by getting attributes LOGGER.info("Retrieving {} from manager {}".format( attribute, configuration.get_configuration("manager_url"))) getattr(CACHE, attribute) def get_updates_from_local_conf(): """ Read the local data file and update the cache :return: None """ filename = configuration.get_configuration("data") LOGGER.info("Retrieving all data from configuration ({})".format(filename)) data = json.load(open(filename)) LOGGER.debug("keys={}".format(list(data.keys()))) tool = json_utils.JsonImport(driver_name="cache", driver=CACHE) tool.import_json(body=data) def get_attributes_from_config(filename): """ Retrieve the configuration from the file given in the command line :param filename: filename of the configuration file :return: None """ # TODO: manage the case if the filename attribute doesn't contain a true filename # => case if it doesn't start with Gunicorn # => generate a temporary RAM file and point to the moon.yaml in the source code for line in open(filename): _match_conf = re.match(r"moon\s*=\s*\"(.+)\"", line) if _match_conf: yaml_filename = _match_conf.groups()[0] configuration.CONF_FILE = yaml_filename _conf = configuration.search_config_file(yaml_filename) break else: LOGGER.warning("Cannot find Moon configuration filename in {}".format(filename)) _conf = configuration.search_config_file("moon.yaml") configuration.set_configuration(_conf) def get_bind_from_configfile(filename): """ Retrieve the binding configuration from the file given in the command line :param filename: filename of the configuration file :return: URL """ # TODO: manage the case if the filename attribute doesn't contain a true filename # => case if it doesn't start with Gunicorn # => case during tests # => generate a temporary RAM file and point to the moon.yaml in the source code for line in open(filename): _match_conf = re.match(r"bind\s*=\s*\"(.+)\"", line) if _match_conf: return "http://" + _match_conf.groups()[0].replace("", "") # nosec else: LOGGER.warning("Cannot find binding configuration in {}".format(filename)) def init_logging_system(): """ Initialize the logging system either by the configuration given in the configuration file either by the configuration in the Manager :return: None """ logging_conf = configuration.get_configuration("logging") manager_url = configuration.get_configuration("manager_url") if logging_conf: configuration.init_logging() elif manager_url: req = requests.get("{}/config".format(manager_url)) if req.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error getting configurationĀ data " "from manager (code={})".format(req.status_code)) logging.config.dictConfig(req.json().get("logging", {})) def get_policy_configuration_from_manager(): """ Retrieve all data from the Manager :return: None """ pdp_id = CACHE.get_pdp_from_vim_project(configuration.get_configuration("uuid")) CACHE.update(pdp_id=pdp_id) def init_pipeline(): """ Initialize the pipeline configuration :return: None """ if configuration.get_configuration("management").get("url"): get_policy_configuration_from_manager() def initialize(): """Adds initial data to the api on startup""" global CACHE LOGGER.warning("Starting the server and initializing data") filename = sys.argv[-1] try: get_attributes_from_config(filename) except FileNotFoundError: LOGGER.warning("{} file not found".format(filename)) except IsADirectoryError: LOGGER.warning("{} file is a directory.".format(filename)) init_logging_system() LOGGER.info("management={}".format(configuration.get_configuration("management"))) auth_functions.init_db(configuration.get_configuration("management").get("token_file")) CACHE = cache.Cache.getInstance( manager_url=configuration.get_configuration("management").get('url'), incremental=configuration.get_configuration("incremental_updates"), manager_api_key=configuration.get_configuration("api_token")) if configuration.get_configuration("type") == "pipeline": init_pipeline() if not configuration.get_configuration("incremental_updates"): if configuration.get_configuration("manager_url"): get_updates_from_manager() elif configuration.get_configuration("data"): get_updates_from_local_conf() auth_functions.add_user("admin", uuid4().hex) # NOTE: the password is not saved anywhere but # the API key is printed in the log # and is xor-ed with the Manager API key api_key = auth_functions.get_api_key_for_user("admin") LOGGER.info(f"api_key={api_key}") LOGGER.info(f"configuration.get_configuration('api_token')={configuration.get_configuration('api_token')}") try: encrypt_key = auth_functions.xor_encode(api_key, configuration.get_configuration("api_token")) except exceptions.EncryptError: encrypt_key = "" try: local_server = get_bind_from_configfile(filename) CACHE.set_current_server(url=local_server, api_key=api_key) except (FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError): LOGGER.warning("Cannot find configuration file {}".format(filename)) LOGGER.critical("APIKEY={}".format(encrypt_key)) authz_driver.init() def __get_status_code(exception): """ Return the status code to send depending on the exception thrown :param exception: the exception that will be sent :return: """ if isinstance(exception, HTTPError): return exception.status status_code = getattr(exception, "code", 500) if status_code in ERROR_CODE: status_code = ERROR_CODE[status_code] else: status_code = hug.HTTP_500 return status_code @hug.exception(exceptions.MoonError) def handle_custom_exceptions(exception, response): """ Handle Moon exceptions :param exception: the exception that has been raised :param response: the response to send to the client :return: JSON data to send to the client """ response.status = __get_status_code(exception) error_message = {"result": False, 'message': str(exception), "code": getattr(exception, "code", 500)} LOGGER.exception(exception) return error_message @hug.exception(Exception) def handle_exception(exception, response): """ Handle general exceptions :param exception: the exception that has been raised :param response: the response to send to the client :return: JSON data to send to the client """ response.status = __get_status_code(exception) LOGGER.exception(exception) return {"result": False, 'message': str(exception), "code": getattr(exception, "code", 500)} def get_api_from_plugins(api_type): return configuration.get_plugins_by_type(api_type) @hug.extend_api() def with_other_apis(): """ Give to Hug all available APIs :return: list of APIs """ initialize() _type = configuration.get_configuration("type") if _type == "wrapper": from moon_engine.api.wrapper.api import pipeline from moon_engine.api.wrapper.api import update as wrapper_update from moon_engine.api.wrapper.api import authz as wrapper_authz LOGGER.info("Starting the Wrapper API interfaces") return [status, logs, import_json, wrapper_update, pipeline, wrapper_authz] + \ list(configuration.get_plugins_by_type("wrapper_api")) elif _type == "pipeline": from moon_engine.api.pipeline import update as pipeline_update from moon_engine.api.pipeline import authz as pipeline_authz LOGGER.info("Starting the Pipeline API interfaces") return [status, logs, import_json, pipeline_update, pipeline_authz] + \ list(configuration.get_plugins_by_type("engine_api")) raise Exception("The type of component must be 'wrapper' or 'pipeline' (got {} instead)".format( _type ))