# Copyright 2018 Orange and its contributors # This software is distributed under the terms and conditions of the 'Apache-2.0' # license which can be found in the file 'LICENSE' in this package distribution # or at 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0'. CHANGES ======= 0.1 --- - First version of moon_engine 0.2 --- - Add benchmark tests - Fix a bug when retrieving logging configuration - Update Configuration - Init Pipeline API - Init Wrapper API - Init Authz API - Add Configuration API - Add first authorization plugin - Adding authz API for wrapper and pipeline 0.3 --- - Automatically load the API plugins at the server startup 0.4 --- - Fix the issue in the plugin oslowrapper - Fix the communication issue between the Wrapper and the Pipeline 0.5 --- - Fix subject retrieval from Oslo requests 0.6 --- - Force the deletion of authorization requests - Fix the max 21 requests on Engine - Add performance tests - Fix error updating PDP with the dashboard - Fix update pipeline issue - Add the JSON import functionality - Fix the change of the wrapper's log after creation of a pipeline - Add the global attributes functionality 0.7 --- - Adaptation following the removal of the field database > pwd_file in moon.yaml - Fix of pdp server deletion - Add of start / stop commands for standalone engine 0.8 --- - Fix of a bug when handling requests from openstack - Fix of the pdp update - Fix of the pdp status retrieval - Add of a api allowing to reload the conf file of a wrapper (used by the manager after updating it)