 * Behaves as gmp_printf with new conversion specifier %B for element_t types

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h> // for intptr_t
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <gmp.h>
#include "pbc_utils.h"
#include "pbc_field.h"
#include "pbc_memory.h"

struct sninfo_s {
  char *s;
  size_t size;
  size_t left;
  size_t result;

// TODO: remove repeated code for error handling
static int do_print(int (*strcb)(void *, char *s),
    int (*fstrcb)(void *, char *s, void *),
    int (*elcb)(void *, element_ptr e),
    void *data,
    const char *format, va_list ap) {
  // A primitive front-end for printf()-family functions. Only handles types
  // in specifiers, and assumes they all take void * arguments.
  // I wish register_printf_specifier() were more widespread.
  int count = 0, status;
  char *copy, *c, *start, *next;
  element_ptr e;
  int found;

  copy = pbc_strdup(format);
  start = next = copy;

  for(;;) {
    for(;;) {
      c = strchr(next, '%');
      if (!c) {
        status = strcb(data, start);
        if (status < 0) {
          count = -1;
        } else count += status;
        goto done;
      if (!*(c + 1)) goto done;
      if (*(c + 1) != '%') break;
      next = c + 2;
    *c = 0;
    status = strcb(data, start);
    if (status < 0) {
      count = -1;
      goto done;
    } else count += status;
    *c = '%';
    start = c;
    found = 0;
    while(!found) {
      switch (*c) {
        case '\0':
          goto done;
        case 'B':
          e = va_arg(ap, element_ptr);
          status = elcb(data, e);
          if (status < 0) {
            count = -1;
            goto done;
          } else count += status;
          found = 1;
          if (strchr("diouxXeEfFgGaAcspnmZ", *c)) {
            if (*c == 'Z') c++;
            char ch = *(c+1);
            *(c+1) = '\0';
            status = fstrcb(data, start, va_arg(ap, void *));
            if (status < 0) {
              count = -1;
              goto done;
            } else count += status;
            *(c+1) = ch;
            found = 1;
    next = start = c + 1;


  return count;

static int string_cb(void *file, char *s) {
  if (fputs(s, file) == EOF) return -1;
  return strlen(s);

static int format_cb(void *file, char *fstring, void *ptr) {
  return gmp_fprintf(file, fstring, ptr);

static int element_cb(void *file, element_ptr e) {
  return element_out_str(file, 0, e);

int element_vfprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list ap) {
  return do_print(string_cb, format_cb, element_cb, stream, format, ap);

int element_fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...) {
  int status;
  va_list ap;

  va_start(ap, format);
  status = element_vfprintf(stream, format, ap);
  return status;

int element_printf(const char *format, ...) {
  int status;
  va_list ap;

  va_start(ap, format);
  status = element_vfprintf(stdout, format, ap);
  return status;

static void next(struct sninfo_s *p, int status) {
  p->result += status;
  p->left = p->result >= p->size ? 0 : p->size - p->result;

static int string_cbv(void *data, char *s) {
  struct sninfo_s *p = data;
  int status = snprintf(p->s + p->result, p->left, "%s", s);
  if (status < 0) return status;
  next(data, status);
  return status;

static int format_cbv(void *data, char *fstring, void *ptr) {
  struct sninfo_s *p = data;
  int status = gmp_snprintf(p->s + p->result, p->left, fstring, ptr);
  if (status < 0) return status;
  next(data, status);
  return status;

static int element_cbv(void *data, element_ptr e) {
  struct sninfo_s *p = data;
  int status = element_snprint(p->s + p->result, p->left, e);
  if (status < 0) return status;
  next(data, status);
  return status;

int element_vsnprintf(char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list ap) {
  struct sninfo_s info;

  info.s = buf;
  info.left = info.size = size;
  info.result = 0;

  do_print(string_cbv, format_cbv, element_cbv, &info, fmt, ap);

  return info.result;

int element_snprintf(char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt, ...) {
  int status;
  va_list ap;

  va_start(ap, fmt);
  status = element_vsnprintf(buf, size, fmt, ap);
  return status;