  Include glib.h and pbc.h before including this file. Note that this
  file should be included at most once.

#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

  A public key.
typedef struct bswabe_pub_s bswabe_pub_t;

  A master secret key.
typedef struct bswabe_msk_s bswabe_msk_t;

  A private key.
typedef struct bswabe_prv_s bswabe_prv_t;

  A ciphertext. Note that this library only handles encrypting a
  single group element, so if you want to encrypt something bigger,
  you will have to use that group element as a symmetric key for
  hybrid encryption (which you do yourself).
typedef struct bswabe_cph_s bswabe_cph_t;

A searchable encryption word. Contains two elements: [g^r,t]
g in G_1 and t = e(H_1(W),h^r) in G_t
typedef struct peks_sew_s peks_sew_t;

A trapdoor for a word. T_W = H_1(W)^a in G_1
typedef struct peks_trap_s peks_trap_t;

  An index.
typedef struct peks_ind_s peks_ind_t;

  Generate a public key and corresponding master secret key, and
  assign the *pub and *msk pointers to them. The space used may be
  later freed by calling bswabe_pub_free(*pub) and
void bswabe_setup( bswabe_pub_t** pub, bswabe_msk_t** msk );

  Generate a private key with the given set of attributes. The final
  argument should be a null terminated array of pointers to strings,
  one for each attribute.
bswabe_prv_t* bswabe_keygen( bswabe_pub_t* pub,
                             bswabe_msk_t* msk,
                             char** attributes );

  Pick a random group element and encrypt it under the specified
  access policy. The resulting ciphertext is returned and the
  element_t given as an argument (which need not be initialized) is
  set to the random group element.

  After using this function, it is normal to extract the random data
  in m using the pbc functions element_length_in_bytes and
  element_to_bytes and use it as a key for hybrid encryption.

  The policy is specified as a simple string which encodes a postorder
  traversal of threshold tree defining the access policy. As an

    "foo bar fim 2of3 baf 1of2"

  specifies a policy with two threshold gates and four leaves. It is
  not possible to specify an attribute with whitespace in it (although
  "_" is allowed).

  Numerical attributes and any other fancy stuff are not supported.

  Returns null if an error occured, in which case a description can be
  retrieved by calling bswabe_error().
bswabe_cph_t* bswabe_enc( bswabe_pub_t* pub, element_t m, char* policy );

  Decrypt the specified ciphertext using the given private key,
  filling in the provided element m (which need not be initialized)
  with the result.

  Returns true if decryption succeeded, false if this key does not
  satisfy the policy of the ciphertext (in which case m is unaltered).
int bswabe_dec( bswabe_pub_t* pub, bswabe_prv_t* prv,
                bswabe_cph_t* cph, element_t m );

/* Returns the policy of a ciphertext*/
char* bswabe_policyList( bswabe_cph_t* cph);

/* Returns the list of attributes of a privaate key*/
char** bswabe_attrList( bswabe_prv_t* prv);

Generates a searchable encrypted word
peks_sew_t peks_enc( bswabe_pub_t* pub, char* w );

Generates a trapdoor corresponding to the word w
peks_trap_t* peks_trap( bswabe_pub_t* pub, bswabe_msk_t* msk, char* w );

Test if the encrypted word correspond to the word represented by the trapdoor
int peks_test( bswabe_pub_t* pub, peks_sew_t sew, peks_trap_t* trap );

/* Generates an encrypted index using the public key and a clear index.
   Each keyword of the clear index should be on a different line  */
peks_ind_t* peks_enc_ind( bswabe_pub_t* pub, char* ind_file );

/* Tests if the encrypted index match with the trapdoor  */
int peks_test_ind( bswabe_pub_t* pub, peks_ind_t* ind, peks_trap_t* trap );

  Exactly what it seems.
GByteArray* bswabe_pub_serialize( bswabe_pub_t* pub );
GByteArray* bswabe_msk_serialize( bswabe_msk_t* msk );
GByteArray* bswabe_prv_serialize( bswabe_prv_t* prv );
GByteArray* bswabe_cph_serialize( bswabe_cph_t* cph );
GByteArray* peks_sew_serialize( peks_sew_t* sew );
GByteArray* peks_ind_serialize( peks_ind_t* ind );
GByteArray* peks_trap_serialize( peks_trap_t* trap );

  Also exactly what it seems. If free is true, the GByteArray passed
  in will be free'd after it is read.
bswabe_pub_t* bswabe_pub_unserialize( GByteArray* b, int free );
bswabe_msk_t* bswabe_msk_unserialize( bswabe_pub_t* pub, GByteArray* b, int free );
bswabe_prv_t* bswabe_prv_unserialize( bswabe_pub_t* pub, GByteArray* b, int free );
bswabe_cph_t* bswabe_cph_unserialize( bswabe_pub_t* pub, GByteArray* b, int free );
peks_sew_t* peks_sew_unserialize( bswabe_pub_t* pub, GByteArray* b, int free );
peks_ind_t* peks_ind_unserialize( bswabe_pub_t* pub, GByteArray* b, int free );
peks_trap_t* peks_trap_unserialize( bswabe_pub_t* pub, GByteArray* b, int free );

  Again, exactly what it seems.
void bswabe_pub_free( bswabe_pub_t* pub );
void bswabe_msk_free( bswabe_msk_t* msk );
void bswabe_prv_free( bswabe_prv_t* prv );
void bswabe_cph_free( bswabe_cph_t* cph );

  Return a description of the last error that occured. Call this after
  bswabe_enc or bswabe_dec returns 0. The returned string does not
  need to be free'd.
char* bswabe_error();

#if defined (__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"