# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from keystoneclient import auth from keystoneclient import discover from keystoneclient import exceptions from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from six.moves import urllib from keystonemiddleware.auth_token import _auth from keystonemiddleware.auth_token import _exceptions as exc from keystonemiddleware.auth_token import _utils from keystonemiddleware.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW class _RequestStrategy(object): AUTH_VERSION = None def __init__(self, json_request, adap, include_service_catalog=None): self._json_request = json_request self._adapter = adap self._include_service_catalog = include_service_catalog def verify_token(self, user_token): pass def fetch_cert_file(self, cert_type): pass class _V2RequestStrategy(_RequestStrategy): AUTH_VERSION = (2, 0) def verify_token(self, user_token): return self._json_request('GET', '/tokens/%s' % user_token, authenticated=True) def fetch_cert_file(self, cert_type): return self._adapter.get('/certificates/%s' % cert_type, authenticated=False) class _V3RequestStrategy(_RequestStrategy): AUTH_VERSION = (3, 0) def verify_token(self, user_token): path = '/auth/tokens' if not self._include_service_catalog: path += '?nocatalog' return self._json_request('GET', path, authenticated=True, headers={'X-Subject-Token': user_token}) def fetch_cert_file(self, cert_type): if cert_type == 'signing': cert_type = 'certificates' return self._adapter.get('/OS-SIMPLE-CERT/%s' % cert_type, authenticated=False) _REQUEST_STRATEGIES = [_V3RequestStrategy, _V2RequestStrategy] class IdentityServer(object): """Base class for operations on the Identity API server. The auth_token middleware needs to communicate with the Identity API server to validate UUID tokens, fetch the revocation list, signing certificates, etc. This class encapsulates the data and methods to perform these operations. """ def __init__(self, log, adap, include_service_catalog=None, requested_auth_version=None): self._LOG = log self._adapter = adap self._include_service_catalog = include_service_catalog self._requested_auth_version = requested_auth_version # Built on-demand with self._request_strategy. self._request_strategy_obj = None @property def auth_uri(self): auth_uri = self._adapter.get_endpoint(interface=auth.AUTH_INTERFACE) # NOTE(jamielennox): This weird stripping of the prefix hack is # only relevant to the legacy case. We urljoin '/' to get just the # base URI as this is the original behaviour. if isinstance(self._adapter.auth, _auth.AuthTokenPlugin): auth_uri = urllib.parse.urljoin(auth_uri, '/').rstrip('/') return auth_uri @property def auth_version(self): return self._request_strategy.AUTH_VERSION @property def _request_strategy(self): if not self._request_strategy_obj: strategy_class = self._get_strategy_class() self._adapter.version = strategy_class.AUTH_VERSION self._request_strategy_obj = strategy_class( self._json_request, self._adapter, include_service_catalog=self._include_service_catalog) return self._request_strategy_obj def _get_strategy_class(self): if self._requested_auth_version: # A specific version was requested. if discover.version_match(_V3RequestStrategy.AUTH_VERSION, self._requested_auth_version): return _V3RequestStrategy # The version isn't v3 so we don't know what to do. Just assume V2. return _V2RequestStrategy # Specific version was not requested then we fall through to # discovering available versions from the server for klass in _REQUEST_STRATEGIES: if self._adapter.get_endpoint(version=klass.AUTH_VERSION): msg = _LI('Auth Token confirmed use of %s apis') self._LOG.info(msg, self._requested_auth_version) return klass versions = ['v%d.%d' % s.AUTH_VERSION for s in _REQUEST_STRATEGIES] self._LOG.error(_LE('No attempted versions [%s] supported by server'), ', '.join(versions)) msg = _('No compatible apis supported by server') raise exc.ServiceError(msg) def verify_token(self, user_token, retry=True): """Authenticate user token with identity server. :param user_token: user's token id :param retry: flag that forces the middleware to retry user authentication when an indeterminate response is received. Optional. :returns: token object received from identity server on success :raises exc.InvalidToken: if token is rejected :raises exc.ServiceError: if unable to authenticate token """ user_token = _utils.safe_quote(user_token) try: response, data = self._request_strategy.verify_token(user_token) except exceptions.NotFound as e: self._LOG.warn(_LW('Authorization failed for token')) self._LOG.warn(_LW('Identity response: %s'), e.response.text) except exceptions.Unauthorized as e: self._LOG.info(_LI('Identity server rejected authorization')) self._LOG.warn(_LW('Identity response: %s'), e.response.text) if retry: self._LOG.info(_LI('Retrying validation')) return self.verify_token(user_token, False) except exceptions.HttpError as e: self._LOG.error( _LE('Bad response code while validating token: %s'), e.http_status) self._LOG.warn(_LW('Identity response: %s'), e.response.text) else: if response.status_code == 200: return data raise exc.InvalidToken() def fetch_revocation_list(self): try: response, data = self._json_request( 'GET', '/tokens/revoked', authenticated=True, endpoint_filter={'version': (2, 0)}) except exceptions.HTTPError as e: msg = _('Failed to fetch token revocation list: %d') raise exc.RevocationListError(msg % e.http_status) if response.status_code != 200: msg = _('Unable to fetch token revocation list.') raise exc.RevocationListError(msg) if 'signed' not in data: msg = _('Revocation list improperly formatted.') raise exc.RevocationListError(msg) return data['signed'] def fetch_signing_cert(self): return self._fetch_cert_file('signing') def fetch_ca_cert(self): return self._fetch_cert_file('ca') def _json_request(self, method, path, **kwargs): """HTTP request helper used to make json requests. :param method: http method :param path: relative request url :param **kwargs: additional parameters used by session or endpoint :returns: http response object, response body parsed as json :raises ServerError: when unable to communicate with identity server. """ headers = kwargs.setdefault('headers', {}) headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' response = self._adapter.request(path, method, **kwargs) try: data = jsonutils.loads(response.text) except ValueError: self._LOG.debug('Identity server did not return json-encoded body') data = {} return response, data def _fetch_cert_file(self, cert_type): try: response = self._request_strategy.fetch_cert_file(cert_type) except exceptions.HTTPError as e: raise exceptions.CertificateConfigError(e.details) if response.status_code != 200: raise exceptions.CertificateConfigError(response.text) return response.text