# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Token provider interface.""" import abc import base64 import datetime import sys import uuid from keystoneclient.common import cms from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import timeutils import six from keystone.common import cache from keystone.common import dependency from keystone.common import manager from keystone import exception from keystone.i18n import _, _LE from keystone.models import token_model from keystone import notifications from keystone.token import persistence CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) MEMOIZE = cache.get_memoization_decorator(section='token') # NOTE(morganfainberg): This is for compatibility in case someone was relying # on the old location of the UnsupportedTokenVersionException for their code. UnsupportedTokenVersionException = exception.UnsupportedTokenVersionException # supported token versions V2 = token_model.V2 V3 = token_model.V3 VERSIONS = token_model.VERSIONS def base64_encode(s): """Encode a URL-safe string.""" return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(s).rstrip('=') def random_urlsafe_str(): """Generate a random URL-safe string.""" # chop the padding (==) off the end of the encoding to save space return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(uuid.uuid4().bytes)[:-2] def random_urlsafe_str_to_bytes(s): """Convert a string generated by ``random_urlsafe_str()`` to bytes.""" # restore the padding (==) at the end of the string return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(s + '==') def default_expire_time(): """Determine when a fresh token should expire. Expiration time varies based on configuration (see ``[token] expiration``). :returns: a naive UTC datetime.datetime object """ expire_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=CONF.token.expiration) return timeutils.utcnow() + expire_delta def audit_info(parent_audit_id): """Build the audit data for a token. If ``parent_audit_id`` is None, the list will be one element in length containing a newly generated audit_id. If ``parent_audit_id`` is supplied, the list will be two elements in length containing a newly generated audit_id and the ``parent_audit_id``. The ``parent_audit_id`` will always be element index 1 in the resulting list. :param parent_audit_id: the audit of the original token in the chain :type parent_audit_id: str :returns: Keystone token audit data """ audit_id = random_urlsafe_str() if parent_audit_id is not None: return [audit_id, parent_audit_id] return [audit_id] @dependency.provider('token_provider_api') @dependency.requires('assignment_api', 'revoke_api') class Manager(manager.Manager): """Default pivot point for the token provider backend. See :mod:`keystone.common.manager.Manager` for more details on how this dynamically calls the backend. """ V2 = V2 V3 = V3 VERSIONS = VERSIONS INVALIDATE_PROJECT_TOKEN_PERSISTENCE = 'invalidate_project_tokens' INVALIDATE_USER_TOKEN_PERSISTENCE = 'invalidate_user_tokens' _persistence_manager = None def __init__(self): super(Manager, self).__init__(CONF.token.provider) self._register_callback_listeners() def _register_callback_listeners(self): # This is used by the @dependency.provider decorator to register the # provider (token_provider_api) manager to listen for trust deletions. callbacks = { notifications.ACTIONS.deleted: [ ['OS-TRUST:trust', self._trust_deleted_event_callback], ['user', self._delete_user_tokens_callback], ['domain', self._delete_domain_tokens_callback], ], notifications.ACTIONS.disabled: [ ['user', self._delete_user_tokens_callback], ['domain', self._delete_domain_tokens_callback], ['project', self._delete_project_tokens_callback], ], notifications.ACTIONS.internal: [ [notifications.INVALIDATE_USER_TOKEN_PERSISTENCE, self._delete_user_tokens_callback], [notifications.INVALIDATE_USER_PROJECT_TOKEN_PERSISTENCE, self._delete_user_project_tokens_callback], [notifications.INVALIDATE_USER_OAUTH_CONSUMER_TOKENS, self._delete_user_oauth_consumer_tokens_callback], ] } for event, cb_info in six.iteritems(callbacks): for resource_type, callback_fns in cb_info: notifications.register_event_callback(event, resource_type, callback_fns) @property def _needs_persistence(self): return self.driver.needs_persistence() @property def _persistence(self): # NOTE(morganfainberg): This should not be handled via __init__ to # avoid dependency injection oddities circular dependencies (where # the provider manager requires the token persistence manager, which # requires the token provider manager). if self._persistence_manager is None: self._persistence_manager = persistence.PersistenceManager() return self._persistence_manager def unique_id(self, token_id): """Return a unique ID for a token. The returned value is useful as the primary key of a database table, memcache store, or other lookup table. :returns: Given a PKI token, returns it's hashed value. Otherwise, returns the passed-in value (such as a UUID token ID or an existing hash). """ return cms.cms_hash_token(token_id, mode=CONF.token.hash_algorithm) def _create_token(self, token_id, token_data): try: if isinstance(token_data['expires'], six.string_types): token_data['expires'] = timeutils.normalize_time( timeutils.parse_isotime(token_data['expires'])) self._persistence.create_token(token_id, token_data) except Exception: exc_info = sys.exc_info() # an identical token may have been created already. # if so, return the token_data as it is also identical try: self._persistence.get_token(token_id) except exception.TokenNotFound: six.reraise(*exc_info) def validate_token(self, token_id, belongs_to=None): unique_id = self.unique_id(token_id) # NOTE(morganfainberg): Ensure we never use the long-form token_id # (PKI) as part of the cache_key. token = self._validate_token(unique_id) self._token_belongs_to(token, belongs_to) self._is_valid_token(token) return token def check_revocation_v2(self, token): try: token_data = token['access'] except KeyError: raise exception.TokenNotFound(_('Failed to validate token')) token_values = self.revoke_api.model.build_token_values_v2( token_data, CONF.identity.default_domain_id) self.revoke_api.check_token(token_values) def validate_v2_token(self, token_id, belongs_to=None): unique_id = self.unique_id(token_id) if self._needs_persistence: # NOTE(morganfainberg): Ensure we never use the long-form token_id # (PKI) as part of the cache_key. token_ref = self._persistence.get_token(unique_id) else: token_ref = token_id token = self._validate_v2_token(token_ref) self._token_belongs_to(token, belongs_to) self._is_valid_token(token) return token def check_revocation_v3(self, token): try: token_data = token['token'] except KeyError: raise exception.TokenNotFound(_('Failed to validate token')) token_values = self.revoke_api.model.build_token_values(token_data) self.revoke_api.check_token(token_values) def check_revocation(self, token): version = self.driver.get_token_version(token) if version == V2: return self.check_revocation_v2(token) else: return self.check_revocation_v3(token) def validate_v3_token(self, token_id): unique_id = self.unique_id(token_id) # NOTE(lbragstad): Only go to persistent storage if we have a token to # fetch from the backend. If the Fernet token provider is being used # this step isn't necessary. The Fernet token reference is persisted in # the token_id, so in this case set the token_ref as the identifier of # the token. if not self._needs_persistence: token_ref = token_id else: # NOTE(morganfainberg): Ensure we never use the long-form token_id # (PKI) as part of the cache_key. token_ref = self._persistence.get_token(unique_id) token = self._validate_v3_token(token_ref) self._is_valid_token(token) return token @MEMOIZE def _validate_token(self, token_id): if not self._needs_persistence: return self.driver.validate_v3_token(token_id) token_ref = self._persistence.get_token(token_id) version = self.driver.get_token_version(token_ref) if version == self.V3: return self.driver.validate_v3_token(token_ref) elif version == self.V2: return self.driver.validate_v2_token(token_ref) raise exception.UnsupportedTokenVersionException() @MEMOIZE def _validate_v2_token(self, token_id): return self.driver.validate_v2_token(token_id) @MEMOIZE def _validate_v3_token(self, token_id): return self.driver.validate_v3_token(token_id) def _is_valid_token(self, token): """Verify the token is valid format and has not expired.""" current_time = timeutils.normalize_time(timeutils.utcnow()) try: # Get the data we need from the correct location (V2 and V3 tokens # differ in structure, Try V3 first, fall back to V2 second) token_data = token.get('token', token.get('access')) expires_at = token_data.get('expires_at', token_data.get('expires')) if not expires_at: expires_at = token_data['token']['expires'] expiry = timeutils.normalize_time( timeutils.parse_isotime(expires_at)) except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE('Unexpected error or malformed token ' 'determining token expiry: %s'), token) raise exception.TokenNotFound(_('Failed to validate token')) if current_time < expiry: self.check_revocation(token) # Token has not expired and has not been revoked. return None else: raise exception.TokenNotFound(_('Failed to validate token')) def _token_belongs_to(self, token, belongs_to): """Check if the token belongs to the right tenant. This is only used on v2 tokens. The structural validity of the token will have already been checked before this method is called. """ if belongs_to: token_data = token['access']['token'] if ('tenant' not in token_data or token_data['tenant']['id'] != belongs_to): raise exception.Unauthorized() def issue_v2_token(self, token_ref, roles_ref=None, catalog_ref=None): token_id, token_data = self.driver.issue_v2_token( token_ref, roles_ref, catalog_ref) if self._needs_persistence: data = dict(key=token_id, id=token_id, expires=token_data['access']['token']['expires'], user=token_ref['user'], tenant=token_ref['tenant'], metadata=token_ref['metadata'], token_data=token_data, bind=token_ref.get('bind'), trust_id=token_ref['metadata'].get('trust_id'), token_version=self.V2) self._create_token(token_id, data) return token_id, token_data def issue_v3_token(self, user_id, method_names, expires_at=None, project_id=None, domain_id=None, auth_context=None, trust=None, metadata_ref=None, include_catalog=True, parent_audit_id=None): token_id, token_data = self.driver.issue_v3_token( user_id, method_names, expires_at, project_id, domain_id, auth_context, trust, metadata_ref, include_catalog, parent_audit_id) if metadata_ref is None: metadata_ref = {} if 'project' in token_data['token']: # project-scoped token, fill in the v2 token data # all we care are the role IDs # FIXME(gyee): is there really a need to store roles in metadata? role_ids = [r['id'] for r in token_data['token']['roles']] metadata_ref = {'roles': role_ids} if trust: metadata_ref.setdefault('trust_id', trust['id']) metadata_ref.setdefault('trustee_user_id', trust['trustee_user_id']) data = dict(key=token_id, id=token_id, expires=token_data['token']['expires_at'], user=token_data['token']['user'], tenant=token_data['token'].get('project'), metadata=metadata_ref, token_data=token_data, trust_id=trust['id'] if trust else None, token_version=self.V3) if self._needs_persistence: self._create_token(token_id, data) return token_id, token_data def invalidate_individual_token_cache(self, token_id): # NOTE(morganfainberg): invalidate takes the exact same arguments as # the normal method, this means we need to pass "self" in (which gets # stripped off). # FIXME(morganfainberg): Does this cache actually need to be # invalidated? We maintain a cached revocation list, which should be # consulted before accepting a token as valid. For now we will # do the explicit individual token invalidation. self._validate_token.invalidate(self, token_id) self._validate_v2_token.invalidate(self, token_id) self._validate_v3_token.invalidate(self, token_id) def revoke_token(self, token_id, revoke_chain=False): revoke_by_expires = False project_id = None domain_id = None token_ref = token_model.KeystoneToken( token_id=token_id, token_data=self.validate_token(token_id)) user_id = token_ref.user_id expires_at = token_ref.expires audit_id = token_ref.audit_id audit_chain_id = token_ref.audit_chain_id if token_ref.project_scoped: project_id = token_ref.project_id if token_ref.domain_scoped: domain_id = token_ref.domain_id if audit_id is None and not revoke_chain: LOG.debug('Received token with no audit_id.') revoke_by_expires = True if audit_chain_id is None and revoke_chain: LOG.debug('Received token with no audit_chain_id.') revoke_by_expires = True if revoke_by_expires: self.revoke_api.revoke_by_expiration(user_id, expires_at, project_id=project_id, domain_id=domain_id) elif revoke_chain: self.revoke_api.revoke_by_audit_chain_id(audit_chain_id, project_id=project_id, domain_id=domain_id) else: self.revoke_api.revoke_by_audit_id(audit_id) if CONF.token.revoke_by_id and self._needs_persistence: self._persistence.delete_token(token_id=token_id) def list_revoked_tokens(self): return self._persistence.list_revoked_tokens() def _trust_deleted_event_callback(self, service, resource_type, operation, payload): if CONF.token.revoke_by_id: trust_id = payload['resource_info'] trust = self.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id, deleted=True) self._persistence.delete_tokens(user_id=trust['trustor_user_id'], trust_id=trust_id) def _delete_user_tokens_callback(self, service, resource_type, operation, payload): if CONF.token.revoke_by_id: user_id = payload['resource_info'] self._persistence.delete_tokens_for_user(user_id) def _delete_domain_tokens_callback(self, service, resource_type, operation, payload): if CONF.token.revoke_by_id: domain_id = payload['resource_info'] self._persistence.delete_tokens_for_domain(domain_id=domain_id) def _delete_user_project_tokens_callback(self, service, resource_type, operation, payload): if CONF.token.revoke_by_id: user_id = payload['resource_info']['user_id'] project_id = payload['resource_info']['project_id'] self._persistence.delete_tokens_for_user(user_id=user_id, project_id=project_id) def _delete_project_tokens_callback(self, service, resource_type, operation, payload): if CONF.token.revoke_by_id: project_id = payload['resource_info'] self._persistence.delete_tokens_for_users( self.assignment_api.list_user_ids_for_project(project_id), project_id=project_id) def _delete_user_oauth_consumer_tokens_callback(self, service, resource_type, operation, payload): if CONF.token.revoke_by_id: user_id = payload['resource_info']['user_id'] consumer_id = payload['resource_info']['consumer_id'] self._persistence.delete_tokens(user_id=user_id, consumer_id=consumer_id) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Provider(object): """Interface description for a Token provider.""" @abc.abstractmethod def needs_persistence(self): """Determine if the token should be persisted. If the token provider requires that the token be persisted to a backend this should return True, otherwise return False. """ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractmethod def get_token_version(self, token_data): """Return the version of the given token data. If the given token data is unrecognizable, UnsupportedTokenVersionException is raised. :param token_data: token_data :type token_data: dict :returns: token version string :raises: keystone.token.provider.UnsupportedTokenVersionException """ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractmethod def issue_v2_token(self, token_ref, roles_ref=None, catalog_ref=None): """Issue a V2 token. :param token_ref: token data to generate token from :type token_ref: dict :param roles_ref: optional roles list :type roles_ref: dict :param catalog_ref: optional catalog information :type catalog_ref: dict :returns: (token_id, token_data) """ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractmethod def issue_v3_token(self, user_id, method_names, expires_at=None, project_id=None, domain_id=None, auth_context=None, trust=None, metadata_ref=None, include_catalog=True, parent_audit_id=None): """Issue a V3 Token. :param user_id: identity of the user :type user_id: string :param method_names: names of authentication methods :type method_names: list :param expires_at: optional time the token will expire :type expires_at: string :param project_id: optional project identity :type project_id: string :param domain_id: optional domain identity :type domain_id: string :param auth_context: optional context from the authorization plugins :type auth_context: dict :param trust: optional trust reference :type trust: dict :param metadata_ref: optional metadata reference :type metadata_ref: dict :param include_catalog: optional, include the catalog in token data :type include_catalog: boolean :param parent_audit_id: optional, the audit id of the parent token :type parent_audit_id: string :returns: (token_id, token_data) """ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractmethod def validate_v2_token(self, token_ref): """Validate the given V2 token and return the token data. Must raise Unauthorized exception if unable to validate token. :param token_ref: the token reference :type token_ref: dict :returns: token data :raises: keystone.exception.TokenNotFound """ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractmethod def validate_v3_token(self, token_ref): """Validate the given V3 token and return the token_data. :param token_ref: the token reference :type token_ref: dict :returns: token data :raises: keystone.exception.TokenNotFound """ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractmethod def _get_token_id(self, token_data): """Generate the token_id based upon the data in token_data. :param token_data: token information :type token_data: dict returns: token identifier """ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover