# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from keystone import clean from keystone.common import sql from keystone import exception from keystone.i18n import _LE from keystone import resource as keystone_resource CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class Resource(keystone_resource.Driver): def default_assignment_driver(self): return 'keystone.assignment.backends.sql.Assignment' def _get_project(self, session, project_id): project_ref = session.query(Project).get(project_id) if project_ref is None: raise exception.ProjectNotFound(project_id=project_id) return project_ref def get_project(self, tenant_id): with sql.transaction() as session: return self._get_project(session, tenant_id).to_dict() def get_project_by_name(self, tenant_name, domain_id): with sql.transaction() as session: query = session.query(Project) query = query.filter_by(name=tenant_name) query = query.filter_by(domain_id=domain_id) try: project_ref = query.one() except sql.NotFound: raise exception.ProjectNotFound(project_id=tenant_name) return project_ref.to_dict() @sql.truncated def list_projects(self, hints): with sql.transaction() as session: query = session.query(Project) project_refs = sql.filter_limit_query(Project, query, hints) return [project_ref.to_dict() for project_ref in project_refs] def list_projects_from_ids(self, ids): if not ids: return [] else: with sql.transaction() as session: query = session.query(Project) query = query.filter(Project.id.in_(ids)) return [project_ref.to_dict() for project_ref in query.all()] def list_project_ids_from_domain_ids(self, domain_ids): if not domain_ids: return [] else: with sql.transaction() as session: query = session.query(Project.id) query = ( query.filter(Project.domain_id.in_(domain_ids))) return [x.id for x in query.all()] def list_projects_in_domain(self, domain_id): with sql.transaction() as session: self._get_domain(session, domain_id) query = session.query(Project) project_refs = query.filter_by(domain_id=domain_id) return [project_ref.to_dict() for project_ref in project_refs] def _get_children(self, session, project_ids): query = session.query(Project) query = query.filter(Project.parent_id.in_(project_ids)) project_refs = query.all() return [project_ref.to_dict() for project_ref in project_refs] def list_projects_in_subtree(self, project_id): with sql.transaction() as session: project = self._get_project(session, project_id).to_dict() children = self._get_children(session, [project['id']]) subtree = [] examined = set(project['id']) while children: children_ids = set() for ref in children: if ref['id'] in examined: msg = _LE('Circular reference or a repeated ' 'entry found in projects hierarchy - ' '%(project_id)s.') LOG.error(msg, {'project_id': ref['id']}) return children_ids.add(ref['id']) examined.union(children_ids) subtree += children children = self._get_children(session, children_ids) return subtree def list_project_parents(self, project_id): with sql.transaction() as session: project = self._get_project(session, project_id).to_dict() parents = [] examined = set() while project.get('parent_id') is not None: if project['id'] in examined: msg = _LE('Circular reference or a repeated ' 'entry found in projects hierarchy - ' '%(project_id)s.') LOG.error(msg, {'project_id': project['id']}) return examined.add(project['id']) parent_project = self._get_project( session, project['parent_id']).to_dict() parents.append(parent_project) project = parent_project return parents def is_leaf_project(self, project_id): with sql.transaction() as session: project_refs = self._get_children(session, [project_id]) return not project_refs # CRUD @sql.handle_conflicts(conflict_type='project') def create_project(self, tenant_id, tenant): tenant['name'] = clean.project_name(tenant['name']) with sql.transaction() as session: tenant_ref = Project.from_dict(tenant) session.add(tenant_ref) return tenant_ref.to_dict() @sql.handle_conflicts(conflict_type='project') def update_project(self, tenant_id, tenant): if 'name' in tenant: tenant['name'] = clean.project_name(tenant['name']) with sql.transaction() as session: tenant_ref = self._get_project(session, tenant_id) old_project_dict = tenant_ref.to_dict() for k in tenant: old_project_dict[k] = tenant[k] new_project = Project.from_dict(old_project_dict) for attr in Project.attributes: if attr != 'id': setattr(tenant_ref, attr, getattr(new_project, attr)) tenant_ref.extra = new_project.extra return tenant_ref.to_dict(include_extra_dict=True) @sql.handle_conflicts(conflict_type='project') def delete_project(self, tenant_id): with sql.transaction() as session: tenant_ref = self._get_project(session, tenant_id) session.delete(tenant_ref) # domain crud @sql.handle_conflicts(conflict_type='domain') def create_domain(self, domain_id, domain): with sql.transaction() as session: ref = Domain.from_dict(domain) session.add(ref) return ref.to_dict() @sql.truncated def list_domains(self, hints): with sql.transaction() as session: query = session.query(Domain) refs = sql.filter_limit_query(Domain, query, hints) return [ref.to_dict() for ref in refs] def list_domains_from_ids(self, ids): if not ids: return [] else: with sql.transaction() as session: query = session.query(Domain) query = query.filter(Domain.id.in_(ids)) domain_refs = query.all() return [domain_ref.to_dict() for domain_ref in domain_refs] def _get_domain(self, session, domain_id): ref = session.query(Domain).get(domain_id) if ref is None: raise exception.DomainNotFound(domain_id=domain_id) return ref def get_domain(self, domain_id): with sql.transaction() as session: return self._get_domain(session, domain_id).to_dict() def get_domain_by_name(self, domain_name): with sql.transaction() as session: try: ref = (session.query(Domain). filter_by(name=domain_name).one()) except sql.NotFound: raise exception.DomainNotFound(domain_id=domain_name) return ref.to_dict() @sql.handle_conflicts(conflict_type='domain') def update_domain(self, domain_id, domain): with sql.transaction() as session: ref = self._get_domain(session, domain_id) old_dict = ref.to_dict() for k in domain: old_dict[k] = domain[k] new_domain = Domain.from_dict(old_dict) for attr in Domain.attributes: if attr != 'id': setattr(ref, attr, getattr(new_domain, attr)) ref.extra = new_domain.extra return ref.to_dict() def delete_domain(self, domain_id): with sql.transaction() as session: ref = self._get_domain(session, domain_id) session.delete(ref) class Domain(sql.ModelBase, sql.DictBase): __tablename__ = 'domain' attributes = ['id', 'name', 'enabled'] id = sql.Column(sql.String(64), primary_key=True) name = sql.Column(sql.String(64), nullable=False) enabled = sql.Column(sql.Boolean, default=True, nullable=False) extra = sql.Column(sql.JsonBlob()) __table_args__ = (sql.UniqueConstraint('name'), {}) class Project(sql.ModelBase, sql.DictBase): __tablename__ = 'project' attributes = ['id', 'name', 'domain_id', 'description', 'enabled', 'parent_id'] id = sql.Column(sql.String(64), primary_key=True) name = sql.Column(sql.String(64), nullable=False) domain_id = sql.Column(sql.String(64), sql.ForeignKey('domain.id'), nullable=False) description = sql.Column(sql.Text()) enabled = sql.Column(sql.Boolean) extra = sql.Column(sql.JsonBlob()) parent_id = sql.Column(sql.String(64), sql.ForeignKey('project.id')) # Unique constraint across two columns to create the separation # rather than just only 'name' being unique __table_args__ = (sql.UniqueConstraint('domain_id', 'name'), {})