# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import migrate import sqlalchemy as sql from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from keystone.assignment.backends import sql as assignment_sql def upgrade(migrate_engine): """Inserts inherited column to assignment table PK constraints. For non-SQLite databases, it changes the constraint in the existing table. For SQLite, since changing constraints is not supported, it recreates the assignment table with the new PK constraint and migrates the existing data. """ ASSIGNMENT_TABLE_NAME = 'assignment' metadata = sql.MetaData() metadata.bind = migrate_engine # Retrieve the existing assignment table assignment_table = sql.Table(ASSIGNMENT_TABLE_NAME, metadata, autoload=True) if migrate_engine.name == 'sqlite': ACTOR_ID_INDEX_NAME = 'ix_actor_id' TMP_ASSIGNMENT_TABLE_NAME = 'tmp_assignment' # Define the new assignment table with a temporary name new_assignment_table = sql.Table( TMP_ASSIGNMENT_TABLE_NAME, metadata, sql.Column('type', sql.Enum( assignment_sql.AssignmentType.USER_PROJECT, assignment_sql.AssignmentType.GROUP_PROJECT, assignment_sql.AssignmentType.USER_DOMAIN, assignment_sql.AssignmentType.GROUP_DOMAIN, name='type'), nullable=False), sql.Column('actor_id', sql.String(64), nullable=False), sql.Column('target_id', sql.String(64), nullable=False), sql.Column('role_id', sql.String(64), sql.ForeignKey('role.id'), nullable=False), sql.Column('inherited', sql.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False), sql.PrimaryKeyConstraint('type', 'actor_id', 'target_id', 'role_id', 'inherited'), mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='utf8') # Create the new assignment table new_assignment_table.create(migrate_engine, checkfirst=True) # Change the index from the existing assignment table to the new one sql.Index(ACTOR_ID_INDEX_NAME, assignment_table.c.actor_id).drop() sql.Index(ACTOR_ID_INDEX_NAME, new_assignment_table.c.actor_id).create() # Instantiate session maker = sessionmaker(bind=migrate_engine) session = maker() # Migrate existing data insert = new_assignment_table.insert().from_select( assignment_table.c, select=session.query(assignment_table)) session.execute(insert) session.commit() # Drop the existing assignment table, in favor of the new one assignment_table.deregister() assignment_table.drop() # Finally, rename the new table to the original assignment table name new_assignment_table.rename(ASSIGNMENT_TABLE_NAME) elif migrate_engine.name == 'ibm_db_sa': # Recreate the existing constraint, marking the inherited column as PK # for DB2. # This is a workaround to the general case in the else statement below. # Due to a bug in the DB2 sqlalchemy dialect, Column.alter() actually # creates a primary key over only the "inherited" column. This is wrong # because the primary key for the table actually covers other columns # too, not just the "inherited" column. Since the primary key already # exists for the table after the Column.alter() call, it causes the # next line to fail with an error that the primary key already exists. # The workaround here skips doing the Column.alter(). This causes a # warning message since the metadata is out of sync. We can remove this # workaround once the DB2 sqlalchemy dialect is fixed. # DB2 Issue: https://code.google.com/p/ibm-db/issues/detail?id=173 migrate.PrimaryKeyConstraint(table=assignment_table).drop() migrate.PrimaryKeyConstraint( assignment_table.c.type, assignment_table.c.actor_id, assignment_table.c.target_id, assignment_table.c.role_id, assignment_table.c.inherited).create() else: # Recreate the existing constraint, marking the inherited column as PK migrate.PrimaryKeyConstraint(table=assignment_table).drop() assignment_table.c.inherited.alter(primary_key=True) migrate.PrimaryKeyConstraint(table=assignment_table).create()