# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2012 Canonical Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

import uuid

from keystone.catalog import core
from keystone.catalog import schema
from keystone.common import controller
from keystone.common import dependency
from keystone.common import validation
from keystone.common import wsgi
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
from keystone import notifications

INTERFACES = ['public', 'internal', 'admin']

class Service(controller.V2Controller):

    def get_services(self, context):
        service_list = self.catalog_api.list_services()
        return {'OS-KSADM:services': service_list}

    def get_service(self, context, service_id):
        service_ref = self.catalog_api.get_service(service_id)
        return {'OS-KSADM:service': service_ref}

    def delete_service(self, context, service_id):

    def create_service(self, context, OS_KSADM_service):
        service_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
        service_ref = OS_KSADM_service.copy()
        service_ref['id'] = service_id
        new_service_ref = self.catalog_api.create_service(
            service_id, service_ref)
        return {'OS-KSADM:service': new_service_ref}

class Endpoint(controller.V2Controller):

    def get_endpoints(self, context):
        """Merge matching v3 endpoint refs into legacy refs."""
        legacy_endpoints = {}
        for endpoint in self.catalog_api.list_endpoints():
            if not endpoint.get('legacy_endpoint_id'):
                # endpoints created in v3 should not appear on the v2 API

            # is this is a legacy endpoint we haven't indexed yet?
            if endpoint['legacy_endpoint_id'] not in legacy_endpoints:
                legacy_ep = endpoint.copy()
                legacy_ep['id'] = legacy_ep.pop('legacy_endpoint_id')
                legacy_ep['region'] = legacy_ep.pop('region_id')

                legacy_endpoints[endpoint['legacy_endpoint_id']] = legacy_ep
                legacy_ep = legacy_endpoints[endpoint['legacy_endpoint_id']]

            # add the legacy endpoint with an interface url
            legacy_ep['%surl' % endpoint['interface']] = endpoint['url']
        return {'endpoints': list(legacy_endpoints.values())}

    def create_endpoint(self, context, endpoint):
        """Create three v3 endpoint refs based on a legacy ref."""

        # according to the v2 spec publicurl is mandatory
        self._require_attribute(endpoint, 'publicurl')
        # service_id is necessary
        self._require_attribute(endpoint, 'service_id')

        # we should check publicurl, adminurl, internalurl
        # if invalid, we should raise an exception to reject
        # the request
        for interface in INTERFACES:
            interface_url = endpoint.get(interface + 'url')
            if interface_url:

        initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)

        if endpoint.get('region') is not None:
            except exception.RegionNotFound:
                region = dict(id=endpoint['region'])
                self.catalog_api.create_region(region, initiator)

        legacy_endpoint_ref = endpoint.copy()

        urls = {}
        for i in INTERFACES:
            # remove all urls so they aren't persisted them more than once
            url = '%surl' % i
            if endpoint.get(url):
                # valid urls need to be persisted
                urls[i] = endpoint.pop(url)
            elif url in endpoint:
                # null or empty urls can be discarded

        legacy_endpoint_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
        for interface, url in urls.items():
            endpoint_ref = endpoint.copy()
            endpoint_ref['id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex
            endpoint_ref['legacy_endpoint_id'] = legacy_endpoint_id
            endpoint_ref['interface'] = interface
            endpoint_ref['url'] = url
            endpoint_ref['region_id'] = endpoint_ref.pop('region')
            self.catalog_api.create_endpoint(endpoint_ref['id'], endpoint_ref,

        legacy_endpoint_ref['id'] = legacy_endpoint_id
        return {'endpoint': legacy_endpoint_ref}

    def delete_endpoint(self, context, endpoint_id):
        """Delete up to three v3 endpoint refs based on a legacy ref ID."""

        deleted_at_least_one = False
        for endpoint in self.catalog_api.list_endpoints():
            if endpoint['legacy_endpoint_id'] == endpoint_id:
                deleted_at_least_one = True

        if not deleted_at_least_one:
            raise exception.EndpointNotFound(endpoint_id=endpoint_id)

class RegionV3(controller.V3Controller):
    collection_name = 'regions'
    member_name = 'region'

    def create_region_with_id(self, context, region_id, region):
        """Create a region with a user-specified ID.

        This method is unprotected because it depends on ``self.create_region``
        to enforce policy.
        if 'id' in region and region_id != region['id']:
            raise exception.ValidationError(
                _('Conflicting region IDs specified: '
                  '"%(url_id)s" != "%(ref_id)s"') % {
                      'url_id': region_id,
                      'ref_id': region['id']})
        region['id'] = region_id
        return self.create_region(context, region)

    @validation.validated(schema.region_create, 'region')
    def create_region(self, context, region):
        ref = self._normalize_dict(region)

        if not ref.get('id'):
            ref = self._assign_unique_id(ref)

        initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
        ref = self.catalog_api.create_region(ref, initiator)
        return wsgi.render_response(
            RegionV3.wrap_member(context, ref),
            status=(201, 'Created'))

    def list_regions(self, context, filters):
        hints = RegionV3.build_driver_hints(context, filters)
        refs = self.catalog_api.list_regions(hints)
        return RegionV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, hints=hints)

    def get_region(self, context, region_id):
        ref = self.catalog_api.get_region(region_id)
        return RegionV3.wrap_member(context, ref)

    @validation.validated(schema.region_update, 'region')
    def update_region(self, context, region_id, region):
        self._require_matching_id(region_id, region)
        initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
        ref = self.catalog_api.update_region(region_id, region, initiator)
        return RegionV3.wrap_member(context, ref)

    def delete_region(self, context, region_id):
        initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
        return self.catalog_api.delete_region(region_id, initiator)

class ServiceV3(controller.V3Controller):
    collection_name = 'services'
    member_name = 'service'

    def __init__(self):
        super(ServiceV3, self).__init__()
        self.get_member_from_driver = self.catalog_api.get_service

    @validation.validated(schema.service_create, 'service')
    def create_service(self, context, service):
        ref = self._assign_unique_id(self._normalize_dict(service))
        initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
        ref = self.catalog_api.create_service(ref['id'], ref, initiator)
        return ServiceV3.wrap_member(context, ref)

    @controller.filterprotected('type', 'name')
    def list_services(self, context, filters):
        hints = ServiceV3.build_driver_hints(context, filters)
        refs = self.catalog_api.list_services(hints=hints)
        return ServiceV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, hints=hints)

    def get_service(self, context, service_id):
        ref = self.catalog_api.get_service(service_id)
        return ServiceV3.wrap_member(context, ref)

    @validation.validated(schema.service_update, 'service')
    def update_service(self, context, service_id, service):
        self._require_matching_id(service_id, service)
        initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
        ref = self.catalog_api.update_service(service_id, service, initiator)
        return ServiceV3.wrap_member(context, ref)

    def delete_service(self, context, service_id):
        initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
        return self.catalog_api.delete_service(service_id, initiator)

class EndpointV3(controller.V3Controller):
    collection_name = 'endpoints'
    member_name = 'endpoint'

    def __init__(self):
        super(EndpointV3, self).__init__()
        self.get_member_from_driver = self.catalog_api.get_endpoint

    def filter_endpoint(cls, ref):
        if 'legacy_endpoint_id' in ref:
        ref['region'] = ref['region_id']
        return ref

    def wrap_member(cls, context, ref):
        ref = cls.filter_endpoint(ref)
        return super(EndpointV3, cls).wrap_member(context, ref)

    def _validate_endpoint_region(self, endpoint, context=None):
        """Ensure the region for the endpoint exists.

        If 'region_id' is used to specify the region, then we will let the
        manager/driver take care of this.  If, however, 'region' is used,
        then for backward compatibility, we will auto-create the region.

        if (endpoint.get('region_id') is None and
                endpoint.get('region') is not None):
            # To maintain backward compatibility with clients that are
            # using the v3 API in the same way as they used the v2 API,
            # create the endpoint region, if that region does not exist
            # in keystone.
            endpoint['region_id'] = endpoint.pop('region')
            except exception.RegionNotFound:
                region = dict(id=endpoint['region_id'])
                initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
                self.catalog_api.create_region(region, initiator)

        return endpoint

    @validation.validated(schema.endpoint_create, 'endpoint')
    def create_endpoint(self, context, endpoint):
        ref = self._assign_unique_id(self._normalize_dict(endpoint))
        ref = self._validate_endpoint_region(ref, context)
        initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
        ref = self.catalog_api.create_endpoint(ref['id'], ref, initiator)
        return EndpointV3.wrap_member(context, ref)

    @controller.filterprotected('interface', 'service_id', 'region_id')
    def list_endpoints(self, context, filters):
        hints = EndpointV3.build_driver_hints(context, filters)
        refs = self.catalog_api.list_endpoints(hints=hints)
        return EndpointV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, hints=hints)

    def get_endpoint(self, context, endpoint_id):
        ref = self.catalog_api.get_endpoint(endpoint_id)
        return EndpointV3.wrap_member(context, ref)

    @validation.validated(schema.endpoint_update, 'endpoint')
    def update_endpoint(self, context, endpoint_id, endpoint):
        self._require_matching_id(endpoint_id, endpoint)

        endpoint = self._validate_endpoint_region(endpoint.copy(), context)

        initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
        ref = self.catalog_api.update_endpoint(endpoint_id, endpoint,
        return EndpointV3.wrap_member(context, ref)

    def delete_endpoint(self, context, endpoint_id):
        initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
        return self.catalog_api.delete_endpoint(endpoint_id, initiator)