# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2012 Canonical Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import itertools from oslo_config import cfg import six import sqlalchemy from sqlalchemy.sql import true from keystone import catalog from keystone.catalog import core from keystone.common import sql from keystone import exception CONF = cfg.CONF class Region(sql.ModelBase, sql.DictBase): __tablename__ = 'region' attributes = ['id', 'description', 'parent_region_id'] id = sql.Column(sql.String(255), primary_key=True) description = sql.Column(sql.String(255), nullable=False) # NOTE(jaypipes): Right now, using an adjacency list model for # storing the hierarchy of regions is fine, since # the API does not support any kind of querying for # more complex hierarchical queries such as "get me only # the regions that are subchildren of this region", etc. # If, in the future, such queries are needed, then it # would be possible to add in columns to this model for # "left" and "right" and provide support for a nested set # model. parent_region_id = sql.Column(sql.String(255), nullable=True) # TODO(jaypipes): I think it's absolutely stupid that every single model # is required to have an "extra" column because of the # DictBase in the keystone.common.sql.core module. Forcing # tables to have pointless columns in the database is just # bad. Remove all of this extra JSON blob stuff. # See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1265071 extra = sql.Column(sql.JsonBlob()) endpoints = sqlalchemy.orm.relationship("Endpoint", backref="region") class Service(sql.ModelBase, sql.DictBase): __tablename__ = 'service' attributes = ['id', 'type', 'enabled'] id = sql.Column(sql.String(64), primary_key=True) type = sql.Column(sql.String(255)) enabled = sql.Column(sql.Boolean, nullable=False, default=True, server_default=sqlalchemy.sql.expression.true()) extra = sql.Column(sql.JsonBlob()) endpoints = sqlalchemy.orm.relationship("Endpoint", backref="service") class Endpoint(sql.ModelBase, sql.DictBase): __tablename__ = 'endpoint' attributes = ['id', 'interface', 'region_id', 'service_id', 'url', 'legacy_endpoint_id', 'enabled'] id = sql.Column(sql.String(64), primary_key=True) legacy_endpoint_id = sql.Column(sql.String(64)) interface = sql.Column(sql.String(8), nullable=False) region_id = sql.Column(sql.String(255), sql.ForeignKey('region.id', ondelete='RESTRICT'), nullable=True, default=None) service_id = sql.Column(sql.String(64), sql.ForeignKey('service.id'), nullable=False) url = sql.Column(sql.Text(), nullable=False) enabled = sql.Column(sql.Boolean, nullable=False, default=True, server_default=sqlalchemy.sql.expression.true()) extra = sql.Column(sql.JsonBlob()) class Catalog(catalog.Driver): # Regions def list_regions(self, hints): session = sql.get_session() regions = session.query(Region) regions = sql.filter_limit_query(Region, regions, hints) return [s.to_dict() for s in list(regions)] def _get_region(self, session, region_id): ref = session.query(Region).get(region_id) if not ref: raise exception.RegionNotFound(region_id=region_id) return ref def _delete_child_regions(self, session, region_id, root_region_id): """Delete all child regions. Recursively delete any region that has the supplied region as its parent. """ children = session.query(Region).filter_by(parent_region_id=region_id) for child in children: if child.id == root_region_id: # Hit a circular region hierarchy return self._delete_child_regions(session, child.id, root_region_id) session.delete(child) def _check_parent_region(self, session, region_ref): """Raise a NotFound if the parent region does not exist. If the region_ref has a specified parent_region_id, check that the parent exists, otherwise, raise a NotFound. """ parent_region_id = region_ref.get('parent_region_id') if parent_region_id is not None: # This will raise NotFound if the parent doesn't exist, # which is the behavior we want. self._get_region(session, parent_region_id) def _has_endpoints(self, session, region, root_region): if region.endpoints is not None and len(region.endpoints) > 0: return True q = session.query(Region) q = q.filter_by(parent_region_id=region.id) for child in q.all(): if child.id == root_region.id: # Hit a circular region hierarchy return False if self._has_endpoints(session, child, root_region): return True return False def get_region(self, region_id): session = sql.get_session() return self._get_region(session, region_id).to_dict() def delete_region(self, region_id): session = sql.get_session() with session.begin(): ref = self._get_region(session, region_id) if self._has_endpoints(session, ref, ref): raise exception.RegionDeletionError(region_id=region_id) self._delete_child_regions(session, region_id, region_id) session.delete(ref) @sql.handle_conflicts(conflict_type='region') def create_region(self, region_ref): session = sql.get_session() with session.begin(): self._check_parent_region(session, region_ref) region = Region.from_dict(region_ref) session.add(region) return region.to_dict() def update_region(self, region_id, region_ref): session = sql.get_session() with session.begin(): self._check_parent_region(session, region_ref) ref = self._get_region(session, region_id) old_dict = ref.to_dict() old_dict.update(region_ref) self._ensure_no_circle_in_hierarchical_regions(old_dict) new_region = Region.from_dict(old_dict) for attr in Region.attributes: if attr != 'id': setattr(ref, attr, getattr(new_region, attr)) return ref.to_dict() # Services @sql.truncated def list_services(self, hints): session = sql.get_session() services = session.query(Service) services = sql.filter_limit_query(Service, services, hints) return [s.to_dict() for s in list(services)] def _get_service(self, session, service_id): ref = session.query(Service).get(service_id) if not ref: raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service_id=service_id) return ref def get_service(self, service_id): session = sql.get_session() return self._get_service(session, service_id).to_dict() def delete_service(self, service_id): session = sql.get_session() with session.begin(): ref = self._get_service(session, service_id) session.query(Endpoint).filter_by(service_id=service_id).delete() session.delete(ref) def create_service(self, service_id, service_ref): session = sql.get_session() with session.begin(): service = Service.from_dict(service_ref) session.add(service) return service.to_dict() def update_service(self, service_id, service_ref): session = sql.get_session() with session.begin(): ref = self._get_service(session, service_id) old_dict = ref.to_dict() old_dict.update(service_ref) new_service = Service.from_dict(old_dict) for attr in Service.attributes: if attr != 'id': setattr(ref, attr, getattr(new_service, attr)) ref.extra = new_service.extra return ref.to_dict() # Endpoints def create_endpoint(self, endpoint_id, endpoint_ref): session = sql.get_session() new_endpoint = Endpoint.from_dict(endpoint_ref) with session.begin(): session.add(new_endpoint) return new_endpoint.to_dict() def delete_endpoint(self, endpoint_id): session = sql.get_session() with session.begin(): ref = self._get_endpoint(session, endpoint_id) session.delete(ref) def _get_endpoint(self, session, endpoint_id): try: return session.query(Endpoint).filter_by(id=endpoint_id).one() except sql.NotFound: raise exception.EndpointNotFound(endpoint_id=endpoint_id) def get_endpoint(self, endpoint_id): session = sql.get_session() return self._get_endpoint(session, endpoint_id).to_dict() @sql.truncated def list_endpoints(self, hints): session = sql.get_session() endpoints = session.query(Endpoint) endpoints = sql.filter_limit_query(Endpoint, endpoints, hints) return [e.to_dict() for e in list(endpoints)] def update_endpoint(self, endpoint_id, endpoint_ref): session = sql.get_session() with session.begin(): ref = self._get_endpoint(session, endpoint_id) old_dict = ref.to_dict() old_dict.update(endpoint_ref) new_endpoint = Endpoint.from_dict(old_dict) for attr in Endpoint.attributes: if attr != 'id': setattr(ref, attr, getattr(new_endpoint, attr)) ref.extra = new_endpoint.extra return ref.to_dict() def get_catalog(self, user_id, tenant_id): substitutions = dict( itertools.chain(six.iteritems(CONF), six.iteritems(CONF.eventlet_server))) substitutions.update({'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'user_id': user_id}) session = sql.get_session() endpoints = (session.query(Endpoint). options(sql.joinedload(Endpoint.service)). filter(Endpoint.enabled == true()).all()) catalog = {} for endpoint in endpoints: if not endpoint.service['enabled']: continue try: url = core.format_url(endpoint['url'], substitutions) except exception.MalformedEndpoint: continue # this failure is already logged in format_url() region = endpoint['region_id'] service_type = endpoint.service['type'] default_service = { 'id': endpoint['id'], 'name': endpoint.service.extra.get('name', ''), 'publicURL': '' } catalog.setdefault(region, {}) catalog[region].setdefault(service_type, default_service) interface_url = '%sURL' % endpoint['interface'] catalog[region][service_type][interface_url] = url return catalog def get_v3_catalog(self, user_id, tenant_id): d = dict( itertools.chain(six.iteritems(CONF), six.iteritems(CONF.eventlet_server))) d.update({'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'user_id': user_id}) session = sql.get_session() services = (session.query(Service).filter(Service.enabled == true()). options(sql.joinedload(Service.endpoints)). all()) def make_v3_endpoints(endpoints): for endpoint in (ep.to_dict() for ep in endpoints if ep.enabled): del endpoint['service_id'] del endpoint['legacy_endpoint_id'] del endpoint['enabled'] endpoint['region'] = endpoint['region_id'] try: endpoint['url'] = core.format_url(endpoint['url'], d) except exception.MalformedEndpoint: continue # this failure is already logged in format_url() yield endpoint def make_v3_service(svc): eps = list(make_v3_endpoints(svc.endpoints)) service = {'endpoints': eps, 'id': svc.id, 'type': svc.type} service['name'] = svc.extra.get('name', '') return service return [make_v3_service(svc) for svc in services]