# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

import sys

from keystoneclient.common import cms
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_log import versionutils
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import importutils
import six
import stevedore

from keystone.common import config
from keystone.common import controller
from keystone.common import dependency
from keystone.common import utils
from keystone.common import wsgi
from keystone import exception
from keystone.federation import constants
from keystone.i18n import _, _LI, _LW
from keystone.resource import controllers as resource_controllers

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)


# registry of authentication methods

def load_auth_method(method):
    plugin_name = CONF.auth.get(method) or 'default'
    namespace = 'keystone.auth.%s' % method
        driver_manager = stevedore.DriverManager(namespace, plugin_name,
        return driver_manager.driver
    except RuntimeError:
        LOG.debug('Failed to load the %s driver (%s) using stevedore, will '
                  'attempt to load using import_object instead.',
                  method, plugin_name)

    driver = importutils.import_object(plugin_name)

    msg = (_(
        'Direct import of auth plugin %(name)r is deprecated as of Liberty in '
        'favor of its entrypoint from %(namespace)r and may be removed in '
        'N.') %
        {'name': plugin_name, 'namespace': namespace})
    versionutils.report_deprecated_feature(LOG, msg)

    return driver

def load_auth_methods():

        # Only try and load methods a single time.
    # config.setup_authentication should be idempotent, call it to ensure we
    # have setup all the appropriate configuration options we may need.
    for plugin in set(CONF.auth.methods):
        AUTH_METHODS[plugin] = load_auth_method(plugin)

def get_auth_method(method_name):
    global AUTH_METHODS
    if method_name not in AUTH_METHODS:
        raise exception.AuthMethodNotSupported()
    return AUTH_METHODS[method_name]

class AuthContext(dict):
    """Retrofitting auth_context to reconcile identity attributes.

    The identity attributes must not have conflicting values among the
    auth plug-ins. The only exception is `expires_at`, which is set to its
    earliest value.


    # identity attributes need to be reconciled among the auth plugins
    IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES = frozenset(['user_id', 'project_id',
                                     'access_token_id', 'domain_id',

    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
        if key in self.IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES and key in self:
            existing_val = self[key]
            if key == 'expires_at':
                # special treatment for 'expires_at', we are going to take
                # the earliest expiration instead.
                if existing_val != val:
                    LOG.info(_LI('"expires_at" has conflicting values '
                                 '%(existing)s and %(new)s.  Will use the '
                                 'earliest value.'),
                             {'existing': existing_val, 'new': val})
                if existing_val is None or val is None:
                    val = existing_val or val
                    val = min(existing_val, val)
            elif existing_val != val:
                msg = _('Unable to reconcile identity attribute %(attribute)s '
                        'as it has conflicting values %(new)s and %(old)s') % (
                            {'attribute': key,
                             'new': val,
                             'old': existing_val})
                raise exception.Unauthorized(msg)
        return super(AuthContext, self).__setitem__(key, val)

@dependency.requires('resource_api', 'trust_api')
class AuthInfo(object):
    """Encapsulation of "auth" request."""

    def create(context, auth=None, scope_only=False):
        auth_info = AuthInfo(context, auth=auth)
        return auth_info

    def __init__(self, context, auth=None):
        self.context = context
        self.auth = auth
        self._scope_data = (None, None, None, None)
        # self._scope_data is (domain_id, project_id, trust_ref, unscoped)
        # project scope: (None, project_id, None, None)
        # domain scope: (domain_id, None, None, None)
        # trust scope: (None, None, trust_ref, None)
        # unscoped: (None, None, None, 'unscoped')

    def _assert_project_is_enabled(self, project_ref):
        # ensure the project is enabled
        except AssertionError as e:
            six.reraise(exception.Unauthorized, exception.Unauthorized(e),

    def _assert_domain_is_enabled(self, domain_ref):
        except AssertionError as e:
            six.reraise(exception.Unauthorized, exception.Unauthorized(e),

    def _lookup_domain(self, domain_info):
        domain_id = domain_info.get('id')
        domain_name = domain_info.get('name')
        domain_ref = None
        if not domain_id and not domain_name:
            raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='id or name',
            if domain_name:
                if (CONF.resource.domain_name_url_safe == 'strict' and
                    msg = _('Domain name cannot contain reserved characters.')
                    raise exception.Unauthorized(message=msg)
                domain_ref = self.resource_api.get_domain_by_name(
                domain_ref = self.resource_api.get_domain(domain_id)
        except exception.DomainNotFound as e:
            raise exception.Unauthorized(e)
        return domain_ref

    def _lookup_project(self, project_info):
        project_id = project_info.get('id')
        project_name = project_info.get('name')
        project_ref = None
        if not project_id and not project_name:
            raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='id or name',
            if project_name:
                if (CONF.resource.project_name_url_safe == 'strict' and
                    msg = _('Project name cannot contain reserved characters.')
                    raise exception.Unauthorized(message=msg)
                if 'domain' not in project_info:
                    raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='domain',
                domain_ref = self._lookup_domain(project_info['domain'])
                project_ref = self.resource_api.get_project_by_name(
                    project_name, domain_ref['id'])
                project_ref = self.resource_api.get_project(project_id)
                # NOTE(morganfainberg): The _lookup_domain method will raise
                # exception.Unauthorized if the domain isn't found or is
                # disabled.
                self._lookup_domain({'id': project_ref['domain_id']})
        except exception.ProjectNotFound as e:
            raise exception.Unauthorized(e)
        return project_ref

    def _lookup_trust(self, trust_info):
        trust_id = trust_info.get('id')
        if not trust_id:
            raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='trust_id',
        trust = self.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id)
        return trust

    def _validate_and_normalize_scope_data(self):
        """Validate and normalize scope data."""
        if 'scope' not in self.auth:
        if sum(['project' in self.auth['scope'],
                'domain' in self.auth['scope'],
                'unscoped' in self.auth['scope'],
                'OS-TRUST:trust' in self.auth['scope']]) != 1:
            raise exception.ValidationError(
                attribute='project, domain, OS-TRUST:trust or unscoped',
        if 'unscoped' in self.auth['scope']:
            self._scope_data = (None, None, None, 'unscoped')
        if 'project' in self.auth['scope']:
            project_ref = self._lookup_project(self.auth['scope']['project'])
            self._scope_data = (None, project_ref['id'], None, None)
        elif 'domain' in self.auth['scope']:
            domain_ref = self._lookup_domain(self.auth['scope']['domain'])
            self._scope_data = (domain_ref['id'], None, None, None)
        elif 'OS-TRUST:trust' in self.auth['scope']:
            if not CONF.trust.enabled:
                raise exception.Forbidden('Trusts are disabled.')
            trust_ref = self._lookup_trust(
            # TODO(ayoung): when trusts support domains, fill in domain data
            if trust_ref.get('project_id') is not None:
                project_ref = self._lookup_project(
                    {'id': trust_ref['project_id']})
                self._scope_data = (None, project_ref['id'], trust_ref, None)
                self._scope_data = (None, None, trust_ref, None)

    def _validate_auth_methods(self):
        if 'identity' not in self.auth:
            raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='identity',

        # make sure auth methods are provided
        if 'methods' not in self.auth['identity']:
            raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='methods',

        # make sure all the method data/payload are provided
        for method_name in self.get_method_names():
            if method_name not in self.auth['identity']:
                raise exception.ValidationError(attribute=method_name,

        # make sure auth method is supported
        for method_name in self.get_method_names():
            if method_name not in AUTH_METHODS:
                raise exception.AuthMethodNotSupported()

    def _validate_and_normalize_auth_data(self, scope_only=False):
        """Make sure "auth" is valid.

        :param scope_only: If it is True, auth methods will not be
                           validated but only the scope data.
        :type scope_only: boolean
        # make sure "auth" exist
        if not self.auth:
            raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='auth',
                                            target='request body')

        # NOTE(chioleong): Tokenless auth does not provide auth methods,
        # we only care about using this method to validate the scope
        # information. Therefore, validating the auth methods here is
        # insignificant and we can skip it when scope_only is set to
        # true.
        if scope_only is False:

    def get_method_names(self):
        """Returns the identity method names.

        :returns: list of auth method names

        # Sanitizes methods received in request's body
        # Filters out duplicates, while keeping elements' order.
        method_names = []
        for method in self.auth['identity']['methods']:
            if method not in method_names:
        return method_names

    def get_method_data(self, method):
        """Get the auth method payload.

        :returns: auth method payload

        if method not in self.auth['identity']['methods']:
            raise exception.ValidationError(attribute=method,
        return self.auth['identity'][method]

    def get_scope(self):
        """Get scope information.

        Verify and return the scoping information.

        :returns: (domain_id, project_id, trust_ref, unscoped).
                   If scope to a project, (None, project_id, None, None)
                   will be returned.
                   If scoped to a domain, (domain_id, None, None, None)
                   will be returned.
                   If scoped to a trust, (None, project_id, trust_ref, None),
                   Will be returned, where the project_id comes from the
                   trust definition.
                   If unscoped, (None, None, None, 'unscoped') will be

        return self._scope_data

    def set_scope(self, domain_id=None, project_id=None, trust=None,
        """Set scope information."""
        if domain_id and project_id:
            msg = _('Scoping to both domain and project is not allowed')
            raise ValueError(msg)
        if domain_id and trust:
            msg = _('Scoping to both domain and trust is not allowed')
            raise ValueError(msg)
        if project_id and trust:
            msg = _('Scoping to both project and trust is not allowed')
            raise ValueError(msg)
        self._scope_data = (domain_id, project_id, trust, unscoped)

@dependency.requires('assignment_api', 'catalog_api', 'identity_api',
                     'resource_api', 'token_provider_api', 'trust_api')
class Auth(controller.V3Controller):

    # Note(atiwari): From V3 auth controller code we are
    # calling protection() wrappers, so we need to setup
    # the member_name and  collection_name attributes of
    # auth controller code.
    # In the absence of these attributes, default 'entity'
    # string will be used to represent the target which is
    # generic. Policy can be defined using 'entity' but it
    # would not reflect the exact entity that is in context.
    # We are defining collection_name = 'tokens' and
    # member_name = 'token' to facilitate policy decisions.
    collection_name = 'tokens'
    member_name = 'token'

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        super(Auth, self).__init__(*args, **kw)

    def authenticate_for_token(self, context, auth=None):
        """Authenticate user and issue a token."""
        include_catalog = 'nocatalog' not in context['query_string']

            auth_info = AuthInfo.create(context, auth=auth)
            auth_context = AuthContext(extras={},
            self.authenticate(context, auth_info, auth_context)
            if auth_context.get('access_token_id'):
                auth_info.set_scope(None, auth_context['project_id'], None)
            self._check_and_set_default_scoping(auth_info, auth_context)
            (domain_id, project_id, trust, unscoped) = auth_info.get_scope()

            method_names = auth_info.get_method_names()
            method_names += auth_context.get('method_names', [])
            # make sure the list is unique
            method_names = list(set(method_names))
            expires_at = auth_context.get('expires_at')
            # NOTE(morganfainberg): define this here so it is clear what the
            # argument is during the issue_v3_token provider call.
            metadata_ref = None

            token_audit_id = auth_context.get('audit_id')

            (token_id, token_data) = self.token_provider_api.issue_v3_token(
                auth_context['user_id'], method_names, expires_at, project_id,
                domain_id, auth_context, trust, metadata_ref, include_catalog,

            # NOTE(wanghong): We consume a trust use only when we are using
            # trusts and have successfully issued a token.
            if trust:

            return render_token_data_response(token_id, token_data,
        except exception.TrustNotFound as e:
            raise exception.Unauthorized(e)

    def _check_and_set_default_scoping(self, auth_info, auth_context):
        (domain_id, project_id, trust, unscoped) = auth_info.get_scope()
        if trust:
            project_id = trust['project_id']
        if domain_id or project_id or trust:
            # scope is specified

        # Skip scoping when unscoped federated token is being issued
        if constants.IDENTITY_PROVIDER in auth_context:

        # Do not scope if request is for explicitly unscoped token
        if unscoped is not None:

        # fill in default_project_id if it is available
            user_ref = self.identity_api.get_user(auth_context['user_id'])
        except exception.UserNotFound as e:
            raise exception.Unauthorized(e)

        default_project_id = user_ref.get('default_project_id')
        if not default_project_id:
            # User has no default project. He shall get an unscoped token.

        # make sure user's default project is legit before scoping to it
            default_project_ref = self.resource_api.get_project(
            default_project_domain_ref = self.resource_api.get_domain(
            if (default_project_ref.get('enabled', True) and
                    default_project_domain_ref.get('enabled', True)):
                if self.assignment_api.get_roles_for_user_and_project(
                        user_ref['id'], default_project_id):
                    msg = _LW("User %(user_id)s doesn't have access to"
                              " default project %(project_id)s. The token"
                              " will be unscoped rather than scoped to the"
                              " project.")
                                {'user_id': user_ref['id'],
                                 'project_id': default_project_id})
                msg = _LW("User %(user_id)s's default project %(project_id)s"
                          " is disabled. The token will be unscoped rather"
                          " than scoped to the project.")
                            {'user_id': user_ref['id'],
                             'project_id': default_project_id})
        except (exception.ProjectNotFound, exception.DomainNotFound):
            # default project or default project domain doesn't exist,
            # will issue unscoped token instead
            msg = _LW("User %(user_id)s's default project %(project_id)s not"
                      " found. The token will be unscoped rather than"
                      " scoped to the project.")
            LOG.warning(msg, {'user_id': user_ref['id'],
                              'project_id': default_project_id})

    def authenticate(self, context, auth_info, auth_context):
        """Authenticate user."""
        # The 'external' method allows any 'REMOTE_USER' based authentication
        # In some cases the server can set REMOTE_USER as '' instead of
        # dropping it, so this must be filtered out
        if context['environment'].get('REMOTE_USER'):
                external = get_auth_method('external')
                external.authenticate(context, auth_info, auth_context)
            except exception.AuthMethodNotSupported:
                # This will happen there is no 'external' plugin registered
                # and the container is performing authentication.
                # The 'kerberos'  and 'saml' methods will be used this way.
                # In those cases, it is correct to not register an
                # 'external' plugin;  if there is both an 'external' and a
                # 'kerberos' plugin, it would run the check on identity twice.
                LOG.debug("No 'external' plugin is registered.")
            except exception.Unauthorized:
                # If external fails then continue and attempt to determine
                # user identity using remaining auth methods
                LOG.debug("Authorization failed for 'external' auth method.")

        # need to aggregate the results in case two or more methods
        # are specified
        auth_response = {'methods': []}
        for method_name in auth_info.get_method_names():
            method = get_auth_method(method_name)
            resp = method.authenticate(context,
            if resp:
                auth_response[method_name] = resp

        if auth_response["methods"]:
            # authentication continuation required
            raise exception.AdditionalAuthRequired(auth_response)

        if 'user_id' not in auth_context:
            msg = _('User not found')
            raise exception.Unauthorized(msg)

    def check_token(self, context):
        token_id = context.get('subject_token_id')
        token_data = self.token_provider_api.validate_v3_token(
        # NOTE(morganfainberg): The code in
        # ``keystone.common.wsgi.render_response`` will remove the content
        # body.
        return render_token_data_response(token_id, token_data)

    def revoke_token(self, context):
        token_id = context.get('subject_token_id')
        return self.token_provider_api.revoke_token(token_id)

    def validate_token(self, context):
        token_id = context.get('subject_token_id')
        include_catalog = 'nocatalog' not in context['query_string']
        token_data = self.token_provider_api.validate_v3_token(
        if not include_catalog and 'catalog' in token_data['token']:
            del token_data['token']['catalog']
        return render_token_data_response(token_id, token_data)

    def revocation_list(self, context, auth=None):
        if not CONF.token.revoke_by_id:
            raise exception.Gone()

        audit_id_only = ('audit_id_only' in context['query_string'])

        tokens = self.token_provider_api.list_revoked_tokens()

        for t in tokens:
            expires = t['expires']
            if not (expires and isinstance(expires, six.text_type)):
                t['expires'] = utils.isotime(expires)
            if audit_id_only:
                t.pop('id', None)
        data = {'revoked': tokens}

        if audit_id_only:
            # No need to obfuscate if no token IDs.
            return data

        json_data = jsonutils.dumps(data)
        signed_text = cms.cms_sign_text(json_data,

        return {'signed': signed_text}

    def _combine_lists_uniquely(self, a, b):
        # it's most likely that only one of these will be filled so avoid
        # the combination if possible.
        if a and b:
            return {x['id']: x for x in a + b}.values()
            return a or b

    def get_auth_projects(self, context):
        auth_context = self.get_auth_context(context)

        user_id = auth_context.get('user_id')
        user_refs = []
        if user_id:
                user_refs = self.assignment_api.list_projects_for_user(user_id)
            except exception.UserNotFound:  # nosec
                # federated users have an id but they don't link to anything

        group_ids = auth_context.get('group_ids')
        grp_refs = []
        if group_ids:
            grp_refs = self.assignment_api.list_projects_for_groups(group_ids)

        refs = self._combine_lists_uniquely(user_refs, grp_refs)
        return resource_controllers.ProjectV3.wrap_collection(context, refs)

    def get_auth_domains(self, context):
        auth_context = self.get_auth_context(context)

        user_id = auth_context.get('user_id')
        user_refs = []
        if user_id:
                user_refs = self.assignment_api.list_domains_for_user(user_id)
            except exception.UserNotFound:  # nosec
                # federated users have an id but they don't link to anything

        group_ids = auth_context.get('group_ids')
        grp_refs = []
        if group_ids:
            grp_refs = self.assignment_api.list_domains_for_groups(group_ids)

        refs = self._combine_lists_uniquely(user_refs, grp_refs)
        return resource_controllers.DomainV3.wrap_collection(context, refs)

    def get_auth_catalog(self, context):
        auth_context = self.get_auth_context(context)
        user_id = auth_context.get('user_id')
        project_id = auth_context.get('project_id')

        if not project_id:
            raise exception.Forbidden(
                _('A project-scoped token is required to produce a service '

        # The V3Controller base methods mostly assume that you're returning
        # either a collection or a single element from a collection, neither of
        # which apply to the catalog. Because this is a special case, this
        # re-implements a tiny bit of work done by the base controller (such as
        # self-referential link building) to avoid overriding or refactoring
        # several private methods.
        return {
            'catalog': self.catalog_api.get_v3_catalog(user_id, project_id),
            'links': {'self': self.base_url(context, path='auth/catalog')}

# FIXME(gyee): not sure if it belongs here or keystone.common. Park it here
# for now.
def render_token_data_response(token_id, token_data, created=False):
    """Render token data HTTP response.

    Stash token ID into the X-Subject-Token header.

    headers = [('X-Subject-Token', token_id)]

    if created:
        status = (201, 'Created')
        status = (200, 'OK')

    return wsgi.render_response(body=token_data,
                                status=status, headers=headers)