# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
# team
# If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask
# debian-l10n-english@lists.debian.org for advice.
# Even minor modifications require translation updates and such
# changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers.

Template: keystone/configure_db
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Set up a database for Keystone?
 No database has been set up for Keystone to use. Before
 continuing, you should make sure you have the following information:
  * the type of database that you want to use;
  * the database server host name (that server must allow TCP connections from this
  * a username and password to access the database.
 If some of these requirements are missing, do not choose this option and run with
 regular SQLite support.
 You can change this setting later on by running "dpkg-reconfigure -plow

Template: keystone/auth-token
Type: password
_Description: Authentication server administration token:
 Please enter the token to use with the authentication

Template: keystone/create-admin-tenant
Type: boolean
Default: false
# Translators: a "tenant" in OpenStack world is
# an entity that contains one or more username/password couples. 
# It's typically the tenant that will be used for billing. Having more than one
# username/password is very helpful in larger organization.
# You're advised to either keep "tenant" without translating it
# or keep it parenthezised. Example for French:
# locataire ("tenant")
_Description: Register administration tenants?
 For OpenStack to work, you need a basic tenant configuration. The
 creation of these administration tenants can be done automatically.

Template: keystone/admin-user
Type: string
Default: admin
_Description: Username of the administrative user:
 Please enter a username for the administrative user.

Template: keystone/admin-email
Type: string
Default: root@localhost
_Description: Email address of the administrative user:
 Please enter the email address of the administrative user.

Template: keystone/admin-password
Type: password
_Description: Password of the administrative user:
 Please enter a password for the administrative user.

Template: keystone/admin-password-confirm
Type: password
_Description: Re-enter password to verify:
 Please enter the same administrative password again to verify that you have typed it

Template: keystone/passwords-do-not-match
Type: error
_Description: Password input error
 The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again.

Template: keystone/admin-role-name
Type: string
Default: admin
_Description: Name of the administrative role:
 Please enter the name of the administrative role.

Template: keystone/admin-tenant-name
Type: string
Default: admin
# Translators: a "tenant" in OpenStack world is
# an entity that contains one or more username/password couples. 
# It's typically the tenant that will be used for billing. Having more than one
# username/password is very helpful in larger organization.
# You're advised to either keep "tenant" without translating it
# or keep it parenthezised. Example for French:
# locataire ("tenant")
_Description: Name of the administrative tenant:
 Please enter the name of the administrative tenant.

Template: keystone/register-endpoint
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Register Keystone endpoint?
 Each OpenStack service (each API) should be registered in order to be
 accessible. This is done using "keystone service-create" and "keystone
 endpoint-create". This can be done automatically now.

Template: keystone/endpoint-ip
Type: string
_Description: Keystone endpoint IP address:
 Please enter the IP address that will be used to contact Keystone.

Template: keystone/region-name
Type: string
Default: regionOne
_Description: Name of the region to register:
 OpenStack supports using availability zones, with each region representing
 a location. Please enter the zone that you wish to use when registering the