2015-11-03 meeting repport


* present opnfv-moon-core release2 and its main feature

* present opnfv-moonclient, a cmd line tool to administrate security

* present the DevOps environment for code continue integration

* present the progress moon-webview, a graphic interface for security management

* discussion about the roadmap: provide a demo next year? integration release C or D? which main features to be integrated?

* fix a monthly review meeting to follow its dev and establish an acting plan

moon core

* functional tests will be finished in 2 weeks


* moonclient tests, together with functional tests will be finished in 2 weeks


* 70% is finished

* the total will be finished in 4 weeks

* the log will not be integrated in release 2

dev environment

* no documentation

* for new committers, please contact ruan.he@orange.com

project roadmap

* integrate Moon code to release C

* Jamil to ask for support from OpenDaylight

* Nir to ask for support from  Huawei

* prepare Moon demostration with OpenStack/OpenDaylight 03/2016

monthly dev meeting

* all the contributors agree to set up a monthly dev meeting the last Wensday of each month