path: root/keystone-moon/keystone/oauth1/controllers.py
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1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/oauth1/controllers.py b/keystone-moon/keystone/oauth1/controllers.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystone-moon/keystone/oauth1/controllers.py
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+# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Extensions supporting OAuth1."""
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
+from oslo_utils import timeutils
+from keystone.common import controller
+from keystone.common import dependency
+from keystone.common import utils
+from keystone.common import validation
+from keystone.common import wsgi
+from keystone import exception
+from keystone.i18n import _
+from keystone import notifications
+from keystone.oauth1 import core as oauth1
+from keystone.oauth1 import schema
+from keystone.oauth1 import validator
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+def _emit_user_oauth_consumer_token_invalidate(payload):
+ # This is a special case notification that expect the payload to be a dict
+ # containing the user_id and the consumer_id. This is so that the token
+ # provider can invalidate any tokens in the token persistence if
+ # token persistence is enabled
+ notifications.Audit.internal(
+ payload,
+ )
+@dependency.requires('oauth_api', 'token_provider_api')
+class ConsumerCrudV3(controller.V3Controller):
+ collection_name = 'consumers'
+ member_name = 'consumer'
+ @classmethod
+ def base_url(cls, context, path=None):
+ """Construct a path and pass it to V3Controller.base_url method."""
+ # NOTE(stevemar): Overriding path to /OS-OAUTH1/consumers so that
+ # V3Controller.base_url handles setting the self link correctly.
+ path = '/OS-OAUTH1/' + cls.collection_name
+ return controller.V3Controller.base_url(context, path=path)
+ @controller.protected()
+ @validation.validated(schema.consumer_create, 'consumer')
+ def create_consumer(self, context, consumer):
+ ref = self._assign_unique_id(self._normalize_dict(consumer))
+ initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
+ consumer_ref = self.oauth_api.create_consumer(ref, initiator)
+ return ConsumerCrudV3.wrap_member(context, consumer_ref)
+ @controller.protected()
+ @validation.validated(schema.consumer_update, 'consumer')
+ def update_consumer(self, context, consumer_id, consumer):
+ self._require_matching_id(consumer_id, consumer)
+ ref = self._normalize_dict(consumer)
+ initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
+ ref = self.oauth_api.update_consumer(consumer_id, ref, initiator)
+ return ConsumerCrudV3.wrap_member(context, ref)
+ @controller.protected()
+ def list_consumers(self, context):
+ ref = self.oauth_api.list_consumers()
+ return ConsumerCrudV3.wrap_collection(context, ref)
+ @controller.protected()
+ def get_consumer(self, context, consumer_id):
+ ref = self.oauth_api.get_consumer(consumer_id)
+ return ConsumerCrudV3.wrap_member(context, ref)
+ @controller.protected()
+ def delete_consumer(self, context, consumer_id):
+ user_token_ref = utils.get_token_ref(context)
+ payload = {'user_id': user_token_ref.user_id,
+ 'consumer_id': consumer_id}
+ _emit_user_oauth_consumer_token_invalidate(payload)
+ initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
+ self.oauth_api.delete_consumer(consumer_id, initiator)
+class AccessTokenCrudV3(controller.V3Controller):
+ collection_name = 'access_tokens'
+ member_name = 'access_token'
+ @classmethod
+ def _add_self_referential_link(cls, context, ref):
+ # NOTE(lwolf): overriding method to add proper path to self link
+ ref.setdefault('links', {})
+ path = '/users/%(user_id)s/OS-OAUTH1/access_tokens' % {
+ 'user_id': cls._get_user_id(ref)
+ }
+ ref['links']['self'] = cls.base_url(context, path) + '/' + ref['id']
+ @controller.protected()
+ def get_access_token(self, context, user_id, access_token_id):
+ access_token = self.oauth_api.get_access_token(access_token_id)
+ if access_token['authorizing_user_id'] != user_id:
+ raise exception.NotFound()
+ access_token = self._format_token_entity(context, access_token)
+ return AccessTokenCrudV3.wrap_member(context, access_token)
+ @controller.protected()
+ def list_access_tokens(self, context, user_id):
+ auth_context = context.get('environment',
+ {}).get('KEYSTONE_AUTH_CONTEXT', {})
+ if auth_context.get('is_delegated_auth'):
+ raise exception.Forbidden(
+ _('Cannot list request tokens'
+ ' with a token issued via delegation.'))
+ refs = self.oauth_api.list_access_tokens(user_id)
+ formatted_refs = ([self._format_token_entity(context, x)
+ for x in refs])
+ return AccessTokenCrudV3.wrap_collection(context, formatted_refs)
+ @controller.protected()
+ def delete_access_token(self, context, user_id, access_token_id):
+ access_token = self.oauth_api.get_access_token(access_token_id)
+ consumer_id = access_token['consumer_id']
+ payload = {'user_id': user_id, 'consumer_id': consumer_id}
+ _emit_user_oauth_consumer_token_invalidate(payload)
+ initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
+ return self.oauth_api.delete_access_token(
+ user_id, access_token_id, initiator)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_user_id(entity):
+ return entity.get('authorizing_user_id', '')
+ def _format_token_entity(self, context, entity):
+ formatted_entity = entity.copy()
+ access_token_id = formatted_entity['id']
+ user_id = self._get_user_id(formatted_entity)
+ if 'role_ids' in entity:
+ formatted_entity.pop('role_ids')
+ if 'access_secret' in entity:
+ formatted_entity.pop('access_secret')
+ url = ('/users/%(user_id)s/OS-OAUTH1/access_tokens/%(access_token_id)s'
+ '/roles' % {'user_id': user_id,
+ 'access_token_id': access_token_id})
+ formatted_entity.setdefault('links', {})
+ formatted_entity['links']['roles'] = (self.base_url(context, url))
+ return formatted_entity
+@dependency.requires('oauth_api', 'role_api')
+class AccessTokenRolesV3(controller.V3Controller):
+ collection_name = 'roles'
+ member_name = 'role'
+ @controller.protected()
+ def list_access_token_roles(self, context, user_id, access_token_id):
+ access_token = self.oauth_api.get_access_token(access_token_id)
+ if access_token['authorizing_user_id'] != user_id:
+ raise exception.NotFound()
+ authed_role_ids = access_token['role_ids']
+ authed_role_ids = jsonutils.loads(authed_role_ids)
+ refs = ([self._format_role_entity(x) for x in authed_role_ids])
+ return AccessTokenRolesV3.wrap_collection(context, refs)
+ @controller.protected()
+ def get_access_token_role(self, context, user_id,
+ access_token_id, role_id):
+ access_token = self.oauth_api.get_access_token(access_token_id)
+ if access_token['authorizing_user_id'] != user_id:
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(_('User IDs do not match'))
+ authed_role_ids = access_token['role_ids']
+ authed_role_ids = jsonutils.loads(authed_role_ids)
+ for authed_role_id in authed_role_ids:
+ if authed_role_id == role_id:
+ role = self._format_role_entity(role_id)
+ return AccessTokenRolesV3.wrap_member(context, role)
+ raise exception.RoleNotFound(role_id=role_id)
+ def _format_role_entity(self, role_id):
+ role = self.role_api.get_role(role_id)
+ formatted_entity = role.copy()
+ if 'description' in role:
+ formatted_entity.pop('description')
+ if 'enabled' in role:
+ formatted_entity.pop('enabled')
+ return formatted_entity
+@dependency.requires('assignment_api', 'oauth_api',
+ 'resource_api', 'token_provider_api')
+class OAuthControllerV3(controller.V3Controller):
+ collection_name = 'not_used'
+ member_name = 'not_used'
+ def create_request_token(self, context):
+ headers = context['headers']
+ oauth_headers = oauth1.get_oauth_headers(headers)
+ consumer_id = oauth_headers.get('oauth_consumer_key')
+ requested_project_id = headers.get('Requested-Project-Id')
+ if not consumer_id:
+ raise exception.ValidationError(
+ attribute='oauth_consumer_key', target='request')
+ if not requested_project_id:
+ raise exception.ValidationError(
+ attribute='requested_project_id', target='request')
+ # NOTE(stevemar): Ensure consumer and requested project exist
+ self.resource_api.get_project(requested_project_id)
+ self.oauth_api.get_consumer(consumer_id)
+ url = self.base_url(context, context['path'])
+ req_headers = {'Requested-Project-Id': requested_project_id}
+ req_headers.update(headers)
+ request_verifier = oauth1.RequestTokenEndpoint(
+ request_validator=validator.OAuthValidator(),
+ token_generator=oauth1.token_generator)
+ h, b, s = request_verifier.create_request_token_response(
+ url,
+ http_method='POST',
+ body=context['query_string'],
+ headers=req_headers)
+ if (not b) or int(s) > 399:
+ msg = _('Invalid signature')
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(message=msg)
+ request_token_duration = CONF.oauth1.request_token_duration
+ initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
+ token_ref = self.oauth_api.create_request_token(consumer_id,
+ requested_project_id,
+ request_token_duration,
+ initiator)
+ result = ('oauth_token=%(key)s&oauth_token_secret=%(secret)s'
+ % {'key': token_ref['id'],
+ 'secret': token_ref['request_secret']})
+ if CONF.oauth1.request_token_duration:
+ expiry_bit = '&oauth_expires_at=%s' % token_ref['expires_at']
+ result += expiry_bit
+ headers = [('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-urlformencoded')]
+ response = wsgi.render_response(result,
+ status=(201, 'Created'),
+ headers=headers)
+ return response
+ def create_access_token(self, context):
+ headers = context['headers']
+ oauth_headers = oauth1.get_oauth_headers(headers)
+ consumer_id = oauth_headers.get('oauth_consumer_key')
+ request_token_id = oauth_headers.get('oauth_token')
+ oauth_verifier = oauth_headers.get('oauth_verifier')
+ if not consumer_id:
+ raise exception.ValidationError(
+ attribute='oauth_consumer_key', target='request')
+ if not request_token_id:
+ raise exception.ValidationError(
+ attribute='oauth_token', target='request')
+ if not oauth_verifier:
+ raise exception.ValidationError(
+ attribute='oauth_verifier', target='request')
+ req_token = self.oauth_api.get_request_token(
+ request_token_id)
+ expires_at = req_token['expires_at']
+ if expires_at:
+ now = timeutils.utcnow()
+ expires = timeutils.normalize_time(
+ timeutils.parse_isotime(expires_at))
+ if now > expires:
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(_('Request token is expired'))
+ url = self.base_url(context, context['path'])
+ access_verifier = oauth1.AccessTokenEndpoint(
+ request_validator=validator.OAuthValidator(),
+ token_generator=oauth1.token_generator)
+ h, b, s = access_verifier.create_access_token_response(
+ url,
+ http_method='POST',
+ body=context['query_string'],
+ headers=headers)
+ params = oauth1.extract_non_oauth_params(b)
+ if params:
+ msg = _('There should not be any non-oauth parameters')
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(message=msg)
+ if req_token['consumer_id'] != consumer_id:
+ msg = _('provided consumer key does not match stored consumer key')
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(message=msg)
+ if req_token['verifier'] != oauth_verifier:
+ msg = _('provided verifier does not match stored verifier')
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(message=msg)
+ if req_token['id'] != request_token_id:
+ msg = _('provided request key does not match stored request key')
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(message=msg)
+ if not req_token.get('authorizing_user_id'):
+ msg = _('Request Token does not have an authorizing user id')
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(message=msg)
+ access_token_duration = CONF.oauth1.access_token_duration
+ initiator = notifications._get_request_audit_info(context)
+ token_ref = self.oauth_api.create_access_token(request_token_id,
+ access_token_duration,
+ initiator)
+ result = ('oauth_token=%(key)s&oauth_token_secret=%(secret)s'
+ % {'key': token_ref['id'],
+ 'secret': token_ref['access_secret']})
+ if CONF.oauth1.access_token_duration:
+ expiry_bit = '&oauth_expires_at=%s' % (token_ref['expires_at'])
+ result += expiry_bit
+ headers = [('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-urlformencoded')]
+ response = wsgi.render_response(result,
+ status=(201, 'Created'),
+ headers=headers)
+ return response
+ @controller.protected()
+ def authorize_request_token(self, context, request_token_id, roles):
+ """An authenticated user is going to authorize a request token.
+ As a security precaution, the requested roles must match those in
+ the request token. Because this is in a CLI-only world at the moment,
+ there is not another easy way to make sure the user knows which roles
+ are being requested before authorizing.
+ """
+ auth_context = context.get('environment',
+ {}).get('KEYSTONE_AUTH_CONTEXT', {})
+ if auth_context.get('is_delegated_auth'):
+ raise exception.Forbidden(
+ _('Cannot authorize a request token'
+ ' with a token issued via delegation.'))
+ req_token = self.oauth_api.get_request_token(request_token_id)
+ expires_at = req_token['expires_at']
+ if expires_at:
+ now = timeutils.utcnow()
+ expires = timeutils.normalize_time(
+ timeutils.parse_isotime(expires_at))
+ if now > expires:
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(_('Request token is expired'))
+ # put the roles in a set for easy comparison
+ authed_roles = set()
+ for role in roles:
+ authed_roles.add(role['id'])
+ # verify the authorizing user has the roles
+ user_token = utils.get_token_ref(context)
+ user_id = user_token.user_id
+ project_id = req_token['requested_project_id']
+ user_roles = self.assignment_api.get_roles_for_user_and_project(
+ user_id, project_id)
+ cred_set = set(user_roles)
+ if not cred_set.issuperset(authed_roles):
+ msg = _('authorizing user does not have role required')
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(message=msg)
+ # create list of just the id's for the backend
+ role_ids = list(authed_roles)
+ # verify the user has the project too
+ req_project_id = req_token['requested_project_id']
+ user_projects = self.assignment_api.list_projects_for_user(user_id)
+ for user_project in user_projects:
+ if user_project['id'] == req_project_id:
+ break
+ else:
+ msg = _("User is not a member of the requested project")
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(message=msg)
+ # finally authorize the token
+ authed_token = self.oauth_api.authorize_request_token(
+ request_token_id, user_id, role_ids)
+ to_return = {'token': {'oauth_verifier': authed_token['verifier']}}
+ return to_return