#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property, Inc # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # What this is: Setup script for the Cloudify Manager starting from an # Unbuntu Xenial docker container. # # Status: this is a work in progress, under test. # # How to use: # $ bash cloudify-setup.sh [cloudify-cli|cloudify-manager] [init|setup|clean] # cloudify-cli: use Cloudify CLI # cloudify-manager: use Cloudify Manager # init: Initialize docker container # setup: Setup of Cloudify in the docker container # clean: Clean pass() { echo "$0: Hooray!" set +x #echo off exit 0 } fail() { echo "$0: Failed!" set +x exit 1 } function setenv () { if [ "$dist" == "Ubuntu" ]; then echo "$0: Ubuntu-based install" echo "$0: Create the environment file" KEYSTONE_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/keystone\/0/ { print \$3 }") cat <<EOF >/tmp/cloudify/admin-openrc.sh export CONGRESS_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/openstack-dashboard/ { print \$3 }") export HORIZON_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/openstack-dashboard/ { print \$3 }") export KEYSTONE_HOST=$KEYSTONE_HOST export CEILOMETER_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/ceilometer\/0/ { print \$3 }") export CINDER_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/cinder\/0/ { print \$3 }") export GLANCE_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/glance\/0/ { print \$3 }") export NEUTRON_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/neutron-api\/0/ { print \$3 }") export NOVA_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/nova-cloud-controller\/0/ { print \$3 }") export OS_USERNAME=admin export OS_PASSWORD=openstack export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin export OS_AUTH_URL=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0 export OS_REGION_NAME=RegionOne EOF else # Centos echo "$0: Centos-based install" echo "$0: Setup undercloud environment so we can get overcloud Controller server address" source ~/stackrc echo "$0: Get address of Controller node" export CONTROLLER_HOST1=$(openstack server list | awk "/overcloud-controller-0/ { print \$8 }" | sed 's/ctlplane=//g') echo "$0: Create the environment file" cat <<EOF >/tmp/cloudify/admin-openrc.sh export CONGRESS_HOST=$CONTROLLER_HOST1 export KEYSTONE_HOST=$CONTROLLER_HOST1 export CEILOMETER_HOST=$CONTROLLER_HOST1 export CINDER_HOST=$CONTROLLER_HOST1 export GLANCE_HOST=$CONTROLLER_HOST1 export NEUTRON_HOST=$CONTROLLER_HOST1 export NOVA_HOST=$CONTROLLER_HOST1 EOF cat ~/overcloudrc >>/tmp/cloudify/admin-openrc.sh source ~/overcloudrc export OS_REGION_NAME=$(openstack endpoint list | awk "/ nova / { print \$4 }") # sed command below is a workaound for a bug - region shows up twice for some reason cat <<EOF | sed '$d' >>/tmp/cloudify/admin-openrc.sh export OS_REGION_NAME=$OS_REGION_NAME EOF fi source /tmp/cloudify/admin-openrc.sh } function get_external_net () { network_ids=($(neutron net-list|grep -v "+"|grep -v name|awk '{print $2}')) for id in ${network_ids[@]}; do [[ $(neutron net-show ${id}|grep 'router:external'|grep -i "true") != "" ]] && ext_net_id=${id} done if [[ $ext_net_id ]]; then EXTERNAL_NETWORK_NAME=$(openstack network show $ext_net_id | awk "/ name / { print \$4 }") EXTERNAL_SUBNET_ID=$(openstack network show $EXTERNAL_NETWORK_NAME | awk "/ subnets / { print \$4 }") else echo "$0: External network not found" exit 1 fi } function create_container () { # STEP 1: Create the container and launch it echo "$0: Copy this script to /tmp/cloudify" mkdir /tmp/cloudify cp $0 /tmp/cloudify/. chmod 755 /tmp/cloudify/*.sh echo "$0: Setup admin-openrc.sh" setenv echo "$0: Setup container" if [ "$dist" == "Ubuntu" ]; then # xenial is needed for python 3.5 sudo docker pull ubuntu:xenial sudo service docker start # sudo docker run -it -v ~/git/joid/ci/cloud/admin-openrc.sh:/root/admin-openrc.sh -v ~/cloudify/cloudify-setup.sh:/root/cloudify-setup.sh ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash sudo docker run -it -d -v /tmp/cloudify/:/tmp/cloudify --name cloudify ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash exit 0 else # Centos echo "Centos-based install" sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/docker.repo <<-'EOF' [dockerrepo] name=Docker Repository baseurl=https://yum.dockerproject.org/repo/main/centos/7/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=https://yum.dockerproject.org/gpg EOF sudo yum install -y docker-engine # xenial is needed for python 3.5 sudo docker pull ubuntu:xenial sudo service docker start # sudo docker run -it -v ~/git/joid/ci/cloud/admin-openrc.sh:/root/admin-openrc.sh -v ~/cloudify/cloudify-setup.sh:/root/cloudify-setup.sh ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash sudo docker run -i -t -d -v /tmp/cloudify/:/tmp/cloudify ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash fi } function setup () { echo "$0: Install dependencies - OS specific" if [ "$dist" == "Ubuntu" ]; then apt-get update apt-get install -y python apt-get install -y python-dev apt-get install -y python-pip apt-get install -y wget apt-get install -y openssh-server apt-get install -y git # apt-get install -y apg git gcc python-dev libxml2 libxslt1-dev libzip-dev # pip install --upgrade pip virtualenv setuptools pbr tox fi cd ~ echo "$0: Install dependencies - generic" pip install --upgrade pip setuptools virtualenv echo "$0: install python-openstackclient python-glanceclient" pip install --upgrade python-openstackclient python-glanceclient python-neutronclient pip install --upgrade python-neutronclient echo "$0: cleanup any previous install attempt" if [ -d "~/cloudify" ]; then rm -rf ~/cloudify; fi if [ -d "~/cloudify-manager" ]; then rm -rf ~/cloudify-manager; fi rm ~/get-cloudify.py echo "$0: Create virtualenv" virtualenv ~/cloudify/venv source ~/cloudify/venv/bin/activate echo "$0: Get Cloudify" wget http://gigaspaces-repository-eu.s3.amazonaws.com/org/cloudify3/get-cloudify.py python get-cloudify.py --upgrade echo "$0: Initialize Cloudify" cfy init echo "$0: Setup admin-openrc.sh" source /tmp/cloudify/admin-openrc.sh get_external_net if [ "$1" == "cloudify-manager" ]; then echo "$0: Prepare the Cloudify Manager prerequisites and data" mkdir -p ~/cloudify-manager cd ~/cloudify-manager wget https://github.com/cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-manager-blueprints/archive/3.4.tar.gz mv 3.4.tar.gz cloudify-manager-blueprints.tar.gz tar -xzvf cloudify-manager-blueprints.tar.gz cd cloudify-manager-blueprints-3.4 echo "$0: Setup keystone_username" sed -i -- "s/keystone_username: ''/keystone_username: '$OS_USERNAME'/g" openstack-manager-blueprint-inputs.yaml echo "$0: Setup keystone_password" sed -i -- "s/keystone_password: ''/keystone_password: '$OS_PASSWORD'/g" openstack-manager-blueprint-inputs.yaml echo "$0: Setup keystone_tenant_name" sed -i -- "s/keystone_tenant_name: ''/keystone_tenant_name: '$OS_TENANT_NAME'/g" openstack-manager-blueprint-inputs.yaml echo "$0: Setup keystone_url" # Use ~ instead of / as regex delimeter, since this variable contains slashes sed -i -- "s~keystone_url: ''~keystone_url: '$OS_AUTH_URL'~g" openstack-manager-blueprint-inputs.yaml echo "$0: Setup region" sed -i -- "s/region: ''/region: '$OS_REGION_NAME'/g" openstack-manager-blueprint-inputs.yaml echo "$0: Setup manager_public_key_name" sed -i -- "s/#manager_public_key_name: ''/manager_public_key_name: 'cloudify-manager'/g" openstack-manager-blueprint-inputs.yaml echo "$0: Setup agent_public_key_name" sed -i -- "s/#agent_public_key_name: ''/agent_public_key_name: 'cloudify-agent'/g" openstack-manager-blueprint-inputs.yaml echo "$0: Setup image_id" # CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2 failed to be routable (?), so changed to 1607 version image=$(openstack image list | awk "/ CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1607 / { print \$2 }") if [ -z $image ]; then glance --os-image-api-version 1 image-create --name CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1607 --disk-format qcow2 --location http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/images/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1607.qcow2 --container-format bare fi image=$(openstack image list | awk "/ CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1607 / { print \$2 }") sed -i -- "s/image_id: ''/image_id: '$image'/g" openstack-manager-blueprint-inputs.yaml echo "$0: Setup flavor_id" flavor=$(nova flavor-show m1.large | awk "/ id / { print \$4 }") sed -i -- "s/flavor_id: ''/flavor_id: '$flavor'/g" openstack-manager-blueprint-inputs.yaml echo "$0: Setup external_network_name" sed -i -- "s/external_network_name: ''/external_network_name: '$EXTERNAL_NETWORK_NAME'/g" openstack-manager-blueprint-inputs.yaml # By default, only the cloudify-management-router is setup as DNS server, and it was failing to resolve internet domain names, which was blocking download of needed resources echo "$0: Add nameservers" sed -i -- "s/#management_subnet_dns_nameservers: \[\]/management_subnet_dns_nameservers: \[\]/g" openstack-manager-blueprint-inputs.yaml echo "$0: Bootstrap the manager" cfy bootstrap --install-plugins --keep-up-on-failure --task-retries=20 -p openstack-manager-blueprint.yaml -i openstack-manager-blueprint-inputs.yaml echo "$0: install needed packages to support blueprints 'not using managed plugins'" # See https://cloudifysource.atlassian.net/browse/CFY-5050 cfy ssh -c "sudo yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ python-devel" # Note setup_test_environment is not needed since the Manager sets up the # needed networks etc else echo "$0: Prepare the Cloudify CLI prerequisites and data" echo "Create management network" if [ $(neutron net-list | awk "/ vnf_mgmt / { print \$2 }") ]; then echo "$0: vnf_mgmt network exists" else neutron net-create vnf_mgmt echo "$0: Create management subnet" neutron subnet-create vnf_mgmt --name vnf_mgmt --gateway --enable-dhcp --allocation-pool start=,end= --dns-nameserver fi setup_test_environment echo "$0: Install Cloudify OpenStack Plugin" # pip install https://github.com/cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-openstack-plugin/archive/1.4.zip cd /tmp/cloudify if [ -d "cloudify-openstack-plugin" ]; then rm -rf cloudify-openstack-plugin; fi git clone https://github.com/cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-openstack-plugin.git git checkout 1.4 echo "$0: Patch plugin.yaml to reference management network" sed -i -- ":a;N;\$!ba;s/management_network_name:\n default: ''/management_network_name:\n default: 'vnf_mgmt'/" /tmp/cloudify/cloudify-openstack-plugin/plugin.yaml cd cloudify-openstack-plugin python setup.py build # Use "pip install ." as "python setup.py install" does not install dependencies - resulted in an error as cloudify-openstack-plugin requires novaclient 2.26, the setup.py command installed novaclient 2.29 pip install . echo "$0: Install Cloudify Fabric (SSH) Plugin" cd /tmp/cloudify if [ -d "cloudify-fabric-plugin" ]; then rm -rf cloudify-fabric-plugin; fi git clone https://github.com/cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-fabric-plugin.git cd cloudify-fabric-plugin git checkout 1.4 python setup.py build pip install . cd .. fi } clean () { if [ "$1" == "cloudify-cli" ]; then source /tmp/cloudify/admin-openrc.sh if [[ -z "$(openstack user list|grep tacker)" ]]; then neutron router-gateway-clear vnf_mgmt_router pid=($(neutron router-port-list vnf_mgmt_router|grep -v name|awk '{print $2}')); for id in ${pid[@]}; do neutron router-interface-delete vnf_mgmt_router vnf_mgmt; done neutron router-delete vnf_mgmt_router neutron net-delete vnf_mgmt fi fi echo "$0: Delete cloudify-manager-server" openstack server delete cloudify-manager-server echo "$0: Delete ports" pid=($(neutron port-list|grep -v "+"|grep -v name|awk '{print $2}')); for id in ${pid[@]}; do neutron port-delete ${id}; done echo "$0: Delete floating IPs" fip=($(neutron floatingip-list|grep -v "+"|grep -v id|awk '{print $2}')); for id in ${fip[@]}; do neutron floatingip-delete ${id}; done echo "$0: Clear cloudify-management-router gateway" neutron router-gateway-clear cloudify-management-router echo "$0: Delete cloudify-management-router interface on cloudify-management-network" neutron router-interface-delete cloudify-management-router $(neutron net-show cloudify-management-network|awk '/subnets/{print $4}') echo "$0: Delete cloudify-management-router" neutron router-delete cloudify-management-router echo "$0: Delete cloudify-management-network" neutron net-delete cloudify-management-network echo "$0: Delete cloudify security group" sid=($(openstack security group list|grep cloudify|awk '{print $2}')); for id in ${sid[@]}; do openstack security group delete ${id}; done echo "$0: Delete cloudify keypairs" openstack keypair delete cloudify-manager openstack keypair delete cloudify-agent sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -a | awk "/cloudify/ { print \$1 }") sudo docker rm -v $(sudo docker ps -a | awk "/cloudify/ { print \$1 }") } dist=`grep DISTRIB_ID /etc/*-release | awk -F '=' '{print $2}'` case "$2" in "init") create_container pass ;; "setup") setup $1 pass ;; "clean") clean $1 pass ;; *) echo "usage: $ bash cloudify-setup.sh [cloudify-cli|cloudify-manager] [init|setup|clean]" echo "cloudify-cli: use Cloudify CLI" echo "cloudify-manager: use Cloudify Manager" echo "init: Initialize docker container" echo "setup: Setup of Cloudify in the docker container" echo "clean: Clean" exit 1 esac