package com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcmgr; import com.cablelabs.vcpe.common.Dbg; import com.cablelabs.vcpe.cos.cosbase.model.CoS; import com.cablelabs.vcpe.cos.cosbase.client.CoSClient; import com.cablelabs.vcpe.uni.unibase.client.EvcPathClient; import com.cablelabs.vcpe.uni.unibase.model.EvcPath; import com.cablelabs.vcpe.uni.unibase.model.Uni; import com.cablelabs.vcpe.uni.unibase.client.UniClient; import com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.model.Evc; import com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.repository.EvcRespositoryInMem; import*; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Root resource (exposed at "evc" path) */ //public class EvcService implements EvcServiceJAXRS { @Path("evc") public class EvcService { // for proof of concept, evc ID will be unique via this counter. For projecution of course // that does not scale, and does not survive restart, and another method will be needed static private long evcIdCounter = 1; static private long uniIdCounter = 1; @POST @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) //-------------------------------------------------------- public Response create(Evc evc) throws Exception //-------------------------------------------------------- { if ( evc == null || evc.getUniMacList() == null || evc.getUniIdList() == null || evc.getUniMacList().size() != 2 || evc.getUniIdList().size() != 2 || evc.getUniIpList().size() != 2 ) { return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).build(); } Dbg.p("\nADDING [" + evc.getId() + "] to evc repo"); // Need to get cos params based on incoming cos ID CoSClient cosClient = new CoSClient(); CoS cos = cosClient.get(evc.getCosId()); if (cos == null) { return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build(); } // set the evc Perf properties according to CoS evc.setAllPerfProps( cos.getFrameDelay(), cos.getFrameLoss(), cos.getAvailbility()); Dbg.p("... EVC SVC: retrieved following cos info"); cos.dump(1); // We need a unique EVC ID, using internal counter for the prototype evc.setId("evc-"+ evcIdCounter++); // // Create the two unis in ODL // Uni.SvcSpeed svcSpeed = Uni.cirToSvcSpeed( cos.getCommitedInfoRate()); Uni.PhysMedium physMedium = Uni.svcSpeedToPhysMedium(svcSpeed ); // just for demo // for production need to pull from host Uni uni1 = new Uni(); uni1.setAllProps("uni-" + uniIdCounter++, svcSpeed, evc.getUniIpList().get(0), evc.getUniMacList().get(0), physMedium, Uni.MacLayer.IEEE_802_3, Uni.SyncMode.ENABLED, Uni.Type.UNITYPE, 1600); Uni uni2 = new Uni(); uni2.setAllProps("uni-" + uniIdCounter++, svcSpeed, evc.getUniIpList().get(1), evc.getUniMacList().get(1), physMedium, Uni.MacLayer.IEEE_802_3, Uni.SyncMode.ENABLED, Uni.Type.UNITYPE, 1600); // RESTCONF expecting PUT on create, so do an update instead of create UniClient uniClient = new UniClient(); uniClient.update(uni1); uniClient.update(uni2); // Give ODL a chance to finish creating the UNIs before moving on // NOTE: Should be fixed on ODL side eventually via synchronized message handling try{ Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException ex) {Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } // // Create the evc path in ODL // EvcPath evcPath = new EvcPath( evc.getId(), uni1, uni2, svcSpeed, svcSpeed, cos.getId()); EvcPathClient evcPathClient = new EvcPathClient(); evcPathClient.update(evcPath); // // Finish up with the evc // // Set our UNI IDs for the EVC here // eventually they will be generated and returned by ODL evc.getUniIdList().set(0,uni1.getId()); evc.getUniIdList().set(1,uni2.getId()); EvcRespositoryInMem.INSTANCE.add(evc); EvcRespositoryInMem.INSTANCE.dump(0); return Response.ok().entity(evc).build(); } @PUT @Path("{evcId}") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) //-------------------------------------------------------- public Response update(Evc evc) //-------------------------------------------------------- { Dbg.p("\nUPDATING [" + evc.getId()+"]"); // Need to get cos params based on incoming cos ID CoSClient cosClient = new CoSClient(); CoS cos = cosClient.get(evc.getCosId()); if (cos == null) { return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build(); } evc.setOneWayFrameDelay(cos.getFrameDelay()); evc.setOneWayFrameLossRatio(cos.getFrameLoss()); evc.setOneWayAvailability(cos.getAvailbility()); EvcRespositoryInMem.INSTANCE.update(evc); EvcRespositoryInMem.INSTANCE.dump(0); return Response.ok().entity(evc).build(); } @GET @Path("{evcId}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) //-------------------------------------------------------- public Response get( @PathParam("evcId") String evcId ) //-------------------------------------------------------- { if ( evcId == null) { return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).build(); } Dbg.p("\nRETRIEVING ["+evcId+"]"); Evc evc = EvcRespositoryInMem.INSTANCE.get(evcId); if (evc == null) { return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build(); } evc.dump(1); return Response.ok().entity(evc).build(); } @GET @Path("list") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) //-------------------------------------------------------- public Response evcList() //-------------------------------------------------------- // get a list of all Evc objects { Dbg.p("\nEVC GET ALL:"); List evcList = EvcRespositoryInMem.INSTANCE.getAll(); if (evcList == null ) { return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build(); } return Response.ok().entity(new GenericEntity>(evcList) {}).build(); } @DELETE @Path("{evcId}") //-------------------------------------------------------- public Response delete(@PathParam("evcId") String evcId) throws Exception //-------------------------------------------------------- { if ( evcId == null) { return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).build(); } Dbg.p("\nDELETE:" + evcId); Evc evcToDel = EvcRespositoryInMem.INSTANCE.get(evcId); List uniIdList = evcToDel.getUniIdList(); // Delete EvcPath first (unis can exists independent of EVC, but not vica-versa) EvcPathClient evcPathClient = new EvcPathClient(); evcPathClient.delete(evcToDel.getId()); // Give ODL a chance to finish deleting the evc Path // NOTE: Should be fixed on ODL side eventually via synchronized message handling try{ Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException ex) {Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } // Delete the UNI's in ODL UniClient uniClient = new UniClient(); if ( uniIdList != null && uniIdList.size() > 0 ) uniClient.delete(uniIdList.get(0)); if ( uniIdList != null && uniIdList.size() > 1 ) uniClient.delete(uniIdList.get(1)); // OK, now we can delete the EVC itself EvcRespositoryInMem.INSTANCE.delete(evcId); EvcRespositoryInMem.INSTANCE.dump(0); return Response.ok().build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) //-------------------------------------------------------- public Evc testGet() //-------------------------------------------------------- // simple get to check out json format { List uniList = new ArrayList(); uniList.add("UNI-1"); uniList.add("UNI-2"); List uniMacList = new ArrayList(); uniMacList.add("11:00:11:11:11:11"); uniMacList.add("11:00:22:22:22:22"); List uniIpList = new ArrayList(); uniIpList.add(""); uniIpList.add(""); Evc evc = new Evc(); evc.setAllNonPerfProps("Eve", // id Evc.EvcType.POINT_TO_POINT, // evcType 2, // maxUnis uniList, uniMacList, uniIpList, Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL, // unicastFrameDelivery Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL, // multicastFrameDelivery Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL, // broadcastFrameDelivery true, // ceVLanIdPreservation true, // ceVlanCosPreservation 1600, // evcMaxSvcFrameSize "gold"); // cosId return evc; } @GET @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) //-------------------------------------------------------- public String ping() //-------------------------------------------------------- // simple ping to check connectivity { Dbg.p("In Evc Service: ping test"); return "... pingEvc reponse"; } }