(function() { var MefController = function($scope, $log, mefServices, model, dbg ) { // // Controller Set Up // dbg.p("---> in MefController()"); $scope.currentEpl = null; $scope.currentEplEvc = null; $scope.currentEvcUnis = []; // // Utils // $scope.curEplEvcToJson = function () { return angular.toJson($scope.currentEplEvc, true); }; $scope.uniToSpeedString = function(uni) { if (uni) { speed = uni.uni[0].speed; return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(speed)[0];s } else return ""; } // // HTTP Response Handlers // var onRequestError = function(reason){ dbg.e("HTTP Request Problem\n" + JSON.stringify(reason)); }; var onUniGetResp = function(data) { dbg.p("in onUniGetResp()"); dbg.pj(data); // dbg.p("current EVC UNI list before adding"); //oSpeedString($scop dbg.pj($scope.currentEvcUnis); $scope.currentEvcUnis.push(data); // dbg.p("current EVC UNI list after adding"); // dbg.pj($scope.currentEvcUnis); } var onEvcGetResp = function(data) { dbg.p("in onEvcGetResp()"); dbg.pj(data); $scope.currentEplEvc = data; // out with the old unis $scope.currentEvcUnis = []; // in with the new unis mefServices.getUni($scope.currentEplEvc.uniIdList[0]) .then(onUniGetResp, onRequestError); mefServices.getUni($scope.currentEplEvc.uniIdList[1]) .then(onUniGetResp, onRequestError); }; // // State query fxns // $scope.showEvcValues = function () { return ( $scope.currentEplEvc != null ); } $scope.showUniValues = function () { return ( $scope.currentEvcUnis != null ); } // // Watch for change in selected EPL so tht we can // update the corresponding EVC info // eplWatcher = function () { return model.getCurrentEpl(); } onEplChange = function (newEpl, oldEpl) { dbg.p("in MefController:onEplChange"); // dbg.p("oldEpl:"); dbg.pj(oldEpl); // dbg.p("newEpl:"); dbg.pj(newEpl); // only make a chance if we have a new EPL object if ( newEpl ) { var newEplId = newEpl.id; var oldEplId = "null"; if (oldEpl) oldId = oldEpl.id dbg.p("detected selected EPL change from " + oldEplId + " to " + newEplId, 1); $scope.currentEpl = newEpl; // get the EVC info mefServices.getEvc($scope.currentEpl.evcId) .then(onEvcGetResp, onRequestError); } else { $scope.currentEplEvc = null; $scope.currentEvcUnis = null; } } $scope.$watch( eplWatcher, onEplChange ); }; // register controller in the module app.controller("MefController", MefController); }());