/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015 CableLabs Inc. and others. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *******************************************************************************/ (function() { var EplController = function($scope, $http, $interval, $log, eplServices, cosServices, model, dbg ) { // // Controller Set Up // // dbg.p("---> in EplController()"); actionState = { IDLE : 1, ADD : 2, UPDATE : 3, DEL : 4 }; // $scope variables $scope.eplList = []; $scope.selectedEplIdx = -1; $scope.eplToEdit = null; $scope.eplActionButtonText = "unset"; $scope.availableUnis = []; $scope.availableCosIds = []; // for trouble shooting $scope.availableCosIds.push("unset cos 0"); $scope.availableCosIds.push("unset cos 1"); $scope.availableCosIds.push("unset cos 2"); // controller variables var _uniqueId = true; var _nameNum = 1; var _eplActionState = actionState.IDLE; var _newEpl = null; // start out with null until we do list query) model.setCurrentEpl(null); // // utility fxns // var validEplIdx = function(idx) { return ( idx >= 0 && idx < $scope.eplList.length ) } var eplIdxReset = function() { return ( $scope.eplList.length > 0 ? 0 : -1); } var cosIdxReset = function() { return ( $scope.eplList.length > 0 ? 0 : -1); } var eplIdxAfter = function( action ) { switch ( action ) { case actionState.DEL: if ( validEplIdx($scope.selectedEplIdx) ) return $scope.selectedEplIdx; else if ( validEplIdx($scope.selectedEplIdx-1) ) return $scope.selectedEplIdx-1; else return eplIdxReset(); break; case actionState.ADD: return ( $scope.eplList.length >= 0 ? $scope.eplList.length-1 : eplIdxReset() ); break; case actionState.UPDATE: return ( validEplIdx($scope.selectedEplIdx) ? $scope.selectedEplIdx : eplIdxReset() ); break; default: dbg.e("invalid action state"); return -1; break; } } $scope.eplExists = function(eplId) { var nameCheck = function (eplElm) { return eplElm.id == eplId; } return ( $scope.eplList && $scope.eplList.filter(nameCheck).length > 0 ); } var setEplUniInfo = function(epl, uniIdx1, uniIdx2) { if ( $scope.availableUnis.length < 2 ) { dbg.e("Can't set unis in constructor, avaulable uni list too short") return; } epl.numCustLocations = 2; if ( uniIdx1 < 0 || uniIdx1 > 1) { epl.uniHostIpList.push($scope.availableUnis[0].ip); epl.uniHostMacList.push($scope.availableUnis[0].mac); epl.custAddressList.push($scope.availableUnis[0].address); } else { epl.uniHostIpList.push($scope.availableUnis[uniIdx1].ip); epl.uniHostMacList.push($scope.availableUnis[uniIdx1].mac); epl.custAddressList.push($scope.availableUnis[uniIdx1].address); } if ( uniIdx2 < 0 || uniIdx2 > 1) { epl.uniHostIpList.push($scope.availableUnis[0].ip); epl.uniHostMacList.push($scope.availableUnis[0].mac); epl.custAddressList.push($scope.availableUnis[0].address); } else { epl.uniHostIpList.push($scope.availableUnis[uniIdx2].ip); epl.uniHostMacList.push($scope.availableUnis[uniIdx2].mac); epl.custAddressList.push($scope.availableUnis[uniIdx2].address); } } // return index of avilable Uni based on IP (-1 if not found) var availableUniIdx = function (uniIp) { for ( var i = 0; i < $scope.availableUnis.length; i++ ) { if ($scope.availableUnis[i].ip == uniIp) { return i; } } return -1; } var updateEplWithSelectedUnis = function(epl) { if ( epl == null || $scope.eplToEdit == null ) { dbg.e("can't update EPL with UNIS, missing object"); return } epl.uniHostIpList = []; epl.uniHostIpList.push($scope.eplToEdit.uni1Selected.ip); epl.uniHostIpList.push($scope.eplToEdit.uni2Selected.ip); epl.uniHostMacList = []; epl.uniHostMacList.push($scope.eplToEdit.uni1Selected.mac); epl.uniHostMacList.push($scope.eplToEdit.uni2Selected.mac); epl.custAddressList = []; epl.custAddressList.push($scope.eplToEdit.uni1Selected.address); epl.custAddressList.push($scope.eplToEdit.uni2Selected.address); } // // epl constructor // var Epl = function(){ dbg.pj("constructing EPL"); if ( _uniqueId ) this.id = "new"+ _nameNum; else this.id = "new"; // Don't set COS here, we have to wait until we get the latest cos list this.cos = "unset"; // EVC ID set by lower layers // TODO : how does evc ID cat capture at EPL layer?? this.evcId = "unset"; this.uniHostIpList = []; this.uniHostMacList = []; this.custAddressList = []; if ( $scope.availableUnis.length >= 2 ) setEplUniInfo(this, 0, 1); else { dbg.e("can't construct EPL, not enough uni's in the available uni list"); return; } dbg.pj(this); } var copyReturnedEplParams = function(srcEpl, destEpl ) { destEpl.evcId = srcEpl.evcId; } var setModalActiveEpl =function () { if ( $scope.selectedEplIdx >= 0 && $scope.selectedEplIdx < $scope.eplList.length ) { model.setCurrentEpl($scope.eplList[$scope.selectedEplIdx]); } else { model.setCurrentEpl(null); } } // // EPL HTTP Response Handlers // var onRequestError = function(reason){ dbg.e("HTTP Request Problem\n" + JSON.stringify(reason)); }; var onEplListResp = function(data) { dbg.p("in onEplListResp()"); $scope.eplList = data; if ( $scope.eplList && $scope.eplList.length > 0 ) { $scope.selectedEplIdx = 0; model.setCurrentEpl($scope.eplList[$scope.selectedEplIdx]); dbg.p("selectedEplIdx/Id = "+ $scope.selectedEplIdx + "/" + $scope.eplList[$scope.selectedEplIdx].id, 1); } else { $scope.selectedEplIdx = -1; model.setCurrentEpl(null); dbg.p("selectedEplIdx = "+ $scope.selectedEplIdx, 1); } _eplActionState = actionState.IDLE; }; var onEplCreateResp = function(returnedEpl) { dbg.p("in onEplCreateResp()"); dbg.p("following epl returned from create cmd", 1); dbg.pj(returnedEpl); // grab entire returned Epl, since we don't know what // the svcmgr may have changed on creation $scope.eplList.push(returnedEpl); // a safer alternative? //copyReturnedEplParams(returnedEpl, _newEpl ); //$scope.eplList.push(_newEpl); $scope.selectedEplIdx = eplIdxAfter(actionState.ADD); setModalActiveEpl(); _nameNum++; _newEpl = null; $scope.eplToEdit = null; dbg.p("selectedEplIdx = " + $scope.selectedEplIdx,1); }; var onEplUpdateResp = function(returnedEpl) { dbg.p("in onEplUpdateResp()"); dbg.p("following epl returned after update", 1); dbg.pj(returnedEpl); // splice in entire returned Epl, since we don't know what // the svcmgr may have changed on update (esp evc) $scope.eplList[$scope.selectedEplIdx] = returnedEpl; // a safer alternative? // copyReturnedEplParams(returnedEpl, eplToEdit ); $scope.selectedEplIdx = eplIdxAfter(actionState.UPDATE); // To force a refresh model.setCurrentEpl(null); setModalActiveEpl(); $scope.eplToEdit = null; dbg.p("selectedEplIdx = " + $scope.selectedEplIdx,1); }; var onEplDeleteResp = function(data) { dbg.p("in onEplDeleteResp()"); dbg.p("following returned after delete", 1); dbg.pj(data); if ( validEplIdx($scope.selectedEplIdx) ) $scope.eplList.splice($scope.selectedEplIdx,1); $scope.selectedEplIdx = eplIdxAfter(actionState.DEL); setModalActiveEpl(); dbg.p("selectedEplIdx = " + $scope.selectedEplIdx,1); }; // // Epl Event Handlers // $scope.onEplClick = function (i) { dbg.p("in onEplClick(): clicked ("+i+")"); $scope.selectedEplIdx = i; _eplActionState = actionState.IDLE; eplToOperateOn = $scope.eplList[$scope.selectedEplIdx] model.setCurrentEpl(eplToOperateOn); dbg.p("selectedEplIdx/Id = "+ $scope.selectedEplIdx + "/" + eplToOperateOn.id, 1); } $scope.onAddEpl = function () { dbg.p("in onAddEpl()"); _eplActionState = actionState.ADD; $scope.eplActionButtonText = "Create"; var updateEplToAddOnCosListResponse = function(data) { dbg.p("in updateNewEplCosOnCosListResponse()", 1); var cosList = data; $scope.availableCosIds = []; for ( var i = 0; i < cosList.length; i++ ) $scope.availableCosIds.push(cosList[i].id); dbg.p("Avilable CoS List"); dbg.pj($scope.availableCosIds); // defaults for drop down lists if ( $scope.availableCosIds.length > 0 ) $scope.eplToEdit.cos = $scope.availableCosIds[0]; $scope.eplToEdit.uni1Selected = $scope.availableUnis[0]; $scope.eplToEdit.uni2Selected = $scope.availableUnis[1]; dbg.p("Newly created EPL to add after CoS list retrieved"); dbg.pj($scope.eplToEdit); }; _newEpl = new Epl(); $scope.eplToEdit = _newEpl; // need to get the current cos list before adding new EPL cosServices.getCosList() .then(updateEplToAddOnCosListResponse, onRequestError); } $scope.onUpdateEpl = function () { dbg.p("in onUpdateEpl()"); if ( $scope.eplList.length <= 0 ) { dbg.p("nos Epl's exist, no action being taken"); return; } _eplActionState = actionState.UPDATE; $scope.eplActionButtonText = "Update"; var updateEplToEditOnCosListResponse = function(data) { dbg.p("in onCosListResp()"); var cosList = data; $scope.availableCosIds = []; for ( var i = 0; i < cosList.length; i++ ) $scope.availableCosIds.push(cosList[i].id); dbg.p("Avilable CoS List"); dbg.pj($scope.availableCosIds); $scope.eplToEdit = $scope.eplList[$scope.selectedEplIdx]; // TODO (if time): put below stuff in fxn since duplicated twice dbg.p("looking for dd list ip: " + $scope.eplToEdit.uniHostIpList[0] ); var availUniIdx = availableUniIdx($scope.eplToEdit.uniHostIpList[0]); if ( availUniIdx < 0 || availUniIdx > $scope.availableUnis.length-1 ) { dbg.e("invalid selected uni-1 idx: "+availUniIdx+"(setting to 0)"); $scope.eplToEdit.uni1Selected = $scope.availableUnis[0]; } else { $scope.eplToEdit.uni1Selected = $scope.availableUnis[availUniIdx]; } dbg.p("looking for dd list ip: " + $scope.eplToEdit.uniHostIpList[1] ); availUniIdx = availableUniIdx($scope.eplToEdit.uniHostIpList[1]); if ( availUniIdx < 0 || availUniIdx > $scope.availableUnis.length-1 ) { dbg.e("invalid selected uni-2 idx: "+availUniIdx+"(setting to 0)"); $scope.eplToEdit.uni2Selected = $scope.availableUnis[0] } else { $scope.eplToEdit.uni2Selected = $scope.availableUnis[availUniIdx]; } dbg.p("about to edit epl:"); dbg.pj($scope.eplToEdit); }; // need to get the current cos list before editing cosServices.getCosList() .then(updateEplToEditOnCosListResponse, onRequestError); } $scope.onDelEpl = function () { dbg.p("in onDelEpl()"); if ( $scope.eplList.length <= 0 ) { dbg.p("nos Epl's exist, no action being taken"); return; } _eplActionState = actionState.DEL; $scope.eplActionButtonText = "Delete"; } $scope.onEplInputSubmit = function () { dbg.p("in onEplInputSubmit()"); var eplToOperateOn = null; if ( _eplActionState === actionState.ADD) eplToOperateOn = _newEpl; else eplToOperateOn = $scope.eplList[$scope.selectedEplIdx]; switch(_eplActionState) { case actionState.DEL: dbg.p("about to delete " + eplToOperateOn.id,1); eplServices.deleteEpl(eplToOperateOn) .then(onEplDeleteResp, onRequestError); break; case actionState.ADD: updateEplWithSelectedUnis(eplToOperateOn); delete $scope.eplToEdit.uni1Selected; delete $scope.eplToEdit.uni2Selected; dbg.p("about to add " + eplToOperateOn.id, 1); dbg.pj(eplToOperateOn); eplServices.createEpl(eplToOperateOn) .then(onEplCreateResp, onRequestError); break; case actionState.UPDATE: updateEplWithSelectedUnis(eplToOperateOn); delete $scope.eplToEdit.uni1Selected; delete $scope.eplToEdit.uni2Selected; dbg.p("about to update " + eplToOperateOn.id, 1); eplServices.updateEpl(eplToOperateOn) .then(onEplUpdateResp, onRequestError); break; default: dbg.e("invalid action state"); break; } _eplActionState = actionState.IDLE; } // // State query fxns // $scope.eplActionInProgress = function () { return ( _eplActionState != actionState.IDLE ) } $scope.eplEditInProgress = function () { return ( _eplActionState === actionState.ADD || _eplActionState === actionState.UPDATE ); } $scope.eplUpdateInProgress = function () { return ( _eplActionState === actionState.UPDATE ); } $scope.eplAddInProgress = function () { return ( _eplActionState === actionState.ADD ); } $scope.eplDelInProgress = function () { return ( _eplActionState === actionState.DEL ); } $scope.cosExists = function () { return ( $scope.availableCosIds && $scope.availableCosIds.length > 0 ); } $scope.cosConflict = function () { return ( $scope.eplAddInProgress() && !$scope.cosExists() ); } $scope.eplNameConflict = function () { return ( $scope.eplAddInProgress() && $scope.eplExists($scope.eplToEdit.id)); } $scope.uniConflict = function () { return ( $scope.eplToEdit && $scope.eplToEdit.uni1Selected && $scope.eplToEdit.uni2Selected && $scope.eplEditInProgress() && ( $scope.eplToEdit.uni1Selected.ip == $scope.eplToEdit.uni2Selected.ip )); } $scope.showEplInputs = function () { return $scope.eplEditInProgress(); } $scope.showEplValues = function () { return (!$scope.showEplInputs() && validEplIdx($scope.selectedEplIdx)); } $scope.showEplNameInput = function () { return $scope.eplAddInProgress(); } $scope.showEplName = function () { return (! $scope.showEplNameInput()); } $scope.showEplActionButton = function () { return ( $scope.eplAddInProgress() || ($scope.eplActionInProgress() && $scope.eplList.length > 0 )); } $scope.activateEplActionButton = function () { return ( $scope.eplActionInProgress() && !$scope.eplNameConflict() && !$scope.uniConflict() && !$scope.cosConflict() ) } // // Initial Page Set Up // eplUrlWatcher = function () { return eplServices.getEplUrl(); } onEplUrlChange = function (newEplUrl, oldEplUrl) { if (newEplUrl !== oldEplUrl) { dbg.p("detected epl url change, getting epl list"); eplServices.getEplList() .then(onEplListResp, onRequestError); } } $scope.$watch( eplUrlWatcher, onEplUrlChange ); uniListWatcher = function () { return model.getAvailableUnis(); } onUniListChange = function (newUniList, oldUniList) { if (newUniList !== oldUniList) { dbg.p("detected uni list change") dbg.p("new avilable uni list:") $scope.availableUnis = newUniList; dbg.pj($scope.availableUnis); } } $scope.$watch( uniListWatcher, onUniListChange ); }; // register controller in the module app.controller("EplController", EplController); }());