This folder contains the tools needed to unit test the frontend JavaScript files using Karma, Mocha, and Chai. Getting started: Install NPM if you haven't: Run 'npm install' to install all required dependencies in this folder. Run 'npm test' to run current unit tests. Adding tests: Tests are located in the tests/ folder, you can simply edit the existing ones or create a new one by making a file with the .js file extension. Karma is used for launching different browsers to run JavaScript. See Karma documentation at to add more browsers, files to test, or frameworks. Mocha is used for the structure of the JavaScript testing itself. See Mocha documentation at to see the syntax required to create/modify tests. Currently, the tests use the 'TDD' interface from Mocha. Chai is used for the actual testing, with it being an assertion library. See Chai documentation at to see the available usages for assertion. The tests use the 'assert' API along with Mocha's TDD interface.