{% extends "base.html" %} {% load staticfiles %} {% load bootstrap4 %} {% block extrahead %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

Design a Pod

To get started, select a lab. Then use the navigation arrows or scroll to advance through the workflow.

Select a Lab*

Add Resources*

{% if constraints.max_hosts != "null" %}

Add up to {{constraints.max_hosts}} configurable resources to your pod, then use the navigation arrows to proceed to the next step.

{% else %}

Select a resource bundle that you would like to configure. To change the selected resource bundle, remove all added resources.

{% endif %}
{% if constraints.max_hosts != "null" %} 0 / {{constraints.max_hosts}} {% endif %}

Add Networks*

Define networks to use in your pod. A network may be set as public or private.

Configure Connections*

Configure the connections for each host in your pod to your defined networks.

Pod Details*

Add a pod name and description to refer to later.

Pod Summary

Confirm the specifications below, and select 'create' to save this pod. Otherwise, navigate upwards and modify it as needed.

  • Pod Details
  • Resources
{% csrf_token %}
{% endblock %}